Gotham City Impostors
Gotham City Impostors is a free to play 3D mutliplayer FPS by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
About Gotham City Impostors
Gotham City Impostors is a free to play 3D mutliplayer FPS by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
Gotham City has become over run with violent vigilantes dressed up like Batman and craven criminals dressed up like the Joker who are engaging in open warfare on the streets of Gotham City.
Gamers will create their very own Bats and Jokerz characters using the extensive customization options including insane and hilarious costumes, homebrewed gadgets and weapons and a wide range of traditional and imagined weapons.
All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Game Info
Developer Monolith Productions, Inc.
Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Release Date August 31, 2012
Genre Shooter
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
Another problem is that people love to abuse Thunder Dragon and Witch Doctor, the two most broken, overpowered, skill-lacking weapons in the game. There's been no effort to correct the weapons/nerf them/or anything else. So you get a lot of people doing it just because they love to piss you off and ruin what is otherwise a fairly straight up shooter.
Between the lag and the horrid(and small) community, you're better off grabbing just about any other F2P shooter. Yes..even Battlefield Play4Free..even that is better than GCI. It's a damn shame because the game is otherwise a ton of fun, if not light on content. It's the lag and the people that ruin the game.
All in all this game is a perfect 10/10 if you can actually play without any connection issues. I recommend you download it and give it a try because if it works you'll love it and i'll hate you so much for it ^_^.
customization 11/10(it deserves an 11 out of 10)
gameplay 10/10
graphics 10/10
audio 10/10
community 10/10