League of Legends
League of Legends (LoL) is a creation of Riot Games inspired by the classic Warcraft III mod Defense of the Ancients. This free MMO game mixes strategy and RPG elements in a perfect way to offer exciting and always different matches.
Gameplay is not only accessible but also extremely replayable, with the player having to hone his skills and tactics for each battle. The fantasy universe is appealing and features great visuals in a unique genre bending experience. The developers are constantly updating the game with new champions, features, maps and many more, with a lot of suggestions from the community being taken into account.
In League of Legends the player is a Summoner, a spell caster that brings forth a champion to fight in the Valoran’s Fields of Justice. The Summoner controls the champion and influences the result of the match through his/her skills, such as spells, runes and others. The Influence Points and Riot points earned at the end of the match will be used to help the champions in the next battles. While you can earn the former just by playing, the latter may be bought with real money.
League of Legends is a free MMO that offers an incredible amount of strategies and combinations, making the game extremely appealing and competitive for those looking for the best in the genre.
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1 month agoSometimes math is hard. It's harder when you're wrong but think you're right.
2 months agoThe year will also tell an overarching story through the 3 seasons.
3 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
Memory1 GB for Windows XP. 2 GB for everything else
Storage8 GB
2 GHz Modern processor
GraphicsShadow 2.0 capable video card
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
OR the game will..
The game is full of kids that arent intelligent enough to play with other players and cooperate.
The poeople that say its a great game cant create an own opinion beceuse this is all what you will hate. It makes u cry and rage at your own friend, its just horrible pelase stay away from is it just takes your money and throws out the window for visual prices that are too high just beceuse you want that your champs looks good. And in the last week i got banned beceuse i used skin mods, and i dont wanted to throw my money away for that stupidness i dont need in my live.
It makes fun but for a little time so long you aren't confront with this disgusting community and that money waste you make with.
+ Character Classes (Damage Dealer, Tanker, Support)
+ Team Match
+ Skin Costume
+ Strategy
+ Casual
- Hazards Community (Negative mostly)
- Bad Customer Support
- Hacker can ruin the game
- No Offline Training Mode
- Auto Matchmaking Bad
- Unbalance PVP
Star: 3/5 (Good)
(Not Recommended)
Don't get me wrong, this game is a nice casual game. It's not competitive. Despite it's "competitive scene" the game is far from being that based on it's "pro" players. The majority of this game, by design, is designed to "play itself" meaning, nothing really builds skills in other games. That's why it's so popular. It makes you feel like you're a good player, even when you aren't. Think of it like "very easy" mode.
Now that FACT gets people easily offended. Which brings me to another point: This game has the biggest joke of a entitled community ever. Think of it being the "Call of Duty" community of the MOBA-scene.
This game was in a position to really define itself as original and skillful. Instead, being bought by Tencent, it focused on the monetization of casual players. While they might not like to admit it, it has been on a steady decline after Season 2 because of this and other MOBAs which have defined themselves in an actually competitive matter. Which is why they blatantly steal ideas from them, they have nothing left of their own (which they barely had in the first place).
If you are looking for a game that you can hope in and play with one finger and hit "Challenger" rank. Go for it. Don't let the lack of challenge offend you. Enjoy feeling the need to buy aesthetics and being entitled for no reason. You can read the comments on any media site and see how the LoL community is exactly that: LOL.
Boosted accuonts, scripters. i played 4 years and now try new moba.
Never again LOL!
Ok there was a whole vision "overhaul" which took away invisible wards leaving only the visible ones. There was also a nerf to the pink ward (the ones that see invisible units) making invisible champions too op, then juggernaut rework came into existence making tank which literally where just damage sponges before into damage sponges that deal assassin level damage, the whole map was reworked( which was nice), then there was a jungle rework which made jungling more viable, then it was nerfed, then jungle specific items were addded which were abused by laners. There has been numerous champions reworks to fit the current meta when before they were rework to fit their role, for example literraly each new champions moves fast, have escape, is more powerful than old ones, requires less mana,etc which makes every game have literally the same 26 champs or so of the 100+ available making the game repetitive. Also mana regen was pretty much gutted making mana hungry mages almost impossible to play, mages were reworked some to the point of uselessness while other got a passive shield that blocked 90% of all damage, could silence, has basically minion, does damage over time, and his ult does damage based on health and makes the victim unable to attack/move (malhazar) kind of rework. Old favorites were reworked into the current meta making the game even more stale taric when from being a tanky/mage to a tank/support with cc, items have been removed for no good reason, mage items were nerfed meaning each game its literally all ad, the community is toxic as ever, riot is more focused on releasing skins that fixing problems and finally the entire game is "balanced" around pro player meaning that the game is literally targeted toward like less than 2% of their entire player base. The games have become short meaning late game champs are worthless (50 mins to 26), slow mages like anivia are also pretty worthless right now, a game mode was removed, they changed the queue to a new one that basically punishes you for playing solo(meaning the current queue is made for duo/teams) and lots of stupid changes that really make no reason like the entire removal of the game lore(story) for no stupid reason, releasing champions that dont require mana nor any type of energy to use abilities with low cd (spamming champions) like yasuo basically button mashing champions, nerfing not used champions while buffing most popular ones leading to even more champion stagnation to the point in which every game has either a zed, yasuo, yi, kat or malhazar (plus other 10 or so) or at least most of them ill say like 88% of the games. And finally before the games was usually a fairly close battle but now if the other team has the op(over powered) champs and your team doesn't, and if they get a couple of kill you cant literally stop them leading to having like 8 ouf of 10 games winning by landslides basically while the other 2 in surrender..not anymore close matches in which one made a stupid mistake and lost anymore killing. Also before i forget most items are never used since the not popular were nerferd leading to literally building the same way everygame
Came back a few days ago... and its all bots everywhere, minus most of the spewing. Thought I could get back some fun out of LOL but it has now become a worse joke...
For sure.. I am uninstalling this and wont be ever coming back. Would spread the news and tell all my friends dont bother to invest in LOL, especially the kiddy ones, to go play other MOBA over this one.
Hi, I am an anonymous dude, but I promise the following is absolutely true:
- I have over 4000 games played.
- I have ~5 years in the game.
- I have 1 Plat account, and one Silver (Currently making it's way to Gold when I feel like playing it...)
I do not consider myself a *professional player*. I am not.
However, what I *am* is an extremely informed player, who has extensive experience, and has even communicated with the higher ups at Riot on a few occasions (Disagreements, recommendations, etc.)
So, here are the pitfalls of this game (League of Legends):
#1. A ranked and ladder rating system that fails to account for independent player metrics in considering a persons competency and placements.
What does this mean?: This means that if you are an amazingly competent player, your climb might be arduous, painful, and nigh impossible without a duo for support or assistance. A common tactic with F2P games that have placements, is to simply grind a few smurfs into placements, and then proactively climb with the one that placed best.
Yes, this works.
A fresh level 30 account can be placed at the top of Gold by simply being fortunate enough to be placed into a match with competent players. Another poster here stated it properly when they said, "It's mostly luck, and it sucks." Yes. That is so true!
I have seen players in Bronze, Silver, and Gold, who were absolutely amazing, but the roll of the dice, and the lack of a duo basically meant they were constantly and consistently paired with teammates who made it impossible for them to win through some combination of being -
A.) Incompetent with counterbuilds
B.) Terrible at positioning
C.) Lacked foundational map awareness
D.) Lacked knowledge of other champs abilities and strengths/roles.
E.) Highly toxic or egotistical, possessing a confidence or belief in themselves that extends far beyond their competencies.
or, most likely...
F.) Some combination of all these things.
People *will* come here to try and tell you that it's possible to solo your way out of this games lower-middle divisions, but they are certainly incorrect. I have seen pros get stuck in lower divisions, and only some of the worlds best players can legitimately do this task to any reliable degree.
I have also seen people in higher divisions (Painfully, I actually *know* some people who are in Plat, and shouldn't be, because they simply knew an amazing player.)
#2. League of Legends has, *hands down*, the *worst* online community of all time! This position is compounded by a few things.
A.) Large age-range, resulting in teenagers, and younger, less mature players hopping on.
I don't mean this as a pejorative, really, but many younger individuals don't have the foresight, wisdom, or dedication and drive to pull out of a losing match. They would rather forfeit the match under the pretense that they know whats best, when really, they simply don't.
B.) Everyone ego tends to come out, and people are convinced they are genuine masters of this game, and that since they read a Mobafire build, or watched LCS, they are now sufficiently informed, amazing players capable of directly emulating the pros. Sure enough (This tends to happen in Bronze/Silver/Gold more than Plat+ I have noticed), when a professional gamer pulls out the Leblanc or Zed mid, there's a fanboy (or girl) leaping into a ranked match, building and trying to play "like the pro", and inevitably failing at it, feeding, hugely sucking, and raging at their team over it.
People don't realize that the pros build or play style isn't for *every match*. It's specifically tailored for a given match because said professional knows the entirety of the situation and composition of a particular matchup, and (counter)builds and plays appropriately.
#3. Riot is a *business* that has lost it's personal touch.
Prior to the acquiring of League of Legends by Chinese ISP giant, Tencent, there was a dedication to the playerbase that wasn't just visible at the MLG level, but down to the individual player as well. Yes, their support is actually quite good at responding, but they do not proactively address issues (many of them mentioned in this post) that actually affect the morale of their playerbase.
You can get into a several placement matches in a row, get stuck with two afk's every game, and Riot will simply tell you, in a polite way, to fuck yourself. There isn't anything they will do, or are *willing* to do, to fix this issue.
Actually, about 2 weeks ago, I was put into placements for Plat 2.
Since this was my second go-around, I received the notice that "Congratulations! You have qualified for a series! You have been granted one free win, due to a previous placement attempt!"
I started the series, needing only one win, with one being granted.
I go into the game, and lost the first match.
No problem.
It shows one green check mark (my free win), and one red X (the loss I just had).
I play another game.
I am dismayed to find that as I enter the postgame screen, I still have one red X, and one green check mark.
I already know Riots position on this (Fuck you, dear player!), but I fill out the ticket, and submit it.
Yep, "We can't do anything about it, blah blah blah,...", so yeah. Essentially,. "Fuck you, dear player!".
My personal opinion, is that there have been better Mobas (DOTA 2 is *technically* a far superior game, even if I think the backstory and character models of League of Legends make it more, erm,..."appealing")
Play it on occasion (i.e. for "fun"), but don't ever make the mistake of thinking that League of Legends is a fair, or balanced game that will "treat you with equality".
It will not.
Expect to go years between player experience improvements, but less than a month between a dozen skin releases, and at least one champion release, which, by the way, will be a simple rework of existing champion skills, put together in a new model.
Tencent hungry!
Riot feed Tencent!
League will die.
When it does, many will despair at what it *could* have been.
Riot is crap, don't waste your time with their game.
1: Start the game with friends!
I began this game with a group of friends I met online and skyped frequently. We had loads of fun doing troll matches and wierdass builds but it was totally worth it. A majority of my friends don't play it as much as they used to but we still always play together when someone asks.
2: Expect to be flamed
When you are just starting out you are probably going to be facing a LOT of smurfs (higher level chars on low level accounts) they WILL yell at you and curse you off. BUT there is this magic button called THE MUTE BUTTON. (Just hit tab and click the little speech bubble next to the players name). Report them after you are done if they really ticked you off. (Good job you made the community 0.00001 % better)
3: Don't give up
Hell if you think you have lost the game think twice. Considering I'm only bronze there are ALWAYS comebacks.
4: This is not pay to win
The reason so many champions are expensive like 6300 IP is due to the skill level it requires to play each champion. Riot makes it so a player has a little bit more experience with the game before they purchase an expensive champion. These guys are usually pretty hard and have a big learning curve. If you buy them I suggest you look up guides and videos on them (make sure you have the proper season for the most recent builds/tips) Also don't buy these champions with RP it is a COMPLETE waste and you are definitely going to be bad with the champion if you are just starting out.
If you are not having fun leave. You are going to end up ruining the game for other people. Be kind and considerate and help people struggling around you. Give em pointers, send them to helpful guides, send youtube links, add them and talk to them. Just don't ruin the game for others...
Well just follow those five rules and your Leaguing will be successful! If you want feel free to add this scrub ---> Starbreaker14 <--- (bronze trash right here but I still have fun :D)
Lots of items with different effects...
Summoner Spells that help players out if the regular abilities are on cool down...
Runes and Masteries boost the base stats and modify lots of factors, like increasing damage taken to increase damage dealt...
Mostly teamwork based, though you're mostly alone when doing solo things like laning, stealing buffs, split pushing, etc., so it's also skill based...
Fast paced team fights...
Long story short, great game... lotsa players in the community are toxic, though...
Reallllly bad
- The community is more toxic than liquid ebola
- Early levels you play against 80% smurfs (higher mains playing on low accounts)
The game itself is pretty cool. Only the community is very worse and a no go for me. I'm done after being yelled at in 3 games in a row. If you can't take any flame from other players. i recommend to searh further for an another MOBA
- Huge champion pool. Always adding new champions and balancing them out.
- Lots of media; Twitch streams, big shows in California, shout-casting, Youtube videos.
- Big community.
- New game modes released for a duration; nice breath of fresh air every once in a while.
- Nice gameplay feel and lots of room for mechanical mastery.
- There's a champion for everyone's play style!
- The community is majority toxic, mean, and ignorant. The kind of people that tell you to go kill yourself and report you for being 0 kills 2 deaths. I would recommend no All-Chat and muting anyone on first offense because the toxicity can get overwhelming.
- Highly team based. Players complain about something called "elo hell". The reason for elo hell is because of the next statement.
- Lots of smurfs. This means players who have been playing for a very long time create a level 1 account and destroy all the low level players that are just starting. Also, there is boosting. Highly-skilled players will go on their friend's low level account and beat everyone to boost the account's rank up. Because of this, it can be very hard to get to the next rank because even if you play extremely well, there can be a smurf on the other team that plays even better. The only way to get to the next rank is to be WAY ABOVE everyone in your rank. This can be very discouraging at times.
- The champions and items in the game are being updated to fit the meta instead of the meta being decided by the players. This may be a problem to some people. Instead of the players making jungling happen and be a part of the meta, Riot makes items and champions designed to be good in the jungle and penalized when in lane. The meta was supposed to be the best strategy and now its because of the way the game is designed.
So, basically the game is very supported and maintained and always kept fresh for the players, but the community is ruining it for themselves by being so toxic/mean to each other and ruining the ranked experience for others by smurfing and boosting. By the way, most clan-like communities in league ban for smurfing and Riot bans for boosting and too many reports of being toxic. They understand the problems exist, but its a hard thing to control.
First, graphic: DotA 2 wins due to more realistic textures and movement realization.
Gameplay: whole other stories. LoL is way more harder to play cause of 2 things. First is, you need a lot of skill and hours of playing to learn other champions spells so you can evade them and get a proper position in team fight, changing position of your champion quickly is very important to keep you health bar filled, DotA is slower and you can't evade most of enemy spells. Second thing is TEAM. Your game is very much affected by your team which in DotA is not a case. For example if someone leave a game even for a 5 to 10, min that's a big loss for your team and more likely lost game. I would say DotA is more casual game and LoL is more skilled game and way more frustrating since you need a 4 other good player to win and lost is not acceptable in Ranked series.
> Yes, fun to play if you have experienced friends to premade with, and secure at least 4/5 players wont rage feed, or leave the game
>From over 3000 games i have had going from my 3 accounts ,there is a secret there that no one is proud of, "Elohell" just type it up on google.
Meaning aprox 8/10 games you play will include players who do not know what they are doing, and the ones that dont will mostly rage, flame and feed intientionally, or my personal favo "I go AFK" that ive seen in League one too many times.
>Toxic wise, this game has the most repulsive community on non platinum tier ranked games, which is like 95+% of the games community and you can and will not expect to have any fun what so ever if you dont have skilled and trusted players to team up with.
There is no Tribunal, Support system, Ban system that is in any way related to human resources, it is all automatic, and most of the time, you get rage banned from jealousy of other players if you play it right.
Overall avoid if possible, you will not find fun nor time well spent on that game.
And for paying customers, just check forums, some skins RIOT offers are more expensive than entire games out there.
Riot Games says its not a ban offense, but they allow their Tribunal Community to vote and ban its users for breaking Meta, or refusing to lane for example I like to take my (AD) attack damage characters Mid Lane, but I get toxic players that curse at me in pre-game chat, they steal my lane try to force me to go bottom lane which I decline politely then they rage at game, and I get banned for refusing to go bottom lane.
League OF Legends Great game, but the community is complete trash, I have played MOBA's for years, and Never in any other MOBA have I ever got a warning or suspension for refusing to play a role, lane, or a champion a certain way, but in League be aware that the community is very toxic Riot games says that they have 32 Million players based on what I was told and like 8% of games are toxic, that is a lot of games Thousands of games a day.
There are good players too but when Solo Q good luck not getting at least 3 toxic games out of 10 or more.
It would be great if Prime World any of the other MOBA games would become popular and as great as League without the trolls, and without a Unjust Tribunal, and a forum run by about 5 specific trolls that constantly troll my posts twist words around, and are toxic.
This is hands down the best game I've ever played. Way better than DOTA even though I love it as well. There are currently 114 Champions to choose from to summon and play. While SOME of them have similar play styles every single champion is used for a certain situation. The game is constantly updated and is the #1 free to play game. THIS GAME IS NOT PAY TO WIN. The only thing real money does in this game is make your character look different, i.e.: Skins.
Use the link I provided and add me in game (Eiohim) and I will help you start and give you a free skin of a Champion of your choice that's under 10.00 USD. I have plenty of free codes sitting around and there's no point in multiples. I am a top ranked in the world player so you'd learn from the best. Please, help me help you. Thanks!
Don't compare them.. i played both of them i liked them both.. i just dont compare them.
i just play them :) ENJOY the game :) DotA is fun TOO! :)
Don't compare them.. i played both of them i liked the both.. i just dont compare them.
i just play them :) ENJOY the game :) DotA is fun TOO! :)
Most players are rude, mean-spirited, and just bad.
You will be lucky to get one decent game where this isn't a:
1. A person who leaves the game
2. A person who trash talks you to death
3. A person who makes a homophobic remark
4. A person who makes a racist remark
This game used to be fun and now just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Play SMITE... it's better.
played Dota 1 for almost 7 years and getting boring
now i am currently focused on next generation Dota 2 ;D
Even though the community is absolutely horrid, the game rivals pay to play games today. The game is by no means "pay to win". The producers have a wide range of champions to suit different play styles and personalities. Free to play champions are offered every time someone plays. These champions are cycled out on a regular interval. The currency system is based on how much one plays and how good they do. So, if you play the game a lot then you can get almost whatever champions you want.
I would strongly recommend this game due to its high quality gameplay experience. A kill actually means a lot in this game. Combined with friendly teammates and a champion that suits the player, the game can become the best to a specified player.
1st. Really addictive and takes most of your time
2nd. It's not that easy get IP for new champs
3rd. There will always be a guy who will fck up your ranked game
4th. This game is really playin your nerve strings
you can by EVERYTHING with online money
To clear things up, there IS a cash shop, BUT you can only by champions and OUT OF GAME BOOSTS in there, so you get 100% of the game FOR FREE (but it does take a while)
one champion takes uhhhhh between 3 games and 60 games to unlock, at lets say, 30 mins per games at least. or 10 £$ whatever. ITS COMPLETELY FREE
Once you start a game you can't finish for around 25 minutes - sometimes up to 90.
Apart from this the game is pretty fantastic, and I play a *LOT* of MMO's. Of course, there are noobs, and whiners and leavers; NOTHING YOU CAN DO, all games have them. One thing I should note is that you are considered (rightly so) a 'new player' when you reach they highest level possible; Don't take this wrong, you only unlock most o the game here, but it doesnt take as much effort as on other games. so;
Massive player BAse
Support is great and other players help too
MASSIVE variety of champions (you can change each game)
Extensive guides
Lots of updates and new champions
Impossible to max level ( actually no, ONE PLAYER can do this, but to be perfactly honest, youre not gonna be the best LoL in the world)
Have to do fixed length games (can't come and go as you like)
Have to download for about 3 minutes every week (updates) not that much, but it's a con.
If you are level 1-5, you are new and rubbish. 6-25 you are new and probably rubbish. 26-29, you are new and possibly rubbish, 30 ( max level ) you are new. This is actually, a lot more sensible than it sounds, but if can be a little offputting.
SO MANY EFFING CHAMPION, it can be very difficult. There are (at time of writing) 112, and for each one you NEED to know, all their 4 skills, their passive, their rough statistics, how they can be built, and where they play, to be able to say ' I am a reasonable player'
But one flawed design make you rage like never before, its too team based/team reliant, or too luck based, I mean the winning or enjoyment of your game solely relies on your teammates not sucking, I know what your thinking, your right your always right, I was like you before, but after years of experience and understanding LoL, I conclude, LoL is pure LUCK, luck like who will be your group mates in a programming project, luck who will be your team in a basketball game, Yeah I know what your thinking its not winning and losing, and its all about having fun, yeah your right again I was like you before, then you keep losing, and its not that fun anymore, tried casino? its fun trying the first 3 games even its a loss, right? what about the next 10 games its 8 loss and 2 wins? is it still fun for you? well, there are some people still gonna claim its fun, but I'm talking about the majority of people, yeah, your right u can have friends u can play with, but can he play anytime your online? this game is great if you NEVER play alone, even with 3 its quite hard if theres an afk or feeder
tl;dr: LoL is a pure Luck, too team reliant, too team based game, where you need to never play alone to even play decently.
-4 years LoL player
It runs great on crappy computers now MAC client being tested too so even if the graphic inst the greatest on the world it still looks amazing and everyone can play this game.
Its free... no unlocking crap no llimits no pay to win just pure skill. New champions doesnt mean they are better, they are mostly imbalanced OP or UP so if you think you buy them instantly then go to a ranked games to dominate forgot about it.. If they are OP they get perma ban in every game untill they got fixed. Riot is constantly doing something always fixing, buffing champs, making new models of very old champs so nothing gets wasted and there is a reason behind that its very simple : This game makes money mostly on skins since they cant be bought with ingame currency so even old champs count, because you will buy skins for them too :) They also put down prices of old but very good champs. They have great business model to make profit and sponsor tournamets 2012 had 5 milion dollars prize pool :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsGBA7UzMrI
Riot is the best company on the market when it comes to interacting with community. They have superb events http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4CM02RxclA, currently the best and most watched events on esports. They make videos about every single patch http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5C21EBCCB32F15E3 Again they realy care about the pro scene and all the players, they keep the game balanced for causal players and pros too.
The community has NOT ONLY trolls, noobs etc. People never talk about good stuff only about bad on forums.. Sure you will encounter this, because the game has masspopulation.. Many want to be pro, fatkids and so on. So its good to search for a guild or play with friends when you dont have nervers for the people.
People complain about Tribunal system when they get banned fro "no reason" honestly I have never seen that....people make these posts all over the youtube and internet, because they got banned for mostly nice language etc.. I lied I actulay remember once a pro guy got banned acidentaly using some external program, but they talk it out with the support it was all over the forum, also I have seen when a pro player from a good US team got banned, this means they dont care if you are pro you get banned... also he is able to play on new account, but cant go to competition for 1 year :P
When it comes to champions you have 2 free at start from subscribing to youtube and facebook, also you have 10 champions you can play for a week in a next week you get new 10 champs this means you can play all the champs without spending a your points or money and I also recommend this untill you find your style. They add new champs every month, some of them are ofc similar in mechanics, but its always new, the variations, the look ofc and all so there is always something to look for and I m sure every single person who plays this game one day will have his champ that completly suits his personality. Be a psychopat killing machine, unkilable tank, most feared mage, sneaky bastard, annoying cute bastard (Teemo must die) what you want its all there :)
I had lag btw in this game..like in any other internet game. The game need balance fixes like any other online game, but compared to most I know Riot is actualy fixing thinks constantly all the time in every patch (every month somethimes more when need hotfix) The community has all kinds of people, find good and play with them only on team. This is a team based game, but you are also alone 1vs1 on your line or jungle so both team and solo skills are important. Pve and PvP are both important you need good farm killing monsters and minions. Simply this games offers a lot to all kind of people you can play support if you dont like killing :)
In no other onlinge game I have played in years (mmorpg, mmo) I felt so good when I dominate my oponents, when I feel I learned my champion so well also I m so mad when I suck XD
Dota 2 players please dont comment here, enough stalking you pervert nerds, Valve doesnt care thats why LoL takes the spot baby.
when the game started it was indeed 1.3GB
now it is actually nearer to 2.3 GB
just so everyone knows
The match ups claim that its close to your skill lvl but when i was around lvl 15 i cant tell you how many 20+ lvl summoners i was going agaisnt and the "leaver buster" system is so flawed its not even funny sometimes the game it self kicks you out and it counts towards the leaver buster system its crap I personally got kicked out of a game for 8 mins when i came back the game let me finish the match and then baned me for 6 days.
But in all the game is good not for starters go play HON or try DOTA even then come play this game once you get some exp under your belt in the moda games.
but there is some advantage in lol it works on slow internet while dota laggs in slow internet
clients i guess
Also once you hit lvl 30, prepare to have an emotional breakdown because of all the games you will lose from leavers,trolls and noobies.
p.s.I've played Dota2 and Hon and in my opinion they are alright.
P.S.: LoL is a good game, played it for more than 2 years but the unfriendly community made me quit it.
but repetitive after a while.
leveling your "Summoner" is very slow.
Many players have latency issues which leaves you a man or two down when the game starts.
The company has went from a quality service to a quantity service rather quickly, and it shows.
it will help us in middle east wars he he...LOL
1. recall
2.jungle buffs
4.Reconect to the game if not done -unlock
1. Although having nice graphics some of the character's look outdated compared to newer ones
2.Ranked system is completely messed up because even if you win or lose players will get tougher
3.Player Base can sometimes be very mean.
4.Game is most of the time very stressful for serious players.
* Extremely repetitive
* Extremely dependent on 4 random teammates
* The heroes may be new but the gameplay is the same
Some people may like this style of gaming though.
It is not a high quality game -- having only a ~79% aggregated rating -- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Legends#Reception -- and won no worthwhile awards -- gdconlineawards.com/nominee/index.html
Best game? Hardly.
Thanks for reading! :D
Major problem is economy. Its Fremium. the game is free download and play but the champions that you use are not. Some are cheap and only require little effort to get, but most require upwards of weeks of "grinding" game to get or between $5-10 cash each. Some of the Cosmetic skins cost $20, yeah.
If you want to play, bring money, otherwise you will be stuck in an unoffical trial mode.
aa and i cant wait for dota 2 to come
The best part is that it's for free, although you can buy the real money currency which gives you some bonuses, although also doesn't give unfair advantage/disadvantage in game.
If you're just looking for an Online game different from MMORPGs and/or FPS with a large community this is definitely worth a try.
I played it once and now i'm playing it again, so... you guys can see how addicting the game can be.
The game is very fun if you group up with your friends and play :P even if you lose, all that matters is that you would have fun, and this game gives plenty of fun, almost unlimited fun, but beginners ruin the game... even tho they are max level, they still suck and feed and then leave.