Heroes & Generals

Heroes and Generals is a free to play 3D MMOFPS developed by Roto-Moto and set in WWII . Unlike traditional lobby based shooters, Battles fought within Heroes and Generals contribute towards a persistent overworld based on real areas of Europe during WWII. High ranking players acting as "generals" command various assault teams towards key objective locations within the overworld. Once an assault team has been moved into place a mission is spawned allowing players to join that mission.

Depending on what type of assault team was sent into a mission, players of each faction will have varied amounts of respawns, class types and vehicles available to them. As the battle progresses both factions respective generals can command more teams to reinforce those currently engaged in the mission, giving them extra respawns access to vehicles and more. This allows a battle to wage back in forth on both the strategic and ground level.

Players will have the ability to create their own character and progress towards a specialization including Rifleman, Sniper, Tank Commander, Fighter Pilot and more. Players can also outfit their character with new clothing as they gain experience, allowing them to show off their rank.

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Additional Information

Heroes & Generals
Release Date
July 11, 2014
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10




2 GB available space


2GHz CPU w. SSE3 instruction set- dual-core


ATI HD 2000/NVIDIA 7900 or above (with >512mb RAM)

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Reto-Moto and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (113)

Do you recommend this game?
skeg 5 years ago
if you love black screen of death launching, graphic driver errors, weird shadowing in the middle of no where and having your position given away in in game shadow bugs, then yes please give this still alpha bug 2019 game your money

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Tech We Love 6 years ago
I think this game is pretty amazing. I especially love the Tanks, Planes, and Recon class.

It's even more amazing when you play at 2K Resolution, and above. Simply beautiful, and immerse.

I've already played this game for 2,770 hours. : )

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aerhgaerbe 7 years ago
i play most shooters from mmobomb and this is most pay2kill and pay2win game on mmobomb.unlock system is 2 slow thats how they force people 2 buy.GAME IS TERRIBLE

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Daylot_Usta 8 years ago
You can find "so much lucky" or "very very VERY skillful" players in this game. Headshots are standart killing way for lots of players. But fun to play if you fortunate to stay away from "very lucky" players.

Have Fun

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MrBigfoot15 8 years ago
I cant even play it... game get's stuck at 75% percent and stays there till the end of time, or if i get impatient. Someone at H&G support center literally stopped helping me without even telling me, I can't even tell you why cause they didn't tell ME why...I wouldn't mine them to stop helping me and give me a valid reason why they can't help, but the fact that they just ran off and not tell me my problem, mg I hate it SO much.

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Razer 8 years ago
This game stinks and should not be held near an open flame.

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Mjr_Dzaster 8 years ago
I've been playing this game for almost two years. Honestly, I have not gone off and played any other FPS WWII games that are similar in order to compare game-play...which I certainly should do or should have done. There is definitely a lot of lag in this game. I have a computer that is older...but not THAT old and it handles other games very easily, since I have a very fast graphics card and a fast processor.

Now I am experiencing a blank, black screen when I try and start up the game. Which is interesting. I didn't have this problem until AFTER I cleared (deleted...because I was instructed to by the Steam "HELP" menu) some sort of a cache file. I think that's when the black start-up screen problem started.

Does ANYONE know how to fix this problem? I looked it up online...and followed two different so-called "fixes" that didn't "fix" anything.

Any help would be appreciated.

Anyway...getting back to Heros & Generals, I can say that I enjoy the game to a certain point. Mainly because I love this sort of game play and the era...i.e., World War II and the weapons etc. But this game definitely seems designed to suck your wallet dry. That is, if you want to have GOOD weapons right away. I admit...and yes, you can all lambaste me if you want...but I have spent WAY TOO MUCH money on this game...probably close to $300.00 @#$%ing dollars! And that didn't even dent my entire tri-angle of factions with all the best weapons and gear and fun stuff.

I understand that the developers are trying to make money so that they can continue to upgrade the game...and pay their mortgages and other bankster loans etc., but boy oh boy...this game can definitely suck your bank account dry pretty damned fast. That's for sure!

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hydro222 9 years ago
The game is fun i enjoy it very much you can buy every thing in game without paying real money just takes a bit longer pay to progress maybe not pay to win. as far as lag goes i found that the game runs better playing it on the web site vs steam and you can even buy a day of premium with in game currency so that's cool all n all a blast when you winning and the craps when your not get good or go home this game don't hold your hand

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H&Gis shit 9 years ago
this game is shit it has malwears and trojans the devs dont want you to know about

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Colton 9 years ago
Might as well just buy Red Orchestra 2 or rising storm. ten times better and much funner.

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Thisucks 9 years ago
This is the most boring games i have ever played, fun for a while then just gets boring as hell. They need to change the gameplay and everything else. my opinion don't rape me for it okay?

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Albatros 9 years ago
I have over 500 hours in the game with all the factions. The factions are so unbalanced to the point where the game is unplayable due to the amount of axis players who contribute to the game income the most . This is not a free game, if you want to have access to the complete experience you must buy gold. Granted you can buy a lower version of veteran membership that allows you to wear 2 badges etc. with in-game credits but the GRIND is impossible, i never had to grind in a game more then in this one not even in the good old wow days. You can upgrade your weapons but usually there is only one upgrade available. If you choose to play with fully upgraded weapons you will actually start to loose money since the repair bills are astronomical, also the automatic repair option in the game sometimes charges you multiple times due to lag. The game has a strategic part to it that you can access after a certain level or if you just buy it with real money, most big generals spend lots of real money to actually compete in the game, that is not a major problem, but the menu and tactical part of the game are split from the actual fps part, its a FLASH menu that constantly crashes and lags out, they had to make major refunds at certain points due to lag problems that made players loose huge amount of credits and gold. The cheating is rampant due to the innate flaws of the having the game split in two, and to the easy account making system, at one point i witnessed a tactical map game between six characters named all EE_BOT numbered form 1 to 6. The game pretends to have some historical accuracy to it when in fact its just a facade, they pit soviet and american armies against each-other, the tanks have nothing to do with reality, just the modelling ( has none of the complexity of war thunder or world of tanks), the planes are slow due to the size of the maps. There are seven maps in total some the size of a CS map. Major battles like the one for Berlin or Stalingrad take place on the same small standard town map.
Overall disappointed about the developers and sad about the amount of time i put in into the game.
PS. You are not allowed to say a game is still in BETA after 3 years !

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Laxxor 9 years ago
Current player via steam - still beta but a more than competent game. Teams work best when they are co-ordinated. Graphics are fine, frame rate is fine (intel QX6600 + nVidia 570 giving 30-60 frames/second).
Tanks are fun but sometime balance is broken where one team has a load of tanks and the other does not have enough to put the hurt on them.
Aircraft play is the most laggy in my experience but i need to re-visit.
The one odd thing is they use server-side hit detection, unlike most other onliners, so you need to consider leading your target.

USA infantry does ~feel~ weaker than Russian + German (moreso USA v Russian) but i probably just suck :).. never played as the other countries to know for certain.

Don't believe all the insta-haters posting here - if you like WWII shooters you will enjoy this most of the time.

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WestRockGaming 9 years ago
H & G - It's quite an interesting title game. This is a game with an interesting idea, but unfortunately fatal finish. The graphics are fairly average, the interface is very poor - the game just looks like it was still in beta. Another very strange problem of this game is its use of resources of our computers. You can have above average for this game comput, and have a whole lot of lags. Another interesting feature graphics of this game is the inability to fine tune the game settings to our computers, which sometimes doing strange effects, for ex.: game runs smoothly at the highest settings than the lowest, delayed loading a textures, etc.

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Stilletto_1 9 years ago
I have been playing for 7 months or so......STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME. The devs are dictators with no sense at all. the ban people for the most ludicrous reasons. The updated are terrible and never on time, the game play is filled with lag and bad pings. Weapons choices are alot but they don't work like they are supposed to and the ballistics are terrible. Then people will be banned while your online because someone in chat said something reto didn't like. Very disturbing the amount of beer and booze consumed by them during the DevStream. I called to discuss some issues and see what was in store and was promptly dismissed with a hangup and a mocking tone.


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Mark20 10 years ago
Worst game I ever played. Bugs, P2W, lack of balance, bad customer support, devs ignoring playerbase, focused on milking money, RTS part unplayable due bugs and P2W. System req. like for Battlefield 3, but game looks like 10 years old product. Sound is terrible, especialy explosions and gun shots. BETA sign to justify gamebreaking bugs.

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Jackson 10 years ago
How are you guys playing all I can do is watch videos and look at pictures Why. it does not say down load or anything just pictures and videos.

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Quadrohpod 10 years ago
I've been playing all day had no issues with FPS, graphics setting are on full high, ping is all right. I've played COD, BF4 and many other 1st person shooters and have found less glitch's in this then them. I found it enjoyable not frustrating at all.

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Magickm20 10 years ago
Don't bother playing this game. I played it for almost a year, and with each new build it got worse and worse. The devs have a whole forum dedicated to development feedback, yet don't listen to a word anyone says. The topics posted most frequently are skipped right over. Biggest problem with this game.....low FPS. I can't tell you how many people have posted on this topic in the forums, all to get zero response from the devs. Many people on average suffer from a 15 FPS or lower, completely unacceptable. The game didn't used to have these problems, but has steadily gone down the tubes as they concentrate on adding more trees or gun options instead. The only plus to this game is the WWII setting, but it pales in comparison to the boatload of issues they refuse to address. Find something else to play, it's the best choice you'll ever make.

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PhineusFerb 10 years ago
Top notch - till the "network trying to catch up" then needs restart. good for 5-10min of easy-die playing. did you expect it to be easy? worth the 'free' price tag. see you out there mo-fo's

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james 10 years ago

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james 10 years ago
"> LOL

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james 10 years ago
"> alert("123")

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Preacher_ 10 years ago
This game is the absolute worst spin off of Call of Duty that I've ever seen. It's a respawn game that you can keep coming back in to die instantly. I've been playing now for about a week because I wanted to test both factions. They're equally poor. Expect to have to shoot someone multiple times in the head only for them to turn around and hose you down like you're a fly. This game will make you so irritated, you'll turn into a time bomb on a short timer. Expect to break stuff, throw your mouse, and punch the screen. Only reason I gave it a one is because it has a experience bar that gains skills unlocks through progression if you manage to gain any experience that is. In an earnest attempt to keep from pulling the rest of my hair out I am done playing this game and would highly recommend to others that have a respect for first person shooter games not to play this game either. It has a bad taste to say the least.

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Abe 10 years ago
My faveourite WW2 game. Ok, maybe not as good as the first CoD, but almost.
I love that It is available on steam as much as playing the game only requires downloading a plugin.
I normally don't rate the game by it's graphics, but they are really good.
I find it very fun to play, even on the most difficult matches(with this I mean that almost in every match the germans are winning)you can always find plenty of ways to keep yourself entertained, for example, yolo-style suicide jeep attacks right in the enemy points with few buddies always get me(even more if we actually capture the point).
Also note that the beatiful graphics also come with possible lag, but since my computer is really good with fair connection, I didn't find any lag issues.
My rate for the game is 8.5/10, if the devs could work up a little on the balance between germany and u.s., I would give it a straight 10/10.

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Marc 10 years ago
Horribly pay to win from the start, very unbalanced. Played for maybe an hour. Pay to win enough I won't put any money into it. Would be much more enjoyable if you weren't using an m1 against hitler's buzzsaw every single freakin game.

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my shitty house 10 years ago
Man I wish I could live in an awesome economic super power like the US, then I wouldn't have such a shitty house, awesome free healthcare and high paying jobs.

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Kquick 10 years ago
recommand it

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gus 10 years ago
just downloaded it, great game play.. ive not experienced any lag issues... better than red orchestra
cool graphics... in all good for a beta.

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Martin 10 years ago
Downloaded this on steam today.
Uninstalled it within 30 minutes.
4 other players online. The worst lag I've ever experienced (my computer plays everything else fine). Just not good enough for a game I was excited to play as I love WW2 FPS.
Really disappointed and relieved that it was free!

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Chuckvs 10 years ago
This game is a total beast! WWII first person shooter + awesome graphics. Can't wait for it's release on steam!

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thenormalplayer 10 years ago
I don't want to download the game

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hoba 11 years ago
low fps

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. 11 years ago
This game has it's share of glitches. If you flip in a vehicle, it will bug out. And i pressed the crouch command and instantly found myself falling in the sky as it said I killed myself? But, this is only the open beta. And it's still a very good game. They did well to make the game realistic. The ability to customize & upgrade weapons, and even drive a tank or be in the air force. Don't like to play a FPS? Well then this game is still ofr you. Not only is there the realistic combat, but they account of strategy as well. This game has a lot of potential.

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eman 11 years ago
Its ok but there could be some better things

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Name 11 years ago
It's a good game.

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. 11 years ago
i cant join a match

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emre098t 11 years ago
nice fps

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Troll? 11 years ago
Lagging?? shit laptop or pc? dont worry go setting then low your graphic :/

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why? 11 years ago
well why is this game listed under no down load required when you MUST down load the game and plug ins for it? you guys need to clean up your site put things under the right heading

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imafukingbossbitch 11 years ago
HEEEEY GUESS WHAT THIS GAME sucks and rules at the same time i have no complaints just the lag but i got over it and just played eventualy u dont notice so :d

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GREGG 11 years ago
waste of space wont accept live.co.uk email addresses cant even register not paying for an email address just for a game

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randomperson 11 years ago
Daf*q! I made an account on this, because it its in the list of BROWSER games. now it says please download it. sorry, but that will cost you 1 player less in your community.

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-_- 11 years ago

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A Dude 11 years ago
It looks good and has a potential ..but it had low fps. And the thing that kills it the most..no one shot kills..come on.. take a lesson from Red Orchestra.

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NoName 11 years ago
Another thought is anyone who claims this game is realistic of WWII has little knowledge of WWII and little clue of war at all. Sorry for the french above.

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NoName 11 years ago
This game had potential to be a good FPS. It is ruined often by the Strategy aspect of it. Win an entire match driving the GM back to their 1st spawn and then run out of lives and they regain 2 spawns not the entire 2 main objectives just 1 and they wiin in last 2 minutes. What a joke the devs are. Great big maps. But not like Sierra's Starsiege Tribes 1 or Novalogics Delta Force series where you can walk up to anything on the map and around it and keep going as far as you want.
The GM= Gernans are OP most the time with the MG42 and panzers that just MG you everywhere you go. Its entirely dependent on if some of your side has tanks or planes too and the spawns given to the sides are not equal to begin with on maps many times. The scopes are blurry at a distance and scope technology was well advanced of what they have in this game. Now try sniping you need a recon player that is dependent on its position being available I think related to tanks. Very few snipers allowed. Changing players mid stream or loadouts is fucked due to that feature. Plus many bugs in game. It can be fun but almost too much work to bother playing unless you enjoy having your team stomped 10-15 times in a row often as a US player.
A lot of people find something better to play. This could have been a great FPS but being an F2P and constantly messed up by the inequalities it sucks ass.

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derp 11 years ago
screw this game its got the worst optimization i have ever seen on a pay or free game
spend 2k on a rig = 25 fps at best,,,
like playing minecraft when it first came out
ridiculously poor coding

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Paul77df2xp 11 years ago
Will it work on my pc?
my requarments are :-
Hp-pavalion dv6 laptop
Intel i5
ITRNL GPU - IntelHD4000
Extrnl GPU -Nvidia 630m 2gb
ram-4 gb
2.5 ghz
64 bit,OS; windows 7 home premium SP1
and my inter net is 1mbps ,that would be ,Download speed is 150-180 KB per second.
:) any help would do.
thanx in advance

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D-Capitate 11 years ago
Damn,its good to finally see a decent good old WWII game,also that "High ranks as generals" system seems pretty unique too!

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shadow mike 11 years ago
whats a voucher key and promotional code

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Aaron 11 years ago
This game is horrid i run 3 780's in sli and have google fiber as i live in kcmo i get 1gb down and 1gb up with 1ms ping and this game laggs horrible. the people that made this game are complete morons and probably basement dwellers and cant afford the education or training to make a decent game so before you download well actually dont download move on to something else. i recommend blacklight retribution.

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mohamed 11 years ago
I want promotional code

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Knifur 11 years ago
This game has gone down the toilet. The devs are retards who dont listen to any problems and now all they want is focus on money making. Game is too hit and miss. Shiiitttee

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Marrv 11 years ago
Two issues seem to be reoccurring;

laptops having gfx issues;
If it uses nvidia gfx make sure the laptop is NOT using in board gfx. The is a forum thread on this on HnG official forums.

Being a browser based game;
The game is in two parts. The Generals uses shock wave to run the campaign map. The heroes part is launched from a plugin and requires downloading.

So in reference to the above post; yes I know what a browser game is, reading all of the information before commenting will avoid the implications arisin from making assumptions.

To everyone, a new build was released recently addressing a lot of issues and working towards a more finished project. Several community suggested items have been added such as tiered matchmaking. Go check it out!

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InDaFaceGr 11 years ago
Hoped you knew what is a browser game...

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Marrv 11 years ago

The Generals part is browser based, using a flash plugin to run and campaign map and move your units.
The Heroes part is launched via the browser but the actual fps requires you to download and install the game. To have a game with the detail and content of HnG soley on browser would be near impossible.

Promo codes are on some sites. When you set up your accout you can use the code to get an amount of gold. I believe pc gamer did one a while back.

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asc 11 years ago
hey wtf is a promotional code

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Zacheryscahm 11 years ago
I thought this was under browser? It says I have to download...so....category it properly because that was misleading, since I was looking for a browser fps and this is not browser.

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Stars 11 years ago
this game is cool because this game similiar Call of duty 2

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JACK 11 years ago
I do not know why you people are lagging so much I only lag because of my connection (usually about 150 ping or so but when I am lagging it is almost 3000) I run this game at max settings with about 80fps

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Ghost 11 years ago
i need a key

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Damian 11 years ago
This Game want to be Red orchestra so hard. But Red Orchestra does everything better. Nice try though!

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-lizNinja- 11 years ago
I play on 768p with normal texture and high terrain. It is fine. I'm in the New York area and get about 100 ping. However you are hopeless with anything less than a Nvidia 600 series. It is just going to lag like shit.

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-lizNinja- 11 years ago
I have a Nvidia 660M and I get 40 to 60 fps. This game requires a really good graphics card so if your graphics card is not good don't even try it.

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BillyBob 11 years ago
They should just make it a client it would run alot better

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Spartan141 11 years ago
i love this game, was a bit laggy at first but then i lowered the graphics and it was fine. amazing game i hope stays free after the beta!

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robear 11 years ago
WTF are you people bitching about?
1 its probably your inferior american shitty internet making it lag..
2 its free - you didn't spend a dime so shut the butt-hole on your face and stop farting on this comment section unless you have something constructive to say like "maybe the US of amurika should get more domestic servers for testing so less nubs will whine"

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Piron Beng 11 years ago
Aww man,I can't wait to try this! Just played the closed beta long ago,and it was great!

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justin beber 11 years ago
how to sign up heroes generals

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JitaRorensu 11 years ago
This game is really good! Though there are still lags but we still have solutions on fixing it! By the way i have a response to the people who says why is this in the browsers. Its in the browsers section because the only thing that is going to be downloaded in this game is the plugin not the whole game. The whole game is automatically loaded to your computer. Well except the plugin! Now...Good job to the creators keep up the good work ^-^!

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Devran 11 years ago
Ahere i can get a voucher key

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Fanndango 11 years ago
Horrible lag... and if lag is completely a hardware issue like certain jerks with no tact state here.... then you must have to have a $5k machine to run this game. If you don't live in Chicago or Denver, your ping rate will be crap. It's probably true that the largest part of the population comes from the EU, so if the battles are occurring on EU servers. That pretty much ruins the game.

You can't move the server close to you, so even a $10k machine won't get past the lag if it can't communicate to the server. Potentially a good game, if they work out the communication issues.

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Marrv 11 years ago
It is a beta, a true beta. It is there to be tested & fixed over time so that it can be released in a full working order. I has not been optimised yet either, so comparing it to fully released games is ridiculous.

Also lag = latency issues, fps drops are more hardware. So stating your rig when your complaining of lag issues is mostly redundant.

If your playing from the US the player base is not as large as the EU player base yet so most games are not hosted on domestic servers for the US players, which produces worse latencies for them.

So can you please compare like with like, find another early open beta game (open Beta's that are just glorified tech demo's) and compare this to that, not fully released games from powerhouse developers.

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TrevorMcbride 12 years ago
Everyone that is complaining about lagg, It's not the game its you. your pc is shit or laptop.... And to say the game sucks is pretty low if u ask me its super low download it shouldn't take long to download, and also the game just came out. its' still in its testing stages.....

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DoOdzam9 12 years ago
How do I get rid of the lag? It is so bad I can't almost play the game...I mean, THIS HAS SO MUCH LAG I CAN"T SHOOT ANYBODY!!!!!!!! EVEN IN THE LOWEST GRAPHICS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AMD phenom quad core proccesser 1950e
Nvidia Graphics card

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onkiller 12 years ago
can u give us a code for the game???

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BCYM 12 years ago
i thought its a browser game , but i have to download it :((((

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vedro1 12 years ago
dis sucks ive got a touch screen asus new laptop nd it lags so much

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connor 12 years ago
this game suck's ass it is so lagey and i just got a brand new laptop this game sucks. it may look fun but............................................................. IT SUCKS

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Captain Crash 12 years ago
If it is lagging, you can try to play Army Rage. That's also WW2

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lietuvis1231 12 years ago
why its in broswer games but you need to download it?...

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Xwaster 12 years ago
its cool game but .... its laging alot i cant move :S

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Superhero 12 years ago
looks cool. cant wait to install it!

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