Top 10 MMORPGs For Casual Players
No need to no-life these MMORPG games.
Sometimes you just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy a good MMORPG without all the hassles of worrying about BIS gear, hardcore raiding, and competitive PvP. While the games on this list all have those things, these are the MMOs that are easiest to play casually without worrying about all of that.
World Of Warcraft
The king of the casual MMORPGs, World of Warcraft has long been a bastion for casual players of many different types. Sure, there is hardcore raiding and PvP in the game, but only a small percentage of the player base participates in those activities. For most players, WoW is simply a home to adventure in and chat with friends.
Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV is highlighted by its storytelling and ability to play every class on a single character. XIV has established itself as one of the juggernauts in the MMO space, and much of that is thanks to its welcoming and support of casual players who just want to take part in the story and the world of the MMO.
New World
New World has taken large steps towards becoming more casual friendly over the past two years, and with the release of the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion, it is even more so. Gone is the long grind for expertise on gear, and in comes your typical MMO system of getting the gear appropriate to the level of content you are playing. Spend your days chopping trees and gathering resources, or taking part in the revamped story.
Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 doesn't raise its level cap, even in expansions. What this means for players is that their gear is always relevant. Add to that some fantastic story and a gorgeous world to explore, and GW2 is a casual player's dream. Take things at your own pace and experience the game as you like.
Lord Of The Rings Online
While there are some hard-to-earn grinds at the end game, the VERY LONG journey of The Lord of the Rings Online is prime content for casual players. Journey parallel to the story of the books and experience your own unique adventure in the world Tolkien created.
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic's fantastic class story chapters are reason enough to play this highly acclaimed MMORPG. You'll experience a unique story for each class, with multiple chapters leading up to a grand finale. Whether you want to be a Jedi, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, or soldier, there's a story in SWTOR custom-made for you.
Palia is a laid-back "cozy" MMORPG where you can build your home, farm, gather, craft, and take it easy in a community of players all doing the same things. Fish, farm, cook, and live off the land any way you like.
Star Trek Online
Star Trek Online's episodic story missions make for a fantastic casual experience for Trek fans. Partake in missions across the galaxy, whether you're with Starfleet or the Klingon Star Empire. It's easy to move from mission to mission and enjoy what makes Star Trek great; the stories.
The Elder Scrolls Online
The Elder Scrolls Online lets you go where you want, when you want with a world that scales to your level. Even if you just downloaded the game for the first time, your level 1 hero can jump into the newest content from the very beginning and earn XP and rewards appropriate to their level.
If you're looking for something familiar but different, RIFT is still out there. While updates are non-existent at this point, the game still offers a great experience for casual players looking to explore a new world of adventure. Choose a class and jump into Instant Adventures to instantly be transported to an area with other players all looking to accomplish the same goals.
That's our list. What's your favorite MMORPG to play casually? Mine is Star Wars: The Old Republic. Let us know yours down in the comments.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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