Spiral Knights

Spiral Knights is a free-to-play 3D fantasy MMORPG Java game with a retro-inspired visual style. Anybody who dares to face the perils of these dungeons, whether alone or with a group of up to three other friends, can start their journey to the core of the Clockworks.

Spiral Knights pits players against the creatures of Cradle, where they must fight to survive by scavenging materials from the ever-changing worlds beneath the surface. The game features easy matchmaking for co-op mayhem with parties of up to four players and gear/weapons upgradeable through adventuring or through the purchase of Crystal Energy. Players can also create guilds, craft new gear, and customize the looks and abilities of their characters.

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Additional Information

Spiral Knights
Three Rings
Release Date
June 15, 2011
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP, Vista or 7


512MB for Windows XP or 1GB for Windows Vista/7




1.3ghz processor


64MB Video Memory. GeForce 5 series, ATI Radeon 8500. Latest video driver.

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©SEGA and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Star Trek Online - Star Trek Online (STO) is a free to play 3D Sci-Fi MMORPG based on the popular Star Trek series. In this massively multiplayer online game from Cryptic Studios, players can pioneer their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship or they can become a Klingon Warlord and expand the Empire to the far reaches of the galaxy.

User Reviews (105)

Do you recommend this game?
LunaMoon 9 years ago
Spiral Knights (Review)
+ Dungeon theme style
+ Good Customization
+ Good gameplay
+ Pets
+ 2 game mode
+ Crafting
- Small Community
- Aim for kids only
- Lack of idea
- Bugs
- Heavy Grind
- Hacker can ruin the game
- IP Blocked Coutry

Age Rate: (K=Kids) Age 5-10 only

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Hatsumomo 9 years ago
LOL the guy in the video is comletely wrong you can buy almost nothing in the Bazaar, just token trading and unique variant purchasing and unbinding stuff. Hall of heroes on the right is part of the missions segment and as you progress you go into hall of heroes again and again, and each time you get access to higher grade recipes for higher grade weapons and armour and shields etc. noob haha

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Tobylynn 10 years ago
does anyone ever have anything good to say about any of the games?

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Hucha 11 years ago
hahahaha...I have seen better mobile games -.-"

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Pewdiepie 11 years ago
Yeah boss games who that good easy normal

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ugurano 11 years ago
good game

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InDaFaceGr 11 years ago
Why is the graphics your problem? The graphics are quite good!

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Nice Graphics! 11 years ago

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addictbroforlife 11 years ago
This game is awesome! so i cant wait for summer to play it again! or maybe semestral break or christmas!

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I would actually want a game like 11 years ago
Maplestory. Yes Maplestory for a browser. I downloaded that game in 2006 and I loved it! I would like to see a broswer version. I like 2d side-scrollers not 3d. If the MMOBomb community finds one I WILL PLAY IT!

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Gamer X 11 years ago
guys play this game , nuff said

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razerblades 11 years ago
i give this game a big fat 0 due to it wont let me play and it keep sending me to java update when i have the updated virsion

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chester 11 years ago
very slow loading

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Travis 11 years ago
The game is pretty good but the energy system is a major downfall.

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jdrew2000 12 years ago
Graphics: 8.5/10
I loved the Zelda feel it brought on the surface levels

Gameplay: 9/10
There is no "super weapon" and I can't think og any pay to win aspect since the PvP uses the same weapons you have. I also liked that you are limit to two weapons, a gun and a sword. Being able to make your own weapons with alchemy which you got from the dungeons was cool too.

Overall: 9/10
Spiral Nights is a fun dungeon crawler that feels like Zelda but delivers the CO-OP diablo couldn't all for free!

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yanna 12 years ago
is it normal that this game took a long time to install?.

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julius 12 years ago
is spiral knight needed to be downloaded?

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julius 12 years ago
is spiral knight needed to be dowloaded?

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netnav1 12 years ago
wasted 15 mins of my life just downloading it

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Drakensangrocks 12 years ago
spiralknights was actually the first ever MMO game ive ever played in my whole life and i had quite alot of fun and my character name is Davianthule but somehow i cant log in my account and my internet was too slow to do the updates and plsu the energy is really anoying but the fast pace combat and bringing friends with u makes u forgot all about if for some reason and the pvp is AWESOME i love pvp i mostly love the tier 2 pvp cause i OWN people's asses in it and i had alot of my friends playing this game and now we all dont play this game anymore :( good memories.....

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Incization 12 years ago
The energy problem is not a problem to me, you can use Ultimate Game Cards to get some or if you're just playing for fun you can just repeat Vanaduke runs to get energy or you could PvP and that doesn't cost any energy.

My Spiral Knights Username:Incization

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Tech 12 years ago
Love how I'm spamming the site today. :P Anyways. This game is pretty fun, people say it's like a mix of Zelda and I forget the other one, but. Graphics, music, gameplay is all good. It's basically just going into dungeons all the time though. Fun with friends, a bit boring when playing alone. You can buy armor, weapons, recipes and stuff. Bad thing about this game is energy. You get 100 mist energy which is the energy that doesn't stack, [and it takes about 22 hours to go from 0 to 100] and energy is used for pretty much everything you do. Still a free game, worth to play.

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Dude2 12 years ago
Only started it, but it seems really fun, could go very far

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misho x 12 years ago
cool game the only problem is the energy but still awesome game

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Dude 12 years ago
R u supposed to download this game? isnt it browser based?

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Lux 12 years ago
uhmm... Isn't this game on steam? Coz I've already played it. Anyways, it's a pretty cool game. The dungeons are randomly generated so you won't go to the same dungeon twice, plus you can craft weapons if you have the recipes.

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Gango Muchata 12 years ago
As of 8-12-2012 totally hosed up. Don't bother trying to download and install. It does not work.The final download hangs at 70%. Thier support forum is packed with people who can't install or people who cant get the latest patch to complete. Some one really hosed things up.

Even their site sign up does not work as it never sends the follow up email. FAIL

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odnehs 12 years ago
for those of you who don't like the enrgy system, buy an elevator pass every month, it's only 6 bucks. it'd be just like a monthly fee for WoW or other MMOs

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MaGiKxTwIsTeD 12 years ago
The energy system needs workin on, perhaps it could recover energy faster and hold more. also there should be other ways to get crystal energy (but not easy) otherwise you can only spend so long on the game till you have loads of crowns to pay the ridiculous prices for energy.

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Chriz 12 years ago
I'm guessing the people who are unhappy with the energy system have only played for a few weeks. :\
Play more, you'll see. Its a awesome game. :)

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DarkiaxHero 12 years ago
Meh. Not the worst MMORPG I've played. It's fairly fun, and it is best to have friends to assist you throughout the game. I'm DarkiaxHero if you ever see me. I dislike the energy system, as it has spiked to over 8k crowns for 100 CE, but it is a mechanical world after all. 8/10

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ToTo the awesome man 12 years ago
Hey guys ummmm i was just wondering my current eqipment is wolver coat, helmet and defender for sheild with nightblade. i also have a calibur that i am about to change to temperd calibur after that im going to change it to accended calibur but at that point should i eqip it or leave it so i can make lethirin blade or somthing like that.

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RT69 12 years ago
I find this game pretty good, I don't see the energy system as a bad thing, you see, the key to this game is patience, and also the game is very short, lets say, if you have full 3* gear, and you buy some some CE (Crystal Energy, there's ME wich stands for mist energy, mist energy is free and it recharges in a total of 23 hours, CE is the solid version of ME, CE is used to craft items and buy items) you'll get 5* gear in one day, and the max stars are 5, so I think this game would be VERY, EXTREMELY SHORT if it didn't have the energy system, and there's a new mission, and rank system, I suggest you check this game out, but! If you don't like games that take time to get good at them, then don't play this, you'll hate it.

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Lionkid 12 years ago
I'd actually give it an 8/10. Once you get to know the game its aweosme. I play on and off, so ive been playing for around 2-3 months or maybe 4 even, but am still not completely 5*.

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Lionkid 12 years ago
This game is Awesome, no matter what some of you noobs think. I know that yeah it might get boring after a week, but then when you get into higher levels and tiers, you can get alot more crowns and buy ce then keep playing, so rlly, the ce is not a problem. I have a 5* shield and 5* sword, and will soon have 5* cap and armour. Trick is to have really good pro friends, who can invite you to do a mission like firestrom citadel, then you can get 8k for only 50ce. My name is Lionkid in game, add me if ya wanna. I love the game, i like to play as much as i can, but dont rlly get on much. maybe around and 1-2 hours a day. The graphics are decent, and i dont know if any of you peeps have played other FREE mmo's, but this is possibly the best ive seen that you can play for free. A bit laggy though, which sucks... anyways Ima go to sleep now.

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victorxingmin 12 years ago
i really like this game. and yes, i do play. my name is victorxingmin in my game

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Sir-Sonic 13 years ago
At first, I was annoyed by the energy system, but now I am fine with it. You sell recipes and gear at the AH for profit to make lots of crowns. You also focus on doing the last half of tiers. For example, I have made 7k-8k crowns by doing firestorm citadel while only using 50 energy. I like this game because it forces you to be resourceful and spend your crowns wisely. Great and fun game to play.

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Ethan 13 years ago
You people need to play the game more it's legendary levelling up

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Niker556 13 years ago
This Game Really is awsome to me beacause before sriral knights i was wondering the internet looking for an acctually decent MMO RPG and then i bumped into spiral knights! BTW if u like bullet hells i highly recomend Realm Of The Mad God!

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eftu 13 years ago
why every one says download time is long where the **** u live? because i spend my life only 20min with downloading

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Patrick 13 years ago
where do u have to say that and also who do u say that to

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JK 13 years ago
There is a code for ce you have to speak of it on spiral knights just say 112599QQJ:LAJKjkl7570329 with caps

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Patrick 13 years ago
hey lilwayne u sayin that for real?
cause i want to know when do u usually play.
my name in the game in The-Thor
so see ya in the game. but tell me when do u usually play

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lilwayne 13 years ago
This game is AMAZING! And after having a hassle with downloading starcraft II onto a flash drive, it takes 12 freaking gigabites, this 300mb game is awesome. My user name is lilwayne if you see me tell me "12GB" and I'll give you some free stuff!

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victor 13 years ago
aww mna first the regular loading now dthe valiating loading

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josue lopez - my name in spiral knights is (botbomb) 13 years ago
Its the best game Evah!!!!! i cant stop playing i play it 24/7

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killer 13 years ago
awsome but graphics need working on

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HI 13 years ago

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rainmkd 13 years ago
rly great game

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ur mom 13 years ago
kinda reminds me of certain final fantasy games

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Khuynh19 13 years ago
One of the first and very sucessful browser game Sega ever made

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K.J 13 years ago
hmmm.... let me think... i know im ussually play minecraft but i will say this game is ok. a problem is the graphics. but the battles are cool. but ikm with you other gyes, this game get's really boring after time. so if i should rate from 1 to 10 this game will get 6...

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spot5607! 13 years ago
wow cool game

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Axon 13 years ago
I thought I would reply with a few brief comments.

I have been playing Spiral Knights for about 2 weeks, maybe 3 hours a day. I've only crafted 3 star armor, and spent over $20US so far. You get 1 energy point every 13.2 minutes (full recharge in 22 hours) and completing 1 depth takes about 5 minutes, and 10 energy. Crafting a 2 star item is 200 energy, 3 star is 400 energy, 4 star is 400 and 5 star is 800. For 5,700 crowns you can buy 100 energy, but you do not make crowns fast enough to keep up with the speed at which energy de-pleats simply from playing the game.

When you die, you can have a party member resurrect you, or, you can spend 5 energy. Die again, 10 energy, die again, 30 energy, and then 80 energy.

That being said, simply to play 3 hours a day costs me $2.50 no crafting.

One of the most expensive MMO's on the market.

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p7ltfvivfw 13 years ago
WOW! This is a browser game?! o_O

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IceyFlamez 13 years ago
mine too... my ghrapics control needs to be updated but idk how

also my charedter name is IceyFlamez if u see me say hi ^-^

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shannondream89 13 years ago
easy thing to say
+ more customization
- u need energy to play
+ u can play with more people
- people can just jump in in the games of that tire even if u are in the last depth before tier 2
+ much recipes
- u need energy (material = killing monsters = depth = dungeon = energy) to get the required material
+ much people use the auction house

so basicly is energy the thing that ruins this game a little

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Newten611 13 years ago
Great game, I love how the weapons level up rather than your character, so you are able to wield any weapon or armor you want with no restrictions but the availability of the equipment.

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cz5ewutkuv 13 years ago
while this is one of the few recommended browser based games to check out, just to aware some folks that this game tends little repetitive when you have to go back to multiple dungeons and search for specific types of minerals, and items that will allow you to built new swords, shields, armor, and helmets survive any of the upcoming dungeons then do this all again.

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WTF 13 years ago
dammit, stupid download time.

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3456tereafdsgdfh@$ 13 years ago
As a game, it's rollicking fun. A bit grindy as things go on -- bring friends. Also: be prepared for the game to kick thee out on thy royal hindquarters. This is mostly due to the fact that game play literally costs in-game currency. As a result, it pushes non-paying parties towards casual gaming.

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zombee627 13 years ago
i dont like using java. very slow than flash player

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47g7g7g7 13 years ago
This is a really great game.Plug in installed in less than 3 seconds and it feels like a Castle Crashers like Game but mmo and free :D

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ttswumbo 13 years ago
This is a pretty decent game. It's alot like other browser type MMORPGs. It is, however, very easy to pick up and play and it's free! :D

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Dinsuars 13 years ago
are there cheats?

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deltron3o3o 13 years ago
This game is one of those "decent" browser-based MMOs so its worth a shot.

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bomber 13 years ago
Wow the graphics really are decent! Peeps stop complaining, it's pretty decent and fun! If I were you, I would give this game a go for sure! Why not try this when you're searching on the internet for a great browser mmorpg?

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adrian 13 years ago
damn! it takes so much time to load!

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plantaquatix 13 years ago
When you first begin to play Spiral Knights, it is actually quite fun. There seems to be many possibilities available to you, and many things to do. It is when you play the game for a week or two, that you come to realize of its flaws.

Graphics: A bit "comic-like", but quite decent for an online game.

Game-Play: Just like any other hack and slash game, but with a twist. Instead of just using a sword, you also have available to you guns, and bombs. Note, however, that you only have 2 weapon slots (which means you can only use 2/3 weapons at any time). If you want to get a third weapon slot, you will have to buy it with crystal energy, basically the "premium" in game currency (I have premium in quotation marks, because you don't necessarily need to pay real life money for it. It can be traded for crowns, which is the regular currency in the game, but the trading price is steadily increasing, and it is becoming no longer worth the crowns spent). There is no class or level up system in the game, and that is because you become your character by buying different weapons, shields, armors, helmets, etc. All equip-able items have heat (except for trinkets), that you gain from fighting monsters and passing through levels in the Clockworks (basically dungeons in the future). As your items level up, they become stronger and gain more benefits. There are also different elements, and resistances to different monsters and their different strengths and weaknesses. One weapon that's good against one monster may not be good against the next.

After a bit though, the game gets hugely repetitive. There are no actual quests, apart from the few that you get when you start the game (those aren't really quests either). All you do is grind and grind to find more minerals and materials. With materials, you craft new items. The items are rated according to a star system of 0 to 5 stars. The higher the star rating of the item, the stronger it is.

Final Verdict: Good game to waste a bit of time on, but gets boring fast. 3/5.

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puzzlepro 13 years ago
Quite Decent game. Graphics are not too shabby, Fast paced. A lot of Dungeoning. And no level system. Apart from a implemented "Heat" System from Dungeoning. Decent game 6/10. Recommended for all fast paced gamers.

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laqa1e27 13 years ago
Great game don't let the graphics fool you

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