Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 represents ArenaNet's attempt to turn MMO convention on its ears and create an engaging game for players of all skill levels and play styles. It does away with typical things like the holy trinity (tank, healer, DPS) and eschews traditional group mechanics for open-world content, which anyone can join in on without hampering other players' efforts. Even crafting nodes are shareable; there's no competition for resources or other rewards.
Guild Wars 2 offers several different types of gameplay. In addition to the open-world content, there's structured PvP, which pits teams of five players against each other, and World vs. World, a series of open-world PvP maps where players fight over castles and other fortified (and un-fortified) spots to bring their home world to victory. Characters are autoleveled to 80 in each case, so you can jump right in and start enjoying these parts of the game immediately (though the free-to-play version of the game does have its limitations).
ArenaNet is committed to a "no grind" philosophy for Guild Wars 2, in terms of gear progression. Top-tier stat gear is relatively easy to get, and the high-end gameplay typically revolves around acquiring new and different skins to customize your character's look, rather than to simply provide bigger stat bonuses. This applies to the expansions, too, which ArenaNet has said will never raise the level cap above 80, making the game easy to jump into for both new players and those who have come back to the game after a long absence.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
The Next New Map Arrives In Guild Wars 2 Next Week As Just One Part Of The MMO's "Repentance" Update
The new PvP Push Mode gets another test in May, too.
1 week agoThe celebration is underway in Divinity’s Reach.
1 month agoOr, you could take part in mount racing, fight malfunctioning toys, and more.
3 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows® XP Service Pack 3 or better
Memory2 GB RAM
Storage35 GB available HDD space
Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3 OR AMD Athlon 64 X2, or better
GraphicsNVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI X1800, Intel HD 3000, or better (256 MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better)
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Guild Wars 2

The difficulty is boardline impossible at times without people helping. When you do complete the storyline quest your rolling the dice on if the game will accept your prayers in letting you hand it in as (Not just myself complaining about this) you have an extremely high probability of getting disconnected from the server. Something to do with entering a cinema the server doesn't like and it will kick out off. By kicking you off you sadly can't simply just join back on and carry on where you were. You have to start all over again. Which in some cases is 30 mins of progression lost.
Completing maps, crafting, exploring and PVP are what you'd be playing the game for. Complete enough of the storyline to get some of your mounts and glider but other than that I wouldn't bother. Which is sad because I personally enjoy the storyline.
(This game has gone to hell.)
HoT expansion is incridible, it has an intense personal story and living world stories; we got new maps in every new chapter! Gliding, massive jungle and tons of new content!
PoF expansion is even greater: much more content, mounts, new elites, huge new maps.
There's a LOT to do in this game!
Best MMORPG ever made!
+ Free to try out
+ 4 Classes or more
+ Pets
+ Costume
+ Mount
+ English Voice Actor
+ Decent Storyline
+ Medium Spec Requirement System
- Bug
- Hacker can ruin the fun
- Less Social Community
- Gold Seller
- Botter
For you who really looking for a good game, just read reviews, watch its videos so you can see the game before you try yourself (because most of them are gigabytes). And if you think you gonna try, give it a try and decide yourself.
GW2 as it short for Guild Wars 2, I've been playing this game for several years. Yes, I bought it, and yes I bought its expansion too :D. That's what I said, if you looking for a good game, get them from who bought it :D I bought them and I never regret till today.
Nothing's perfect. Absolutely many rooms for improvement which the developers been doing that for years. So I have no complain (not as haters on comments did here lol), and enjoy all these years experiencing the game.
Cheers :D
PS: I put name as my main char in GW2 which I stay on JQ server for now :D
No idea why people are crying about it so much. It's possibly one of THE best F2P games out there. Literally a truckload of content FOR FREE with very few restrictions (at least that I've come across, although I have yet to get into crafting properly), that will take quite a while to complete if you take your time with it and just enjoy yourself rather than race to the end (something I personally find boring).
Don't listen to the nay-sayers. Regardless of locked content, blah blah, it's still worth playing.
To give you an idea of my bias: I played the first game for 4-5 years, and starting playing GW2 as soon as it was released. I pre-ordered it (the only game I've ever done that for) and immediately started playing it the beginning of my freshman year in college.
I loved it in the beginning. I still love it, but I see many areas that can be improved (and that I would like to see improved).
It does several things well;
- holiday events
- crafting
- trading with other players
- mail (to communicate with players offline)
- dodging during combat
- a new combat camera
- actually just all of combat
- gliding
- jumping puzzles
- a much improved storyline
- extremely customizable characters
- gorgeous outfits and armor/weapon pieces
- 5 races (Asura, Charr, Human, Norn, Sylvari)
- 9 professions (Mesmer, Elementalist, Necromancer, Ranger, Thief, Engineer, Guardian, Warrior, Revenant)
- dynamic and VISIBLE quest and player influence on the world (fail to save a village from centaurs, it gets razed to the ground)
- limited "free" version (can't use trading post or mail, can't progress past certain points of the storyline, etc.)
- not enough roleplaying elements (limited emotes, no dedicated RP servers, small RP community)
- outfits often cost gems (IRL currency)
- lots of grinding
- plotlines feel slow and unimportant
- guilds seem contrived or moot... in a game called GUILD Wars.
While in college, I had to take off a lot of time playing the game to focus on life (as it happens). I wasn't terribly upset about it, either. When I came back, new story arcs had been added, and lots of new game types, but none of them really appealed to me. I'm still hoping the developers add more RP-friendly attributes to GW2, and I still play it and appreciate crafting, PvP, and PvE, but I'd like to see more of what the players want in the game.
What I'd like to see in the future:
- More RP-friendly features;
___more emotes
___ability to build a house
___ability to create meaningful attachments to players
___a dedicated RP server (Mega-servers kind of defeats the purpose of moving to Tarnished Coast server to roleplay. Half the time I end up logged in to a totally different IP and need a taxi into TC.)
- compelling reasons to play other gametypes (and NOT to grind for gear)
- better plot lines and emotional investment into characters
- more of the LORE of the Guild Wars universe
E-Sport= Garbage
The Gaming Community itself will no longer play these game no more. The fun has completely died out by developer fault mostly. (Stop with this Trash)
It the same with team fortress 2 being buy to play then turning into free to play.
+ Mount
+ 6 Classes or More
+ 5 Races
+ Costume
+ Decent Storyline
+ Fishing
- Small population
- Bug
- Locked Content
- Hacker can ruin the fun
- Inflated Broken Economy
- Gold Seller
- Botter
- Slow Update
- Lack of Customer Support
- Not Free To Play (Try out the game for 3 days Trial only)
Star:4/5 (Great)
it is Recommended to try out the game for 3 day Trial then decide if it worth the time.
I have been playing since closed beta and have seen the MANY stupid changes and some good ones. but mostly bad horrible decisions. most of their think tank comes from the players which do not know how to run a software company or have beneficial ideas in the long run.
I've played a LOT of games and this one truly is a standout one. Download it and I am sure you wont be dissapointed you did. Large download but trust me its worth it.
You can choose to do PvP or Wvw to spice up your combat abilities! You could hook up with your friends and conquer some difficult dungeons! You may also take some time to truly enjoy the graphics of the game with some map completion. Overall my experience with the game has been extraordinary and I can't wait to see how this game shall progress in the future. Much love!!!
"Failed Wars 2 = 120 Hours
Deinstall both......
Try not to listen to the people whining about a lack of endgame content, because the same people whine in every other MMO about the same thing. HoT now gives you plenty of endgame content, and with recent updates WvW is nice and alive once more.
Blade & Soul, Tera or GW2?
Note:(Free to try out)
-Limited information
-Heavy limit system for free player
- Limited information
There are a lot of customization options from looks and armor to weapons and even the runes and sigils, the trait line for each class is also very versatile. The PVP and WVW aspects of the game are amazing fun! Ongoing public events and an evolving story line that affects the world around you, Massive world bosses are abundant with epic battles! you will never run out of things to do alone or as a group! If your looking for something to get you excited this game is for you! Cant Wait For The HEART OF THORNS Expansion!
End game choices:
World Vs. World (Dead on quite a few servers, make sure you pick a good one)
Random Arena PVP (ranked or non-ranked)
Dungeons (fun at first, later repetitive, awful, and terrible loot)
Farming Silverwastes (repetitive, boring)
Daily Quests (boring after a while, done quickly)
World Bosses (crappy loot, boring too after done a lot)
A lot of it can be great fun for a bout a year or a year and a half. But after that you start getting extremely bored of everything. I'm hoping the new expansion will help.
Gw2 is something different from other mmo's, you might think the game is "easier", a grind to lvl 80 or repetitive questing. Some people say its fun untill lvl 30 which at that point you will quit.
I challange you to get in and really enjoy the game. With veteran players like myself. There is no other game which allows veteran players to really play with newcomers like gw2.
That's what gw2 is, fun, social, beautifull, challenging and lots more. See you ingame!
Overall? Good game and there are lot's of classes to choose from, with all players roaming around and sudden random events that will keep you in the edges of your seat for hours and hours of game play.