It's time to bring back "Ask MMOBomb" our weekly Q&A show.
It's time to bring back "Ask MMOBomb" our weekly Q&A show.
It's time to bring back "Ask MMOBomb" our weekly Q&A show.
On this week's show we delve into a record breaking EIGHT questions to get YOU the answers you want to know about!...
This week's show comes ACTION PACKED with questions about games selling their own gold, VR and MMOS, the MMO Trinity, and a whole load of other topics!...
On this week's show we talk about MMOs on consoles, give a little bit of advice for getting your channel out there, and even talk about MMO exploration.
On this week's show, Magicman tackles the tough question of innovation in MMOs, talks about his feelings a bit and Anime games, and braves a very strong wind to record another outdoor episode!...
Back inside and warm, Magicman tackles your questions while he basks in the light of the F2P Cast banner.
This week the idea of an outdoor episode in the snow seemed like a GREAT idea...
On this episode of Ask MMOBomb, Magicman replies to viewer question about the neverending war between consoles and PCs, if free-to-play will die out, and throws in a few video creation questions for good measure.
On this week's show we reveal the Gunnar Glasses Giveaway winners and show you their pics/videos, talk about The Secret World's free to play chances, speculate on the MMO Gamespace 50 years from now, oh...
On this week's delayed show, we thank the viewers who expressed concern for our safety during Superstorm Sandy, follow up on some ad based gaming from last show, and tackle some pretty interesting questions about clothing, MMO G...
On this week's show, Magicman messes with a deck of cards as he answers YOUR question about love, marriage, and free to play games.
On this episode of Ask MMOBomb we clear up some general questions on the new show's format and future, dive into some MAC rumors, and talk about dealing with negative feedback on your own internet content.
On this very first Episode of "Ask MMOBomb", Magicman answers questions directly from the viewers.