Noah’s Heart

ActionAction RPGAnimeMMOMMORPGFantasySci-FiOpen WorldPvEPvPThird Person View.

Noah's Heart is an open-world action-adventure MMORPG game developed by Archosaur Games, the developers of Dragon Raja.

About Noah’s Heart

Noah's Heart is an open-world action-adventure MMORPG game developed by Archosaur Games, the developers of Dragon Raja.

Archosaur Games released this follow-up title on both PC and mobile devices. Developed on Unreal Engine 4, Noah’s Heart introduces players to an open world without Borders full of weapons, magic, mechs, and more.

Take your party on an adventure through multiple biomes, stalk Phantoms (sometimes based on historical figures), or just pick a direction and go explore. Walk long enough and you’ll literally walk all the way around the world of Noah’s Heart and end up where you started. Along the way, simply swapping your loadout changes your class so you can meet any challenges along the way.


System Requirements


Windows 10 or above, 64bit


8GB or above


5 GB


Intel Core i5


NVIDIA GeForce GT 1050 or above

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

See All

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User Reviews (1)

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dolmatov 7 months ago
The game is closed.

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Game Info

Developer Archosaur Games
Publisher Archosaur Games
Release Date July 28, 2022
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.