Star Conflict
Star Conflict is a free to play 3D spaceship combat MMO by Gaijin Entertainment. In Star Conflict, players will begin by choosing one of three factions. Each faction has their own rich backstory and feature an incredibly detailed progression list of unique faction-specific spacecraft.
Players will get the chance to pilot a variety of spaceships, from small fighters which focus on hit and run tactics, to large frigates which forgo speed in favor of large amounts of weaponry and high hit points. Each of these ships come complete with their own weapon loadouts, handling stats and unique ability modules, all of which can be swapped out.
After every match players will accrue credits and experience. Experience will allow a player to unlock new higher tiered spacecraft along with an incredibly detailed multi-tier tech tree that gives players access to new researched weapon technology and improved system stats which persist from ship to ship. Players can opt to take on missions which give players secondary objectives to complete during matches for extra experience and credits. The game currently favors PvP modes but does offer a PvE co-op mission for players seeking a less intimidating experience.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
First of two three-month seasons already underway.
2 years agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows XP
Memory1 GB RAM
Storage5 GB free space
2.0 GHz, Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon II
Graphics512 MB, NVidia / AMD Radeon / Intel (HD 3000, HD 4000) with support for Pixel Shader 3.0 (AMD Radeon X1000 not supported)
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Star Conflict

Finally the destroyers destroyed the fun.
However the only let down on the game is that you only get to have 6 missiles to use at a time, and then have to wait like 2 full minutes for them to reload to get 6 more missiles, this is a very big turn off in the game.
Also the guns overheat very very quickly.
So over all ill give this game a 6/10, if the missile reloading issue was to be improved, and if the gun over heating issue was to be improved then ill give this game 10/10.
''can't initialize renderer because your d3d video is not supported
by the game''
I checked forums. No answer there.
Help ?
1. nice graphics.
2. many ships = many rolls. you can be a tabnk, a healer, a recon, a fighter etc...
1. after 3-4 days... you realize that thats it. you done it all...
no new maps, no new quests, no new experience. just grind, grind grind...
2. most arenas/maps both in pvp and pve require a team that works in tandem. i.e. knows what
to do and when to do that. usually that won't happen. at high levels you will usually fail
because of team management fail. that mean you will grind the lower tire maps over and over
again. becomes useless and boring.
3. everything is expensive ! in-game money is hard to get and expensive... rl money is...expensive as hell...
bottom line : worth a day or two of game play but that's it...
I had one good experience with their customer service (different department than GM's).
The patches bring some drastic and sudden changes approximately every 2 weeks. It's an additional difficulty to deal with when it happens. They know when the players are experiencing a substantial, undesired experience due to such changes, and they find some way to make it easier for the players to get through it.
There's a lot to dislike about Star Conflict. There's a few things to like about it. I'll say have a look and see for yourself. You won't lose anything. That's definitely not a scam company. They are fair and honest about the money matters.
It is awesome functionally, technically, graphically and responsively, but it has been ruined by GM's and conditions. For example: no cussing allowed. We're expected to constantly kill, get killed, kill, get killed, yet speak as if we were nuns.
The deceptive and potentially fraudulent aspect of Star Conflict is: they have the terms of use which you can read at their web site. That's all fine and usual stuff which is easy to agree to. You go for some indefinite amount of time before you realize there's some other set of rules somewhere else online. They are the most prudish rules I've ever seen for a game on the web. Unfortunately for me, I discovered these unacceptable rules after I wasted money on the game.
I am accustomed to a very adult Internet experience. I will not be micromanaged or watched under a microscope or censored by a clique of narrow-minded GM's. I will not play a game which is ran like a child daycare.
Yes do not I repeat do Not spend anything on the game till about t3 as it will be a waste of money. Even then the game has made major changes to many of the modules for your ships that basicly made all of my money spent t3 gear useless and alot of other gear that was around 8mil or so creds basicly gone in just a matter of an update. {wasted so much time grinding for that gear to just have it taken away with no replacements or atleast half of the money or creds used in the game back]
That basicly turned me away lately as if they did this once they could very well do it again.
1. Very good graphics [reminds me of X3, Freespace like devil_kit stated]
2. Learnable controls [hard at first but you will get used to them after a while]
1. Their updates can be very game changing [rather you spent money or not]
2. You have to pay for a liceses to do a squad with your friends.
3. everything is very expsensive from cred to their cash shop money.
4. Gameplay becomes repeated after a while same thing over and over basicly.
5. I have more cons than pros ???
If you enjoyed space flight sims like X3, Freespace, Colony Wars, etc. then maybe this might satisfy an itch for competitive if at times unfair combat.
The Bad, yes the bad. The game IS in beta still and some of the gameplay modes / things they are adding can entirely change the dynamic of the game, the game was much more fun and more dynamic pre 0.8 patch. Post 0.8 patch they changed so much (not all for the better) that the game feels like a ghost of its former self to me. Match making can be really one sided, PvE matches can be set at higher Tier difficulty by being matched with someone who has a higher tier ship than you in which you can't really contribute to completing the mission. Some of the cash shop items are priced a bit too high for how long they'll be useful to you in my opinion.
IF you can stomach the bads, and the changes during this open beta then maybe Star Conflict might be for you.
Fun, smooth and good looking. Sometimes you can get in some epic battles and awesome dogfights.
Game has huge potential. Lets just hope that devs take it in the right direction.