Wolf Team is a fast paced free 3D MMOFPS published by Aeria Games that features the capacity for players to transform between playing as a Human or as a Werewolf. Humans have a vast array of weapons available at their disposal giving them an edge at a distance. Wolves on the other hand have no long distance attack but are faster and more powerful than their human rivals.
The ability to switch between human and wolf at any time adds a refreshing element of strategy to Wolf Team over other traditional first person shooter games. Players will never need to care about the quantity of ammo since Wolves have their own distinctive perks, such as running on walls and dropping in on other players when they least expect. In certain game modes players can even incarnate other types of wolves such as ghost wolves that can become invisible.
Wolf Team has several addictive game modes to choose from, ranging from the usual deathmatch to Conquest mode that allows gamers to work as a team to capture as many bases as they can, and Destruction mode where one team tries to blow up the other team's base. The game also offers a huge choice of weapons players can obtain as they progress.
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Additional Information
Minimum System Requirements (Windows)
XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Memory1 GB
Storage3 GB
Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz
GraphicsGeForce 5700 / Radeon 7600
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like WolfTeam

( all aeria games ) Closed for The middle east.
Thanks aeria games to delete all our great moments and kick us after take our money
Aeria Games >>(The company of racial excellence)<<
The game just seem to continue with it's power creep and no sane person should even attempt to play this game unless you like spending your whole paycheck to get the latest and greatest in p2w accessories.
Such a shame..... this game was straight up the most fun game I ever played when it was balanced :'(
So pay or dont play this game now
Eventually, in 2011 or so, there were more and more AP items, and more and more people with seemingly infinite pockets. I quit Wolfteam to play other games (Combat Arms, KOS, AVA) as Wolfteam became too hard without AP, and ultimately stopped playing FPS games around 2011 or 2012. I picked Combat Arms back up in late 2013 when my friends and I would get together and play in the same room. I decided to pop back into Wolfteam to check it out- and it has only gotten worse.
The few matches I could find without MAJOR AP users (I have no issues with people who use most AP items, but the armor just greatly overpowers them- when a human can melee a wolf, there is an issue there), there would be a hacker who came in and ruined everything.
I can see that the community is a LOT smaller (and ruder) than when I played a few years ago. I only check in for nostalgia's sake, but it's never quite the same. The cash shop killed this game, and what have Softnyx/Aeria done about it? BANNED people for complaining about it. When you have to ban people for commenting on something in your game that doesn't work... that says something.
So be wary- most footage/reviews of this game are from 2010/2011, it's "Golden Era" if I do say so myself (some would argue it's before then). As of 2014, this game is dying a slow, painful death. (I could go into detail, but I'm assuming most of you already know.)
If you are looking for a fun, balanced FPS game, check out Combat Arms, AVA, or Soldier Front 2 (the latter 2 with Aeria, and chances are will be ruined as well by the time you read this review).
Softnyx/Aeria had something special with Wolfteam. Unfortunately, they ruined it.
no download this crap game please
SO dont get yourself FOOLED.
Srsly don't even think about donwloading it
its waste of MB and waste of time,
Waste of playing,
THe worse game I've eva seen,
The old version was good.
those ap payers are to much Overpowered.
Free to players are nothing to them anymore.
Not worth wasting your time playing it.
Unless you are going to play.
prob cuz other games dont work lol
but this game is very good but i hate people with ap the overpower u easily and they have epic armor >.<