PlanetSide 2

Planetside 2 is free to play open world persistent MMOFPS published by Sony Entertainment Online. In Planetside 2 players fight in epic large scale battles across a variety of landscapes during the day and night. Each area within Planetside 2 supports up to 2000 players in one battle simultaneously.

Players can choose one of three unique factions each with their own unique weapons, vehicles (both land and air) and abilities.

Planetside 2 offers unique customization options for the player. Players can customize their outfit colors, weapon attachments, and vehicle abilities as they progress.

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Additional Information

PlanetSide 2
Daybreak Games
Daybreak Games
Release Date
November 21, 2012
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows 7 64-bit or later


6 GB RAM (64-bit)


20 GB free


Core i5-760 or better / AMD Phenom II X4 or better [Quad-core CPU]


nVidia GeForce GTX 260 or better / Radeon HD 4850 or better

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Daybreak Games and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (92)

Do you recommend this game?
OpolE 4 years ago
Lot of comments here.

PLANETSIDE 1 EMULATOR is being worked on. We play every Sundays.

Come join us

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Sledgecrushr 10 years ago
My favorite shooter for the last two years. Amazing fighting and amazing graphics. There is no pay 2 win in this game. The first gun you start with is probably the gun you will go back to when you hit maximum level.

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Brian 10 years ago
It's an ok game. Initially it's very confusing for newcomers and you will always be outmatched by the folks who have paid cash or grinded for days/weeks to upgrade weapons. The only advice I could give anyone is try it out but don't expect much.

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dhcbeks 10 years ago
Can anyone tell me if this game works on a Dell Latitude E6510?

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I_Hate_U_All 10 years ago
If u don't have enough gbs for PS2, try playing Freefall Tournament, it should refresh ur brain. :)

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I_Hate_U_All 10 years ago
If any of you have noticed, if you have a 20gb ram computer, it's still going to take ages to download this 9gb/8gb game. So this game has a really stupid download progress, but it's worthwhile for the amazing graphics, delightful dynamic day-and-night cycle, and the impressive classes! I have 20gb of ram on my computer, and it was still a worthwhile download. :)

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Michael 10 years ago
The game is flippin' awesome, but since the world is a harsh place to live, my PC broke and I only got my Mac now, Planetside 2: Y U NO MAC VERSION? :c

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singh1199 10 years ago

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BluTeXo4 10 years ago
I like this game so much when I play with friends, but it's a little bit boring when u play alone, but still fun. Great work SOE!!!

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AdultBLazez 11 years ago
Cant wait till it downloads to play

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Bach Patu 11 years ago
Or wait till Playstation Now comes out & hope to find it there. If not, there's always TITANFALL !!! :)

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ReV 11 years ago
The game is Pay 2 Win now. They ruined a game with awesome mechanics and a unique gameplay. So you can either spend 200 bucks and get all the best weapons and gear. Or dont and get your ass handed to you by the ones who did spend all their money.

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jj 11 years ago
i need a name plz help i dont care what it is just need one asap

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KILLER54 11 years ago
This game is freaking amazing. i Know that in huge battles frames drops to 30 on high settings but, the amount of fun you can have in this game is pretty huge. I am waiting for the producers of the game to fix up their code, cause the game is really poorly optimized(sadly, but thats life). This game would have an ultimate success when the code will be fixed.

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warjuncky 11 years ago
it takes to long to install and my pc is is so crapy can anyone teall me what is the graphics requierments

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adrian 11 years ago
installed, didn't work now can't uninstall, whats up with thisgame

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Panda 11 years ago
Played it, its fun, but doesnt fit my fancy... its like starcraft.... if you like a lot of sci-fie youll like this game.....

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capoe 11 years ago
Love it...the scale is great,combat is good.Nothing bad to say here,well for me.TR!

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Gurungman 11 years ago
What is the size of this game

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RaigFILMS 11 years ago
Here we go, the second MMOFPS that blew me away. The other being PS1, of course. I have reviewed so many games, that I never knew I was going to get to PS2. Its amazing. Graphics are extremely good, I'd say better than BF3 and BF4 graphics (hate please) I have a amazing PC and internet so there is no problem with me and this game. This game DOES have high expectations on your PC, but I'd say its worth the money to spend on a amazing PC or PC parts to build your own. I go lonewolf most of the time. But I do get on Ventrillo (sometimes Teamspeak 3) and play with my friends. Its very time-taking so make sure you dont have anything planned for like a week. Because you're going to be in a battle for a week. Well, its never happened to me, the highest time it took me to battle what probably 1 day or 20 hours? I spent the weekend playing this game. I have a life and a job. 10 years of college. Computer Engineering and Game Developer. So, I dont play PS2 that much at all, considering all the long battles. I am really creating a game called "Warsong" still haven't really publicly announced it because I recently just started it. But anyways. Great game. Awesome graphics. Simply amazing. So, thats my review/life story-kind-of-thing. Bye!

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VirtualSting 11 years ago
I loved this game. But I encountered a glitch in the game and SOE decided to blame me for it and banned my account. When I appealed the ban they Hardware ID banned me so I can never play this game on my computer again. Awful tech support. Plenty of bugs. And if you don't act accordingly when encountering bug they ban you with no chance for an appeal.
Good game
SOE is a pain in the ass to deal with.

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William 11 years ago
Just installed it (didn't take long at all, but I got a serious gaming puter which I saved for months to get) Lookin forward to playing it. I'm totally GREEN... SUPER FRESH NOOB. Hope it's good. I used to be into gaming years ago (10+) I'm 35 yrs old now and geezus gaming has changed in the past 15 yrs. I've been crazy busy with college and starting my own business that I haven't had any free time. Now that I'm all finished with school and my business I can have some fun. I am looking for a game with a GREAT, INDULGING story-line, lots of awesome weapons that are super upgradeable, characters that are extremely custamizeable, top of the line graphics, and huge maps with vehicles. I know this game doesn't offer all of that, but what is the best online fps out there? I want that cinematic experience that leaves you breathless!

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Thederpman 11 years ago
When you first play PS2 it can blow you away by the mass of people and space and the beatiful graphics but after a week or so you will probably be bored because of repetitive gameplay, dying alot, and taking forever to get credits but the good side is that it gets updated alot and is fun playing with friends.

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Pudder 11 years ago
I've been playing this game here and there for a while, it's ok. It's not fantastic, and there are tons of bugs. Don't play on the NC as the vehicles and weapons are far superior on the VS and TR. If you like flying, go VS and jump in a scythe, best fighter/infantry strafer/tank buster in game. NC weapons are slow and inaccurate as hell.

A membership is the best way to earn certs, although advertised as free to play, unless your unemployed, earning certs w/o it takes FOREVER, and most weapons take 1000 certs.

Free to play is really youll be cannon fodder until you put some serious time or cash into the game....or both. Hate F2P models.

Oh and random game freeze/kicks a plenty.

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Snack 11 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I've played this game for about a month and it was great. I'm more of a Lonewolf kind of player and for starting the game was great but they have added this new patch that removed all ways a Lonewolf kind of player can enjoy the game. The only way you can play this game now is to play with squad or platoon. If your the kind of guy who plays solo or with a few friends I suggest to try something else.

It was fun when you could easily make points and excel in experience boost. What I mean is, They have 3 continent where you can play from and each of them can have a experience boost related with the amount of people on that continent of your faction. This new match remove the possibility of capturing near by territories if you are under attack until the the territory is totally defended... When you are alone or a few friends under attack by 12+ people, you cannot do much but move elsewhere. This means no more counter capture strategies or playing with a few people as such when you are out numbered 12 to 1.

My suggestion, if you are starting try to join an outfit and stick with groups otherwise this game is pointless and you cannot do anything.

This game rating will take a hit for sure... Prior patch 4.5/5 after patch 3/5...because of the unbalance faction weapons, gameplay and bugs this game has.

Trust me, bugs, they got plenty!

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Bavarac2 11 years ago
when i choose a nation is it permanently or can i change it ??????

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Bach Patu 11 years ago
GREAT game BUT if you don't have an EXTERNAL Graphics source (Like a PVR), you will find it REAL tough to play due to a lack of system resources

PS2 being a RESOURCES HOG is THE ONE thing I hope & wish Sony would fix in the next version. If they can do that, they'd get more people to play. If not, then why not just market it as a PlayStation game & make $$$ off of it ??

Just sayin'

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max 11 years ago
Good game but my laptop gets to hot.

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Captain Crash 11 years ago
I think this is going to be a very nice game for me to play. I am downloading it and i was wachting
the first look video and really like everything about this game. Hope it's just as good as i think it is..... :)

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Jeremy 11 years ago
this game is really awsome call of duty and all the other can go to the trash
this game made a real war

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NamelessOne 11 years ago
Great but with a slow internet connection the lag makes it unplayable

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Green5570 11 years ago
Nice game^^ dont try it if you have low pc

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Ray 12 years ago
played this game before and its fun!

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cd 12 years ago
how many gyga

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FeedbackGuy 12 years ago
Downloading now, i hope it does not lag

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DenizKanMV 12 years ago
If u click here to free 2 play but it is france

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*-* ^-^ >..> 12 years ago
theese are the best game i played ^-^

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ABXZ0 12 years ago
THIS GAME TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD ITS STILL LOADING STARTED AT 8:49 p.m now its 9:20 p.m its only like 3 bars....really want to play this

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Avenixis 12 years ago
First time I started the game I was so confused , I dropped in from the sky.. no information at all , did not now what to do.. died so fast.. xD.. but i was not alone in that.. everyone who play it the first time.. will feel the same.. Anyway played this game for around 1 month now, it´s really a great game, "Huge" battles!! it can be up to 2000 players on each server i think... but I get frustrated! Abilitys/Gear/Weapons/... and there are not many at all.. maybe 1 good weapon for each class.. and it sucks.. also it takes forever to collect these cert point.. so called in-game money points.. maybe 1 hour you get around 100 points or more... and a new good weapon cost around 1000... then you have to buy gear on the weapon all over again... you can not use the ones you bought for the old weapon... and they use the same scope,silencer, suppressor,, laser sight, forward grip,better ammo ,etc... they cost 30-100 certs...

And the bad about the game is it is really alot of bugs.. it crashes and get really laggy sometimes.
the fps can drop to 10-30.. in huge battles. even when you have a great computer.. and the game lack of guiding & information..

so if you going to play the game.. be sure you got time for it, because its more fun when you upgraded every class and gear.. I give the game 8 of 10, it can only be better with the time.!

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GamerGabe 12 years ago
I have played this but my computer is not that good so it lags like hell on badest graphics

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blackdevil 12 years ago
je suis vraiment dégoûte mon pc a mit une 1/2 journée à chargé le jeu et à la fin me dit que mon pc n'a pas les configurations nécessaire lol -_-

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perfectkilla94 12 years ago
you have to have an play station account to play this game

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Kio Phoenix 12 years ago
Is that a real life Gun Gale Online?? O.O

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Hurpeh Derpz 12 years ago
Anyone got an HP Pavion Computer?Idk if this has the required components to play this game :|
Please Reply

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EmanMY2013 12 years ago

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ThisGuy01 12 years ago
Its fun for awhile or just to kill some time but continuous play is a bit boring. There are numerous hackers now, alot with just aimbot which is the hardest to recognize but its pretty obvious in this game who has it. The game itself is great but there is no end, no real progression, no ultimate reward at the end of the day when all you've done is killed some players and captured a number of bases which were probably recaptured by the enemy minutes after you just captured them...its fun, just not for hours on end.

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blarghity 12 years ago
It has an interesting concept, but it just eats up too much space.

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blackjoker 12 years ago
((to me)) its just boring

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Jacobr514 12 years ago
it wont work something with some kind of card does this mean i have to BUY a new one :( ?

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chense 12 years ago
nice game but when you finaly find some enemy's they kill you with a tank

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pvtryan5 12 years ago
takes forever to install, and i have plenty of space

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Jacobr514 12 years ago
When will this come out of beta and when it does will it work on my pc cuz my pc is not a gameing pc

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Someone 12 years ago
It may be good on your computers but on mine it is extremely slow, very laggy i mean I'm sure it'd be great if my stupid computer wasn't so old!!!

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Shut ur lips 12 years ago
This game is awesome! I totally like it!

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ugurano 12 years ago
best game ever

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from__hell 12 years ago
this games looks good, i tried playing it but my damn graphics card doesn't meet the game's requirements so the game wouldn't start, it looks like MAG (PS3) a little bit, not the look of the game but how it plays, this is what a lot of FPS are missing, you actually need to work as a team to keep control, there's a bigger goal to archive rather than just go around killing... to bad there isn't anything close to this that won't discriminate my computer

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>.O 12 years ago
I downloaded the game but it won't launch for some reason. Anyone know what's the problem and how I can fix it?

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Desert Fox 12 years ago
Just as disappointing as BF3

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Boyard 12 years ago
I was wondering which nation should i join when the game comes out. I am thinking between NC and VS but the choice is so hard to make. So I want some help or advices from you.

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KalameesJr 12 years ago
Been playing it for a couple of weeks now. Once you get past all the big battles on epic scale phase you notice that the game itself is incredibly hollow. I don't honestly believe it could hold my interest for more than a month at maximum.

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Player 12 years ago
it looks like a game that i dream of everyday but can it keep me hooked up?

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Beizelby 12 years ago
Get on the site and sign for the BETA, this game is awesome, I have been playing the tech test, enjoying it immensely!

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