Vikings: War Of Clans

MMOStrategyMMORTSPvEPvPActionTop-Down View.

In Vikings: War of Clans, it's up to you to take on the challenge of managing your village, leading your warriors on raids, and becoming a jarl worthy of song! You'll start off small, with just a single ruined village under your control.

About Vikings: War Of Clans

In Vikings: War of Clans, it's up to you to take on the challenge of managing your village, leading your warriors on raids, and becoming a jarl worthy of song! You'll start off small, with just a single ruined village under your control. As you improve it and train your warriors, they'll become more hardy and capable of defending it from your rivals -- or attacking them and seizing plunder like any proper Viking should!

Vikings: War of Clans isn't just about robbing and plundering. In addition to taking care of your village, you'll also need to learn new techniques to improve your warriors' capabilities and your ability to manage them. If your men are lacking, hire mercenaries to join you in your conquests. Whatever path you take, your defeated foes will shudder at your name!


System Requirements

Vikings: War Of Clans is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Vikings: War Of Clans, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

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User Reviews (42)

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Carl 4 years ago
I played it for a number of months but, like others, one day I couldn't get on as I was stuck at work and by the time I got home my shield (that I had to pay real money for) expired and I got wiped out. Months of progress lost. The only way to climb back up... yup, spend real money.

I simply stopped playing and never gave the game another thought. Well, until I stumbled on these reviews.

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Steve 6 years ago
It might be a good game if you speak Russian. Playing in a community is impossible when nobody speaks your language. I have seen almost nothing but Russian since I began playing 2 days ago...

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Michael King 6 years ago
If I purchase lucrative offers alone, will the prices of packs in the bank also increase?? Please I need someone to answer this..

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King Crimson 6 years ago
I came, I saw, I conquered...and tired of logging on to find that my shield had expired and had been wiped out. I have a life. I'm not able to maintain my position on a daily basis; miss a day and you're done. The game is beautifully designed and I enjoyed my time there. But at some point I realized it was producing the kind of anxiety that I get from real life and wish to relieve by playing games. Thus, I cut the vikings loose...and feel better for it.

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OneUnhappyFellow 6 years ago
I am a newbie at Vikings War of Clans. I have been enjoying playing but became frustrated with the pace of developments. I purchased one of the Lucrative deals. $10 seemed like a reasonable deal.

As soon as I bought the dang thing I realized I was in trouble. The package included so many troops that I couldn't keep any food. Well the answer is that when food goes to zero, no problem, no effect on the troops. BUT ..... Every time I try to upgrade a building I have to have food. Part of the package that I bought includes a large number of resource bonuses including food (7500x of 250,000 food resources). The 250000 is eaten up rapidly by the huge number of troops. I can alternatively just buy the upgrade with some of the gold that came with the Lucrative deal. So what I decided to do is buy the smallest food resource item I could (15,000 food for 60 gold) then use one or more of these each time I needed to upgrade. That sort of worked but essentially I'm spending at least 60 gold for every upgrade. Oh well, my Lucrative deal included a lot of gold so .....

Next I get attacked by someone and most of the troops from the Lucrative deal are dead. Hundreds of thousands of dead troops in the infirmary. If I wanted to resurrect them it would cost more than 10 times the amount of gold that I bought with the Lucrative deal.

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Hagar the Dirty 6 years ago
I don't get the game at all? What strategy? What do i have to do? Beginners should get a beginners guide which is always available as all I'm doing is "upgrade this building" wait for an eternity for it to be done, seemingly get no benefits only to be told "upgrade this building". Why? People are talking about armies of 100's of millions. Seriously? I like strategy games but this all seems totally pointless as its going to take at least 1000 yrs to get anywhere.....or spend a shed load of real money which is clearly the common dominator of everyone elses gripes and moans. Upgrade the game play. Guess i'll be waiting a long time again.....

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Steven 7 years ago
Save your time and save your money. This game is poorly managed, support is a joke more times than not and never any real help.

If you like throwing your money at a game just for it to crash and you loose a major chunk of your progress then you will like this game.

Every 24hrs it resets for daily update, that is another time you probably will experience the game freezing up and have to reboot it.

Support on a good day is a joke. That is IF you can get a reply. Even if you do get a reply it is always scripted full of lies and alibis.

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Nera 7 years ago
Worst game I had played, total piece of crap ...

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TheHunter 7 years ago
I've been playing about 8 months maybe. What can i say... When you are playing smart you can grow nicely, get really strong and protect other members of your clan. This way he game is really fun and makes you feel you are doing something great for your mates, feel courage. But you must be patient and attentive to the details so you will not make a big mistakes.

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Luvas 7 years ago
In addition I think that Vikings game links people together

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Luvas 7 years ago
I'm novice in a game. Vikings is actually good game, but not devoid of shortcomings.

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Sir 7 years ago
what is better learning new knowledge for t5 troops or unlocking t6?

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Smith 7 years ago
I love about this game that they never let us get borred. They add new buildings, Stronghold, items etc. What i don't like is that its seems to be hard for new players to get what is going on around. They come, try, die and unfortunately quit sometimes. I think it is very important for experianced players to share their knowledge.

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Ivan 7 years ago
Game is pure garbage,

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M.Scot 7 years ago
I love last update. They finally gave us a chance to grow with no fear to be zeroed. New rewards is the great idea

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Kenneth 7 years ago
I played this on the Browser Version. And my friend on pad. On both platforms it buggs and crashes. But for Browser Version load times are very long the first time. So any memory issue or crash bug makes you Close browser and reload. Imagine that happen when you are at war and need to Shield fast? Those that claim this is Pay to win are absolutely correct. You can buy to be boss and beat most. Joining a good clan can Counter that to an extent. But if you dont pay for packs you will have little impact to game. To many players pay alot and become way to strong for any F2P player.
My story ended badly when game crashed during Kingdom versus Kingdom. And it happened when Shield was Down. Since a bug was reason for my huge loss of almost 2.5 mill troops (wich took me about a month to make) i sent a ticket to support. Got a reply after 3 days, that was like Reading a standard "we do not adress ingame issues". So even though a game breaking bug happened, they dont do anything? Just horrible support and a Pay to Win game.

Stay away!

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David S. 7 years ago
My first impression was not good as I lost my troops few times but when i found strong team with smart players i changed mind. They taught me how to play. IMO great war game

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Viking 7 years ago
Fun game, nice graphic, active community. People who want just sit and farm resources will not like it. This one is for burning towns. No moaning and crying be a man and fight

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LadyViking 7 years ago
Very addictive game, because its more difficult than other similars. You need to find your best way to get stronger and stronger everyday/ Better join big clan as they will help you to grow faster

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Kurt Morris 7 years ago
This game strongly encourages bullying and harassing others. If you aren't going to spend hundreds of $$$ and be the bully, then you are going to be bullied, over and over again. Simple as that. Everything they add to it goes to favor the bullies. of course this is just a brief summarization without going into great detail.

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Lauri 7 years ago
Good concept of a game, but it's too much p2w.

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KYSAkatsuki14 7 years ago
The entire game is pay to win. Exactly as the cons say. You want to win your battles? Pay them money to be VIP or pay them money to have time boosts. No skill involved. Stay the hell away from this money vacuum. New players suffer at the mercy of the pay to win assholes who just invade and steal all of your resources. You either build up in the middle of nowhere with no resources or you
get constantly invaded by douchebag players so all the time, effort, or
even real money that you invested into the game are sucked away. The clan in my post name is a big Spanish clan who will repeatedly invade you if you don't join them. There should be a permanent peace shield until you are ready to opt into PVP at the time of your choosing not when you reach a certain level.

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Ekorre Sciuro 7 years ago
Plarium is the most god-awful excuse for a "gaming" company... their games are bug ridden catastrophes that are only money pits for those stupid enough to waste money on them. They are barely playable because of frequent crashes, and in-game bugs. Plarium support is horrible. I tried to play "Vikings" but so much is broken, and the game is just about unplayable if you don't throw money into it. Completely unbalanced, point-and-click torture device. Plarium does not create games - just revenue streams for themselves. Don't waste your time or money on this shite.

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Jarl Odinheim 8 years ago
Tried this game out for a few days. It's enjoyable as a resource gathering game, but then you realize thats all it ever is. No skill....just many ways to pay real money for boosts, tricks, name it. It is 100% pay-to-win, so while it is possible for F2P players to build up for a couple days, once the protected period is done, so are you. DO NOT BUY THE LUCRATIVE OFFERS!!! What a waste of money. I would have bought stuff if they had a real purpose. I don't know...maybe resource gathering games are not for me. After 2 days, your wait times start to get really long and you have nothing else to do but watch the grass grow. The graphics and interface was very good though.

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wrah 8 years ago
such a GREEDY game..i dont understand how can this game made top leaderboards on free market..there is so many better games...let me explain..

Developers of this strategic game give you 0 strategic options hot to deffend yourself..u can only buy shield for real money but then u cant attack.. as a matter of fact u can buy for money everything..everything its unreal how BS it is for other F2P players..i mean if u have 1000dollars on game u can literraly install this and be rank 1 in an hour..u can buy army!! buildings which are constructed 15weeks instantly attack bonuses etc etc.. hero XP everything gear..its rdcls..and ME AS f2p player i spent like 48hours nonstop on game to test it but it doesnt matter how much time u have bcs u have almost nothing to do in game except clan chat.. so game doesnot reward my skill...nor my time spent on game..also i cant farm other guys bcs i can only send out 2attack groups in a time bcs i dont have some building level 5465456465465 . u cant even dodge your troops like in travian or something bcs every 10seconds someone attacks you with 1million troops and u cant do SHT u dont have options ..u cant upgrade your def buildings..(theres 1..1 def building not worth to build) u cant dodge u can however buy shield for like 5euro for 24hours do the math

developers of this game put pointy hist. incorrect helmet on vikings and firstthing u ll see after EVERY login its big lucrative offer for 99dollars etc..they just DONT deserve profit.. game is not strategic at all and doesnt reward good palyers or clan tactic..its just BS

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trevor 8 years ago
such a dope game!!

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All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Plarium and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Game Info

Developer Plarium
Publisher Plarium
Release Date April 15, 2015
Web Browser
Genre Strategy
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.