
Panzar is a free to play CryEngine 3 powered team-based MMO developed by Panzar Studios. In Panzar players can choose from one of 8 different classes, each with their own unique abilities and combat styles. The available classes include Beserker and Tank for the Orcs, Paladin and Inquisitor for the Humans, Sorceress and Witch for the Elves, and finally Sapper and Gunner for the Dwarves. Some classes, like the Berserker, are suited for close combat, whereas others, like the Paladin, are intended for a support role. Characters are upgraded through new skills and abilities earned by leveling up. Experience is awarded for participation, such as dealing damage, getting kills, and completing objectives, with bonus experience awarded to the victors of each match.

Combat in Panzar is free-targeting, with damage based on the angle of attack. Players use the left mouse button for auto-attacks, and the right mouse button for power attacks. Using power attacks deals massive damage but drains your power bar, limiting usage. The power bar can be restored through certain abilities, or by waiting for it to refill naturally. Spells and abilities are cast using mana or action points, with the latter being earned through gameplay. Blocking is acheived with the control key, but the damage prevented is based on the angle of the incoming attack.

Panzar offers 4 different game modes, with unique maps for each. The game modes include Domination, in which players fight for control over a single point, King of the Hill, where players try to hold a point and defend it using various traps and barriers, Siege, where one team attacks multiple control points while the other team defends, and Meteor, where players search for an object and attempt to bring it to the enemy base.

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Additional Information

Troxit Service
Release Date
April 12, 2013
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows® XP


2 GB


8 GB


Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 5600+ 2.8 GHz


NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 GT or ATI Radeon HD 4870

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Panzar and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (58)

Do you recommend this game?
White Wolf 6 years ago
The game has changed a lot over the years sins the last comment. It is now 8vs8 PvP and PvE (5 in a team) Maps have been reworked all know cheats and hacks have been patched. The game is still F2P and a lot of changes have been done to remove the P2W feeling, testing and tournament have proven that real teamwork is what you need, the choice is yours put a lot of money in the game and lose by yourself or play free as a team member and win.

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ToniMcAlice 8 years ago
this game is a trap; have to pay to win; severe condition of cheating; admin is corrupted. This could be a good game if managed properly, however, avoid this game by all cost.

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Akhron92 8 years ago
One of the best moba, stunning graphics , superb animations, a wide variety of maps, many different characters, actually one of the best moba game to play in team. the gemeplay is really awesome. In recent months the game has progressed very well.
it's a pity that the russian studio doesn't do advertising. this game is a gem, what a pleasure to play with friends :)

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uguran 10 years ago
pay to win game, why your can not reset your states fail game, but looks good. and the item shop give to much advance players with rl mony

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Greek Warrior 10 years ago
This is an astounding game with the best graphics and the most realistic game mechanics I have ever seen.The music is epic and has been written by geniuses.I can't praise it high enough!

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GoldenTrix 10 years ago
can only say, if u love pvp arena fights, is this the game for you ^^

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bob 11 years ago
This game is the worst game ever, they have so many hackers and coiners on here, that have teamed up, the battles are over in less than 4 mins. Because of this most decent players quit. so because the lack of players, you have to wait up to 45 mins to get into a battle, just for it to end in 4 mins.
You are lucky to win one battle in 100.. When you write to panazar they do not ever reply .But then thats because a lot of the cheats are also the admin, If you talk about the hacking or unfairness of the game, they ban you from chat. It is a russian company who still think they are in the KGB and do not allow freedom of speech. I would avoid the game, its a complete waste of time.

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michael 11 years ago
its a hacking game, run by hackers for hackers,, when u report hacking the admin ban your account...

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xcr00k3dx 11 years ago
Good game, but I could only ever find a game in the morning. I got abysmal lag, but I'm pretty sure I was playing with people from Russia (or w/e it's originated from).

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Tory 11 years ago
Abysmal "game".
Just another shit p2w 10v10 promoted as an MMO . TAKE IT OUT OF AN MMO SITE !

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plzletme10 11 years ago
I wish my computer can handle ~.~

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Egor 11 years ago
Игра прекрасная=)

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routine 11 years ago
Looks really nice, suppose ill give it a try will download it later today :D

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godrilla 11 years ago
Hi all, sry for bad English in first. I think panzar is one of best f2p game that I ever played. The game is balanced. For who say: bad game, 1 hit and I died. I can say that happened because u was unable to parry. Very good game because team strategy and skill are a must for win each match. The only bad thing is not all PC are able to make it run; u need a PC for games.

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Sicstix 11 years ago
I would like to leave a bit of criticism if I may. I would have liked to have seen if there is a punishment of sorts for leavers or maybe a reporting system. Also is there a lot of harassment in the game as can be with a few MOBAs? Furthermore, when a match is left, if someone were to join again, would they be put back into the match they left or would they start a whole new one. I imagine there is a way to add friends in game or maybe even make teams...

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game its good, and not pay to win

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A Panzar Player 11 years ago
This game is awful. Just god-awful. It has some neat gimmicks and it looks pretty, but the classes are horribly unbalanced and there's only one game mode which gets really boring and repetitive really fast. The leveling is incredibly slow, which is obnoxious but tolerable by itself, but combined with everything else the grind just becomes a huge nuisance. This gets maybe a 0 out of 5 imo.

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Kobee 11 years ago
how to download the game?

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Oliv 11 years ago

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sky does minecraft 11 years ago
it takes forever to update

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sky does minecraft 11 years ago

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ugurano 11 years ago
best moba with wow

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Alpha 11 years ago
Takes too much time to install & update..........unable to play :(

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markgildore 11 years ago
hi cute

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Panzar is good! 11 years ago
this game is realy good... but it needs more players ;D

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Me 11 years ago
Well as far as I know, this is supposed to be a MOBA, which is a session-based genre typically with just one main map, so of course it's repetitive. It's meant to be that way.

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Anon 11 years ago
Anyone wanting to play this, be warned you either need to sink hundreds of hours into the game, or a hundred dollars.
Its not pay 2 win per se, however it IS pay 4 advantage. You can actually pay to level up in this game. Which gives you a huge advantage by building your skill tree for bigger and better abilities.

Its also insanely repetitive with no real goal in mind. Literally just the same old same old. Nothing new ever happens.

It looks nice and shiny and thats why I tried it, but it just ended up being a shiny turd. I've since flushed it.

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EzekielVlll 11 years ago
This game looks fun DOWNLOAD

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Eviil 11 years ago
I really dislike the character look, they should revamp that portion.

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Trey 11 years ago
If the game devs would spend as much time fixing the bugs and balance the game a little it would be alot better, but all we get is another League. Also something needs doing about party matching after lvl 10. Oh and if your playing this game in the EU and your looking for a late night game forget this one, after around 12 pm you will be lucky to get a match.

The game is not ptw you can earn everything you need by playing the game.

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former spunk hater and omir fan 11 years ago
im really glad to see spunk is being himself, last video i personally watched by him, he was trying to be omir, and it was sickening, but this is good, bout time

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Privatemanos 11 years ago
The game is good but if your team is not that good you will lose no matter what. Even if you make 2times the score of the enemy MVP.
The other bad thing is that tanks can 1shot you.

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rakanms 11 years ago
must try this game its so cool

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kerath 11 years ago
This game is not bad it just has many bugs and unbalances that would make the game a lot better, this is why they beta test. I hope they do fix a lot of the issues I would be happy to play the game more.

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wolfgamer 11 years ago
I saw mmobomb's videos for this game and it looks really cool.

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Ache 11 years ago
archeblade its better, also f2p in steam

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Sir Yanako 11 years ago
The gameplay video of Spunk for this game looked really good. I'm just amazed at the detail that was put into this game, I mean when you use pots your character actually pulls out a literal pot and drinks it, and then throws it away. You can even see the pots rolling on the ground after you throw it. It's a minor thing but it just goes to show how much detail was put into it by the devs. I'm really interested in playing this game. Does anyone know if there will be a US or North American version coming out in the future, or will I just have to play EU?

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How many more Arena/MOBA Based games are companies going to do? JUST STAHP >.<

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