Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a free to play 3D multiplayer FPS, sequel to the game that put class-based, multiplayer team warfare on the map. One of the most popular online action games of all time, TF2 delivers constant free updates including new game modes, maps, equipment and, most importantly, hats.

Team Fortress 2 packs a wild variety of classes which provide a broad range of tactical abilities and personalities, and lend themselves to a variety of player skills. Play as the flame-throwing Pyro, the room-clearing Heavy, or the Spy, a master of disguises. Other classes include: Scout, Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Demoman, or Soldier.

Detailed training and offline practice modes will help you hone your skills before jumping into one of TF2's many game modes, including Capture the Flag, Control Point, Payload, Arena, King of the Hill and more.

Players can find new weapons and accessories through TF2's Item Drop system, build them with our Crafting system, or simply purchase them through our proprietary "buying" system in the Mann Co. Store.

The entire game can be played without making a purchase. All game modes, classes, and maps are available. Nearly every weapon is available through achievements, drops, or crafting. Premium accounts have a few extra features, including access to rare and cosmetic items through random item drops, the ability to store more items in your backpack, and more powerful trading and crafting abilities. Otherwise, the gameplay experience will be identical for both accounts.

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Additional Information

Team Fortress 2
Release Date
October 10, 2007
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP


512 MB RAM


15 GB available space


1.7 GHz Processor or better



Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Valve and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Games Like Team Fortress 2

World of Tanks - World of Tanks is a team-based free MMO action game exclusively focused on the armored warfare in the mid-20th century. Created by the strategy masterminds at, this is a shooter with a lot of tactical elements to be taken into consideration.
Rogue Company - Join an elite mercenary squad and take on missions all over the world in Rogue Company, a free-to-play PvP shooter from First Watch Games and Hi-Rez Studios. Customize your agent with over 50 weapons and use precise shooting and teamwork to complete your objectives and -- most importantly -- get paid!

User Reviews (52)

Do you recommend this game?
cloakedstring 1 year ago

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Guest150 7 years ago
(Team fortress 2 History Record)
Team fortress 2 was a buy to play game before valve decided to turn it free to play which brought a
huge problem with the TF2 Community and that didn't end well. it became a living nightmare for new player who wanted try out Team fortress 2. (Team fortress 2 Community ruined)
There a is lot of youtubers who caused a big heat wave between Free to play vs Pay to play on Team fortress 2 forum making the game become pointless in 2011. (Rest in Peace)
I Repeat do not play this game by this trash Team fortress 2 Community.

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Team Fortress 2 8 years ago
Team fortress 2 is first person shooter game and it doesn't take it self a serious shooter game but more comedy laugh.
Here are the Pro and Con of Team Fortress 2.
+ 9 Character Classes
+ 8 Game mode
+ Many different Weapon for each class
+ Great Voice Actor (English)
+ Training mode
+ Community Content update
- Hacker Paradise
- Exploiter
- Unfriendly Community
- Matchmaking Ranking
- Bugs
- Spray image (Many Player post nasty Spray image)
- Bad Community Server
I (Recommended) to play with friend or family on team fortress 2 as you have more fun playing as a team player then on valve server and Community server as well. This is not a solo game. if you looking a solo shooter game then this is not the right place. (It team mate play)

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China 9 years ago
Team Fortress 2
Overall Game Star Rating: 2/5 Star (Fair)

Gameplay: 5/5 (Very Good)

Community: 1/5 Star (Poor)
Comment: Valve made Team Fortress 2 free to play in 2011 but it will no longer be updated by Valve instead the Community will be doing the update for Team Fortress 2 for now on. (Forever)
Team Fortress 2 is on it last legs by the Community support on Steam website. I Recommended to check out the game first before spending Real Money which it would not be smart to do that on this game. (Look Down Below for more Comment)
I do not Recommended to play on Valve very much since there a lot of problem with the Community Nowadays plus leave the Community Server alone as will as you only end up getting treated like a Trash Can by the Admin on most Community Server. This Game is Fun but the Community can make your health go down really easy with their Hated.
(Play Training mode in Team Fortress 2)

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Reaper 9 years ago
Team Fortress 2 Review
(- Cons)
- Very Childish Community, Very Negative Community
- Hacker Paradise
- Bot player idle
- Many Scammer
- Server issue
- Different classes have a hard time countering other classes
This game does get update with costume, Weapon and sometime new maps but the community has really fallen 90% percent due to the month and year for Team fortress 2 Community. this is the perfect example of dark age MMO Community for all games that can turn unbalance gameplay or worse down the path for the games that would lead to more problem then you can ever against player or hacker. ( Do not Recommended this game)
(Age Rating): M=Mature 18 only

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Guest 9 years ago
Team fortress 2 was a good game to play back in the day but now it mostly fill with hacker, troll , greediness and toxic community that run this game down the hole plus it turning into a pot cash weed game since most player don't play team fortress 2 for fun. only for trading and making big cash bag from a pixel video game that has brain wash them completely. This game is no longer fun to play and it is not safe at all. Stay away from it completely. (2007-2015)

by Guest

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Morley 9 years ago
Team fortress 2 is a good game but it is fill with player constantly hacking this game 24/7 hour like hell. You would want to be super careful playing this game with other player because they very corrupted doing thing behind the screen.

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ugurano 10 years ago
best free game

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ItsTime4Gaming 10 years ago
Is there a way to get this without steam?

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stjepan147 11 years ago
my pc is bad but i can play this game

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the bomb 11 years ago
guys you know how to download call of duty world at war?

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the bomb 11 years ago

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meci 11 years ago
I love team fortes

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ugurano 11 years ago
1 of the game with no hackers

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Jaime 11 years ago
This game looks so cool.I'm real excited to play it!

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someone :0 11 years ago

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Bic Boi 11 years ago
Tired of hackers ruining your shooter?

If there's one thing to be said about Team Fortress 2 -'s hack-free. Play on VAC secured servers and you never have to deal with the nonsense that virtually all other F2P shooters suffer from. Again, VAC servers -- No Hackers.

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NutHax 11 years ago
I Love This Game
This F**king Game Became Free On My Birthday
And Its The Best Present EVER
I Playing This Game All The Time LOL
So Much Fun :D
Just Try It
You Should...

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Destrover 12 years ago
sorry for the repost, but i just had to say one last thing ... Steam is what killed all TF games for me, once that came out my pings skyrocketed and gameplay on the client was no longer "editable" so we could get our own skins and and models such, where the real fun came from. i always said if yo can make visually stunning to yourself instead of all the defualt skins, the game ran so much smoother and was alot more beutiful back then. and becuase of steam we cant run our own servers anymore off of our own ips like we used to be able to. witch was the whole point of lan partys in the college or home. steam makes that inoperable

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Destrover 12 years ago
this game was BEST in its TFC form, (the original) or if you want to go back even further but quakeworld was the very first class system started for team fortress! awsome frigin game, i just wish the old TFC was around OFF of steam, where we used to have adminmod servers and all the cool special sounds and whatnot we could do and that all mighty CLIENTEXEC admins could use to make everyone hear the computer core talk in the server and have it say what you wanted, god making maps for TFC was A HUGE BLAST! especially after comming from a duke nukem 3d map editor :)

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N_R 12 years ago
i use too have this for the ps3 but it was the demo and it was so good & i see you can play more maps so im excited to play this on mac

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Noee Raw 12 years ago
Is it the full game ?

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prospyimmablowyourheadofff 12 years ago
What the game is bad?
Everyone is a cheater?
All the servers are vac secured if you want to play on no vac secured server and don’t want hackers just report them if they have name changer which changes their name all the time so you cant report hem i mean you can but you cant capture his name just look at his profile steam has a username that cant change just report hes steam username and he will get banned you will help steam and get rewards for reporting an hacker…..Byee….

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Tekmos 12 years ago
This game is epic and i am downloading steam see u guys in the game

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Tekmo 12 years ago
One of the best games ever. =D

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Zemik0071 12 years ago
IT IS FLIPPIN CRAZY AWESOME! any1 who play this find the [HK] Trilogy sever, it the sever i alway like to play. my acc name Life4Hell.

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bryan 12 years ago

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androo000 12 years ago
this game was sooo good

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Ice 12 years ago
Is this game worth to try?

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jervienator21 12 years ago
is tis game have dlc cause i have team fortress 2 in steam

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jervienator21 12 years ago
is that video is steam

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TF2Fan 12 years ago
Guys, the game is not 10gb, you download the entire source engine, the engine that the game uses, so for example; if you already have TF2 on your computer other source games like Half-life 2 download allot faster since you don't have to download the engine!

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nicolas 13 years ago
this game is fun and all however, the game itself is MASSIVE, 10G i find it a bit much :/

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its me 13 years ago
i just cant belive that the game weight 10gb its about 5-6 times then normal HEAVY game

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future_wwe_champion 13 years ago
i love this game its so fun i just had a problem with lagg what could have cuased it

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Xierra 13 years ago
The best action shooter FPS ever. It's fun, ridicilous, and hillarious, that made this game really great!

Anyways, I know you can buy items, yet you can also get items by lucky drops. But, as a free account, you can't trade. To upgrade, you need to buy at least one item from the shop.

Btw, if you're curious of the filesize, it's around 10 Gb AFAIK. It's so large, but updates are fast after you're done downloading.

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Warsnake458 13 years ago
This game is amazing but the shop your going to need some cash for stuff but the rest just great also there is something unfair on the offline practice when you are a spy they know your a spy when you are disguised and start shooting you! Even when this game has some cons it's still get's a great score.

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Uzz 13 years ago

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yqua7r81 13 years ago
Amazing, this game (which runs on the source engine) will also open up a whole new world to more f2p games. Because you would have this game installed, you can now download more free mods that run off of source!

An example would be Zombie Panic! Source, which is a really fun multiplayer zombie survival game.

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