Are you ready to conquer the Olympus following in the footsteps of Ulysses, Achilles and the Greek heroes? Then join us for a unique adventure into the world of Ancient Greece.
In Grepolis, a browser based online strategy game, it is your task to build up from a small Polis (Greek for town) to a huge metropolis. Unite with other players in victorious alliances, establish a powerful army and navy and finally conquer islands far away. On your trip to glory and honor, you should also take care of the gods of Greek mythology: Zeus, Hera, Athena and Poseidon will decide your fate.
About six million registered players from over 150 countries have already joined the quest. The game is currently available in 18 languages and there are more to come.
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Minimum System Requirements
Grepolis is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Grepolis, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like Grepolis

For those have no idea about this game, I believe this game is HARDCORE P2W, esp on very fierce WW and Domination servers, where there tends to be PREMADES of VERY STACKED PLAYERS, most who are VERY HARDCORE, who establish themselves and practically destroy anybody in their sights, and make countless players quit with the power of GOLD, this game has HARDCORE GOLDERS, and I'm being dead serious about these hardcore GOLDERS, they could throw money at this game, and be literally unstoppable, conquer whoever they want unless the other player is a hardcore golder as well, as I have seen before. I remember one server probably lasted 9 months or something, and this basically #1 ranked player of a #1 alliance/guild against the #2 alliance never lost a single city, both of whom were stacked with hardcore players and golders, so he can instantly rebuild the wall WITH GOLD when attacked, instantly BUY RESOURCES, instantly build units WITH GOLD, pretty much can instant ANYTHING with GOLD in this game besides travel and myth units, can even instant research...
If you ever been attacked, mass nuked 10 - 15+ times in a row in a few hours from the same enemy cities with their hero and army full population nuke fully replenished before despite wiping them out every single time? If you ain't, then you know nothing about players hardcore golding in this game, or the power of gold whaling players, like it's little to no effort for them to take a city from you, it's nothing to them, it becomes skill less, and truly effortless when they are willing to spend thousands or tens of thousands of gold to fully nuke your city. Literally impossible to repel that in a server as a F2P player, that has only been out for 1-2 months. How'd they do it? Hardcore golding. I probably killed over 15+ nukes, close to 19k units of theirs, and a single player golded all them units like nothing, no skill at all, just gold spam everything, gold the army, gold revive the dead hero and repeat until there is nothing left in the city. No skill at all, just gold.
And when you look at these hardcore golding players, who pretty much play this as their living, their job, they have multiple swords and crowns, sometimes even 7+ of each and a Grep score of a million or higher, so on a server, that has been out for some barely 3-4 months, these top hardcore golding players already have 40-72+ cities, and the F2P players like me only has 17 cities, and the average in my guild is like 13 cities, an even more casual player will have less than 10 cities, and most players on the server I'm playing on have 10-20 cities, so you see the insane power difference? They are unstoppable if they set their eyes on you, and want your city for themselves. And keep in mind on a casual server I have like 55 cities, and I been on there for like a year up to a year and a half, and these players have 72 cities in 3-4 months, so if you don't think this game is P2W with gold, then you ain't got no idea
I have even heard rumors there are Grepolis staff, employees, mods or something who play in the top guilds, as many other members of my guild talked about throughout different servers, and there are talks that they have very magical powers, who knows what they can really do, they could even be the hardcore golders themselves by giving themselves whatever unit and myth tokens they want, unlimited gold, possibly even cheating
During certain in game events, they are able to amass 100s upon 100s of myth units with gold to get these unit and myth tokens, to buy the resources, the ingredients, whatever to destroy whoever they want, and when the event ended, there was like 2k-3,000+ myth units dead, and those were my trips in the cities I was defending, ain't nobody able to defend against that unless they are a hardcore golder, and have a good chunk of guild support, there is no way to defend against these hardcore golders. These even get an extra city slot for being like #1 or #3 in these events, so once again, they can expand like crazy... with the power of gold, so eventually countless islands turned red, hostiles everywhere
So if you are free to play player really casual on a WW or Domination server, and there's hardcore premades, who have already filled themselves, and not MRA, mass recruitment alliance, then chances are either of those stacked hardcore premade guilds will be the winner of the server, as there's no way a F2P casual MRA guild, even many multiple MRA guilds will be able to defeat them. I haven't seen it, cuz the gold starts pumping, they will send an absurd nukes at you, and your guildies, then eventually islands start getting more and more red
I would just stay from this insanely crazy P2W game
It would appear that, however, in the German rules, it is possible if the end of the improvement is after the ceasefire.
All but one of the alliances on our world followed the French translation of the rules. Unfortunately, one of the alliances didn't , probably correctly. The problem is that this internal Grepolis mistake has led to about 200 players losing interest in continuing to play Grepolis.
We are quite happy to continue playing if you can find a way of producing a 'level playing field', if not I suspect that you will lose a large number of previously committed players of the game, which will be a shame for you and for them.
The first thing you need to do is to build a second city far, far away from the action. When youre attacked, this city will be safe, and you can always rebuild quickly from it. Second, when your first city is attacked, if you harvested resources often and built it properly before beginners protection is over, you will harvest more than enough BPs to expand. Once you are expanding, the more they attack you, the more BPs you get, the more you can expand. You just cant play stupid and think you are going to hold your city in the center, and the ones you idiotically built right next to it. Build your empire far away, where its safe, and send troops back to defend cities near the center. More to it, but that is enough to get you safe. Does it require time? Yes. If you arent prepared to devote weekends to collecting resources to get up fast, youre gonna die. But i work weeks and sleep nights.
I had a few typos since it was a lot of words, but the inventory slots is stupid. You could have 17 slots on 1 server, but on another server, you have the default amount of just 10, so obviously that's another money move by the devs of wanting you to spend money on gold.
On the Grep forums, they have a thread of the guilds who will sink or float, so if you're in a weak alliance with very little veterans, you can expect to be razed by really hardcore players, who have played for years.
You can only hope a veteran of the game can teach you about the game, but most times they won't, and will just conquer your city, all your alliance member cities, everybody else cities until there is nothing left because they want that crown, or the world wonders on their profile. All that time wasted for nothing.
The game is very, very time consuming maintaining your cities, and your frontline cities, that get attacked by the hardcore players with full nuke attacks often, and they have attack % items whatnot that last for a week or 2.
Here's a screenshot of what it's like being a frontline city: - all those red dots are the top players of the server. it's not a fun experience, very stressful, gets more stressful seeing the friends you made on the island are gone, as well as alliance members nearby you disappear 1 by 1... cities turning ghost...
They've conquered everybody's island after island and they've been at my island for some 3 weeks, making literally my whole entire island quit, and recently somebody's city turned into a ghost city due to the nukes on his city and other cities. They made numerous players quit, and their reach is very far spanning numerous islands all over. These guys are ranked #2 in the alliances, with numerous cities and points.
Honestly you should just STAY AWAY from this game. Tried it in the early 2010s and quit, then tried it again and realized why I quit. Constant stressful battles of attacking and defending against an absurd amount of unit nukes sent at your city of which you won't survive against. Hardcore, brutal and the game shows no remorse and I'll probably just leave it at that for this game...
The most warlike and active players will solely see your city as a city for themselves even though they have 10-20+ or even more cities. Do most of them want to build a city from a fresh colony ship start on an unclaimed city? No, they want YOU to build their city for them, then they'll attack you in mass with all sorts of different units from tons of Manticores, Griffins, all sorts of land units until you have 0 units to defend the city and little to no support from allies. You won't withstand the constant nukes if you have no idea what you're doing, then you'll either quit the game or restart, as I have seen many, many players have done so. That also includes new players who just started playing, so yes build your city for someone else to conquer and have all your resources pillaged because the warehouse protects so little.
Once your noob shield is gone, you can be attacked by any player, that includes any of the top 100 players from the #1 or #2 alliance with stacked players, who have played for years or even a decade, this is probably their main game and they are active. It doesn't matter if you have 1 city, but it's a 2k-5k+ city now, they'll want that. Say farewell to your city because it's gone, it doesn't matter if you have casually built up the city for 2-4 weeks.
Oh, who is that player with 483,962 points or 48 cities? Or that player with 9,706,684 points and 621 cities? What about that other player with 96,62,033 points and 717 cities, and countless of other players with an absurd amount of points and cities? Yeah, good luck defending yourself against them and their alliance if they want your cities for their next city slot. Perhaps they want to farm you until you quit, perhaps they immediately want to conquer you, who knows
You'll sim city build your only city just to have it under someone else's control in less than a day. Log in only a few times a week, or play very casually? Good luck against the try hards with money, and countless cities they've conquered. They can get a premium paid advisor that provides 20% attack, instant build/research anything and everything else that comes with the ingame Gold currency. That also includes some of the most OP items, that increase your attack by a % for like a week or 2. The try hards have access to that no problem.
Next thing you know your city is a frontline city bordering a very large amount of the top 100 players with numerous cities with islands full of their alliance cities, fully stacked and ready to destroy you to claim a whole entire island for themselves. Nukes after nukes until you have nothing.
Even though you're in an Alliance, it's practically every man for himself in this game. You could ask for support, but very little will send any or give a rats a$$ about you. Most players on the server I'm playing only care about themselves, Battle Points, more cities and that's about it in this game. Very rarely will you find any friendly players, but in an ocean of all sorts, it's mostly hostile from what I've experienced. Pacts with other alliances/guilds will break, then you're at war with them for the stupidest reasons because the Councilmen of your guild only talk to themselves, and to none of the rank and file members on the frontlines, then ignore you.
You will see so many players quit/restart the game, then you're all alone on an island surrounded by enemies who want your city.
This is not a friendly game, very stressful, reports full of being attacked, etc. and the power gap/player experience is massive from the very experienced 10 year long player in an alliance of very similar players, to the noob who has no idea what he's doing, and just simply building his city for the next man.
You start the game with an inventory of just 10 slots, but items keep pouring at you, and the slots don't even transfer to other servers, so you still have 10 slots and way too items from quest and events to be used in a short amount of time.
So many other things to say about this game, but this what comes to mind right now, and issa lotta typing lol. If you're real casual, don't like get being stressed out real bad to the point of gray hair from games, then STAY AWAY from this game!
All the concerns and complaints voiced previously about Grepolis have only grown worse since the last posts.
1. First and most importantly, there is rampant cheating and exploiting by players. Scripts, bots, account sharing, and multi-accounting are the most prevalent. The game developer, Innogames, outsources its game moderation. That should tell you all you need to know about it’s commitment to ensuring that Grepolis is played on a level playing field. With virtually no resources dedicated to fairness and policing rule-breaking, players cheat with impunity. In the rare instances when they are caught, they get slaps on the wrists that have no deterrent effect. It’s all about the bottom line for Innogames: apparently, they don’t believe that it’s worth investing in a fair game, and that players will continue to pay to play despite it being profoundly unfair.
Grepolis is a game for suckers. Don’t be a sucker.
2. Beyond the rampant cheating and exploiting, gold abuse adds another level of unplayability for the average, rule-abiding online gamer. The premium feature - gold, as a commodity - impacts many fundamental game mechanics. You simply will not be competitive in the game unless you are willing spend hundreds of dollars to purchase and use gold.
Grepolis is a game for suckers. Don’t be a sucker.
2. On top of all of that, Innogames unashamedly runs promotion after promotion and event after event in-game in order to facilitate gold purchasing and use. The impression could not be clearer - Innogames sees the game as a tool to suck players wallets dry. It’s a very demoralizing pattern for players, who recognize the need to subsidize the maintenance of a game they might enjoy, but don’t want to feel they are being exploited or taken advantage of. But Innogames does little visible development of the game. And players are forced to ask themselves - why are we paying more and more for a game that is not improving?
Grepolis is a game for suckers. Don’t be a sucker.
4. Finally, the answer to why remaining players are being solicited to pay more is because the game is dying. The community is shrinking. And as the community shrivels it becomes more and more insular, elitist, and corrupt. It really is a very unwelcoming and unpleasant community of players, who often represent the worst of online gaming. As you can imagine, most of the rule-abiding and reasonable players have already left the game for the reasons described above. The remaining community comprises cheaters, liars, and trolls. Especially for new players, it’s an enormous and often insurmountable barrier to entry.
Grepolis is a game for suckers. Don’t be a sucker.
Unlike other games where you can't attack other members of your own alliance, in Grepolis, you can, allowing for some true backstabbing assholes to screw over the less experienced players.
On top of that, the interface isn't always clear, and there are some functions that are pretty dang clunky. There are plenty of better games out there, and I'm going to go play them instead.
Sadly over time the makers continuously implemented bad updates, made the game more and more about money, and ignore the community when they ask for this to stop or at the very least to fix some of their updates.
The end game is terrible. To the point where the makers actually publicly admitted that it was. They promised to change this...three years ago. Since then the only change has been adding more events that cost money and let you spam powerful troops. For $30 I could f* your shit up and make you life miserable for a week. Believe me, I did it and abused these events like it was Chris Brown's girlfriend. People literally told me I broke their will to fight back. By the way, I was considered a low spender on my team. The high spenders could break a siege with 30k troops in it on their own. Since these units are so powerful people on conquest servers won't bother with walls. The events don't replace defensive units either. Meaning you have to rebuild while they can buy another large force and send it out in 4 hours.
The one redeeming thing in Grepolis is the community. Honestly, if it wasn't for all those people and the friends I made, I would have quit a few years ago.
A lot of American server mods aren't good. They'd rather punish and over censor to make their lives easier. If you still want to play make sure you go to the English/En servers. The competition there is more stiff too meaning you get bang for your buck.
Being fair, it is possible to play this game without using a ton of gold. But you need to a have a strong team. Most of the strong teams are Premade before the world begins. So you're new then you need to build a reputation. Meaning you should wait a few days before charging in. If you go land in the main four oceans with no experience, your odds of losing your first city go way up.
Finally, the game is dying slowly. Lots of solid players have quit. Only the experienced alliances reign now a days. Less and less are coming. Meaning less world's are released. Which means you have to fight the heavy spenders all lumped onto one team.
This game passed its prime.
I also find another game, Goddess of War, it's cool as same as Grepolis.
Diplomacy and relationships are the basic ways to survive at the begining, if u managed to Deffend your cities at the first stages alone ,than u have to join an alliance. (or your 1-2 victory will not last forever )
once i`ev managed to be in top 30 of this game, i was controlling 2 occean it was fun ^_^
and how he knew that playing support.
Because support is always attack before the player discovers that his ban ended .
I have asked for a refund or for them to re-instate me. the company is a joke when trying to get them to deal with complaints
the following is a transcript of our conversations
Agamemnon42 2014-11-27 17:45:10
Dear Grepolis
After calming down I thought I'd take the time to write a more detailed response
I have emailed several players from the world telling them that you have suspended / blocked my account without any prior warnings or for no reason at all. Apparently I have been cheating by using 3rd party software to automize the gameplay which is untrue and unjustified
I honestly don't know what conclusions you have that I have been doing this, I have received no warnings or ingame messages as I would have contacted you asking for further clarification
I pay for my gold via credit card and have told my comrades that if I lose any cities in the meantime due to your negligence then I will be closing my account and seeking legal representation for my money back
Can you please write to me on the email address that you are holding with your address, as I have said above I will be seeking my last purchase back should I lose any cities, if no reply is forthwith in the next 24 hours I will assume that you have closed my account and I will be approaching the bank to see a refund
In the 3 years I have been playing I have never cheated, I play at home or at my parents when I visit. I don't have two accounts and I don't use 3rd party software, I will also be writing strong words of complaint on review sites about the antics you use on your customers
I have copied this email as is to my home email as evidence, I'm disgusted by what you have done and look forward to an apology in due course
For my trusted players in grepolis if I lose any cities can you please let me know, as I will then be seeking a refund from my credit card company. I hope to be returning to play alongside you very soon
Kind regards
Robert Mumford
IcedDragon 2014-11-27 18:06:05
Hello Agamemnon42,
Our support tools have detected your account to be using an automated bot, or script, that performs ingame actions, perhaps whilst you are sleeping or otherwise not physically playing. Please note that these are completely forbidden in Grepolis. There is a list of pre-approved game-scripts that can be found here.
The evidence gathered is fully conclusive, and no details of our findings can be revealed at any time in the interests of keeping our methods secure from those who wish to cheat. The rules clearly state that this is forbidden, and as a result of this we have no choice but to temporarily exclude you from the server. Please note that if we catch you using an unapproved script or bot in the future, you risk further punishments.
If you would like to inquire about a refund, I will forward your tickets to the appropriate parties.
Senior Moderator
Agamemnon42 2014-11-27 18:53:44
I have NEVER used a bot or any kind of software to play grepolis and the fact that you decline to provide me this evidence shows that you can't prove it.
I've already told you that I've been playing for 3 years and have always played fairly, I can only assume people think that as I have 95 cities I must be using some kind of software to cheat when in fact I'm playing the game as intended (using festivals, attacking other players etc)
I would like an address to forward an official complaint I will also be passing your response to my comrades in the game to pass around. This is despicable
If you don't intend in letting me continue to play the game of Grepolis fairly then please arrange a full refund backdated to my last bill
I look forward to hearing from you soon
Agamemnon42 2014-11-27 21:09:35
I haven't received a response to my query above.....can you please escalate this as I'm not happy and have never cheated.
If you continue to ban me until the 30th of November I want a full refund in my account prior, the whole of this ticket will be posted online as it's a disgrace
-This games is about micro managing . E.g. you need to farm to get as much resources as possible. This means in fact just pushing buttons. If you want to be high on the ranking then farm every 5 minutes throughout the day (and distroy your private live). The longer you play the more cities you have and the more you are pushing buttons instead of thinking about strategy. Grepolis is about pushing buttons not about strategy.
- In between pushing the buttons you will find yourself waiting until you actually can do some thing of building or attacking. Boring!
-The moderators are recruited in game and are some young guys that like and mis-use the power they have been given. Decisions are often biased and communications of moderators are often rude, not a way you would like to be treated as a paying player.
- Paying for a games is a normal thing to do. However when you play a 10 euro a month for this game, you still do not have any chance of playing in the top. A paying gamer spending around 10 euro a month (which make the game more expensive than a DVD game) should have a game where the good strategy makes the difference. Innogames is so fond of earning money that they give players an unlimited possibility to spend money (and players are doing that). Innogames is selling the top rankings in the games to the highest bidder. In fact it is not gaming contest but a shopping contest.
- The games does not have a decent end game. A world is continued for years and only ends when so almost everyone has left because it became boring. At the at of the game the only thing you find yourself doing is attacking player that are no longer active. There should be a moment where a winner is declared after which the games stops.
- The game can be played from pc and also mobile phone. On your phone you will be get messages that you are under attack. this will happen when you are on work, playing with your kids or do nice activities in real live. To make a chance in the game you should react on the message by arranging your defense. It will ruine your private live or cost your job.
Be smart do not start with it. At first it looks nice, but you will find out it is not.
But the people behind it are assholes. I've played for 3 months and spent lots of money, also getting friends to play the game who also spent lots of money. As a thank I get banned for something I did not do (they just made a bunch of excuses and treated me like crap when asking why they banned me) and obviously they kept my money making them thieves.
Don't spend a ***king dime on this game !!! They don't deserve ANY money WHAT SO EVER considering how they treat paying customers. Haven't been this pissed off since someone stole my bicycle when I was 15 some 20 years ago, if I had the Grepolis crew in front of me I'd break their jaws and p**s in their mouths
As a paying customer you might expect a fair game. Player can (and do) buy almost unlimited benefits in the game.
Winning the game is not a matter of strategy but is for the player who pays most.
Not recommended
Don't get me wrong but reached level 10 first day on all buildings. Music is annoying and reminds me of Enya which i listen too to fall asleep too loll
Ive been a player of many games preferably age of empires and building games on Xbox and PC for many years but i think ill quit this one cannot sit for a whole year on a game that expects some were down the line payment when i can build armies for free and whatever else on games on Xbox like port royal 3 or Age of empires
Shame really looks good but so reminds me of envoy and kingdoms on Facebook which from comparison is cheaper then this
to get the basic benefits that most games provide for free you have to pay for so you are playing blind most of the time...bit of a money grabbing game..made for coiners not the likes of you and me...AVOID AVOID AVOID.......
scrubbyjimbob2013-12-14 06:59:30
I just received a block due to suspected bot/script activity. I am really unsure how this could have been presumed as I have never used either in any world of Grepolis that I have played. I did get a captcha code request a few minutes prior to being booted off of the server and got a message that it was answered correctly. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
IcedDragon2013-12-14 08:55:18
Hello scrubbyjimbob,
Our support tools have detected your account to be using an automated bot, or script, that performs ingame actions, perhaps whilst you are sleeping or otherwise not physically playing. Please note that these are completely forbidden in Grepolis. There is a list of pre-approved game-scripts that can be found here.
The evidence gathered is fully conclusive, and no details of our findings can be revealed at any time in the interests of keeping our methods secure from those who wish to cheat. The rules clearly state that this is forbidden, and as a result of this we have no choice but to temporarily exclude you from the server. Please note that if we catch you using an unapproved script or bot in the future, you risk further punishments.
Senior Moderator
scrubbyjimbob2013-12-14 09:49:32
What specifically am I being accused of using? I was awake the entire time and present at my PC from the time I first entered Eubea. What exactly was deemed "wrong" that flagged me for this offense? I used no scripts or bots and did all of my in game actions with my own presence and intent. I don't appreciate being accused of cheating when I haven't been. Might this be some sort of error possibly resulting from either the island quest rewards or one of the Christmas rewards or something wrong in the recent update? It's hard to appeal an unsubstantiated claim without even being given a clue what happened to bring you to this conclusion. Also without knowing what I've supposedly done that's wrong, how am I suppose to correct the action? As far as future punishment I can assure you that if this isn't resolved I have absolutely no intention of returning, again I don't appreciate being called a cheater when I haven't. Once again your assistance in resolving this would be appreciated.
IcedDragon2013-12-14 18:06:52
I have consulted with another senior member of the team, and we are in agreement that the ban was placed correctly.
I would recommend you uninstall whatever script, add on, or extension you have enabled to prevent this from happening again.
Senior Moderator
scrubbyjimbob2013-12-14 19:22:00
Without knowing what the problem is, how do I know what to uninstall? I haven't installed any scripts/add ons/extensions that to my knowledge affect this game or how it's played. This lack of feedback is disturbing and rather one sided. It would seem that a moderator can just label a player a "cheater" without any real proof or evidence under the simple assumption that they are right and don't have to explain how they are. This evidence is suppose to be "fully conclusive" yet that is hard to believe that this is the case when you can't even tell me what I've done wrong. Is this because I was 5 minute farming the entire time I was logged in? Did I click through my farms too quickly, seemingly inhumanly fast? Did my growth seem out of the ordinary in your eyes? It just seems strange that I'm being labeled as a cheater when I was merely keeping pace with the other active players on my island. Grepolis moderators have developed a reputation for bias and questionable bans like this. They are recruited ingame and have ties with other ingame players. In the past I've always attributed it to dishonest people making excuses, but I'm beginning to see some truth in the statements I've read in my time in the game. I'd still like to give the mod team the benefit of the doubt mostly because it's hard to believe I could have been viewed as much of a threat after only about 15 hours in a new world without any ties or alliance. I'm not asking for "trade secrets" that will undermine your ability to catch actual cheaters. All I'm asking for is an explanation of what I actually did wrong beyond a vague response like "uninstall whatever script, add on, or extension you have enabled ". Without knowing what the problem is I have no idea how to go about trying to fix the issue. Like I've stated numerous times I have not been using a bot/script to cheat in this game and if some other add on that is in Chrome can mimic such activity I don't have the slightest way of knowing what it is or how to remove it. I'm not a programmer or computer guru. I haven't even used the "approved scripts" as they seem kind of pointless and lazy. The only 3rd party site I even use is grepointel for maps to see the layout of alliances, etc. As a returning player who was a paying customer it doesn't seem too much to ask for a real explanation on what I did so I can take steps to prevent it. Without knowing what I did wrong what is to stop this from happening again?
IcedDragon2013-12-15 06:16:35
I am very sorry, but I can not disclose what information we look for to catch rule breaking.
As I said, the evidence has been looked at by multiple parties and we are in agreement that the ban was placed correctly.
Senior Moderator
scrubbyjimbob2013-12-15 08:05:29
Sadly your condolences do little to ease the indignation that I feel toward this situation. It still boils down to being told I've done something wrong and then not being told what it was so I can insure I don't do it again. This farce of an appeal system has only shown me beyond a doubt that the rumors of the authoritarian efforts of the team that is suppose to help make the game better place for their customers is merely a sham to help themselves and their chosen by bending and creating their own rules to their advantage. Rest assured I'll never play this or any other Innogame again and will do my best to warn other prospective customers through social media outlets(I've kept a copy of these correspondences) before they too get suckered into this sham the same way I was. Enjoy your pittance of free gold that Inno gives you to unbalance their game(in lieu of actually paying a real support staff) while they waste money on advertising... it will eventually all crumble around all your heads the way things are ran now.
I recently started another world with some friends and colleagues, it took me a couple of weeks to save up the resources for another city, my colleagues attacked it to ensure that it was empty. I launched my Colony Ship, an hour before landing I received an email saying that the player had been banned.
You can't recall so you would assume that your forces would just bounce and return, no, he had managed to put some support in and yet we were not permitted to attack and clear it. When my Colon Ship landed I lost everything. It's takes time to bounce back and rebuild, thanks to my colleagues sending me resources
I messaged the games designers to ask for a refund either by means of coins or resources, their reply was "We don't deal with compensation" short and swift. They are eager to take your money and in situations like this you have to suffer the consequences. If people want to cheat then that's their problem, why should I have to lose out.
Fun so far but only a six of ten stars.
Expect almost zero graphics, huge time commitment and little reward from end-game.
But, at least it HAS an end-game. Try explaining 'end-game' to people who play WOW.
Expect being attacked when you are off-line. Deal with it. If I can figure out when you (yes, you) go to sleep, expect my horses to be plowing into your sorry behind. This is a game that takes the entire globe into account, if I find out where you live, when you work, I will use it to smash you.
It's quite easy to 'win' without paying a penny, if you choose wisely with whom you make friends.
-A brutal, unremitting, slug-fest of a game... In extreme slow-motion.
-Your real-life schedule is taken into account. And may take a year or more.
-Real cash helps first few weeks, then becomes nearly useless. Yes, useless.
-Can't win alone, or even with a small elite group.
-If you die, you lose everything.
-Not for the faint of heart.
One must also devote a tremendous amount of time to this game. Based on real world time, you can be attacked at any time of the day or night. Thus, you could be hit at 2 am or 2 pm. You have a limited window to respond. If you do not, you simply lose. It actively takes advantage of sleep patterns. This is a problem. It is yet another reason people will not stay.
It is also noteworthy to mention. If you started when the world opens, you will ALWAYS be ahead of people that do not start at the beginning. This is an game of accretion. Anyone starting early will have more opportunities and resources. Late joiners will likely not succeed. So, why bother?
Likewise, as mentioned by others, this game has a real issue with its moderators. They are unpaid and also play this game. They can be quite petty. As such, they take action against those that have harmed them and seek out reasons to punish. Banishment is a viable option and rampant. You will receive NO warning. They do not care because they are the ones that banished you. Thus, the game is also a game of kissing tail in that you must stay on the good side of moderators or be punished for some transgression at a later time. Not to mention, their rules on shared connections. Even if you have different devices, they will claim entire areas cannot be shared and banish accordingly. At any given time, large numbers of players are under banishment proceedings. Oftentimes, the islands on this game are made up more of vacant spots than real players.
These issues are real problems for this game. It is why very few people stay. They start, quickly realize this game is not very good, and they leave. If they stay, they will likely be banished at a later point.
Overall. Cool concept. VERY poor delivery, application and administration. I give this game 2 of 10 ratings. I do NOT recommend it. It is a very poor choice.
use alarm application for attack alert
WTF game is crap
this game is for gold cradit card user.... game is pointless and if you have admin playin in your alliance you just cant lose, and that happens, trust me... i have reported few players for giving their accounts to another player with hard evidence(new account owner message addminting the is new owner) and innogames unbanned the player cause he is probably using tons of cash for premuim and rebuilding troops
I asked to take over someone else's account and after they told me I could do it, I got banned for "co-playing" because the other player came back before I could change the password.
The only complaint I have about the game is that it takes so long to build up enough resources to upgrade buildings. The only way I’ve been able to build resources quickly is to pay for the premium services. Without the premium services, you really can’t compete with the big boys. Plus, I’ve been raiding my smaller neighbors. Not trying to be an a-hole, I just need resources.
Anyway, that’s my 2 cents. If you want to compete, be prepared to pay. And join an alliance as quickly as possible.
Ultimately though the game just takes too long and as more players quit you end up conquering the dead cities of your former teammates rather than battling with live players.
The end game (building world wonders) is a massive anti-climax and encourages negative defensive strategy and sim building rather than open fighting between alliances.
This game appears to have jumped the shark, new worlds are a fraction of the size of those created 2 years ago and it becomes much simpler for one alliance to quickly recruit all the best players and dominate the whole server.