
Wolf Team is a fast paced free 3D MMOFPS published by Aeria Games that features the capacity for players to transform between playing as a Human or as a Werewolf. Humans have a vast array of weapons available at their disposal giving them an edge at a distance. Wolves on the other hand have no long distance attack but are faster and more powerful than their human rivals.

The ability to switch between human and wolf at any time adds a refreshing element of strategy to Wolf Team over other traditional first person shooter games. Players will never need to care about the quantity of ammo since Wolves have their own distinctive perks, such as running on walls and dropping in on other players when they least expect. In certain game modes players can even incarnate other types of wolves such as ghost wolves that can become invisible.

Wolf Team has several addictive game modes to choose from, ranging from the usual deathmatch to Conquest mode that allows gamers to work as a team to capture as many bases as they can, and Destruction mode where one team tries to blow up the other team's base. The game also offers a huge choice of weapons players can obtain as they progress.

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Additional Information

Aeria Games
Release Date
July 09, 2009
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


XP / Vista / 7 / 8


1 GB


3 GB


Intel Pentium 4 1.4 GHz


GeForce 5700 / Radeon 7600

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Aeria Games and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (61)

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Middle east human 5 years ago
First my English not so good . i was playing this game and its pay to win too hard pay more be the best . then they disable server for the middle east :/ and not this game only

( all aeria games ) Closed for The middle east.

Thanks aeria games to delete all our great moments and kick us after take our money
Aeria Games >>(The company of racial excellence)<<

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TheSadOne 8 years ago
I was playing the game just after it had been released but after a few years it started to creep in P2W items more and more. Eventually paying players were close to unbeatable and I quit the game. Been checking in on the game now and then just hopping a miracle has occured, but alas it never has.

The game just seem to continue with it's power creep and no sane person should even attempt to play this game unless you like spending your whole paycheck to get the latest and greatest in p2w accessories.

Such a shame..... this game was straight up the most fun game I ever played when it was balanced :'(

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Gadoux 8 years ago
The old game was nice :( too late now its pay to win

So pay or dont play this game now

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Xeras 8 years ago
Hello, this is Xeras. The reason I'm writing this review is because I really miss the old Wolfteam. I played since Wolfteam first came out on Softnyx and I played the Aeria games version for some months when it started. So yeah, everybody's right, Aeria games ruined the game, it's totally P2W. It used to be the best MMOFPS ever. We had a pride called Fame, me and my friends were owning everyone,we were TOP 1 pride basing on win rate and how popular we got in a sudden moment. We kicked the ass of old Panic and UltraViolence prides as well as a lot of others. This game was perfect back then and I want to cry right now because these greedy providers ruined the best game ever.

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kacang2020 8 years ago
i have spent my time almost 6 years playing wolfteam! but after they added a lot of cash stuff it make the game become more boring because of event you are noob but you used cash staff again the pro who did not use the cash stuff. you will win! this game is all about making money! fuk! because of it! a have quit the game that i most like in the world! back that time, around 2010.. it was the best game ever make in history!

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Yoyoguy 9 years ago
PAY2WIN game!!! no cash no kill...

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Ozan- 9 years ago
it's a terrible game %100 p2w graphs mischief, gameplay mischief. 10/3

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xlMrOwner 10 years ago
Read This Please. i agree with all of u this game is shitty back in the day it was so nice and so fun who ever was good was good with SKills Not Pay2WIn -_- now a days you shoot a hard core cashier 40 bullet ELWRIC and he doesnt die. i been playing 6 years and a half my clans are Delinquent rank 100 and BroAlliance Rank 100 real name BroAliiance Join it if Your pro but anyway.... i can handle cashier i rekt them.. 1 hit head yes i agree its pay2win but they suuck u can beat them if u just stop thinking. after all that USAS came out... and then they jump around and shoot u and you cant aim.. Forget the PAY2WIN Now There is wallers -_- all wallers and WLP this game is shitty even tho i still play it :/ my name xlMrOwner and xAPCashx anyway These G/M need to do something about it and take out usas aa12 and all these [VIP] the game is wack... thats sit it ENDED its bad... they need to make it like back in the day....

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kek 10 years ago

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ugurano 10 years ago
cash game

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Morgan Freeman 10 years ago
I will not approve this game, no way, no how, cause; Hell naaw.

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Listen to the awesome dude 10 years ago
Pay to win but the events reward make up for it and some skills can help you kill the casher (Because most the casher is noob).

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Ronnie 10 years ago
I used to play this game in 2010. My friend and I played an MMORPG called 12 Sky with Aeria at the time, and he checked out Wolfteam, and told me we should play it together. It was the first FPS game I ever played. While I thought I would hate the genre, I instantly fell in love with Wolfteam. It was so fun, and I played it well after quitting 12 Sky (which ultimately is now discontinued). We bought AP from time to time (small amounts), and it was enjoyable.

Eventually, in 2011 or so, there were more and more AP items, and more and more people with seemingly infinite pockets. I quit Wolfteam to play other games (Combat Arms, KOS, AVA) as Wolfteam became too hard without AP, and ultimately stopped playing FPS games around 2011 or 2012. I picked Combat Arms back up in late 2013 when my friends and I would get together and play in the same room. I decided to pop back into Wolfteam to check it out- and it has only gotten worse.

The few matches I could find without MAJOR AP users (I have no issues with people who use most AP items, but the armor just greatly overpowers them- when a human can melee a wolf, there is an issue there), there would be a hacker who came in and ruined everything.

I can see that the community is a LOT smaller (and ruder) than when I played a few years ago. I only check in for nostalgia's sake, but it's never quite the same. The cash shop killed this game, and what have Softnyx/Aeria done about it? BANNED people for complaining about it. When you have to ban people for commenting on something in your game that doesn't work... that says something.

So be wary- most footage/reviews of this game are from 2010/2011, it's "Golden Era" if I do say so myself (some would argue it's before then). As of 2014, this game is dying a slow, painful death. (I could go into detail, but I'm assuming most of you already know.)

If you are looking for a fun, balanced FPS game, check out Combat Arms, AVA, or Soldier Front 2 (the latter 2 with Aeria, and chances are will be ruined as well by the time you read this review).

Softnyx/Aeria had something special with Wolfteam. Unfortunately, they ruined it.

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game its a casher game, and wolfpro your are buying weapons, im think

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WolfPro 11 years ago
People are over-over-exaggerating!!! There are many non-cash players and if you practise your aiming, its not hard to kill Apers. Aim for the head is all I say. However, there are some overpowered weapons such as the AAA-12 and UZAS which kill anything with a click of a mouse. Ap wolves can sometimes be overpowered aswell when they have full tattoos and running along the floor. Overall, a very good game with a large variety of content and weapons.A few overpowered items but very addictive as i've been playing it for 5 years! :)

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Camper125Lv 11 years ago
I am still in and i am still fighting vs cashers and hackers but if u are good player you can get some stuff from events or gold forge... They realy need some game mode where is restrickted ap users and is old game basic characters (i loved them).

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SlicingHaunt 11 years ago
This game was awesome just like you have seen in the youtube vid. But now, everything blows, they removed the good old stuff (like the nice glowing backpacks you see in the vid) and replaced them for even worse things. I have played this game from 2009 (when it still rocked) till halfway 2011. Now everything sucks. I just redownloaded it to check if it was playable again, but no, don't download this crap. Wait for a private server or something that makes the game balanced again.

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paco 11 years ago
This game is a really bad game, no skill needed, the 1 with the most cash is the best

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ugurano 11 years ago
im warning your peoples no playing this pay to win game

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seawase 11 years ago

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ugurano 11 years ago
bu oyun tam, boc, para icin yapildi

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emre 11 years ago
bu oyun parası olana güzel çünkü oyunda herşey gerçek para ile alınıyor oyunda herkezde özel eşyalar oldu için sende attırmak zorunda kalıyorsun ve para yoksa bu oyunda ezilirsin o yüzden parası olmayan oynamasın

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ugurano 11 years ago
2010 great, your kidding me. THIS GAME ITS SHIT AND PAY TO WIN

no download this crap game please

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azerul 11 years ago
Played this game in 2010,its great.

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ugurano 11 years ago
pay to win game

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Nameblake 12 years ago
it is a good game

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Xagonz 12 years ago
I CAnt Download The Games

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ZEROxInfinity 12 years ago
You should play WolfTeam International Softnyx for advance updates.

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Ninja KO 12 years ago
its actually free nowadays and its a really addictive good game! Id give it 8/10

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Jimmy 12 years ago
This was the best game I hade ever played when I started playing it. I played it for a really really long time but as time passed by AP users got more and more overpowered. My k/r droped from 3.1 to 1.5 before I quit playing the game. It is so sad. I really miss it and want to play it but it is just impossible these days. I wish someone could "hack" the game and create a underground online server of the game where there is no ap users.

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chuanerliew 12 years ago
when 2007 the game is fun,but now there are so many casher and hacker make game is not fun anymore

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kaiser6666 12 years ago
yer, but this games is died in 2010 now for play serious u must buy 100$ for month

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lolhello 12 years ago
Basically, as time progresses I think that the license holder of the game got a bit too greedy. They focus on the release of weapon which cause cash. Basically cash items are too overpowered. It doesn't even matter now if you have skills are not. It is just whether you have the money and time. Horrible game now as of October 2012. Hope i'll not be so biased to cashers and start narrowing the power between cash and normal. I'll rate it if I could a -10/10. Very disappointing.

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hrdfgsnfnglkhrfng 12 years ago
there are people who hack alot.2/5

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sascha 12 years ago
this is one of the best fps that i ever played its dun and easy weapon thinks

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SuddenAttack 12 years ago
Play Sudden Attack suddenattack.nexon.net

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InsertNameHere 12 years ago
This game is like counter strike with werewolves... still a buttload of fun!!

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allcapsrage 12 years ago
DONT PLAY i cant get past registrasiton one they have the stupid bar to confirm your password is good but it wont go green unless u type in a million nubers

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kaiser6666 12 years ago
This game is for the noob, the best player cash 90$ for month

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PwnerTheWolf 13 years ago
this game is good a variety of weapons players but needs a graphics upgrade

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epic game 13 years ago
BEST GAME I HAVE EVER SEEN AS SOON I AS I WATCHED THE VIDEO I PURCHASED $110 WORTH OF AP THIS GAME ROCKS but it all expired but i am pro cos of other shootign games i rate this 100 / 100

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varianto21 13 years ago
do this game download?

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BApwner55 13 years ago
Words cannot describe how bad this game blows.

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mohanad1971 13 years ago

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pacolizarazo 13 years ago
Too many hackers XP

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7qhn8nhpi0 13 years ago
i cant play it

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Zirkir 13 years ago
Btw the Video shown up there is the old Wolfteam.
SO dont get yourself FOOLED.
Srsly don't even think about donwloading it
its waste of MB and waste of time,
Waste of playing,

THe worse game I've eva seen,
The old version was good.

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Zirkir 13 years ago
This game sucks.
those ap payers are to much Overpowered.
Free to players are nothing to them anymore.
Not worth wasting your time playing it.

Unless you are going to play.

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kaiser6666 13 years ago
Good game but many many cashers, it's very difficult to pay 60$/month

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Aimbots_suck 13 years ago
LOL its pretty cool hiow wolves can run on walls

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ssfdqwuuyqewu 13 years ago
they f*cked this game up if you pay your overpowered =.= thats f*cked up

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bob aginn 13 years ago
this is game is the top ranked fps game (free) i have played =)

prob cuz other games dont work lol
but this game is very good but i hate people with ap the overpower u easily and they have epic armor >.<

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asdasgfaga 13 years ago
The game is pretty good. The graphics are nothing special. The gameplay is pretty smooth. There is also quite a bit of people are playing. All though. There are some hackers and some glitches. I really like the idea of transforming into a wolf. It can be a little over powered but it is okay. I would give this game a 3/5.

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bzob7b46 13 years ago
game is ok!

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