Uncharted Waters Online

MMORPG3D GraphicsOpen WorldPvEPvPActionSailingThird Person View.

Uncharted Waters Online is a 3D historical MMORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game) developed by Tecmo Koei Games. Set between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, Uncharted Waters Online players will have the chance to conquer hundreds of neutral cities to ensure that their nation becomes the world’s leading power.

About Uncharted Waters Online

Uncharted Waters Online is a 3D historical MMORPG (massively multi-player online role-playing game) developed by Tecmo Koei Games.

Set between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries, Uncharted Waters Online players will have the chance to conquer hundreds of neutral cities to ensure that their nation becomes the world’s leading power. Sailors can choose to fly the flag of one of six nations: England, The Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal or Venice, buying or building ships to ready for battle, trade routes or exploration of new worlds. Featuring nearly endless lands to visit, thousands of artifacts to discover and more than 75 professions and 100 skills to master, Uncharted Waters Online offers ample game play for core and casual players alike.



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It features a new Legacy Theme called "Human Heritage," centered around ancient trades and routes.

1 year ago

System Requirements


Windows Vista and above




20 GB available space


Intel Core Duo or better


Intel/AMD integrated HD graphics

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

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Games Like Uncharted Waters Online

Fiesta Online - Fiesta Online is a free to play 3D cartoon style MMORPG with simple gameplay, cell-shaded graphics and regular updates.
Everquest 2 - EverQuest II is a free to play 3D fantasy MMORPG based upon the popular Everquest. The game was originally released back in 2004 as a subscription-based, but was re-released in July 2010 as a free to play game.

User Reviews (55)

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Susan 5 years ago
I LOVED this game and started playing it in 2011. I had great ships great characters.
I usually went back to it over the years.
Then a couple of months ago, i found out it was wiped. WOW. All my ships all my storage all my chars... just GONE.

This has turned me off of games.
A treasured game with years of work on it, just POOF. All because of greed as usual.
No ones gives a fk about the players of these games.
It is like someone close to me died.


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{DIO} 5 years ago
This game is awesome and Very Unique. I give it a seal of approval. Been playing it since beta and ..... Well Give it a try.

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Pay2Win 6 years ago
2018 - this game is pay to win. At first, you may like it because of the trade, exploration, and maritime activities you can do. Once you hit mid level and travel outside of Europe, you are basically fodder for player pirates who want to farm you 4 or 5 times. Not only will you be shipped wreck, lose your gold, and cargo which could have taken you an hour to go to East Asia, but you could lose crafted items that took you weeks or months to gather the materials to craft. The game publisher and developer are greedy and don't give 2 cents about the adventurer/traders, they cater to the few whales who have time to grind, buy the cash shop items to overpower you. The chat is either silent or toxic (trolling) because the publishers and developers cater to the pay to win player pirates so they can farm you as much as possible. That is why this game has low population and is dying like most games where it is pay to win pvp at mid and late game. You cannot opt of of pvp. You have to buy the blue flag immunity which you have to pay and it only last for 24 hours. You have been warned. Miker2 and those that leave positive reviews are either company agents or player pirates trying to recruit fresh meat. :D

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Not on steam anymore 6 years ago
Uwo used to be on steam, but Ogplanet closed and Papaya doesnt run on it anymore. I guess they dont care enough to bring it back to Steam.

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Uwo player 6 years ago
Good MMO based on the Uncharted Waters/New Horizons, but very small community.

The global server was recently wiped by a greedy company called Papaya, which lied about the reasons for doing it, and ruined 7+ years of a developed server, and made many dedicated players quit, just after the previous company called Ogplanet milked its players dry with its cash shop lottery, after promising that they would keep running the game..

If you just want to adventure/trade, not interested in being competitive or dont care about the game community, and is willing to grind a looooot, you might like this old game. Enjoy it while it lasts.

But if you want to be competitive, to fight, to invest, then prepare yourself to spend a lot of money with a greedy company called Papaya, as all relevant gears are now cash shop related, and then spend even more as most gears will be obsolete again soon; be ready to exploit the game by running with multiple accounts at the same time, grind/grind/grind/grind non stop.

And we dont really know if Papaya will keep the game for long; GM Sheebs, who worked for the previous company, is used to lying, and will tell whatever the players want to hear just to manipulate them.

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WasAntiWind 6 years ago
Greatest game ever in its category, undeniably. The only problem is, too many changes to originality were done leaving big big repercussions. Recuperation levels are slow mainly due to bad decision making of what to sell in the cash shop.

3 classes here, ADV, Trade and Maritime.
The 1st is still fun and highly adventurous. Trade is dying slowly due to highly OP equipments you can acquire for extreme returns killing skills and the economy.
Maritime, oh amagad - dont need to grind skills as the firepower is enough to kill anybody a mile away and i dont even want to mention about the parts placed on ships and equipment used, lol no. If you find that fun, come play.

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onebittersailer 6 years ago
Uncharted waters is one of the best sailing games produced by koei, however the game commuity itself wasnt as nice as you expected, with scammers , racists etc. ofc there is still minor nice people u can mix friends with. However due to the wipeout by Papaya server, most player is gone. and only few is back. The game is no longer fun for what it is. Because the lack of population in game. Plus it a real grindy game, if you have the whole life time playing the game and dont mind getting wipe this game is suitable for u. If not better find another game for more interesting pleasure.

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Salty 6 years ago
Brilliant game

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UWO player 6 years ago
Uncharted waters online is now with papayaplay, it's still a unique game, yes a reset happend, yes there was corruption in the past with admins, but that is now and should be left in the past.

People are still salty over the reset and vow never to come back, YET some of those that have left those type of reviews came back. Simply because nothing beats UWO.

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Guillermo 6 years ago
Ahoy mates! Come join the new UWO on PapayaPlay - it's better than ever and all cash shop items are fully tradeable in game - you can get cash shop items without paying by buying from other players with in game currency. The new UWO is growing constantly, and there are lots of people playing, including a lot of old timers, but also many newcomers - come join us!

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UWO player 7 years ago
UWO is a unique game which offers something for everybody, you go at your own pace, you hit levels you want to reach, it's not a race to level up quickly, just kick back and relax atmosphere.
Unfortunatly there are a lot of trolls ingame and on this review site that have the only goal but to see the game fail. The game is fun for everyone. Focus on adv battle or trade, or a mix of all three, the choice is yours to choose your characters path.


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old uwo player 7 years ago
after years of playing the server get wiped by the new publisher and theres no guarantee that this wipe will happen again in the future, we lost all skills , ships and equipment that were earned the hard way , the only purpose of the wipe is so they can milk more money from the players , its a very grindy game and take a long time before you can pvp , and its pay to win !!

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ragin1311 7 years ago
its a dead game jim!

papaya play is whiping the server and lots of players dont plan to come back!

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Waddledoodle 7 years ago
I have been playing this game for a few years now and it's still fun. Graphics are a tad outdated but the game runs just fine on my Toshiba Satellite and rather than mess things up with new graphics I'd prefer keeping things the way they are. I've heard complaints of other players having stability issues, lag etc.. but that has never been a problem for me.

The community if full of helpful people. There's the usually assortment of jackholes but in my experience this community is better than most.

My only complaint is that recently they began selling power in the form of special tools that will give your weapons more power. I find this disturbing as it means pvp is going to be affected by how much you can spend. The good news is that it is limited in the scope of it's affect but my concern is that this is a warning about what the future may hold. If this is a one time only thing maybe it won't be so bad but if not and this turns out to be a continuing trend I may have to re-evaluate playing the game, at least the pvp portion of it.

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Hamish 8 years ago
I have played this game for 16 months now, over 40 hours a week. Yes i do a lot of not-grinding while chatting with my company or other friends, but I still havent hit the level cap in any of the 3 classes. This is not your average " i got to the end of the game in a week, now you want me to stay and do the same things over and over again? " kind of game.

Bored sailing back and forth to asia to make huge profits trading? Change ships and hunt some pirates. Or use maps and quest along the way to find some of the more than 2400 different discoveries in the game. There are so many different things to do in this game, you will constantly find yourself saying "I've been playing for HOW long ?" .

If a world of possiblilities on the open sea is what you are looking for, you just found it.

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GT 8 years ago
I've played this game on and off for a few years now and am glad it's come to Steam, if a bit late. Comparing it to other mmorpgs, I'd say the difficulty level is a little more challenging than most. KOEI is known for making historically accurate games and this one is no exception. While it was released to asian markets only for the first several years, it has been available for the rest of the world for the past several. It's as old as Word of Warcraft, but is free-to-play. Also something to note, it is *not* pay-to-win, like some f2p games are. Some of the best items/ships are potentially/statistically superior, it isn't such a noticable difference, unless in the hands of an unskilled/inexperienced player. And there are a LOT of ships to suit your playstyle.

Concerning playstyles, there are 3 major ways to play the game, and you can change it up as you see fit without too much hassle. Adventuring, Trading, and Battling. Adventurers have probably the closest to a single-player experience as you can get on an mmo, and won't be disappointed with the historical discoveries, locations and treasures that come from diligence. Trading is probably one of the easiest tasks, and is practiced by every player-type. Many different trade goods from various regions of the world and a very deep economic structure that changes prices of goods depending on supply/demand and trading tendencies of other players. Maritime (sea battles) is one of the more appealing features to newcomers and seasoned players alike, and UWO has probably the best sea-battle gameplay around.

PVP exists in the majority of sea zones throughout the world but only the truly skilled maritimers can benefit from a life of piracy on the high seas. I've been pirated only a handful of times in the years I've played and it should be noted that it isn't something to deter you from going where you want to go. There is a healthy balance to all things.

As for the community of players, some of the nicest and most helpful players abound here! There are so many intricacies to the gameplay, I still learn something new daily, and nearly everyone has an answer or an idea to help you along. We're really all in it together! Instead of "guilds" like other mmorpgs of a historical era, there are Companies. Each is a maximum of 50 players. This is a great way to keep the members tight with each other, and promotes a feeling of having an 'extended family' instead of just other gamers.

If you are a fan of ridiculous amounts of loot and items, then you will be disappointed. There are a ton of items in the game, but space is always your enemy.. or friend? You gotta know what to keep and what to sell/discard. It's good to keep that greed in check.

Pros: Great community of players. Deep and challenging gameplay. Developers did their homework when it comes to history and facts. Educational and relaxing, solid variety in all things, in-game achievements (memorial album/challenge missions). Prioritization is an optional skill you involuntarily acquire that is helpful in life. :D. Locations, player models/outfits, ships, sailing, and even the music(which I mute to listen to radio) still has a unique charm.

Cons: Grinds (it's a game created by Asians!). Somewhat frustrating interfaces that seems to have a higher learning curve. Only 1 message window for all information in game, be it chat, announcements, crafting, battle...everything. I still gripe about wanting another window to keep conversations separate from everything else. Graphics are a bit dated, if that is important to you.

I could go into much more detail about specifics, but this is already longer than I intended. So, as far as free-to-play mmorpgs go, and even comparing it to subscription mmorpgs and the multitude of games I've played throughout my existence on this planet, I'm going to rate it a solid 7/10.

I hope to see some of you there.

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tigertail 8 years ago
Unchartered Waters works and I have Windows 10.
At first glance this game appears simplistic, even somewhat basic. Having played it for months, then months off and now months of being back into it... I feel it is one of the most enjoyable games out there.
If you want battle all the time- you got it. If you want to take it easy and strategize- you got it. If you want to learn how to trade and make money (ducats) in a somewhat realistic fashion- you got it. Just when you think things are simple you find multiple layers of skills and storylines that you never knew were there.
Management throws in ship races, trivia, etc. to add to the enjoyment.
Now you are not going to pay to skill up quickly, so this is the real challange and admiration for those who have. Mature players will love or grow to love this game and the many members of its community. Great game!

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mehere 8 years ago
UWO is a very good game but a certain idiot GM that is all ban happy ruining it for everyone. People don't waste your hard earned money on this game.

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TRUTHHURTS 8 years ago
To the people "all of a sudden" leaving positive reviews LYING and attempting to cover up and mislead people on what GM Coolwind is doing to this game SHAME ON YOU! You truly have no backbones. Instead of covering up for him why don't you talk to Saul and get him to undo his wrongs or are you too afraid he will ban you? you tell me? Because ALLLLLLL these people complaining across many game review sites are NOT gold sellers believe that! Since you want to lie for SaulCaine aka GM Coolwind for what ever bonus or GM perks hes giving you in game. I'm going to post PROOF of his abuse in game.

Explain this suspending a player for reporting Bugs in game and when he was too lazy to troubleshoot it he was banned and threatened not to post more bug reports or get perma banned.
imgur. com/a/7E6lG (removes spaces to see)

Explain... also I have many more screenshots of people complaining of sinking Saul in game and being banned later as well as other having their toons DELETED for getting in arguments with saul one person even threatened with a ban for making an auction site ( NOT third party Real money trade either) for fear he MIGHT allow real money trade which was just a front because he doesn't like that particular player's company members.

I know UWO is an amazing game and your're trying to help the dwindling server population (Caused by Coolwind antics I might add) I get it but Im not going to sit here and have you LIE to people coming in and have them spend money and have them get F'ed out of their hard earned money by Saul and his power trip. You want to help fix the problem stop kissing Sauls butt be REAL with him and have him stop his nonsense because the more GM power abuses he does in game the more bad reviews the game gets and the more people will be FEARFUL to join.

SHRIMP Talk to him or all your efforts to revive the game will be for nothing.

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OJ_Shrimpson 8 years ago
This game is a real diamond in the rough. While graphically it's not the most amazing game I've ever played, it is certainly the most addictive. The possibilities are endless and the depth is amazing.

Make money as a trader by taking specialty goods to faraway lands, braving pirate infested waters to do so. Or develop one of many production skills and sell products, equipment, ship parts, or build ships to sell to other players.

Trade isn't your thing? Hit the seas in search of adventure then. Embark on thousands of gripping quests, brave dungeons in search of treasure, or discover new wonders in remote areas of the world.

If neither of those "Float your boat", train to become one of the world's best naval commanders. You can almost taste the salt and sulfur in the air during the Epic Sea Feud, a multinational battle event held each month. Fight in a large scale battle for territory, forming an aliance with other nations to assert your military dominance over the opposition. The winners will increase the influence of their nation, and the losers will find themselves to have less influence in the world.

Perhaps you are more prone to a darker way of life? Terrorize traders and plunder their booty as a pirate! Or become a bounty hunter, seeking out those who loot and pillage and keeping the seas safe for everyone!

The game has so much to offer and is truly remarkable for a F2P RPG. Hundreds of ships are available, each with unique stats and skills that you can select when you build them. Events for players of all nations are held frequently, and the game's community is quite welcoming for new players, featuring "schools" for each class to teach the basics and provide new ships and rewards for new players.

Come join our adventures as we celebrate a more civilized age in Uncharted Waters Online!

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anon 8 years ago
Great game, Ive tried my fair share of MMORPGs, but theres something about this game that keeps me hooked on it. That feeling … you have the whole world (well most of it) to explore and endless horizons, you can engage in trading exploring or in combat. Ship combat is pretty fun. Not sure if it gets repetitive for some people. There are large amounts of skills for you to learn and master. Of course the graphics (especially the land locations) are a bit dated and can be a turn off at times, but looking beyond that you’ll find is a great game.
The quest and story line dialogue are done very well, better than other mmorpgs. So if you’re looking for a new game to play and don’t mind the graphics or the historic setting, then be sure to give Uncharted Waters Online a try.

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Renbau 8 years ago
Great fun sailing game, never seen a game like this 10/10. You won't have any issue as long as you don't hack or buy gold from sellers. I heard they cracked down on gold sellers and banned a bunch of them, I know someone in my company got banned for buying gold from rolegold.com so they are leaving bad reviews for the management to get revenge.

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FormerUWOplayer 8 years ago
This game was great before it's developer leased it to a corrupt little Korean owned company based in Vancouver Canada (OGP) They put a player as a GM (GM Coolwind) who has dedicated his life (literally) to banning all the players who sunk him before he became a GM, They will ban anyone who talks about this as well. If you don't mind a completely corrupt game where you can be banned at anytime for almost any reason, this game is for you.

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Anti-Wind 8 years ago
GM CoolWind messing up the game by being bias, power crazy and totally un-reasonable. OGP and Koei should rethink their dumb idea of putting a player as their GM.

Been playing for more than 4 years now, absolute love the game and there's nothing out there like it, yet, but sad to see the game running aground coz of a player GM calling the shots at his wimps and fancies.

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Dustin 8 years ago
Rampant and extreme GM/Mod corruption, the worst I've ever seen from any mmo I've ever played. I don't recommend this game's publisher OGP or their choice of GMs.

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Spartaman 9 years ago
The stuff in this game are from real history or folklore. I played this game for over a year, it’s definitely not tailored for the modern MMORPG players who just like click here for quest, go there, kill stuff, report, no thinking needed.
This game is very challenging that you feel accomplished when you get your new ships, leveled up. Very old school MMO, you can only appreciate it if you are older. I think the people playing this probably average 25-35 years old. I met people as old as 65 playing it, haha.
You don’t get this kind of game in North America because it is made with subscription model in mind in Japan, it’s never intended to be free to play. They simply made it into free to play when they port it out of Japan.
The free to play games we got here made with cash shop sales in mind when they make the game play. I get access to everything in game and there is no energy bar or running dungeon consume some coin etc crap, I never felt the need to pay for it.
You should definitely try to see even if you aren’t interested in the theme, just to see what real mmo should be like when they are made with monthly subscription in mind.

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Former4YearVeteran 9 years ago
I quit this game not because the game is bad because the game is amazing and very unique but because the current GM the company has put in charge is absolutely overbearing, rude, unprofessional and dishonest to the point many multi year veterans are quitting the game due to his antics and power trip. This GM is a former player which is a terrible decision and currently has nobody overseeing his activity and has many players fearfully avoiding forums and chat just to avoid him banning. I want to recommend this game but while GM Coolwind is there I think you should look elsewhere for a game experience and this hurts me a lot to say since I enjoyed the game so much but I can't in good consciousness tell anyone to come until he is replaced. UWO is the perfect example where one bad GM can ruin a perfect game.

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oh dear 10 years ago
ip block :I

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Joe 11 years ago
Do yourself a BIG FAVOR and don't waste your time with this piece of crap! At one time I would have highly recommended this game but not any more. The GM"s are terrible and go to great lengths to reinforce the huge power trip they are all on. They seem to go out of their way to make the game bad for anyone who even remotely disagrees with their terrible management of the game. They lie to the customer base and have ran off almost all the long time players. The turn over rate of the people starting the game is huge. It is very sad to invest the huge amount of time and money the game requires only to have the rug pulled out from under you by the very people who you are paying their wages. Sure you can play for free...... you can also walk a hundred miles but most people drive. Same thing here. To get anywhere you almost have to spend real money. The game isn't cheap! Expect to spend at least $30.00 a month. I used to but not anymore! I had it with their greed, lies, intimidation, lack of any kind of fair play. Like I said at the start. Don't waste your time!

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shawn 11 years ago
its run by atleast half a dozen companys, the main one having its CEO arrested for selling game gold lol.poorly maintained,economy destroyed and poor managment.they basically sell everything made or gotten in game.look at the forums,world chat and play for a day you wont be back.

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mu 11 years ago
im downloading it right now it looks realy cool

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Anon 12 years ago
Great game, Ive tried my fair share of MMORPGs, but theres something about this game that keeps me hooked on it. That feeling ... you have the whole world (well most of it) to explore and endless horizons, you can engage in trading exploring or in combat. Ship combat is pretty fun. Not sure if it gets repetitive for some people. There are large amounts of skills for you to learn and master. Of course the graphics (especially the land locations) are a bit dated and can be a turn off at times, but looking beyond that you'll find is a great game.

The quest and story line dialogue are done very well, better than other mmorpgs. So if you're looking for a new game to play and don't mind the graphics or the historic setting, then be sure to give Uncharted Waters Online a try.

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Zerynthia 13 years ago
I loved Uncharted Waters 2 on the SNES, so I went into this game full of hope. I'd heard lots of things about the game as it's been out for yonks in Korea. I didnt listen to any of the cries of how bad the game was, I was determined to love/like the game.
So I went in head first, knowing whats what about UCW 2 I thought I'd have a good handle on the game, I couldnt be more wrong. Let Me say right from the off, the game boasts YEARS of playing time, which is true, only because it so sodding grind based. You have to grind so much, in fact I dont think I've every grinded in a game as much as I have in this. Its a piss poor game, it really is, its boring, its ugly, it runs like a bag of shite even on a monster pc. Its just all around a bit of a pisser. Yes this is an angry review as I loved the games as a child (fond memories of fun), which oddly enough, fun is sorely lacking from this game, clearly the dev team missed the point of fun school eh. Speaking of school, thats the start of the game, and by christ do you have to put sometime in to pass the school. It would be easier and more fun to actually back to school lol.
I could rant on for ages about this game being a right arse, but I wont bother, if you like it (you do?) then pass this review off as crap. If you have never played this game but think you might like to try, I'd say dont bother as its beyond hope.

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ign:Nvenom 13 years ago
So ill make this simple for people reading (not really)

The game includes 3 roles that all work within eachother that you can switch out or change anytime you want

Meritime: basically your average soldier - There hard to play because the movement system takes a second to register and they make 1/10 what other roles make although they are alot more fun and keep things edgy,

Adventurer: basically a treasure hunter - go figure they make tons of money, how ever it takes alot of time to find anything good, but when you do it is rewarding. they also get stuck venturing onto dry land.. it will get you lost very easly as they made the mini map by a 3 year olds standards based on how a map would have looked in the 1500's (i feel as though it was a bad move on there part) u do get a bunch of skills to help you navigate that minefield though so it does balance out.

Trader: so you like going in a straight line with nothing around you for hours (real time) than is this the class for you starting out you will go about 10 mins into the sea to make roughly 500$ profit ingame were as level 50 traders can do it and make 15 million... seems odd i know but if ur lucky one will just walk up and give you a ton of money but be carefull this class is all about spending money to make money, spend it wrong and you are broke. basically this class depends on lots of gold and a good ship so dont choose it starting out!!!!!!!!!!! its epic fail!!!!!!!!! switch to it once you got tons of money and by tons i mean like 2-5mil

the tutorial is HUGE and will take you about 3-5 days to complete (real time) although u arent limited to it you can just go off and explore the world if you choose.

if you are wondering you can be a pirate you just need to have high maritime like lvl80 and than start killing players you will get a bounty and you can put skulls on your flags and etc.. etc..

as for the game world it is even bigger than you can imagine it really is the key point of this game
imagine walking from here to the moon.. that's what it feels like sailing in that vast ocean with over
2000 little land spots to explore and all the city's you can imagine. in a way its kinda sad because there is only about 300 different pieces of attire combined, and that is reallly small compared to how far you will go.

basically if you play it right and manage your money its a 10/10 game
if you start off a trader and go all willy nilly like i did you will be stuck at a port in the middle of nowere with no cash on you at all and see the fatal words in your mind -GAME OVER-
so for me its was about a 3/10 experience anyway's good luck with it

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Game Info

Publisher Papaya Play
Release Date October 03, 2014
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.