Prime World

MMOFantasyMOBAPvEPvPActionTop-Down ViewStrategy.

Prime World is free-to-play MOBA with an interesting overworld progression system. Players choose from over a dozen different characters and customize them, picking from hundreds of different shared and unique talents.

About Prime World

Prime World is free-to-play MOBA with an interesting overworld progression system. Players choose from over a dozen different characters and customize them, picking from hundreds of different shared and unique talents. Talents are permanent and allow you to customize your hero to your playstyle. Talents and abilities are acquired by spending "Prime", which you earn in battle by defeating enemy hereos and minions. Players can compete in multiple different arenas, including Outpost, Dragonwald, Homeland, and Borderlands

Outside of battle, Prime World offers a castle-building progression system, in which players trade time for resources, similar to many brower-style RPGs. With the resources these castles produce, players are able to craft new talents that can be used to prepare their heroes for future battles.

Prime World also will allow players to sign-in using their information from social networking sites, to allow for more social gameplay and to access special in-game acheivements.


System Requirements


Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, Windows 7




3000 MB available space


Intel Core 2 Duo/Athlon 64 X2 - 2 GHz


GeForce 8600 GT/Radeon X1600 - 128 MB VRAM

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

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User Reviews (53)

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India 8 years ago
Tiago Jeronimo disse:“…De acordo com o processo, a capacidade stealth do Raptor permaneceu defeituosa até 202cr#8230;ὕPe&mane4eu é passado, se estava não está mais.Vocês tem que lembrar que há uma guerra ocorrendo no congresso e no departamento de defesa americano, uma guerra para decidir se a produção do F-22 Raptor continua ou não e noticias como essa vão continuar surgindo.É comum tudo que é considerado o melhor da sua area ser criticado e suas capacidades serem questionadas, essas noticias não me surpreendem.

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BAD MANAGEMENT 8 years ago
Is a totally rubbish.
Want to CHEAT? Buy last hero and for 1 month you can destroy an entire opposite team alone.

Then they came out with this excuse: " Sorry we rebalance that hero in the next patch."
I stopped to play because other that they don't fix bugs that exist since ages, unbalanced MM and huge talents costs.

If you play for free you will take 1000 years to complete all heroes.

Dirty management ever!

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Negative_review 8 years ago
Among old problems they make new heroes on propose OP to sell them. Then after 1 month they come with any excuse to rebalance it. Worst management ever. Old bug never fixed. Unbalanced MM. English forum is full of complain. Huge costs to move talents between heroes. Ages to upgrade talents. In one sentence: Worst moba ever.

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Prime World 8 years ago
(Shut Down)

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Artiles 9 years ago
Well i love this game even though the amount of english speaking player are less... well if u are here to play just play are not playing the game to chat right !!!. I havn't played LOL or Dota2 so i am not going to compare it to any of the main stream MOBA games.
Feature I like about the game.
1. The Hero build varies from player to player. You can choose what traits your hero should have.
2. With right build and a little bit of common sense any low cost (means the one that can be bought for silver which you will get as reward after each match) Hero can be a badass.
3. Personally i don't think the money spenders has any real advantage in this game. Gold coins is the currency corresponding to the real money and it can be used to buy hero skins and heros( all heros can be bought by silver as well which you can produce in you castle as well as will get as reward).
4. The hall of fame tab in the hero will show the build of the top ranked player .It will be very useful for deciding how your Hero build should be.
5. Talents which is classified in different levels with Orange talent being the top can be forged in castle (Need Luck though) and also will be provided as reward for 1500+ ranked games.
6. Weekly quests / Offer are available which is kind of awesome.

1. Match making need to consider hero power and hero level as well.( It might be fixed in near future).
2. Sometimes match making takes around 1 minute

I would recommend this game.

NOTE : Sorry for my bad English(Not my First language).

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james 10 years ago
i start playing the game but i can't move . my charitar moves on it's own what do i do

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DrJohnnyEric 10 years ago
The amount of retards that have no life discussing MOBA games in this review room IS TOO DAMN HIGH!!!

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BlackGhost 10 years ago
this is talking more about league and Dota than the Actual game

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TheDarkSama 10 years ago
Prime World is an awesome Moba game, I have been playing it for some time now and I like how you can build your own village for some extra income and resource and the talents that you can pick off. That is something that no other MOBA game ever had such a unique thing if you ask me, they do need to fix some things like matchmaking, but other than that.... it's an awesome game and I'll recommend it to ad least try it out.

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Kat 11 years ago
Love Dis Moba<3

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dontplaythisgame 11 years ago
+1 whoknow
Worst MOBA EVER!!!!

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whoknow 11 years ago
worst "MOBA" ever even because if u write smth polite in FB they ban u message.

and more: they give u a week end bonus and after that they rise all stuff (hero price, unassign talent... and so on..)

they play a dirty game with players...

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Trenix 11 years ago
It's a MOBA mixed with a social game, pretty stupid idea if you ask me.

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PW is Poop world 11 years ago
PW has unfair mm system, where levels 20s fight against levels 1s.

AND on top of that, when a battle seem lost from begining your team declines to surrender.

MOBA= Multiplayer Online Bitch Asholes.

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GamingMaster 11 years ago
What I would give to have a a real RTS game and I don't mean MOBA,TBS...

like the classic games age of empires, rise of nations ..etc

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whoknow 11 years ago
another unbalanced "pay 2 win" game...:( why is here? mah....

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Josh 11 years ago
This game is bullshit, it said my video card is not powerful enough to run prime world when it can run WoW. Wasted my time downloading this piece of crap

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Unkind Lucy 11 years ago
I have been playing Prime World for 2 years and I really love it! Everyone should try it :)

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Ligheeeen 11 years ago
just a league of legends copy...

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SpiderHell 11 years ago
Actually can't wait to try this game. Thanks Spunkafy for giving us a little peak into the game.

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asdasfas 11 years ago
fking hate mobas but like archeblade

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Game Info

Developer Nival
Publisher Nival
Release Date March 31, 2014
Genre MOBA
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.