On the flip side, Guild Wars 2 has its best quarter in three years.
On the flip side, Guild Wars 2 has its best quarter in three years.
NCSoft's Q2 2021 financials are, in many ways, remarkably similar to the company's numbers from the same quarter in 2020.
A month from now, on August 26th, gamers in South Korea will be able to hop into Blade & Soul 2 on both PC and mobile devices.
NCSoft has released its Q1 2020 financial results, and things are looking up for its PC games while looking down for mobile.
Good news Blade & Soul fans!...
NCSoft has released its third-quarter financial results for 2020, and it was a good quarter for mobile games (no surprise) and PC games (surprise!...
NCSoft's Q2 2020 financial report revolves primarily around one word: mobile.
NCSoft's Q3 2019 financials are out into the wild, and the raw numbers don't provide for a whole lot of swell talking points.