
TERA Rising is a free to play 3D action MMORPG based on a non-targeting system, where players will have direct control over their character's combat. Unlike traditional MMORPGS which use auto-attacks and tab targeting, TERA allows a player to aim their spells and attacks manually. This allows for greater flexibility and much more dynamic combat.

The game features some impressive visuals, with towering detailed beasts to fight and a fantastic spell variety. Beyond the typical MMORPG questing (which the game features quite a lot of), players can engage in 5 man dungeons and participate in Guild PvP.

TERA also features a very unique and intricate political system, which allows a whole zone to vote on a player to become matriarch. This player is able to access rare patterns and set tax prices on vendors throughout the zone. Players can choose to also fight for control over a zone through PvP arenas.

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Additional Information

Bluehole Studio
En Masse Entertainment
Release Date
February 05, 2013
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Latest Updates

Dungeon matchmaking has been improved and some have received balance adjustments.

4 weeks ago

There's also new card items and several quality-of-life improvements as well as bug fixes.

8 months ago

“Don’t be sad that it’s over, be happy that it happened.”

2 years ago

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP (32-bit only), Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8




40 GB


Intel Pentium 4 3.2 GHz / SMD Athlon 64 3200+


Nvidia GeForce 7600 GT / ATI Radeon X1600T

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©En Masse Entertainment and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (155)

Do you recommend this game?
sylentmj328 3 years ago
If you like WoW, you might like Tera just as much. I’ve been out of gaming for a long time and recently have gotten back into it. Tera is the 2nd game I started playing on my console and I love it! Yes, there are times where it lags and there have def been some glitches/bugs, but the one thing I don’t like is when their server crashes and freezes up my console on and off for a few hours. Other than that, I enjoy it very much and it is my #1 go to game. I’m not much of a people person, but I try to help others when I can, so I do like the interaction. There are a few out there that are very toxic and although I don’t chat very much, I find some of the chat inappropriate, rude, but most of the time some of the people make me laugh.
If I had to give this game a rating between 1-5 stars, I would probably give it a 3.5-4.5. Why? Due to the glitches and freezes is why I took .5 off, the rude/mean people is another one, and last because it is kind of hard to level up after 65, especially if you don’t have any money to pay for the passes,
even if they are on ‘sale’, which I find to be pricey. Not to mention, they don’t have any coupons/discounts or a variety of game ‘packs’ to choose from. The could use another update and provide some different levels of TC purchases or a 2x a year half sale or something. Maybe an incentive for purchasing TC could be a free 7 day bronze/silver/gold BP or a free level up. Just throwing out some ideas.

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tWo4life 5 years ago
I've been playing TERA for a few years now, both on PC and more recently on XBox1. Contrary what "dead-headers" like to spout ("TERA is dead af"), it's not that bad of a game. If you spend more than 20 minutes in the game (something I doubt a lot of people have done), you'll find an MMO that actually engages its audience. Ass to that a rather vivid world to run around in, and TERA becomes enjoyable for those who like theme park / explore world designs. I have yet to see where 'cash-grab' comes into play, everything I've seen is FREE.

You know, it could be worse...you could be dumping $$ into Anthem.

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NukleZs 7 years ago
Awesome Game still 2018

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Black Sabbath 7 years ago
Not a Nice game, Still is Garbage, How is this Crap game even still running? Oh yeah Botters, Proxy's Hackers & Stupid ppl. PLEASE BAN this game from your website!! Hell BAN it from Internet!!!

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cameforbattlerite 7 years ago
nice game

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knıckı 7 years ago
ı just want battlerıte :D

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THE.DIRTY.BUBBLE 7 years ago
game went to SHIT, dont play it is full of hacks,proxys and bots.

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Senpie 7 years ago
This game is on stream early in the year.. (Tera)
Here is the Pro and Con of Valve Stream Games
+ Pro
+ List of different Games Genre
+ Many Variety Games
+ Forum Network
+ Board cast, Artwork, Screenshot, Youtube Video
+ Guides
- Con
- Bad Stream Community
- Confused Reviews
- Lack of Customer Support
- Developer Scammer
- Early Access

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Reaver Of Souls 7 years ago
Look, they payed to get there game on top again because none of the review's have changed. WORST GAME EVER!! the game play itself is repetitive & the ppl are horrible, belligerent, rude
ignorant, childish, bully's, abusers & hateful ppl who 99% of the time ignore you when you ask for information or abusive when you ask for information.. BAN this game from your website! Playing this is NOT Recommended!!! USERS BEWARE!!! USERS BEWARE!

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Dark Phantom 8 years ago
TERRIBLE Community, very toxic, graphics are broken in dungeons. terrible lag & server crashes. TERRIBLE game badly maintained & VERY toxic community.. If you Ever have an opinion or a way of doing anything you are treated like total garbage. if you are not ELITE pay you are treated like garbage by community.

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GodDamnGameforge 8 years ago
I've played this game on Gameforge, I regret that soo much. Im gonna play it on NA instead due to the recent reviews.

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ASD 8 years ago
Great combat and your better off playing on Enmasse Entertainment's servers because gameforge sucks and I've never personally played on gameforges games besides one mobile game they had and had bad experiences on it but I heard alot of complaints about gameforges version of tera online and I normally hear alot of bad complaints about their games. Also one thing I do hate about tera online is how almost all the characters are nude. I don't mind if they do it in moderation but it feels like tera online does it intentionally alot and it's a huge turn off for me because I don't wanna see almost nude guys or almost nude girls every 5 seconds ;-;

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Daija 8 years ago
Anyone know if there are any giveaways as of now?

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Gatiha 8 years ago
The game is fun. It has some pretty cool classes that are fun to play, an amazing amount of cosmetic items for you to perfect your look, some cool pets that loot for you, kick ass looking mounts, and a decent chunk of content. However, the game is optimized very poorly (as if it was released as a console game and ported to pc), fps is locked, end game is nothing but a limited a day grind (you can only do dungeons for gear and enchant mats 1-2 times a day), you only have 2 character slots unless you buy more which is $5 or 22k gold in game, the questing is dull and extremely boring, pvp is boring, gender and race locked classes, and pve is insanely easy.

I have a power pc and can run every game I own easily 120+ fps on ultra graphics. Tera is the only game I currently have on it that I can't get passed 28 fps while sitting still and go down as low as 4 fps in a dungeon. It's terrible. 3/10

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ThisOneGuyThatThinksYourAllIdiots 8 years ago
wow there are no realy reviews and has just become a redit thread gj guy gj

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ASE 8 years ago
I'm not 100% sure but I'm positive there is. Try searching for it on the web. They don't got it listed here for somereason but when I tried searching for it I'm not sure if it's legit since I don't play tera online anymore but it looks like it's tera online the japan version of it.

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Ase 8 years ago
I'm suprised I didn't know gameforge published tera online. I'm probably not gonna touch this game anymore. I'm trying to avoid gameforge games because of how they operate when they publish games.

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Unknown 8 years ago
I like this game but it sucks that they refuse to add player housing ingame. But at least they keep the countries with highest rate of hacking IP blocked so this game doesn't get ruined by their scams and cheating since a majority of it comes from countries I will not name since I'm not calling out anybody or being rude.

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Leo 8 years ago
Now, in spite of the game being a challenge and all...is this fun?, I mean, I saw a lot of graphics and it seems awesome, but the point of playing an online game is interacting with people... If Im going to play all game solo, then It just does not have any point in donwloading it at all...

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Whiteorm 8 years ago
I played it for a few minutes =/ Just disliked movement system of player character. Overwise can't say if it is bad or good.

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BERNIEBLOWS 8 years ago
When he wins, he will deport your ass ASAP.

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Auracles 8 years ago
Is that Gintoki on your display picture? Because if it is, I just want to say "Gintoki would never say that."

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axel 9 years ago
how to download this game?

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Um... 9 years ago
how the heck do you download this?
I don't want Tera... I want Tera Rising

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juan 9 years ago
dislike to this game, i download and its funny at start, but levels later it goes boring, and boring and boring, 16gb to download you need to much req to download, graphics are soo good but game isnt.

calification: 6

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cryofreeze666 9 years ago
my opinion of the game is it is too easy. the hotkey setup isn't set up for a keyboard player to use efficiently. by that i mean you can't use the mouse to scroll hotkey menu, because the mouse is a trigger or scrolls your view 720 degrees. pvp is a little lame but ok, if your strong enough to protect yourself. though i have yet to meet a noob that can protect itself from a lvl 50+, but that is every game that allows free-for-all brawling and yet the noobs can't seem to stay out of those servers. unfortunately you can't lvl a toon in a non-pvp server and cross it to a pvp server. it would save so much crying.

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Todoran 9 years ago
take away the action combat and u have a perfect crapy korean game!

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Review 9 years ago
Tera Rising (Review)
+ 4 Races
+ Many Classes style
+ Pets
+ Mounts
+ Guild wars
- Toxic Community
- Not Friendly Community
- Hacker can ruin the game
- Bugs
- Unbalance classes
- Normal grinding
- Expliot

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Yokai-Oni 9 years ago
I from japan, and I love playing tera online <3

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ildirim 9 years ago
i ve got 65 lvl warrior in high watch server named amonrai so thsi game is really good till u get 65 the problem starts from there u have to find very good guild and still there is problem they go dungeons(btw this game is open world) with better geared plaers than u ll be left alone cs noone needs a weak lvl 65 player who will die a lot btw u can go those dungens max 2 times a day so ure needless yes also killing bams they still do it without u cs u have no good gear u ll be left till 65 everthing is super fun after that it gets hard

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MAND4 9 years ago
Tera review (NA) and the state of the game as of 9/15/2015:

I've been playing Tera for a while now. Got 65 on 4 of my characters, got best gear on one of them, cleared all there is clear, got the costumes I wanted, saved gold for the next update, and all that good stuff, so you can be safe about trusting me on this one.

Leveling: Questing is terrible, so, even if you're new, just don't do it. It's slow, it's cripplingly painful and nothing makes sense. Look up some guides for fast-leveling, and you can easily hit 65 in sub 20 hours, even if you're new. My fastest time was 12 hours, and I'm quite "proud" of it. For the most part, leveling is fun though, especially if you're interested in your class. Getting XP boosts isn't that expensive, and there are some really good zones when you can storm through 10-15 levels in around 2 hours. So don't worry, getting to the end game won't take you too long.

Endgame: I want to instantly jump into the meat of this game. End game is ... sigh. This is where, as of recently, Tera is really dropping the ball. Dungeons and raids are literally faceroll type, and aside from maybe 1-2 endgame dungeons, the entire thing is just laughable. Obtaining 2nd best gear in the game is a joke, and it's pretty much the furthest you need to go in the gear progression since it'll be enough to clear all end game content. Getting the best gear in the game, and enchanting it to the max, requires a hefty investment of gold (borderline million), and that is if you're at least averagely lucky. Is there stuff to do once you reach end game? Sure. You'll spend about 2-3 months gearing your character, and each new dungeon will be interesting to you. There are nearly weekly events which are good way to make gold/easy levels/items etc.. There are a lot of players (dunno about EU), but the community is so-so. Some are helpful, some are ... less so. It's recommended you join the guild and look for ones that want players above 45-50, because they're most-likely to help you with end game content. In game store isn't really P2W but it is Pay to speed things up because you can't grind for months, as it allows you to either buy costumes and sell them for large amounts of gold on TB, scrolls, or even enchanting materials.

Despite all this though, Tera is still extremely fun, especially if you're in a social guild. Sure, you'll get bured out from content in 3-4 months (less than 1 if you're a hardcore player), but even then there are things to do. PvP is not really there just yet, but with the soon-to-come update, I suspect there'll be far more PvP players out there. Getting your character to look the way you want him/her is really exciting, and you won't have any qualms about spending a lot of gold on that one item over enchanting your gear. If you still have doubts about playing the game, or aren't sure which server/race/class to pick, feel free to contact me and I'll do my best to reply.

Good luck :)

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Sal 9 years ago
Check out zergid

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TruthBringer 9 years ago
I'd say that by his point it is very obvious that almost every person commenting is either a hate-filled little kid or a very simple minded adult. This is one of the first times I've ever seen such moronic and unjustified hate.

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Hm 9 years ago
To anyone who wants to play this game, I would not recommend it. I am a founder in this game and have played through all the updates and expansions and I can honestly say that it is not worth it. It has really spiraled into the ground since its release and I am really sad to see it this way. All the people used to be nice and fun to play with, now though most people are like the ones on this review thread so honestly I would not bother. Most of the stuff you will see are racist, sexist, and just plain rude. So please find a game were the people are civilized. Good luck!
To those who want to play the game otherwise. It is very fun I really love the graphics and the fact that you have to aim in order to hit monsters. Another fun feature is that you can dodge some of the attacks that monster throw your way! The story quests are interesting and it tells you were to pick them up at so you are not hunting around for them. The character creation and the classes available are nice and you have a wide variety to choose from. My fav so far are the reapers and the sorcerers. If you are looking for a fast paced action mmorpg then this one the one I would recommend just be prepared for the people in the game. You find some nice people that still play but you have to dig for em.

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Stemar 10 years ago
The most fun MMORPG I have played by far. Which MMORPG allows me to grind sitted back in a sofá using a damn joystick I'm sooooo used to use. Very very good game.

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Nikoru 10 years ago
Tera is a great game if you're getting sick of playing tab-switching MMOs. I've been playing this game for 2 years so I'm speaking from experience. The combat system is one of my (and many others) favorite aspects about Tera. The game has gotten a lot easier since the P2P days but it's still a fun game. You have 9 classes to play as: Lancer, Warrior, Slayer, Reaper (an Elin-exclusive class only), Berserker, Sorcerer, Archer, Mystic and Priest. Tera has a new class coming in called Engineer which is race exclusive to High Elf and Castanic females but unfortunately won't hit NA or EU versions anytime soon as NA is about 6 months behind KTera in terms of updates. I'm not sure about EU. The level cap has also increased from 60 to 65 with a new continent to explore and more quests to do. If you're having trouble deciding which game to go to (NA or EU), my recommendation is NA. Reason being is that the EU servers are run by GameForge. GameForge is an awful company. They have lousy customer service and the moderators are practically useless. A lot of EU players have switched over to the NA version, which is run by En Masse. While there are things wrong with En Masse, they know how to run and operate Tera 10x better than GameForge. Don't believe me? Go to the forums and ask about why EU players have switched to NA.

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JOJO 10 years ago
Great combat system and graphics, those are the only things cool in this game. First at least 70% of players play those bunny girl characters or big tit elfs, ik ppl like cute or sexy characters but man its just too much. Then there is just way too many crashes in towns or just random crashes, and its not cuz of connection or pc setup, i have very good internet and pc. There is no support from tera team, absolute 0 support ur gona have to harras them for 3 months for help on a simple problem. Launcher.. as many ppl here noticed its just heavy buged, i had launcher problem and tryed to find a solution on forums and i saw like 50+ threads on the same topic and no help from support team, god knows how many tickets i sent for help and nobody responded. Tryed to fix it myself and with help from few forum guys but just didnt work so i quited. 2/10 score and thts only because of nice combat system. Overall game is crap

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7mane 10 years ago
omg 50 gb!!

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Theronna 10 years ago
As an ex-Tera veteran i decided to give some feedback to you guys. I was playing for few months when Tera came out as p2p (left because of frustration because it was clearly not finished game and rushed out to the market, and the publishers where utter s*it), and then for more than a year when tera became f2p (EU) servers and was one of the best tank in my server.

I can honestly say that Tera has one of the fairest business models i have encountered with, by that i mean there are only fashion items in cash shop. You can really be in par with other players without spending a single penny, but still tera club membership is still advisable, for lower dungeon cooldowns, atlass to freely teleport around from whatever location and no auction listing fee, but definitely not necessary.

Graphics are just stunning. If you are a fan of anime style then this game is your dreams come true.

Gameplay is rlly innovative and it makes grinding more interesting, but it gets repetitive very fast coz it still turns into a button mashing at later levels. And skills that do the biggest damage roots you in the place which can be rlly frustrating.

Classes are well balanced in pvp, but still there are some classes that are easier to play than others, but i didnt have any problems with that tho i wasnt interested in pvp too much.

Now lets talk about flaws coz there are plenty.

Poorly optimazed engine.... tho its not nearly as bad as it was on launch (I talk about constantly getting stuck in doors or walls, fps all over the place, getting killed by group of ppl even not seeing them coz their models load only after you are dead), but still its poorly optimazed. Even now you can be in 1 zone with loads of thing on the screen and have 80+ fps and in the other zone where there is barely anything on your screen you have 20 fps -_-

Endgame is just lacking... the endgame is just poor, raids are laughable (reskinned dungeon with 1 boss and just scaled up HP or brainless kill on sight bosses). Most fun i had with HC dungeons coz they are rlly hard and its easier to make static group of 5 ppl. And you dont even have to clear any of those dungeons or raids to get top geared, coz 98% of the gear is BOE (bind on equip) so you can buy it from guyz who can clear it without dropping a sweat, that is if you have some cash (havent been online for like 5 months, maybe it has been changed), i made loads of cash that way :D

And PLS, PLS dont play tera if you pc or internet connection cant handle it, you will just get frustrated of constant dying. You cant do endgame (even there is not much of it) if you have below 10fps or ping over 200ms, hell if you play warrior and have ping over 60ms forget it, you are useless you will just lag around not being able to hit anything coz their gameplay is extremely fast. Everything there requires quick reflexes, at higher level you have to evade boss moves that give you less than 1 second to react or you will insta die and in 90% of the time its a guaranteed wipe if 1 group member dies and its not possible with high ping or rlly low fps.

Overall if you havent played Tera yet, you have to try it, but dont go full ham on it if you pc or internet cant handle it.

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iDezmo 10 years ago
I feel you, probably some no life, obese piece of shit who plays games all day.

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Calrai 10 years ago
Hey, I have an Acer Aspire 5734Z. Do you think I will have many problems while playing it (Lag etc.)

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Aurelious 10 years ago
free ??

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Badiadan 10 years ago
I have window xp with 2 Gb of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 7100/ NVIDIA nForce 630i. i have the right processor and hard space memory but will these ram and video capabilities pull it off for some of the newer MMo's? including this one.

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saver summuner 10 years ago
i commented here because i liked your name fanatic
reminds me of the league of legends LCS team fnatic
so if by any chance you play lol my name is above

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ron sorc 10 years ago
hi all i have a lvl 60 char mid sorc til 60 its a oki game ,after the 60,s its 1 big farming game waste off time

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treos 10 years ago
holy hell, i just checked the torrent download and thats a 24gb download. if this game really does have 50GB free to install; 35GB free once installed (85GB required total for a installation) then this has to be the single biggest MMORPG i have ever laid eyes on.

that file size is stupidly big, unless you had a great connection torrent is the ONLY way you could download this and even then it'd take a long time. my download speed tops out at around 180kb+ so this game would take weeks, if not months, to download via that torrent (forget the direct download which would easily timeout before getting anywhere close to 1%). unless this is like the most awesome MMO ever concieved (which i seriously don't think it is) there is no way i'd ever suggest such a massive game to anyone.

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asdada 10 years ago
complete shit game .... u level up so easily to max level in less then a week and then u waste ur life on dumb useless quests .... wanna be cool ... spend bunch of cash to get good gear and thats it ...game is made for brainless ppl

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RTMASTERSMILE 10 years ago
ive downloaded Tera yesterday
and today i was going to play it but
when i clicked on play it said: the client has stopped working
what do i have to do?


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NoName 10 years ago
Tera is pretty fun, this review is pretty old since they took the matriarch system out ages ago. Honestly i've been playing it since it went to f2p and it hasn't gotten boring once. And now is the best time to start playing since the new class is coming out soon and you need at least 1 lvl 40 character to make it. I have at least 8 characters on every server but my main server is Celestial Hills. It's the only rp server and it's the most laid back server, if you want a feel for the game I suggest you at least start there. Oh, and if you do come to my server, look for me,

IGN ---> Sala.Cious

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esarra 10 years ago
If you play this game go to one of the PVE servers. I play on the RP server and the comunity is nice as logn as your nice. most of us are growing sick of the trolls who like trolling the RPers so we tend to be asses to them. but for those who are nice we will usually help how ever we can

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abururu 11 years ago
Non-targeting? lol this game plays more like DC universe or RaidersZ... not like real non-targeting like C9, Vindictus or Dragon NEst

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GMAlonzo 11 years ago
50GB lol no thanks

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SlayZenos 11 years ago
One of the best games i've played, its not only a MMO based, its something diferent, with tatics and will render lots of fun time playing with friends! Its Veery big game, but dont care about how many gbs it haves, just download and have some fun!

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Retribution 11 years ago
is this really 50gb?

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wtf 11 years ago
wtf 50GB

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danny 11 years ago
i have to say this game is amazing! i love how you can smoothly roam around fight solo or along side others how the graphics are pretty good. it took me 30gigs of memory but for a game like this it is worth it. besides when you are downloading the game when you reach i believe 10% you can play the game while it finishes downloading the rest. love this game, i play it a lot.

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nikhil 11 years ago
where to download this game can anybody plzz give me tte link .......

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Martyn Romaine 11 years ago
this game is the worst game that i have ever tried to install..15 hours after i first started and the patch is at 91% and it's been at that for an hour and it says it's running at 18mbps speed..load of BS

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Rivals 11 years ago
best game .............free

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Berkut 11 years ago
why is then 38 gb and at my pc and still downloading some shit..

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GameOpinion 11 years ago
Great game,world,battle system,lore,graphics,details,everything,some of the best of all in the market,be it f2p or b2p,imo.On a side note,would like to see official pages have whole client download,more people to play and support the game.Since some peoples are more restricted in bandwidth.Nevertheless,if you can try it try it,chances are you might enjoy it :)

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AzusaNakajou 11 years ago
Great game, played it for roughly 8 months, but things get boring after a while. A lot of global trolls like talking about Elins (race of little girls with animal tail/ears) and making up sexual scenarios but you can always turn that off in the chat options. I stopped playing because the game just got way too easy. The Wonderholme patch they recently introduced was like a gigantic middle finger to all F2Pers who beat all the dungeons, raids, held the top pvp ranks, and actually possessed some skill that one could clearly identify as self-made instead of artificially enhanced with piles of money

I started out with a plan: to reach endgame without spending any money whatsoever on EMP (the "cash shop" currency) and I managed to achieve that goal after painstaking efforts (funny how I actually became better gear/money/skill wise than some people who spent hundreds of dollars upgrading their stuff). It was a true F2P game until the Wonderholme patch arrived. Reaching endgame, obtaining the best weapon in the game at the time (Visionmaker), it was hard work because to be the best, you had to achieve a certain level of synergy with the people you run dungeons and battlegrounds with. All Tera is now, however, is whoever has the largest bank account and is willing to spend endless amounts of money on the game will be able to get the best gear and beat those who have spent months becoming familiar with their class. Skill doesn't matter anymore because the stats of the recently released gear is far too overpowered and far too easy to get. Being easy to get, means there is no money to be made unless EMP is purchased (for enchanting purposes) and then, it becomes impossible to enchant when somebody is being an F2P player (like I was). In my guild, there were some who spent upwards of $2000 to get the best gear, leaving somebody like myself in the dust. I wasn't going to spend that kind of money on a GAME (I didn't have $2000 to waste anyways) and with no avenues for making money by PLAYING the game, I was going nowhere.

Currently, the most overpowered class BY FAR is the Slayer (a nerf is now an absolute necessity for this class) due to their invulnerability to any form of CC while using a skill. Hell, they even have a skill that prevents them from being CC'd for 5 seconds (this just screams overpowered).

If you want to give this game a go and find that you're still playing at level 60, join a guild called Wonderland. Being a former officer of Wonderland, I can say that they're nice people (some are nice in their own "special" way) and I know that they will take care of the less hardcore players out there.

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miguel 11 years ago
worst comment ever lol//// at max level theres nothing to do ? really what about nexus bgs canyon? farming and hunting points for pvp armor crafting? theres alot 2 do so dont say theres nothing to do on max levels cause is bullshit

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Chinese sucks 11 years ago
Before badmouthing someone please check your grammar first. There might be stupid Fil but not all and please, it's not "bec there stupid" it's they're dumb ass.. and I don't give me a shit about it being a typo, your just stupid if you're going to reason out. Chinese sucks. Want to conquer lands because they're stupid for not be able to conserve resources. Chinese no baka! lolz..

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jojomortale 11 years ago
Very pretty game, but there's nothing to do at max level. The community in this game is so horrible! Parents really need to discipline their children these days.

I would avoid this game at all costs unless you just don't mind playing alone.

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KooKeeKutter 11 years ago
The serious mmorpg generation in the ph was and is being reduced to hardcore FPS and MOBA players. And the trash talk in those kinds of games are both harsh and offensive. If only my generation of players didn't convert to MOBA and FPS.

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KooKeeKutter 11 years ago
I liked this game! It's got a lot of good stuff to it. Tons of things to do in end game (getting those overly expensive tier 14 sets, and trying to master each and every end game dungeon mechanics. No kidding!) Leveling from lv1-lv60 as a glass-cannon Sorc is very much 'soloable'. Only time I needed to party is for instances and dungeons, but a having a questing party makes a lot of difference. One being, it's not as hard to quest and two being it's a lot more fun. So fun to solo those BAMs (boss like, but not quite mobs that litters the maps). Died a lot off times, but it's nice once you can solo them. It gives you quite the bragging rights among your noob peers. There are some cons too! Like you need a good enough gaming computer to play this without graphical lags. I recommend a minimum specs of i3 3220, 4gb ram, gtx 550ti, and a mid range mobo (use your imagination). But if you have an entry level rig, the game offers an option where when your machine is under heavy loads (not all the time) while playing the game, it automatically sets your graphics settings to a 'lower than the lowest' graphics settings. And YES! that is true. You can play the game, but it will look like UGLY! Everything is bright (cuz of no shadows), textures are like smears, you get the picture. But you get to turn it up a bit inside dungeons.

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fiery austin 11 years ago
can you talk to people and just chill cause i love those kind of games

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DeathPRO 11 years ago
Bullshit game, after 5 days u are max lvl and thats it ... wanna sensensly do 1 thing over and over all day with nothing else to do then go for it, game for brainless kids

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hatim 11 years ago
but they say on checker that i only need 2gb ram and 25 gb

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Laxsuss 11 years ago
am i the only that thinks a person will need a supercomputer to run this game perfectly ?

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Pathog3n 11 years ago
Tera is fun and different, not the best but good fun and entry level action combat. But it's plagued with issues. For one fps issues on very fast and modern machines. Just google "Tera fps issue" or something like that and read through pages of pages of people who had issuses with the game. Most players will have to do some sort of .ini file editing or make NVidia game profiles for it just for it to be barely playable. For one if you turn your Ui off you can get a 30% fps boost.. Just from the 2D ui. I've read fixes from going back to old drivers, .ini tweaks, gpu tweaks. But if you have to go through all that to get a game that will still run like shit. No thanks. for reference, I have an fx-6300, 8gigs ddr3 @ 1866 and an OC HD 7850. Nothing was bottlenecking, game is terribly optimized.

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pim 11 years ago
why doesnt works al of me accounts ??

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Game Lover 11 years ago
Is this game works on other countrys cuz i love this game its really awesome

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nicholasboutwell 11 years ago
its like the anime sword art online's vrmmorpg thing :D

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Yasir 11 years ago
can i play tera while downloading and on which percentage of downloading.

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Nico Robin 11 years ago
I don't like the country restriction..It's sad, I can't play it in Japan....

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Joe 11 years ago
This game looks amazing, but I am worried that it will be "Pay-to-Win". I've been playing "Neverwinter" quite often and that's the way it seems to heading. Can someone please tell me if this is better than Neverwinter in that sense, because I absolutely ADORE the gameplay in Neverwinter and this seems to be fairly similar. Thank you.

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Sanji 11 years ago
wonderful game so much fun its right up there with Wow on my list if u havent tried it its great u should download it asap only thing i dont like is the updates so much latest update is 2.6 gig the system reqs r pretty high but if u have 2-4 gigs of ram u can manage if u turn the settings down on low , love everything about the game but its a real grinding game based around mainly quest i have 3 60s there all ur chars on each realm will share a bank another thing the auction house is insanely overpriced because people buy stuff off the cash shop and put on it like a new mount can go for 20 -60 thousand gold at 60 u can buy next to the best gear off ah but its like 15 thousand a peice and the weapons can go for 150 thousand or so for the enchantable t 14 gear i suggest sticking with the t 13 gear at 60 its enchantable and u can get into any raid in it but if ur a hardcore dungeon type person and dont mind playing with elitist then id say go for the t 14s in heroic mode but if u mess up one tiny thing or go in and dont know any fights ull prolly get kicked fast but everyone in thecommunity thats not a elitist is very nice and helpful and the gms r nice to they will log in to characters and help u out with bugged quest etc if u need so besides the constant updates its a great game

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Nightwolf 11 years ago
seems not

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Alexius 11 years ago
lol agreed my good man:D

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Otherkin 11 years ago
Tera is the best MMO i 've played so far, requires a good pc but it's totally worth it.

If you want to play TERA though you better join the NA server published by Enmasse. Gameforge(publisher in EU) has destroyed many people including me, i was accused of botting/hacking without doing anything and when i asked for information they arrogantly told me that they won't provide any information and that the decision is final and permanent without any warning. I believe they didn't know themselves why did they ban me, they just got some reports because sometimes i was camping ores and plants(which is not illegal of course).

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Kethel 11 years ago
why cant I run this game on high graphics ? ;_; I can but it runs slow..

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semir 11 years ago
this video convinced me ima going to sign up for this game and start playing

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ScarsOfTime 11 years ago
Well this is how i feel (just my view from personal EXP dont get your panties in a bunch and get personally offended because i may or may not agree with you )

#1 doesn't run so well without a powerful machine
#2 combat is a bit clunky and the camera is an asshole (personal exp just just found it bothersome)
#3 Cooldowns in action based games are like some jerk Sneezing on your pizza . they are not needed in action based games regardless of weather or not its an Action /RPG game .Dragons Dogma is an action RPG it didn't have cooldowns because its lame and makes no sense.These sorts of games need to be free wielding and exciting not full of pointless limitations that dont need to be there . Skills should be executed via key and or button combinations like you might find in fighting games or old school action titles like devil may cry such as" attack , dash , rapidly press attack" to do a rapid thrusting skill . Some games like DFO and Dragonica online have these sorts of commands as alternatives to hotkeys and instant executions and i have always felt it suits this Genre better but again just my thoughts .DFO and Dragonica still had Cooldowns though and to me thats just not cool.

Pros (yes there are pros ppl im not all about the negative)

#1 really nice visuals IF you can run the game on decent settings .
#2 decent atmosphere game feels open and makes you want to explore your surroundings at least it did for me.
#3 Pretty interesting character classes, not SUPER unique but not super typical either and the races were pretty interseting as well .
#4 Gamepad support , this is a big deal for me because i absolutley despise keyboard /mouse based controls its nice to have the option at the very least .

Were i able to run the game on nicer settings without turbo lag from the pits of el diablo i would have more to say but i refuse to play a game that i cant run smoothly on anything but the lowest settings. Sorry but its like riding a tricycle with 2 flat tires and a broken pedal while all your friends speed away on dirt bikes leaving you in a cloud of dust and exhaust to cough and curse your existence.

Its worth checking out if your looking for a game and i would probably recommend it but again thats IF you can run it above the lowest settings.

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DestroyYourEgo 11 years ago
This game SUCKS. Seriously, Sacred 2 is better than this.

This game just put me to sleep. And what's with the half-naked female children class?


The graphics are good, but they don't really know how to use it (the surface has a plasticy look). To me, at least. I guess if you think it's got "high-end" graphics, good for you. But to me, I've seen better in community mods for Fallout.

And the outfits are ATROCIOUS. I mean, just really ugly clothing.

And BEWBS. That's this games selling point. Best way to make money? Take your half naked chick to the center of a marketplace and dance. People will circle and give you money while they FAP.

God, this game is BAD. Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong! I was excited and got it as soon as it released.

Stopped playing it a week later. Such a weak game.

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6R1MM01R3 11 years ago
There are 2 possibilities:
1. That happens often, so just re-launch the launcher.
2. If you modified some files in the game (i.e elin texture files) it may not recognize the version of the game you are running and therefore not start it.

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HelpMe 11 years ago
My Installing patch is done and if i press play i cant why? anyone help me please

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Truth 11 years ago
tera (EU) is doomed, gameforge is currently raping this game so bad its not even funny, Tera eu players are doomed and forced to play tera eu which is being hosted by 1 of the worst publishers ever so yeah if u wanna play tera go tera NA . Gameforge sucks worst company ever spread the word guys and dont give ur money to Frogster aka gameforge just google gameforge and ull see how bad they are

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ugurano 11 years ago
best game with wow quality ,thx gameforge

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Dimas 11 years ago
50 GB an you have to download it??????????
come on... how to instal this game

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jomortale 11 years ago
This game's community is HORRIBLE. I know there is some trolls in any game, but 80% of this games population is all Trolls. It is really sad, because the game is really beautiful and is fun to play.

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SROpriest 11 years ago
The game IS F2P to cap and only uses like 28g of space. They have had ongoing issues with account generation. You could/can make an En Masse account but it wouldn't let you attach/create a game account which is needed to play. All I did was email them with my account info and they forced in a game account for me like they have done for tons of people with the same problem. I don't speak fps but it is a very laboring game on a gpu, especially mobile like a laptop. I play on the lowest settings possible (still looks fine to me) and use a cooler I made with a 80mm 37cfm fan to help keep it cool. I run an i7 with 8g ram but I have integrated graphics so I'm not risking frying my laptop. But it is a beautiful game, a true manual targeting system (takes some getting used to). I played Silkroad Online for 3 years and this blows it away.

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DJ 11 years ago
Over all this game had a lot of potential, but lack of endgame content kinda killed it. Also up to about level 20-25 you have one choice of places to go to level. Gets monotonous after the third or fourth character and turned a lot of people away simply for that reason. It's a shame to see a potentially amazing game like this flop. :\

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PJCNET 11 years ago
On the good side you get a great combat system, nice graphics and best of all you really can play for free without any harsh restrictions and I certainly wouldn't call it pay to win. On the down side virtually every single quest involves either killing so many monsters or collecting items which is in my opinion a great shame as Tera questing is nothing but a repetitive grind, even the mobs you have to kill often look virtually identical to the ones you've killed before in previous areas. If Tera had decent and more interesting quests along with a good story it would have been stunning, but sadly this is it's greatest drawback. After a while you don't even need to read the quest text as you soon know exactly what you'll be asked to do and the poor excuse for a quest storyline is lost, this is the main reason Tera failed as a subscription title in my opinion and was forced to go free to play relatively quick.

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6R1MM01R3 11 years ago
Umm, shouldn't you be looking for "Tera: Rising" Instead of the regular game?

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Tempet 11 years ago
do you have to buy the game itself to play it? I have downloaded it but when I try to launch it tells me there is no game associated with my account. I press add a game and it takes me to the store where there is no game for purchase. If I click on one of the links, it tells me there is no game associated with my account and I'm back in the same stupid circle...

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Dampy2012 11 years ago
Stupidly high system requires :,(

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Left Tera 11 years ago
Its nice game but GameForge (version EU) ruined it. If You can play EN Masse ( version US). GameForge worst game publisher ;/

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lDamager 11 years ago
Kinda boring, easy at startup, nothingtodo at cap- game. It must have more activities. But main impression is that game is cool because of combats. My silly review gives it 8/10.

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lDamager 11 years ago
I do really love tera's graphics and non-target system. But i love it more for its non-pay-to-win - a rare exception from f2p-system.

Goinna try it out.

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GirikFrost 11 years ago
Here is a random code probably only useful for starters N7P6KMRWT6K35J7JDEGNKNPK4

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gage 11 years ago
Hello i just found out about this game and have watched a couple of videos and i still have a few questions. Sorry if some of this is answered i just want to make sure. Please answer and thank you!

1. When you are a free player what is limited? I mean like level wise and areas.
2. I want to try the game for a while and see if it is a game that can keep me interested. But later on would i be able to upgrade i guess you could call it and pay (only if i get serious of course). Would i be able to keep my characters and equipment?

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Player 11 years ago
Which server has the most players, US or Europe?

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quicky 11 years ago
free my asss only free till level 28 and max lvl is like 60 ..... shyt lol

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MrMycro 11 years ago
Hey... this game work on Eu?? or not?

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Gamer X 11 years ago
Oh man I real ywant to know wich is more fun and fair Aion or Tera ? Thanks

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XxdoomkillerxX 12 years ago
i play this game and its not free to play

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HAKU 12 years ago
Just wanted to point this out to you guys. It says that 50 GB of HDD space is required, but that only means that the game is half of that. It needs to be able to download and install, which takes double the amount of space it will take up after installation. Basically, after it is installed, the client will then delete itself and give you back the free space the installation required.

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DieFladermaus 12 years ago
If they know what's good for them (and it seems like they do), then they will NEVER allow the game to be accessed by Flips.

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Toxic 12 years ago
I can't even get Pass the Launcher o.0 WDF..... i have Installed and Re installed 3 times :/ My Rig more than Exceeds the requirements. ANYONE else have this problem?

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Kess 12 years ago
This is my review of the first 20 levels of f2p TERA.

Right off the bat, the graphics are beautiful. It's highly recommended by players to play TERA on a computer with as good of a graphics card as you can get, so you can put the settings to their maximum. Everything is bright and smooth and even the details in the clouds are breath-taking. The sentiment of beauty is certainly not lost here.

There is no racelocked or genderlocked classes, and you can mix up any combo you desire. Some people might advice a certain race to one class, due to a specific racial skill, but nothing is absolutely necessary. I chose to be an Aman berserker, which is a brilliant combo on the field as I've learned.

The game offers two options upon character creation: Island of Dawn and prologue. The prologue is the tutorial, and is very helpful for new players of the game needing to learn the key bindings. You can choose to play through that to learn the backstory, or you can jump right into the Island of Dawn, or as it's fondly referred to as, newbie island.

Gameplay is hack-and-slash, which surprised me since I was expecting the standard point-and-click targeting dynamics. The combat flows wonderfully, though you do have to make sure to watch your skills, otherwise it might appear that they aren't functioning, when in reality you're spamming them while you're using a basic attack (they cannot be done at the same time). It's very easy to get the hang of all this, though, and mowing through mobs becomes second-nature very quickly.

Quests are well-coordinated, for the most part, and the progression moves from outpost to outpost, or town to town, with every set of quests finished. There is no running back and forth long distances to turn in quests, if they're done in the order they're presented. The quest log is helpful, and needed items or mobs can be easily highlighted on the minimap. Quest mobs will also have an exclamation point by their name if they're involved in a current quest (yellow for basic and red for story, respectively).

The community of the game would require an entirely different review, from what I've seen, but they don't bite. It's very easy to make parties while playing, and this is often done to save a lot of time and frustration if a large group all needs the same boss mob or escort mission.

All and all, TERA is absolutely fantastic. I enjoy playing it and would recommend everyone try it out. The f2p model they have going is fantastic and I look forward to the updates and cash shop items the mods will bring later.

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Pathog3n 12 years ago
Played this game months back leveling a sorc to level cap and picked up again a few weeks ago before f2p model and I really loved this game. I'm a big fan of a more skill orientated combat system. Of course some classes will always be stronger situationally but Tera really shines in a lot of ways. Leveling is kind of grindy from my experience of mmos but nothing crazy. Just a lot of killing monsters over and over exe. The game is heavy on fighting BAMS which means big ass monters. You will always have oportunities to group and take down these monstrosities which can be quite large. Also, just about any class can solo them too but it will take a while. I just wish that the combat was a bit more fluid like Dragons Nest for say. I feel it was a bit clunky, especially for the casters. Regardless, this is probably one of the best if not the best f2p game on the market now. Very low restrictions, just download and play if you want something new, graphically beautiful (game is kind of heavy on the PC) and action orientated. It's free, nothing to lose.

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Impaler 12 years ago
They have had server and website issues on the 6th. There customer support has always been very good. They are dealing with alot right now.

Your the one losing out, because this game blows other MMO's away. make sure you have a good enough PC (core i3-7, 4+GB RAM, and modern video card) Your toaster that has been running WoW for the last 8 years wont cut it lol.

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BrandNewDaddy 12 years ago
I cannot even sign up for an account, so this one is off my list of games to play, they cannot even answer emails or facebook posts. Crappy Customer service, so sorry this product went through En Masse Entertainment, its a horrible company.

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6R1MM01R3 12 years ago
What do you mean with 4Gbs of RAM free? So this game requires over 4GBs of RAM installed, so you can have at least 4GBs free when playing it? I only have 4 Gbs in my PC...

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Nick 12 years ago
50GB? HOLY ****! Wtf? thats too much for this kind of game...Wow...

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Minimana 12 years ago
50Gb :O

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