Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
Dive into hyper-realistic battle royale action in Landfall's Totally Accurate Battlegrounds, now free-to-play. Up to 60 players compete to be the last man wobbling, using weapons like the balloon crossbow, inflatable hammer to achieve their murderous goals.
Evade your enemies, or set up the perfect kill, using TABG's physics-based parkour, and take advantage of blessings and curses for that extra edge (or handicap). With 90 weapons available on a "fun-sized map," battles are always quick and chaotic!
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Additional Information
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)
Win 7 64 bit
Memory8 GB RAM
Storage5 GB available space
Intel i5 @2.5 GHz or equivalent
GraphicsGTX 770 or AMD R9 280
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
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