World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes is the flight combat MMO action game set in the Golden Age of military aviation. The game continues the armored warfare theme marked in World of Tanks and will throw players into a never-ending tussle for air dominance.

Based purely on aircraft setting, World of Warplanes will allow players to build full-scale careers of virtual pilots offering machines of several key eras, staring from 1930′s with biplanes and up to Korean War jet fighters that led the way to modern air forces.

World of Warplanes will feature a wide range of warbirds, each of them unique in their effectiveness and behavior. Virtual pilots will choose from three main warplane classes – single-engine light fighters capable of engaging enemies in close dogfights, heavy fighters with their deadly straight attacks, and strafing aircrafts, the fearsome threat for ground targets.

Every plane will feature multiple variations of ammo types, engines, and other crucial modules, and their various combinations will allow to pick the optimal configuration for the most effective behavior in combat.

World of Warplanes will feature around 60 airplanes from Germany, USSR, and USA, with British and Japanese planes to be added with the further content updates. New branches and new planes will be added gradually over the process of development as it is done in World of Tanks, and the total number might reach several hundred aircraft.

World of Warplanes will also feature a global interaction with World of Tanks, which will begin with sharing Gold and Free Experience between the two games for players, who have registered accounts in both of them on a single email. also publishes World of Tanks and World of Battleships.

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Additional Information

World of Warplanes
Release Date
November 12, 2013
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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That means celebration goodies for all their games.

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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP




5 GB free space


Intel Pentium 4 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 3200+


Nvidia GeForce 6800 Series 128MB or AMD Radeon HD 4550

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Wargaming and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (36)

Do you recommend this game?
ugurano 10 years ago
its realy free

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Nikutis 10 years ago
this game...

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Joobee 11 years ago
This game requires some advanced options on the video card and means most of the low end folk won't be able to participate. I'm one of those and downloaded WOWP 3 times and each time it failed with a device error. So even though it is F2P it's not going to be playable by everyone. Check the system requirements before you waste your time downloading.

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Carl 11 years ago
Did the installation, downloaded the 6 gigs of data, only to get a some error about some missing dll file. stuff it, not going through the whole exercise again. Just going to play something else instead... sure another go is not worth it

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undersniper 11 years ago
never heard before about this game but pretty sure i might download it.

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Blitzkrieg 11 years ago
Just a game.

Absolutely appalling graphics combined with poor optimization. With that graphic, I felt like this game belonged to 2000, not 2013. Bad aiming system and a grind fest to "Unlock" equipment to get out of stock. To add insult to injury, Wargaming's usual "Paper" plane syndrome seems to be prevalent.

There are planes there that even google couldnt find. The game is also pure arcade, with virtually no difference between the handling of each plane (Talking about stall characteristics here), etc. And ignorance to the simple law of physics that a plane from WWII cannot accelerate on a 45 degrees climb.

Tracers are not modeled correctly, instead of dimming out, the rounds seems to be white lasers that suddenly disappear, and this have a place in space ship "Pew pew" games, not in a WWII game.

Did I mention the extremely cheesy and STUPID voice instructor? Yeah, when you hear it, you will know what I am talking about.

In the tutorial, there is this balloon that you need to destroy, and each stage of damage have a transition so SHARP that it looks like it suddenly deflated by half because that 1 bullet dropped health below 50%. (You know, like flip notes, except, the damage is not gradual, but instantaneous.)

Oh yeah, 15 vs 15 in a map that takes 1 minute to fly from one side to the other can be attributed to the atrocious big world engine used on WoWP, which is dated, and pointless. There is no landing, no repairing, just straight off death match with the added bonus of having to wait till the round is over till you can get your plane back.

Camera control is poorly designed, giving it a really poor feel when you control the plane. The major issue is camera placement is not in unison at all with the plane, thus, you will be having a nausea everytime you play. (At least I have that issue)

With all these issues in mind, and the ignorance of WG staff members, I am sticking to its competitor. "War Thunder" instead of wasting my time with that money cow.

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Squadenn 11 years ago
Filesize is 7,1 GB.

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Lollmas 11 years ago
Just started playing WoT and really enjoy it, now came out this game (bye WoT) :(

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Crackmonkey 11 years ago
good graphics but war thunder is better in the sense of better controls where as unless you had a joy stick its really taxing to get into the swing of things i mean the second training mission tells you repeatedly to turn towards the enemy and the enemy keeps turning as well the plane doesn't turn its guns toward the area you need to shoot in other words makinng it quite annoying

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PC Gamer 11 years ago
World of Warplanes is an arcade based game. If you guys want easy and arcade style mode, you pick this game. If you want a real aircraft simulator, go play WarThunder.
PS. WarThunder is in progress of their ground forces

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m45noy 11 years ago


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James 11 years ago
It's just about release time but I lost patience with it because the balance is horribly out of whack.

First if you do play it pick the Russian side. I played the German side and was royally screwed.
(The developers are Russian by the way, go figure)

Example at "tier" 7 I get a 1944'ish German 109 which was one of the German best.
But at the same the Russian get a 1948 La series that can turn on a dime, has better guns, etc.
Where it should have been balanced was that the 109 had a supercharger, which should help you climb out as you can't turn with the La. But in borked balance they gave the La about the same power anyhow. Plus in reality the La was lighter thus couldn't hold that much ammo.
Since they made everyone unlimited ammo that balance point is wrong as well.

You will see people in the La often ring up 10 kills or more for a reason beyond skill.

They just seem to pick arbitrary strengths and add them to the planes on a whim.
And just can't seem to balance WW2 planes vrs coldwar planes.
They should probably have matches where it's only WW2 or cold-war, not both mixed together.

Also this whole "tier" (read level) concept is lame.
In reality a 9mm, 35. 45, cal etc., would all kill you.
It's to make the game MMO style mechanic so they can have the " march of death" grind (where they make their money).

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ugurano 11 years ago
warthunder better

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DougJunior 11 years ago
oh no, next play to win game is out, with millions of idots who play the game and think that are good.

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Aser345 11 years ago
Well being in the closed beta i gotta say, War thunder doesnt match up to WOWP in terms of gameplay and community this game can do better with graphics yea but wargaming perferes to give the optimal gaming experience at all times hell if ur in the beta testing add me lol i might fly with ya with my pony and IL2(t)

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Captain Crash 11 years ago
WHAHAHAHA i have acces with my world of tanks account because i am one of the premium players who they should need to test the f*cking awesome game baby!

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Mike 12 years ago
Aces High 2 is by far the better game....not even close.

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m45noy aka HappyDaySaver 12 years ago
there is 1 account for "world of tanks" and "world of warplanes"
World of warplanes is now beta testing. . So u can try urself as beta tester of this game.

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viktorka 12 years ago
HOGY KELL LETÖLTENI EZT A JÁTÉKOT!!!!!!!!!!!! mondjátok meg a world of tansot lelehetett tölteni de ezt nem miért kurv@

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albert 12 years ago
cant download this game nor play

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huricain 12 years ago
yo if you cant wait for this game to come out just play a game like it in the mean time it's called aces high 2 it's not that bad just the graphics are not as realistic

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huricain 12 years ago
yo if you cant wait for this game to come just play a game like it in the mean time it's called aces high 2 it's not that bad

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Aaron 13 years ago
I heard about world of warplanes...but each time i go to register it takes me to world of tanks which i already have HELP

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GodBlessME2daysago 13 years ago
i dunno but hope in 2012.. after the Apocalypse

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sverker 13 years ago
whene does world of warplanes ad world of battleshipps come out

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rich 13 years ago
i love world of tanks, it is in my view the best on line game.. so happy you have world of warplanes, my true love is flying, thanks for all the hours of fun...

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