Voyage Century

MMOMMORPGLow-SpecOpen WorldPvEPvPActionSailingThird Person View.

Voyage Century Online (VCO) is a free to play 3D MMORPG set in 17th century Earth and features accurate historical representations of several coastal cities. Featuring intense combat and adventure on land and sea, Voyage Century is a dream game for armchair captains everywhere.

About Voyage Century

Voyage Century Online (VCO) is a free to play 3D MMORPG set in 17th century Earth and features accurate historical representations of several coastal cities. Featuring intense combat and adventure on land and sea, Voyage Century is a dream game for armchair captains everywhere. Trade, craft, wage war around the world, even search for buried treasure.

Players are not required to choose a career path at the beginning of the game. This gives players a rather varied gameplay in which you can either specialize in one skill and trade for resources, or make use of all the skills. (i.e. You are strictly a tailor and want to make clothing. You can pay someone who can fight to gather wool for you, or you can learn to fight and gather it yourself. etc.).

Combat occurs both on land and on the sea, where players risk the threat of pirates when venturing further from the more populated areas. The game profits off of optional cash shop items that are available for players to purchase with real money. Unlike many other MMORPGs where players can only succeed through battle, Voyage Century Online gives players the option of embarking on several unique professions.



System Requirements


Windows XP or later


512 MB


4 GB Free Space


Pentium 3 500 MHz or better


GeForce 2 MX400 Series

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

See All

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User Reviews (10)

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David Conklin 9 years ago
Hmmm, so many bugs, so little time. Let's start here: I have to goto "Crete Beach" to get something. So, what's the problem? Well, for starters, there's no place on the map that is labeled "Crete Beach." And if it is where I think it is, I have to run a gauntlet of ships, beach myself, then got find whatever it is I'm supposed to recover and then run the gauntlet again to get out. How about running into an enemy ship (or they into you) and your sails go down and you can't get them back up! Or, you build an upgraded ship that will give your merchant ship a larger cargo hold and it ends up being smaller! How about trying to register for the forum and they won't let you use the name you wanted to use--or, you can't use your email addy, which they keep on file indefinitely, so if you go back to them a year or so from now, you can't use your email addy!

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das 11 years ago
...So sad, nice game ideea, unworthy company to give this game away. I'm still waiting for some private server or something like that.

PS sorry for my bad english , i'm from EU-E

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Poor grammar guy 11 years ago
Even so my grammar should suck.... this game suck even more. I playes the game for around 5 years and if you dont put a lot of money in it and a lot of IRL time then you will waste you're time. The Item Mall come out with toooooo many new things every day. At one point it start to be boring and annoing. Sorry I loved the game but the greed of snail company destroy a realy good experience.

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game sucks rl hard, pay to win, im look lvl 1 on shop, and warning your

not play this snail game

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RUNE 12 years ago
hey dont bother playing it thousands of player are quiting because of the item mall items are over powerd and if u dont play it with money youl be stuck farming and farming then when u buys xp boost 15 minutes to 30 minuted you will level up fast so this game sucks

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act123 13 years ago
I want to play Voyage Centry but when I go to download the game it goed to Rappelz download whats going on is this the game?

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Game Info

Developer Snail Games
Publisher IGG
Release Date December 22, 2006
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.