MapleStory is the world’s first 2D side-scrolling MMORPG that combines action and traditional RPG elements.
In the game, players go on an epic adventure with action-packed gameplay as they travel throughout the expansive "Maple World", defeating monsters and developing their unique skills and abilities. Players can interact with one another in many ways, such as chatting, trading, and playing minigames and banding together in parties to hunt monsters and share the rewards. Players can also join a guild to interact more easily with each other. Currently, players can enjoy over 40 unique character classes, hundreds of quests, and nearly endless character customization options.
Developed and published by Nexon, MapleStory is played by millions of people around the world with several versions of the game available for different countries and regions. The North American version launched in 2005.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
The island includes a roller coaster and family attractions. And, of course, merch.
3 weeks agoFace off against Limbo and take part in the most twisted Maplemas to date.
2 months agoQ4 financials will be hit by a cancelled project's prepaid royalty impairment.
4 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows 8.1 (64 bit)
Memory4 GB RAM
Storage50 GB
Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.0GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 @ 3.0GHz
GraphicsGeForce 9600 GT or ATI Radeon HD 5670
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like MapleStory

You can literately spend $3,600 USD and not get anywhere near these people that get invited to a party of any of these aforementioned bosses, as they admitted having spent more than $10,000 USD into the game.
Oh! And to make things even worse, some of these players who managed to spend those aforementioned amounts into this mere game are among the most repulsive figures you will ever meet in the game. Put it simply, they will start making rude remarks not too long before wanting to bully you out of the game, or at least using the fact far too many people know each other to hopefully make sure you are bullied into remaining guildless. However, none of this was a problem when high-end bossing was affordable enough to the point at least anything that is more than a dozen players can clear said boss battles solo, as it resulted in a lack of a pay-to-win economy that allowed even me to start a guild from scratch with my own set if players and not deal with the repulsive attitude from said bitter competition.
That being said, this comes from myself a player who already spent roughly $3,200 USD in a lifetime of playing this. You will not be able to compete against their trash community nor their status quo unless you are a masochist willing to spend your money on this game instead of gaming rigs or cars. MapleStory is no longer worth your time, and much less your hard-earned money.
Oh, and MapleStory crashes a lot too... that alone could make it just as bad as Big Rigs if you ignore its pay-to-win game design, as I played countless online games including Minecraft in multiplayer mode, and even modded Minecraft crashes less than this. Even Mabinogi, a game too from Nexon, crashes less than MapleStory!
If SS+ were the best letter grade in an A-F grading system, I rate this game -2/10 so it gets a letter grade worse than an F or even than an F-! An FF-!
Being an idiot
Getting through traffic jams
Watching paint dry
not doing anything exciting
not having fun
not being anything but bored
Do not play if: You were looking for something fun
You were looking for something that isnt a worse version of gacha life turned into a game
You were looking for something Interesting
You were looking for something Exciting
Conclusion:This whole game is a joke and not a good one at all
This is a huge game for a 2D world. I enjoy the 3D art work and skills blended into the 2D style.
I love the music for this game. My favorite is Temple of Time. I spent a lot of my early-late game there and I couldn't help myself from finishing all of the quest.
Overall this game is a taste of something different and I think if you haven't tried it yet you should hop in with a group of friends. This game is what you make of it and I think community is a large part of it.
After you've had your taste of each of the characters you can definiteness see the similarities which keeps this game from getting a higher score. There is a huge roster for this game that just isn't being utilized. I will hold my tongue on that subject a bit until Korea releases their 5th job.
I've made all of the classes and reached 4th job (some 200+) and I can tell you that all classes are pretty mobile with the exception to some classes being more mobile and some classes having awkward mobility. All classes are capable of doing high damage but not all classes have a large amount of lines or hps/dps.
This is usually made up for by a combo based system that kicks up more damage with higher combo scores. There are also classes that use summons and even classes that rely on Damage over time and AoE skills. The longer ranged classes could use a bit of a touch up aswell as the Gok- I mean Buccaneer class could use a touch up but there are indeed a few classes that stand out.
So as long as you're not a game addict like me and play all of the classes you will probably feel really unique (especially if you're a Palidan...Avatar warrior,anyone?)
Continue on for late game. Late game: 6.5/10
The bosses are pretty fun and I feel that they really shape out everyone's late game play. The game pretty much boils down to leveling up your character after you've done all of the quest and have obtained decent armor and weapons. Then you do events, cycle maps, fight bosses and hang out with friends.
The game has raids too but there is really only one that seems worth while until Damien is released to GMS. Ursus is the boss I'm talking about and you should go youtube him to know what I'm talking about.
Other boss fights will center around a unique stage and you will fight one giant monster. Some bosses summon other monsters. Bosses can hurt in you in the following way DoT, AoE, % health, % mana drain. Bosses also have status effects that differ on which boss you're fighting but there's a lot and I'll just say to watch out for Damage Reflect or learn the hard way.
+ 20 Classes (some character gender locked)
+ Pets
+ Mounts
+ Housing system
+ Fishing
+ Costume
- Pay to win
- Heavy grind
- Unbalance Classes
- No balance PVP
- Bad Community
- Unstable server
- Bugs
- Hacker
- Lack of idea
- Poor Customer service
my review: this game is just bad, I dont really know why it's still around
I quit for about five years because school got me busy.
I returned after those five years because my little guild of friends called for a reunion. The first thing I see are new classes. I thought that was cool. New content and stuff, ya know? Once I logged in, I roamed the new revamped maps as my little level 54 character, searching for newcomers, looking for pre-BigBang veterans, and finding people to help.
Instead, I came across people who talked pure s*** to me. I asked them if they wanted me to help. They tell me to f*** off. Left and right, these players who came during and after BigBang were being outright rude. Meso hogging, map hogging, mob hogging. That rarely ever existed in the MS I knew.
My friends and I reunited somewhere in Sleepywood and talked about what the hell became of MS. Now, we all still play on and off, and still try to socialize and rebuild what was left of MS. But it's rough.
Game wise, the graphics and music are beautiful. Skill animations are pretty awesome. And the events that occur can be fun. It's just the community. Avoid the wrong people, friend the right. It's hard to tell but sometimes, newcomers and some returning veterans can find those kinder pre-BigBang souls - including us ^^
Many class options
Easy to level
Free weapons and armor
A lot of different Quest Lines
Party quests
Boss Runs
Easy to make money
Too many classes/ too many new classes (you will always want to play a different class and never really focus on one class to max level)
Too easy to level ( this ties into my first con, it will be so easy to level that you will be more likely to try a new class and get it to second job advancement)
You can start party questing at 30 instead of 10
All the good training places at higher levels are usually full
All in all though it is a great game. I recommend it.
I really enjoyed the game when it was new and run by Wizet: simple, few classes, medium-sized world, low lvl cap, SUPER grindy. I still enjoy it after the Big Bang update and to this day (on and off).
- quite a number of classes, subclasses and skills
- large world
- plenty of events
- a LOT of quests
- party quests
- much faster lvlling
- lvl cap 200
- nice music
- crafting system
- lots of tutorials, baby steps and free stuff for new players [newbie friendly]
- story is starting to take shape (if you play almost all the classes to see the pieces of it)
- character customization is ok (larger variety of eyes, hair, etc with NX)
- customization using equips and fashions
- fully customizable hotkeys
- hackers
- very poor customer service
- spammers, beggers, scammers, etc
- still pretty grindy 100+
- community not as friendly as it used to be
- economy is messed up (run by NXers and hackers)
- pay to win
- no pvp (not sure if they fixed the arena but it sucked anyways)
- mount and pet systems are pure NX
- character customization and fashion is largely NX
- grind
- craft
- party quests
- events
- quests
- boss (expeditions)
- collect codex cards
- Mu Lung tower
- ks/show off to newbs
- spend hours trying on outfits in the cash shop (me: and not buy anything)
- be a heneho - sit around and chat if you have friends
- try out other classes
Some classes are definitely more fun than others, my favs being Demon Slayer and Luminous (and Phantom before it got screwed up). There is not a time when I log in and there isn't a list of 5+ events going on, so even if I don't feel like grinding there's still stuff to do.
Finally I will give it a 7/10, I have gotten bored but can never bring myself to uninstall it, it will always hold a special place in my heart as my first ever MMO and, as most MMOs, it's very fun with friends but lonely and boring without.
Just ignore the hackers and sellers, play in an empty world and enjoy with your friends.
Cash Items (real money) only give you boosts, fancy looking clothes, etc.
so you don't need a'lot of money to play this game.
MapleStory was at its best at v.55.
I'd say the perfect MapleStory server to play in would be a v.55 with 4x exp, 2x mesos, 2x drop and around 100-200 players online at any given time.
Sadly there isn't any.
Hacks are selling ATT scrolled earrings and such for tons of in game cash. You can not really get anywhere without ATT scrolled items at first then you have to % scroll, cube, AND Chaos scroll rare drops to get to 200.
You are always almost able to mob at the best xp spots and by the time you get to it the xp means nothing and you have to find a new spot. Game is geared towards pay to win in all aspects, you can limp along if you want but the in game market is ridiculous and you have to buy a market stand just to sell anything unless you want to stand around yelling at people that your trying to sell stuff.
Everyone that plays is either an egotistical little girl or a fat dude that wants to max out everything.
Any chance you can tell me how to make the 3rd job advancement for a priest now, after all the changes. It seems you have to kill Zakhum???
The one up right now has horrible sound, the clash of what seems like shouting versus how loud the actual game is just.. lol. I dunno how you guys have had it up for a year, just saying!
Now the actual game part!
MapleStory is currently on v.125 and on January 9th it will be on v.126, leaving us with Thirty-five classes total. Twelve of which are Limited/Event release types. Two of those are gender locked.
With the v.123 game update was Tempest: Prelude, it removed the need of the secondary stat for all characters. IE: Warrior used to need STR(Primary) and DEX(Secondary).
Along with that was... The Job Advancement change!
3rd Job: 60 (From 70)
4th Job: 100 (From 120)
Also in v.123 was the max mastery for skills being lowered on a lot of skills through most if not all the classes. Making it probable to max all skills on most classes through all job advancements. Some classes are more complex and thus make you choose a skill(s) to leave behind.
Because that happened the amount of SP gained per level was modified as well.
Anyways, those are some big changes and are not the only ones that MapleStory has received since the update this site has had on this game.
I hope you guys update this page! It would be much appreciated <3
~GamerBewbs (Mitsune/Bewbs)
The peoples in game now are Map hogs, mesos hogs, item hogs. Peoples are very impolite and wouldn't help each other at all. Most of the players now are players who started playing maple Story in the Big Bang update. Iv'e played this game from 2005-2012 and all the changes in the game that i see are immature peoples and hackers.They say that they like the game, but little do they know that the game has gotten from legendary to shit.
(you might need Karma Koin, Or if theres a major glitch followed by many maintences, they give you 5k nx)
The game can get REALLY laggy, But I have never been outside of Scania. (Scania is probably the most populated server in ALL channels, so you might wanna choose some of the newer ones E.X Renegade) It has a nice leveling system, (it was harder back then)but it gets harder in the 100s. If you make a Cyngus you only get to 120 as the max, and others are 200.
New classes come out almost every year, but they are mostly an extension of the older classes.
You can hang out with friends, and alot of the time they censor out words. Even though they do, its not exactly "Kid Friendly". There are also mean people and spammers, which can get annoying.
Even so, its a really fun game, tons of quests, party quests, mini games, (Omok and Card Match)events, and its FREEEEEEEEEEEE~
-VERY expansive and FREE RPG
-Many ways to customize your character
-Oodles of classes to try
-Tons of quests to do
-Party Quests!
-Vast variety of equipment
-200 (or 120) levels to gain
-Many features of character customization require NX points
-Economy is ridiculous compared to other games'
-In the later levels, leveling up can be arduous
-Can be hard to get an original name for your character
-Graphics and detail
-Sometimes the game can seem to be out to get you
in the early days the game was incredibly grindy with very little to do at end game, in fact the way the level system is set up, level cap was made to be nearly unreachable, took about 2 years if im not mistaking for the first person to hit it. the cap is 200, the highest character i ever got was 94 and it took on average an hour per 10% of a lvl, and dieing just one time resulted in losing 10%, and since at high levels you can die from getting 2, or even 1 shot, you can imagine why level cap was so hard to hit.
fast forward to big bang, they have revamped the whole leveling system, in a very good way. its now possible to get to the interesting job advancements in a matter of a few days rather than a few months. the class system is alright at best, there are 4 classes with 3 different paths that are slightly different, but at later levels, there's a huge imbalance of class viability. warriors vs magicians for example. every boss has the ability to drop everyones hp/mp down to 1
warrios get their survivability from their massive hp, wheras mages have an ability called magic guard that makes 90% of damage take away from their mp rather than hp, this is fine, except bosses also have the ability to lock your spells that can only be removed with a priests dispel, or a potion. now you can imagine how hard it actually can be to even survive if these 2 abilities overlap, mages have to dispel themselves, hit magic guard, then hit a health/mp potion to survive the next attack, which comes within a few seconds, any latency at all and your dead, wheras the warrior needs to just spam health pots all day and its no problem.
fun game i must say, but at later levels you start to see there really is no point in trying to get better at the game as there is almost nothing to do at level cap, and if you accidently chose the wrong class, may not even be able to kill bosses rendering you completely useless after spending so much time playing.
as Maplestory 2 or something it would be awesome and it will get alot of ppls
after i saw this cinematic trailer i thought of being 3d
Though I hate how you have to be rich to be able to survive on this game. 1 pair of normal work gloves costs like 50,000 mesos! All equipments have gotten their price increased! I was hoping for a new start in new servers, but some people bought cash and transfer their characters! Therefore it's hard to get a new start so that you'll be able to afford things. I would come back, but I'm sad now that I cannot be great as many other players who have like 10+ attack work gloves (where a LOT of players have it, for every party I go in for a party quest, there's bound to be 2 or more people with good equipments)