RuneScape is one of the most popular free-to-play Browser MMORPG, from the British development studio Jagex. Set in a detailed, medieval fantasy world of epic scale both geographically and historically, RuneScape proudly draws its inspiration from classic role-playing games to deliver a contemporary, innovative and original experience for millions of players across the globe, with a popular subscription option of even greater scale and ambition, both running directly within almost any computer’s browser.
Thanks to its character-class-free skill system and elective gameplay, there are no limits to the hero players can become, no quest you cannot complete and no requirement to collaborate with others or face them in player-versus-player combat unless you so choose. RuneScape’s distinctive role-playing style rewards players who think strategically and play smartly. Its witty, intelligent tone, finely balanced gameplay, epic questing and myriad in-world diversions combine to create a must play browser game.
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What does the future hold?
1 day agoThe teams were sent a video version of the announcement today.
1 week agoSailing, player testing for Project Zanaris, an expansion coming in 2026, and more.
1 week agoMinimum System Requirements
RuneScape is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play RuneScape, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like RuneScape

i quit now the game sucks and is just another cash grab
First problem 1/, when I logged in again, doing a quest, the arrow showing the path to the quest don't appear. So I am lost, don't know where to go.
Second 2/ : graphics, my pc is slow, I have to set to minimum, but it looks ugly.
Third 3/ : there are advertisements at the top of the window.
Fourth 4/ : the game is too complicated, maybe they should simplify it.
I used to adore runescape
I loved it
Thought it was the greatest mmo ever
It's 2015
I'm 18 now
And I see how greedy jagex is,
If you're not a member
You only have access to 20% of the map!
You don't get to do half the stuff members do, and EVERYTIME you click on something
It says "members only"
They force you to become a member
When I was little
All members had was a garden to go to
That was it,
Now? Now EVERYTHING is members.
Want to fight trolls? Members
Vampires? Members
Do more then 20 quests? Members.
I would rather have the whole map and do no quests then only 20% of the map and do like 15-20 quests.
tbey even put members only stuff in the dubbed "free to play" zone
Like actual members are going to spend time there, they probably did everything they could there when they were non-members, it only serves to lore people in.
I love the game's style and everything
But I can't love it anymore if everything is members only.
If being a member was free, I'd recommend it.
But it's not,
And If you want to play the old old runescape, from 2002 or 2007,
You have to be a member too,
If you're a "free player". You won't see any actual members because they're all in members only zones, you'll see bots and other free players who don't realize what a sham the game is.
All you can do in free is either:
Some quests
Or go in to the wilderness and fight other players or die.
Me and my friend got bored and we just did the latter.
I mean it's a seriously well done game
But if you're looking for a FREE game
This isn't it.
This game just forces you to pay
And it seems like they're not even updating the free to play section
I logged In after 2 years and they made a free area, members only
And they also didn't do anything new AT ALL for the free players.
They're greedy
Don't give it,
Much better actual free mmos out there.
I know that companies exist to make money
I know jagex needs money to support the servers, but this is ridiculous.
So again, unless you're willing to pay actual money, as in paper money,
Money you work for
Money you buy food and such with,
Don't bother.
Can I say it's worth the membership?
It probably is. I mean they give you a huge amount of stuff and a big world
BUT! That doesn't make it right.
This game shouldn't be labeled "free to play" then. When the only people who would play it are:
People who have never played an mmo
Or kids.
In fact most of the population that's free is kids who can't afford a subscription or people like me who just want an mmo that's free to relax and meet people and make friends and have fun,
Runescape is good for making friends but paying to do so, just isn't what a "free" player like myself wants.
It's a very very well designed game
But the limitations make it horrible for a free user.
Half the time the game doesn't tell you what is members only and what isn't
You just have to wait for the NPC to stop speaking.
This game literally entices you to join,
"Journey across the dangerous desert and fight all kinds of fearsome monsters and meet new races"
That's one of the descriptions.
So again and lastly,
Its fun for a couple of days
But after 3 days or so
You'll realize that you HAVE to be a member to have actual fun.
Not free anymore,
Not when you're restricted to 20% of the map just because you don't want to pay.
When you have no quests to do
And you've explored that 20%
You either leave and come back later to see if things changed or become a member out of frustration.
And let me say,
Things won't change
Jagex doesn't care
They only serve their members
And only care about them
im hoping the "free" part drops soon and nothing is free, just to stop fooling people and crushing our immersion/fun.
I miss when all members got was a stupid garden..
1. Bots are back
2. The game more owned my players (jagex need to create new content with there own ideas)
3. The new raid is not even a raid
4. The community is a lot worst in 2015
5. How many more adults play this game more then kids?
It then asked me if I was sure I wanted to leave this page, I said yes.
It really is disappointing that Runescape has taken the turn they have. It kinda feels like they're trying to make a Browser based MMO that looks like WO
They have really wrecked the game and I see their player base dying quickly.
I'm a hardcore Runescape 2 and classic fan so it's good to see you still have the option to play those versions.
Now, for those who are going to try out RuneScape for the first time, let it be known that RuneScape is obviously massive. Of course, there are free-to-play and then there's membership. Free-to-play is fairly large enough, in terms of content, that lasts for a very long time. In fact, as a free-to-play user, I am still achieving the many goals that does not involve membership. If you do get membership, then it is another whole level for you-hundreds, if not thousands, of hours playing, fulfilling various achievements and goals. Give RuneScape a try. The game is very massive that after completing the tutorial, one might not know where to start. So, reading a beginner's guide is highly recommended. There are a lot of guides, tutorials, tips and secrets to RuneScape.
The community within RuneScape is friendly, but expect the opposite. However, there's always the Report system, but only report players reasonably. RuneScape's main website has a forum, where players and JaGex employees communicate and discuss with each other through various topics.
Overall, RuneScape is massive (emphasis on massive) and free to play. Buying membership brings you to more hours of content. As always, there will be content that many do not like, causing them to hate or quit the game. For instance, I do not enjoy the Evolution of Combat and the Squeal of Fortune content, but I'm still playing the game, for it does not affect me as a high-level skiller; I do not have have to participate in the Squeal of Fortune nor do I have to participate in combating players/enemies.
Others Games are other Games.
Don't compare WoW to Runescape. I play them since the start till now and both are 'EXTREME' different from eachother.
Don't go by the comments of people that say 1 sucks and the other doesn't. Go by your 'MIND'. Check it yourself. Play abit of it, discover things of it.. Don't join in, look at the graphics and then quit. Because if you do that, you will never find your answer and you will never know if the game is good.
Runescape is awesome. Jagex who runs runescape, just made some updates that kinda ruined the game abit but its still good, so give it a try.
since the evolution of combat update, jagex has been claiming 2013 will be the year of the player, yet they have been constantly ignoring what most people want. Instead of fixing/updating their existing game content, they keep releasing updates that will just be another dead content after a day.
believe me, im a brand new p2per and all the quest ive been through was actually outdated and unappealing, all of the minigames are dead, most ppl jus hang at the grand exhange(where u sell ur stuff) and u dont see people adventuring anymore.
one dude said that the game's feel of adventure and mystery has been lost and everything is already at the back of his hands.
So i suggest, u guys skip this one as it will only disappoint u in the long run.
Each skill goes from level 1 to 99 and the maximum combat level is 200. Combat can be played with a combination of abilities for each melee, magic or ranged or you can set the combat to work as effectively without you using the abilities. You can PVP or PVE against original and traditional creatures, entities and npc's ranging from goblins to giants, dragons, insects, undead and bosses.
There are hundreds of quests of varying difficulties and a very deep and characterful lore and storylines. Lots of side quests and minigames in a diverse, detailed well thought out world.
If you haven't already, check this game out.
There are a couple of major problems with the game but you may not even notice them.
Altogether even after 10 years of playing Runescape casually, there's still loads of content I haven't even looked at and its all very interesting and customizable.
Sadly Runescape did a major update a while back called Evolution of Combat (EoC). It ruined the combat for me...But I was still able to work on my Skills and was still enjoying it.
More recently they upgraded to the new HTML5. We now have Runescape3...I know many new players like it...But I'm Old School.
Which thankfully Runescape brought back an older version for some of us older fans. Runescape2007.
Runescape had a great thing going when it first came out. There was no other game like it. Sadly...Now it's just like any other MMORPG. It's too complicated for an old gal like me ;-)
I found your site and am looking for a new online game...that was much like Runescape was before the brought out EoC. (No luck so far) I am open for suggestions :-)
Anyway I did enjoy this game and do recommend it to anyone who likes MMO's and are a little tight on cash :), such as myself hurrah for schooling...
Anyway if I do end up logging back on and anyone wants to add me my characters name is "A chimp"-for my main and D0CT0R D00M- for my pure...Hope this helped someone.
There are more than a dozen skills from which you can train from, such as attack, strength, mining, fishing, etc. Though if you want to have the opportunity to train every single one of the skills ( more than 20 skills ), you will have to subscribe for membership. The starting level for each skill is 1 (except for hitpoints which will start at 10 ), and the maximum level for each of them is 99 (except for one skill known as dungeoneering which ends at 120) Some skills tend to level up faster while some other skills, such as mining, can take like 6 months to get to level 99. Some skills are actually quite enjoyable, such as hunting, so that even as you train to level 99, it doesn't get boring, but skills such as firemaking starts to get real boring because the whole time you are really just doing the same repetitive method to get to level 99.
One unique thing about runescape would be their quest. Compared to other games, where during a quest, all they ask you to do is "eliminate 20 of this monster", but when it comes to runescape, they have amazing quest storylines, puzzles , boss fights, rivalry, challenges, cutscenes, etc.
Overall, I would rate this game 7/10
Yeasterday on old rs there were 324568 people currrently online and on new rs 289652 people currently online together smashing the milestone of 2006 350k online.
Togeather 614220 people currently online,yeah runescape definetly sucks asppecialy now with half a milion people online this vote site sucks there putting in all the crap browsers which have like 10 k online at maximum and runescape with at maximum over 600k they are not.
They mentioned lessening the Microtransactions updates but they still to this day add in weekly new items to their microtransactions stores. They completely neglect their Loyalty Programme which rewards you for being a longtime subscriber and solely focus on microtransaction shops.
The updates are getting worse and worse where the highlight update for Feb 2013 is a new quest in which they give away 800k exp. There is no challenge in this game anymore as Jagex gives out exp monthly and at least 2 times a year in very large portions, usually for doing almost nothing.
If you try out Runescape you can expect tons of bots that Jagex does nothing about, huge exp handouts where if you can play you will get it but if you cannot play at that certain period of time your f**. You can expect none of your suggestion or feedback about RS to be truly listened to (only Jagex claiming to have looked into it). You can except constant additional game items that cost real life cash. You can expect heaps of dead content and most team or group content to be dead or dying out.
You have to be a member nowadays to have any fun at all, even though it will never be as good as it was for the first couple of months back in 2006.
Btw Jagex (The creators) are the biggest bunch of money hoars you will ever see, and because of that they have released some really shit updates, which was just a way to make money.
But if you can afford members, play it. If not do not play it, simple as that.
Runescape is a NR.1 MMORPG game that has hundreds of millions of registered users.
It has lots of stuff to do, like PvP, PvM, and there are lots of skills you get to train on, like
mining, woodcutting, farming (members only), thieving (members), Construction (members) and lots
of other skills that you will have fun playing with. Very strategic PvP for members, for Free to Play
the strategy of pvp reduces since there are less weapons and magics, but its still fun.
Only 7 dollars per month was last time I checked, which is like 5 euros! It is worth it!
You won't have time to experience all the fun for a month, of course, since there are lots of stuff to do! ENJOY! Trust me. Free to play first, to try it, then pay! HAVE FUN!!
This is not a one year game, If ur looking for a easy to beat system look towards WoW.
This is a good game to met people from all over the world.
If the operators could just get a hand on the bott problem this would be a great game (its botted cuse of its popularity )
You can play free for many months ( I played 9 months b4 upgrading to mem
The first problem: Free to play members are VERY limited, very few quests and skills, but membership is not as expensive as other MMOs
The second problem: Bots...Bots everywhere, Jagex released bot nuke but still bots....
The third problem: The last problem or you can say CON, is the community, as Inescapable said, the Runescape community is very unfriendly and most of them are kids who will try to lure you, although there are still good people from 2006 that are very friendly to you and will trust you.
-Was a fantastic, balanced game in it's earlier years (2003-2007), encouraging players to explore, meet new people, and develop their stats in various ways that would make them unique to other players
-World is large and fun to explore, although many areas require high level stats and quests to gain access to
-Runescape is easy to access, and easy to jump right into the action
-Graphics and game mechanics are fantastic for a free browser-based RPG
-Membership is cheap compared to other MMO's
-Now (2010-2011), most people are just completely maxed out because the game has turned from laid back, leisurely stat development to intense grinding, where only 99's are acceptable and now commonly seen
-A few good people still around, but a majority of the player base is greedy immature children who will try their hardest to fuck you over to better their own character (whether it be by scamming you, luring you, or cleaning you with flower gambling)
-Community is very unfriendly and unwelcoming of new players
-Bots are a huge problem
-Player interaction has decreased largely due to the fact that everyone is only out to grind and make their character better than anyone else's
-Real world trading is prevalent in runescape, creating an unfair atmosphere
In new GW2 you dont need to pay every month so it is better than this.
Runescape have been good in old. But after they updated it, It now lagg like a heck and i hate it now.
It was a good game in the beginning but now i havent played it since 2010.
After playing Lego Universe, Sword 2, Guild wars 2 beta, and WOW i forgot all about Runescape.
The SoF institution simply devalues time played.
RwT plays a crucial role in this game.
Not reccommended to any player not willing to drop $100 on this game in their first few months.
Yes, Runescape is a very good game. I have played it for over 4 years, about 4 hours a day. It wasn't until a couple of months into 2011 when I saw the problem. Runescape is run by Jagex. Jagex resets the skills of players that they believe to be cheating. Not only that, but the entire market system is corrupt. Jagex had released the Grand Exchange in 2008 (9?), and it made the game a lot better. In 2011, Jagex returned the free market to the players, allowing them to pick their own prices, allowing people to "flip" prices and make money whilst doing nothing.
As I said, the game is awesome, but the controllers of it are not.
The trading system in Runescape is so ridiculous that players can literally buy their way to level 99 in a lot of the 'skill' categories instead of actually having to play the game and earn their levels. Most of that came about due to the little cry babies saying that the game was too hard or that it took too long. You know, the sorry rear ends that think that the top of the high score list should be available to them from day one even though those at the top have played for years and put in thousands of hours.
The required interaction with other players for some quests, access to some areas or for achievement capes is total bull crap. The community on this game for the most part sucks. There are some alright people that play, but the majority fit into the categories previously mentioned in this review.
I played for over 4 years mostly as a member. My character name was jim_vierling and I think it is still in the high scores. I am not the only high level player that quit because the morons at Jagex kept caving in to the most pathetic of their customers.
Runescape is a pretty good game that offers a ton of content for anyone to enjoy. There's a wide variety of skills and most of them are somewhat fun to train with a variety of options to train other than grind your way doing the same thing over and over again. For example, there are a lot of minigames which anyone can try to gain exp in pretty much any skill. But if you want the highest exp, it is usually grinding and using money to buy raw materials.
Quests are actually the most amazing I have ever played, and I played World of Warcraft. Quests range from funny and epic and Runescape really makes you feel like your quest matters! There's cutsceens, epic fights, secret suprises, and more that await you! And of course, incredibly difficult quests that will challenge you or give you a tombstone.
The community ranges quite a lot of the people that play runescape, but the majority are usually 10-35. Higher levels are generally older because it takes a while to level up all the skills Runescape offers. Since it has free trade, there will always be greedy people who want you scam you. So, watch out for those people. Luckily, there is the Grand Exchange (GE) so you can look up the value of each item before trading someone. The GE is available to all players.
If you want a fun experience to play, try out Runescape. It was really fun for me, but got boring for me after I experience most of the end game content.
-In-game trade center
-Unique browser based game
-High quality graphics
-Frequent updates
-Wide amount of classes available
-Limited area for F2P players
-Magic attack spells weakest in game(unless membership purchased)
-Strength skill overpowers all others, other skills under-powered
-Quests offer little reward upon completion
-Slow skill leveling
-Large user base of younger players
-Low quest count for F2P players
Think that's it..anyone can rant about it, just wasting their time since I won't be looking back at it.
add me iSeEdEaTh2
im madpie
im mad109
Add me: Pl8 body4
Add me: Johaiya
Add me: Fiyrcrushpk
Those are my accounts.
it has its flaws, sure, the pvp is awful in my honest opinion (my character is level 138) so if you're looking for a good pvp game i'd say avoid runescape, but if you want variety, great quests, instanced dungeons, tons of unique skills and challenges, then nothing can beat this game.
Character: Demigorgan
Nevertheless, it has been several years since I have been active in the world but let me tell you a few things about little old Runescape.
Not only do you (as a free member) have the opportunity to PvP in "the Wild", explore countless dungeons, level your many available skills, (Which unlock awesome abilities as they increase), chat easily with friends or random characters, wear a huge variety of different weapons or armor, and complete rich and immersive quests...
There is no download, Virus protection is relatively secure, updates are constant, support is readily available, and the walkthroughs and help texts are seriously informative.
Not to mention that the world of Runescape itself is beautifully colored with rich pigmentation, and has a very unique design layout. Rare item drops are extremely exciting, the economy of the game works very well (Which is why most of you are complaining that certain items are too expensive... they have to be) and for the love of god, millions upon millions of people enjoy this game every day. And it's FREE.
Membership itself only compounds the huge array of fun to be found within. Different and unique lands, bonus skills, different game options, a RIDICULOUSLY large amount of new items, and dozens and dozens of fresh quests. With weekly, if not, monthly updates.
To wrap it all up, this game started as free, everything that started with it is still free. You pay for the extras, not the necessities. And it would be well worth it.
P.S.- those of you that are hating on something that requires no download, has tons of hours of play, has a great spam blocker, is browser based, and is FREE... should really wake up and look at the reality of this world. The only other things that are free are napkins. Be happy.
I have been playing this for about a year and a half as a member, and it still dosn't get boring. Theres no game out there that can beat RuneScape. OF Course World of Warcraft is awsome, but its somthing you have to install (Takes up disc space) and its like $30 CAD a month.... TOTAL RIPOFF!!! RuneScape membership makes the game soo much more fun, and its only $5.95 a month. That too, if you dont want to pay, play the game for free. Theres a huge world to explore, and explore it in amazing HD graphics. 24skills to master (And thats somthing that could take months if not years). Become a master at skills such as fletching, cooking, crafting, combat, mining, and soo many more! The game is huge, with people all over the world. Make new friends, do quests, become a master at skills, or even one of the strongest players. With about over 130 MILLION players and counting, as well as a huge database of monsters to battle, this 3D free MMORPG is a game you HAVE TO TRY!!