Soldiers Inc.

MMOMilitaryMMORTSPvEPvPActionTop-Down ViewStrategy.

In Soldiers Inc., you take command of a military base in war-torn Zandia, competing with other military commanders to bring in the most profit for your client. Build up your power base through warfare or diplomacy and equip your soldiers with better and better gear to take on more challenging contracts for greater risks and greater rewards.

About Soldiers Inc.

In Soldiers Inc., you take command of a military base in war-torn Zandia, competing with other military commanders to bring in the most profit for your client. Build up your power base through warfare or diplomacy and equip your soldiers with better and better gear to take on more challenging contracts for greater risks and greater rewards.

If you can't produce what you need to keep your war machine running, you'll have to raid other commanders for their resources. Even food is a vital resource -- an army travels on its stomach, after all -- and you can raid excavation sites to procure valuable artifacts. It'll take a commander who's shrewd in both a warzone and the warroom to dominate and lead his squad to victory in Zandia!


System Requirements

Soldiers Inc. is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Soldiers Inc., but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

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User Reviews (5)

Do you recommend this game?
Lewis Sanders 6 years ago
I don't know how this Russian debacle of a game made this list.
Those comments here that say this game is- "Good," "Love it,"
Richmond and Ojith, are both Plarium (Soldiers Inc.) workers.
Ojith is a wildly recognizable name!
They don't even have the savvy to post under an Alias.
Avoid this game at all costs.
Riddled with hackers.
Credit card info routinely sold.

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richmond 7 years ago
i love it

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ojith 8 years ago

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Hhsja 8 years ago
This game gave me aids

Was this review helpful? 8 years ago
2.5 stars.
It is a pretty ok mmorts browser game with a few tweaks here and there.
Would "NOT REALLY" recommend.

I come in to this game not to waste that much time.
But to see how the browser games have progressed through out the years.
But to no avail nothing much has changed or been improved.

+Art is pretty nice.Nothing inovating but still pretty nice.
+Loading times is pretty fast which is good for these kind of games.
+"Quests" that brings you back into the game and gives nice rewards.
+ Can build many buildings right of the bat.
-Lags incredibly much when not in full screen.(May be wrong with my browser or something)
-Diamonds (Elite currency) is absolutely needed for literary anything. The amount of free diamonds you get covers almost anything.
-The waiting times Sky rockets later on for upgrades and recruiting units.
-Very limited choices of units in the beginning and quite of time afterwards.
-Dependent on friends and groups to get some work done.

Overall would not really recommend the game.
There is defiantly better things out there than this game.

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Game Info

Developer Plarium Games
Publisher Plarium Games
Release Date August 01, 2013
Web Browser
Genre Strategy
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.