Round 2 of the Ultimate F2P Tournament: A By-the-Numbers Recap

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor

And then there were 16.

Only one-quarter of the games that started on this journey still remain, so we thought we'd reflect on some of the stats we've seen in the first two rounds with a few “best of” lists:

Most votes through two rounds:

SMITE – 18,965
Mabinogi – 12,648
Warframe – 7571+
Team Fortress 2 – 7,022
Aura Kingdom – 6,911 (first-round voting only!)

On the flip side, the lowest vote total by a round of 16 participant goes to DC Universe Online, with 1,282.

Largest total margin of victory (percentage points):

Path of Exile – 166-34
PlanetSide 2 – 151-49
Team Fortress 2 – 148-52
Star Wars: The Old Republic – 144-56
TERA – 142-58

Game types remaining:

RPG – 9
FPS – 4
MOBA – 3

Total value of seeds:

If all highest seeds were remaining – 40
If all lowest seeds were remaining – 232
Actual – 103

Also, there's been some, uh, “heated discussion” regarding cheating in the polls. To wit, some players have taken to using methods that might be considered underhanded by their opponents – some of whom have found out about them and promoted the same tactics to their community. While I won't go into the specifics, we can confirm that, yes, it's possible for one person to vote multiple times. We've been aware of the possibility since the start of the polls and, in all honesty, there's not much we can do to cure the disease that wouldn't be worse than the symptoms.

Suppose we implemented a form of strict IP blocking, for instance, so that no person could vote twice from the same computer, or even from the same building. You could still vote multiple times by voting from home, from work, from school, from a library, from your phone, from your laptop... It's easy to see how a person could vote several times to avoid such restrictions, and it could restrict legitimate voting, such as from two people living in the same household or voting from the same public computer or college campus.

Could we implement a kind of registration system to prevent people from voting more than once? Maybe, but you don't want to have to sign up/sign in every time you want to vote, and it's easy enough for people to put in fake names or e-mails (or create multiple free e-mail accounts). And even if we did have all these safeguards and some absolutely unquestionable, multi-million-dollar foolproof security system in place, some people would still cry “Hackers!” when their favorite game lost.

All that being said, we have found evidence of one user being able to cast more than a handful of votes for his game. According to what he said and the time frame he gives, he should have added a few hundred votes to his game's total, but, seeing as how his game won by several thousand votes, we've decided not to take action. However, we are implementing stricter anti-cheat controls for the final rounds of the poll. We didn't want to do this because of the warning that comes with the polling system that some legitimate votes might not be counted, but we've run a few tests and are crossing our fingers that this won't gum up the works too badly.

We don't believe that every upset or every loss is the result of cheaters, though. What we've seen in the case of games getting unusually high vote totals is plenty of evidence of passionate gamers and game companies promoting the contest via forums and social media (occasionally with bribes) to “get out the vote,” and that we have no problem with.

Also keep in mind that, if your game got beaten in the second round by someone who “cheated,” your game won its first round match-up – so fans of the game it beat could, without any hard evidence, accuse you of the same thing.

Finally, while we love this tournament – and a lot of you do, too, by the looks of it – it's not a life-or-death struggle. There isn't a large cash sum on the line, and we're not voting for anything like the president of the United States, or even something really important like the winner of American Idol. It's light and fun, and if your game loses... well, it'll be in good company. 64 games started this tournament, and 63 of them will be eliminated. Celebrate your victories and don't dwell too long on your defeats.

Vote in Round 3 here!

The winners of each division will face off to determine, once and for all, what is the best F2P game – or at least which game has the most rabid fans!

M 2/24: Warrior Division, Round 1
W 2/26: Cleric Division, Round 1
F 2/28: Rogue Division, Round 1
M 3/3: Wizard Division, Round 1

W 3/5: Warrior Division, Round 2
F 3/7: Cleric Division, Round 2
M 3/10: Rogue Division, Round 2
W 3/12: Wizard Division, Round 2

F 3/14: Warrior Division, Semi-Finals
M 3/17: Cleric Division, Semi-Finals
W 3/19: Rogue Division, Semi-Finals
F 3/21: Wizard Division, Semi-Finals

M 3/24: Warrior & Cleric Divisions, Finals
W 3/26: Rogue & Wizard Divisions, Finals

F 3/28: Warrior vs. Cleric Division winners, Rogue vs. Wizard Division winners
M 3/31: The Final Match-up!

Note: The schedule for opening new polls in the semi-final rounds and beyond has been altered slightly, to speed up the overall pace of the tournament. All polls will remain open for two days (three on weekends) except for the final match-up. We apologize for the confusion.

Vote early, vote often, but whatever you do, just vote!

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (170)

Kei 11 years ago
As I said before karma will catch up to those who do wrong mabi good luck in the nex round

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Davis 11 years ago
Glad to see Hearthstone out of this tournament. Such an imbalanced pile of garbage. It'll be a LONG time before that games is ready to be taken seriously.

Bristingr 11 years ago
I see the Botters for the RO vs. Mabi poll is gunning for 100,000 before it ends.

Grymnir 11 years ago
tbh, for those who didnt check twitter.
"There are only two in the top 100 offending IPs. They each have 84 and 75 votes respectively."

"Just to be clear, although the majority of the bots on that list are RO, there are some Mabi at the bottom as well, although only a few."

"I'd say 300+ votes from one proxy TOR IP is quite enough evidence to deem that RO vote illegitimate. See our earlier tweets."

This was about Mabinogi voters. RO is doing this hardcore mang.
No offense though, RO was a good game back in the days. But jebus, so much flame from both sides.

Oh look, i know how to copy pasta, yay me.

// D.

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Stuart98 11 years ago
If it was only one community that had people botting, I'd say disqualify that game. Both communities are botting. Allowing them in only encourages more botting, and I don't think a game should have more than 1 repoll. Disqualify them both. Neither deserves to remain.

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ookie 11 years ago
name calling....way to make us look good ..... NOT

ookie 11 years ago
what do you mean IF.....we're getting it right now from our last victory.....along with 100% success on all repairs on ALL items (that're repairable of course).....the event for Doki Island is extended to the end of April which gives one the ability to fly WITHOUT a pet....sweeeeeetttt

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Denjadream 11 years ago
i played both mabi is a better game... but i voted for rag due to the fact dub exp with we win lol... not playing mabi any more :( ....

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Trufax 11 years ago
Did the botters find out that all their efforts are going to waste?

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Raegar 11 years ago
Dang! RO saw that Mabi turned their bots on and turned on more of theirs. XD

mabiman 11 years ago
My clan is turning on bots now don't worry mab!

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mike 11 years ago
no freak mabi stupid game why did I say that

mabiman 11 years ago
Our team is now botting yeah lets go and win this stupid poll!

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mike 11 years ago
Goo mabi good I vote for mabi mari sever gooooooo mabi gooooo

DerpFace 11 years ago
Mab bots are turning on now lol Ro gonna bot more Mab gonna bot more and just complete chaos
I don't like mab to bright and confusing.

Raegar 11 years ago
Hey look at that! Mabi's getting more votes again. XD Our bots must've finally being turned on. x3

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OceanWave 11 years ago
This how the cheating started.
Ro - ok lets bot 50 votes
Mab - lets bot 100 votes
RO - OMERGERD 2 can play this game!
RO - Bots 2000 votes
MAB - HOLY COW bots 3000 votes
RO- 2000 + 2000 votes
RO - HECK no votes 4000

Raegar 11 years ago
Hey look at that! Mabi's getting more votes again. XD Mabi's bots must've finally being turned on. x3

Zsinj 11 years ago
Well, I apologize for generalizing the whole player base of RO. At this point, I see there is no point in complaining and all we can do is wait. Hopefully only the legitimate votes will be counted and we can get on with our lives (lol). To the legitimate RO voters: may the best f2p win.

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Kei 11 years ago
Ok look I play mabi I love mabi I vote fore mabi once during this poll an that's all I can do I love mabi the game is amazing but no event is worth get our character bashed if they are botting so what we will still play the game if we win or lose and karma will bite those who do wrong it is unblinded by temptation anger greed. This goes for anyone who truely plays their game for the thrill of the game let it go and just wait.

mabiman 11 years ago
that's all back to u chad

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FrenchVanilla 11 years ago
Why are mabi players are running the chat and making them look innocent?

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mabiman 11 years ago
Lol RO is slowing down votes to "avoid" getting caught XD

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Zsinj 11 years ago
Okay seriously, you're stupid if you believe Ragnarok Online truly has more than 25k player. Hell, I doubt they have even 10k players. Blatant cheating and usage of a mass-voting bot. To not take action would be the equivalent of encouraging cheating the polls.

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mabiman 11 years ago
Lol when mmobomb comes Monday their is gonna excuses and lies XD

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SMH 11 years ago
This is just beyond pathetic. How did a simple contest, meant mostly to drive hits on the mmobomb website, suddenly spiral into some sort of death cage match between mabi and RO. This is making both communities look bad. Just stop the bleeding right now and put an end to all the dirty tricks! Especially my fellow milletians; we should be better than this.

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mabiman 11 years ago
Breaking news RO players are in mabi convincing ppl to vote for RO for a false 4 times xp event just throwing that out too lol

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ConfusedBug 11 years ago
Guys everytime I get on the page it seems like I voted multiple times like I can vote but it will show that I can vote again?

mabiman 11 years ago
Well mabi had a LEGIT run but I guess it ends unless mmobomb actually does something about RO cheating I mean like really~? 40k votes my a** and if you think about it mmobomb made mabi lose by resetting it because before the reset it would most likely mabi would win by 3 percent

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Maniwateverr 11 years ago
I think Mabinogi has already lost. Without MMobomb doing anything, I had enough. As much as I don't want to give up. It has come to this.

Online Anime MMO Gamer 11 years ago
I play both Mabinogi and Ragnarok. Its a shame Ragnarok players would go this far just for a contest. We can win without this.

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Normal Person 11 years ago
Ragnarok cheating to win? What?.... For shame... A game that has had a long running history of players should not have to do things like this just to win.

Maniwateverr 11 years ago
Why isn't mmobomb doing anything about this? :/

mabiman 11 years ago
Why isn't mmobomb seeing this the Vote us at 28k more than last time ro is obviously ether multi IP voting again or IP stealing hack that's why I didn't vote on my tablet or PC cause if I see I apparently voted its IP hack and I know this hack a little to well

Math Guy 11 years ago
Ok, I was looking at the RO vs Mabi voting, and I had noticed that the votes were going up strangely, so I decided to record the percent and total votes every 10 minutes.

RO: 49 MABI: 51 TOTAL: 19319 at 5:43

RO: 49 MABI: 51 TOTAL: 19542 at 5:53

For these, the change in total votes was: 223 for the period of 10 minutes, which is about .366 per second.

RO: 49 MABI: 51 TOTAL: 19746 at 6:03

For the third count, the change in total votes (Which I'll call C from now on) was 204 which is .34 votes per second (VpS).

Before I continue, I want to say that when I started collecting this data, I was about halfway through the minute, which may have skewed data, but if it does, we will see it in further counts.

RO: 50 MABI: 50 total 19919 at 6:13

C is 173
VpS is .28833

The amount of votes per second is decreasing, and they are in favor of RO.

I will post more later.

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Zekarde 11 years ago
The last point this looked even remotely legit RO was about 4k and Mabinogi 8k, I'm going to enjoy seeing 30k votes when I wake up tomorrow. Hopefully they find a way to resolve this without tossing out all the legit votes that were cast for either party. In other news though, APB and Warframe are neck and neck at the moment kinda rooting for Warframe though. ;p

Fang 11 years ago
Can we just DQ Mabinogi and RO Obviously they're both cheating..
Thought it seems RO starting it. they got in 10 hrsfrom 11% to 45.. this is faster than the first vote.

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Voting Person 11 years ago
Awww APB you can still win just hang in there! Open World > Inst Based

mabiman 11 years ago
A percent in less than 5 min pure cheat RO

Scallonisi 11 years ago
I am not meaning to say that both parties might not be cheating. But the speed at votes are going up seems odd.
I am not joking when I say that 4 hours ago there were exactly half the votes the poll currently has (about 7000+), at the time I am writing this, the poll is currently nearing 15000 votes.

mabiman 11 years ago
Ok now I know RO is cheating they are gaining a percent or 2 every hour so something doesn't seem right

mabiman 11 years ago
I also agree with scall. Weird that RO is still gaining votes while mabi isn't odd because its estamte to be 100 votes a minute for RO but 10 for mabi why don't they play Fair and just accept that if they win or lose ok oh well but how RO looks like cheating again I see that's DQ

Trufax 11 years ago
I agree with the person above me. Please do a thorough check of both mabi and Ro when this is over. I want to crush Ro legitimately. I'm sure both sides have cheaters so that is why I ask.

Scallonisi 11 years ago
Ragnarok Online has risen by ridicolous amounts within mere minutes.
And there seems to be an average of 100+ votes a minute. This seems fishy.

Zekarde 11 years ago
Given it would take 7 people to spam an entire Mabinogi server with unblockable inescapable party announcements about voting, which they are doing actively, combined with the update on the launcher... I would say in a fair fight RO is doomed, despite my fondness for it. That being said, vote for Pedro... and all of your wildest dreams will come true.

Lobster 11 years ago
I knew mabi was cheating and also getting help from other nexon games like all nexon games shouldn't be on the list they will just support each other when they haven't played the other games.

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mabiman 11 years ago
^to lobsterfiend

Raegar 11 years ago
... Why is RO vs. Mabi being closed and reset?

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craig 11 years ago
huehuehuehue, you're familiar. Call me some time. (714) 213-6293. I wonder if you know +6597383475?

HydraArmy 11 years ago
yo PS2 fanzzzzz... letz hit it uppppp >:D

Code 11 years ago

Voting for the Rouge Division Semi-Finals isn't supposed to start until FRIDAY!

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Code 11 years ago
Great, because they didn't mark the checkbox that allows us to see how many votes each side got, they could skew the results and give LoL a free pass to the Divisional Finals.

It's a complete deadlock, and 1,951 votes, it'd be nice to see how many votes each side got.

TrialMacameau 11 years ago
F**k Path of Exile !


Code 11 years ago
What they need to do next year, is grab 16 games from 4 different categories of games, and group them together. And THEN the winners of those 4 categories can face each other.

Instead of calling it the Cleric, Rogue, Wizard, etc., just call them the Shooter, Roleplay, Arena, and Puzzle or something divisions. You can still seed them based upon their popularity, but only for their own division.

It's not perfect, but it'd give games a much easier time when trying to decide which game is better.

mjaybird 11 years ago
How can planet side 2 and Star Trek Online be together. They are not even the same type of game. One has some ground shooting has great space battles. The other is all ground and is a shooter

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Blizzie 11 years ago
I'm going to go ahead and take a guess that APB:Reloaded was the one who had the person cheating to cast a few hundred votes, and if that's the case, it was more than likely me who was doing it :P The original poll simply used a browser cookie to test if you had voted already, I just used a simple Javascript script that deleted the cookie before the page loaded, then waited 10~ seconds to 'select' APB:R, then another few seconds to 'click' the vote button. It did this on average every 30 seconds and I left it running for close to 24 hours or so. At that rate and assuming that every vote was counted, I could have at most put in 2,880 votes. But, as I saw, not every vote counted and maybe one every five to ten attempts actually worked. I'm sure I put in a very few hundred though.

Fortunately before the poll actually ended, they changed how the poll tracks votes and thus my method no longer worked. Therefor, I'm going to be only voting once for APB when our round starts :) Good luck, Warframe!

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maplestage 11 years ago
Guys I know you're all smite and apb fans but please check out airmech :) it changed so much over this year and i'm sure you can all enjoy it btw check the new airmech website at XD it was just made a week ago so leave comments or thoughts in the forums.

ZhaoYun 11 years ago
people need to take this less seriously i mean if u get into the process of tryin to cheat in voting so your favourite game will win i think thats just sad just like said above we aint voting for the president of the US or something its just games cheating on votes is like "awh really?u will go that low?i feel sad about u" i honestly dont care which game wins since the one i voted failed(wot) and theres a couple of games which i used to play and like(like league or warframe) which i vote for still so i just wish good luck to each game and may the best game win

smiteftw 11 years ago
Smite is growing my the moment and a lot most people I see are saying " I am new" or "I quit lol for smite".

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Whicker 11 years ago
Go Warframe!

H4TE 11 years ago
Idk what tactics you are talking about, but the SMITE community is HUGE.

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huehuehuehue 11 years ago
Free blowjobs on weekends, call 819-775-2256

mabiman 11 years ago
Depending on vote count mabi and SMITE are going to be in the finals

ULTRAxXx 11 years ago
hmm APB vs Warframe ...... love them both .......... but Warframe got me ..... APB weapon balance i hate it

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iediosmio 11 years ago
All these games blow anus. This is 2014 next gen ladies, get on that ESO. TF2???? you lamers are still dropping coin on that crap game? No my bad all of you stay here on these games please =D

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voting 11 years ago
Team fortress and smite should win but when they vs. smite should win.

Anon 11 years ago
Ragnarok Online deserves to win but i know it wont. I'm surprised it has made it this far considering this is just a popularity contest, and RO has a dying fanbase thanks to its age.

Hopefully Smite wins otherwise. Fantastic game.

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Skiljakas 11 years ago
Warframe for the win!!!

CRICIO 11 years ago
best games on the list are SMITE, LOADOUT.

Andrew 11 years ago
No. Smite's going to win cause its a better game than Airmech (which apparently seems to be your favorite.)

I've played them both. And airmech is garbage.

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Stuart98 11 years ago
BTW, If SMITE wins this simply because they've got so much hype around their release on the 25th, then stuff is going to happen.

Stuart98 11 years ago
Speaking of stuff by the numbers, Airmech got around 100 more votes than Warframe this round.

Trufax 11 years ago
That's why they got so much votes before their official release in 10 days 11hours...

Pooptickler 11 years ago
Smite and TF2 are the only good games on this list and they're going to end up facing each other before the finals....

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LobsterFiend 11 years ago
Pretty much every game "cheated" on this contest. Now the question is, which fanbase can cheat better ;D

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Picky 11 years ago
It's pretty shameful that it came down to cheating, but that's an accurate representation of humankind for you...

In Her Name 11 years ago
Go Mabinogi and Sabina!

justin 11 years ago
warframe is good, i give it that. but it shouldnt have beaten Neverwinter. I guess being on the PS4 helped it

Warframe 11 years ago
Go Warframe

Code 11 years ago

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