Simply Marvel-ous: Marvel Heroes Review
First things first... yes, Marvel Heroes is basically Diablo (or Torchlight, or Path of Exile) with superheroes. The game makes no apologies for this. Its Steam page lists reviews from various sites, nearly all of which make the connection, and Gazillion President David Brevik was one of the guiding minds behind Diablo, so the lineage is obvious.
If that's not an issue for you, slap on some spandex and prepare yourself for some of the most fun you can have with a free-to-play game. And yes, it actually is free-to-play.
The first thing you'll likely notice is the good production values. Character models and environments are crisp and detailed, many objects in the environment have physics associated with them (thanks, Unreal Engine!), and the voiced and semi-animated cut scenes are lots of fun to watch.
You start by picking one of five “free” heroes – Hawkeye, Storm, Daredevil, Scarlet Witch, or the Thing – with access to other heroes being available via the cash shop (more on that later) or as rare drops in the world.
Gameplay is, well, typically Diablo-like. You have powers bound to your left and right mouse buttons and a few keys, enemies drop loot of various rarities, you advance your hero's abilities through power trees, there are boss battles with notable Marvel villains – no major surprises here.
So why should you play Marvel Heroes? First, there's an open world, something that came as a bit of a surprise to me, as I had the total Diablo single-player/small group mentality. World bosses, in the form of super-tough villains like Venom or Electro, occasionally spawn, which require the combined efforts of dozens of heroes to take down.
There are plenty of places to explore alone or with a friend or two, and when you do hit a five-man instance, the game conveniently forms you up in a party with other eager players. Don't be fooled by its look or subject matter – Marvel Heroes is an MMORPG in every sense of the term.
Naturally, the action can get a little monotonous, as you slay countless mobs, pick up drops, and repeat ad infinitum, but there are at least a decent range of environments for you to explore. I checked out a stream of level 35+ endgame content, in which a 10-man “raid” group wreaked Havok – er, havoc – though hundreds of mobs in minutes, with so many special effects, I could barely differentiate friend from foe. Comes with the territory, I guess.
Another issue people might be troubled by is the lack of customization and individuality. This isn't City of Heroes or DC Universe Online, where you can customize your character's look and identity to your heart's content. If you're playing as the Hulk, you'll see plenty of other Hulks wandering around, and maybe even joining your party. You can alter your look somewhat with costumes from the cash shop, and two Hulks might be specced differently, so at least there's that.
Speaking of the cash shop, it looks as unobtrusive as can be. New heroes will run you about $6 to $12, with a couple (Deadpool and Spider-Man) currently going for $20. New costumes range from $5 to $15, and various pets, XP/loot boosts, extra storage, and other services for around $3-$5. You can also buy high-priced packs that bundle together heroes and costumes and random boosts.
None of this is needed to play the game or experience content. If you like your starting hero, you can play him or her forever and never need to spend a dime. Shelling out a few bucks for a hero you enjoy is hardly overtaxing, and there's no “pay to win” aspect, unless you count the possibility of a small increase in loot gain chances (5%) as such.
A Worthwhile Gambit
I've grown so used to playing in betas lately that I almost forgot that Marvel Heroes was actually launched when I played it. The polish shows, and, as long as I don't find the wholesale slaughter of Kingpin's minions too monotonous, I think I'll be playing it for a good long while. If you like superheroes and this style of gameplay, you'll want to check it out. It's a solid win.
About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Attention: The following post was submitted by a MMOBomb reader, so please please keep in mind that this is one individuals opinion, his views do not represent the views of the MMOBomb staff.
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The ranged magic user has a very cool look and can ward of death.

Plenty to explore and plenty of balance changes and fixes arrive with the patch, too.

Not exactly the "we'll return with updates" we were expecting.

It’s been in the works for a while, and now it’s finally here.
don't get me wrong - the game isn't that bad and fairly suitable 4 killing few hours of your life.
The only issue is - with graphics like THAT - it should be browser based and run on toasters, while it cause troubles even on better systems.
Nuff Said
not sure what ppl were expecting from this game, ive played D2,D3,PoE and some of these comments have me perplexed. what is this depth you are talking about? what exactly does Marvel Heroes lack the others have? im a PoE player, but other than the skill tree its as dull as any other mash mobs and loot games out there.
as far as the UI goes, i say this to all that feel the need to complain about UIs in games. if it is so frustrating to you, then quick being such a penny pincher and get a nostromo or other gaming device that eliminates any and all failing UIs out there.
i get the feeling that some players are upset their game of choice may lose some players.
Jason, I don't know who you are, but I usually come to mmobomb for accurate reviews. Everyone ACCROSS THE BOARD has agreed this doesn't even come close to PoE, D2, or EVEN D3... Or TL1/TL2 for that matter.
Long time reader, disappointed.
You can look it up on Google, the BlackScreen problem have been there for quite a while. (more than 2 months and they still haven't fix it, it's a Resolution problem, mainly if your screen's resolution is too large, the game won't run until you turn it smaller)
The Lag happens to quite an amount of players that isn't using high demand computers. (also up on Google)
You can Disagree, but the facts are out there, so... disagree to the facts.
While the game may not be for everyone, everyone can try it for free I see no reason not to give it a shot.
didn't love it.
Also... to bypass the "Blackscreen" you have to head into the game's ConfigEngine and change FullScreen to Window and make a smaller Screen Resolution. (else the game won't run and will freeze up your computer)
So far... the game isn't really "that fun", it may be good pass time to play it once in a while, but not for a long time.
Not to mention they didn't tell you "username = in-game character name" so some players had weird names or used some login names they used for other games, basically Identity leaked to public.
Another thing is as mentioned, the "Heroes" are extremely rare drop, and most of the times... the drops are only Heroes you can already choose at creation screen (the "good Heroes"... I don't think anyone have obtained them through in-game yet)
One last thing... is the "Storage room" (you only get 1 box, and the materials they have in this game takes up pretty much 50% of it - because if you're smart, you save them for Purple Converts instead of using them up for that extra 10 damage...) The other "Boxes" all require money to unlock, you can not unlock any of them through in-game play.
Marvel heroes battle isnt to fluid, comparing to diablo 3 battles, though thats acceptable.
The itemization is just poor, not many item slots, max 4 mods on each item as I see epic gear.
The character customization is poor too, not enough skills per character and some of them are just joke. In example Hawkeye skills : shoot 1 arrow, shoot 2 arrows, shoot 3 arrows, shoot volley and another volley. Wery creative I must say...
But the biggest problem of the game is crappy optimized engine. The loading screens are long as hell, I load faster each LOL game than small map in MH, but LOL map is 30min gameplay not 5minutes. I load faster Skyrim moded with 4k HD textures and other enchancing mods.
The FPS is radiculusly low when it comes to fighting global bosses, the engine dont have so great garphic yet it got high requiements, something unaceptable. Additionaly the game got poor customization of graphic settings.
In example there is slider to limit effects of other players, no matter if its max or min I still got exactly the same look on other players and exactly same FPS around them. Like wtf is that?
All in all i must say that this game is better then D3 for instance and offers more content then D3 and D2 together. that the team behind D2 actually made this game makes it a must play for any diablo fan out there.
My suggestion is to try it out and have a look a Warning doh the download speed for the client is the worst ever.
All in all the game gets a good 7/10 from me basically because there are some issues with the CPU and GPU usage of this game but with the newest drivers you can run it steady on recommended settings. Also i might add that the controls are kinda setup weird but you can change the layout
repetitive in a very very bad way and totally unrewarding
unless you are a diehard marvel fan, avoid this failure
its simply awful.. most boring game ever made, terible controls chat everything
after 20 minutes i got totally bored of it, the UI and controls are so bad