Goodgame Empire
Goodgame Empire is a browser-based MMO Strategy game by Goodgame Studios. Design and build your own Medieval castle, create a powerful army, and fight against other players on a dynamic world map as you attempt to conquer the four kingdoms and unite them under your rule.
About Goodgame Empire
Goodgame Empire is a browser-based MMO Strategy game by Goodgame Studios. Design and build your own Medieval castle, create a powerful army, and fight against other players on a dynamic world map as you attempt to conquer the four kingdoms and unite them under your rule.
System Requirements
Goodgame Empire is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Goodgame Empire, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Play at your own risk, This game is no longer
worth your time and effort or hard earned money in 2024, its just pay to win troops, castellans, commanders, buildings such as watchtowers or stables ,equipment on dying flash game. Its an pointless grind towards becoming level 70 or the top player that will take months or even years if free to pay or pay to win that cost rubies that require real life currency if you want to speed up the progresses of your empire. The game requires you to be online at least most of time with your clan otherwise your progress will be wiped from map within an month or so if left offline for awhile and its no longer player vs player nowadays ,its event based against Npcs with most of the top alliances. The player base is getting smaller everyday with long term players leaving the game and very little new players on map and multi-accounters and hackers, scammers and bots, pay to win bullies that will farm your main or cap outpost, rvs for no reason at all are widespread through out the servers. As a player who has quit the game this year and played since 2014, Spend regrettably money and wasted countless hours on it I strongly urge you to avoid this game at all cost. It will suck the life out of you and completely waste your time.
Money needed to play the game as they want, is at silly levels, and already even more of the ruby players, and multis are going into long time protection. Forget events unless you want to pay big money, and even then wont win.
Worst thing, moderators, and CM,s seem to be employed by GGE. Forum is heavely censored by the mods, and the least transgression of their ideas of rules is met with a small ban followed by a permanent ban. They also delete all your posts relavent or not, one had all his past posts deleted for 6 years, for questioning the moderator, because he wouldnt agree to a deal to keep quiet.
This is not a fair game any longer, or run by a fair company, so dont play it.
could say more, but as a 5 year player in a Top tier alliance, I am just about out the door myself. GOT Winter is Coming looks interesting
Don't even bother to try it, but look for a game with better reviews. If there were gaming controls it would have been told a long time ago to clean up its act or close.
Extreme personalities can be encountered in this game and on associated chat forums. Vile and hateful abuse is not effectively dealt with by the game owner and complaints are frequently fobbed off with excuses about protection of privacy, not our platform, outside our sphere of control etc. etc.
a) your entire progress has been deleted and you must start over
b) your castle is about to fall into ruins and you basically have nothing to rebuild and it takes a long time
Congrats you are now trapped inside a game that is tedious/repetetive to play, time consuming and offers little reward for your efforts.
If you ever decide to pay (stupidest decision ever) you create an even stronger bond to the game and letting go becomes inceasingly harder.
You basically pay for nothing as going inactive for too long will delete your progress nontheless, so the game does not only take your time, it also takes your money. You do not own anything in the game!
Only good aspect: there are incredibly friendly and helpful people out there, but they are doomed as they invest so much time into this worthless game.
Letting go of good game empire is like quitting smoking, the longer you have done it, the harder it gets, it corrupts the user. Step 1: Make yourself realize that nothing you do in this game will last and that you live your life for yourself and not the game.
- Full of bugs
- Pay to Win. First thing you see when you connect is an ad for rubies.
- No support.
Don't bother look for one of the better organised games that are fairer for players of all levels
This game is mind-crushingly boring, the graphics are miserable, gameplay tedious and account maintenance a necessary time sink. The only part of this game that is compelling is the people - in your alliance you become familiar with and those you attack who send you wonderful crymail, so upset you burned their castles or stole their fake resources. Please note, this isn't a war game. It's a game about griefing others while trying not to be griefed yourself by making strong allies.
Gameplay: you go into an attack screen and choose values to overcome defenses. The defenders have walls, a gate and a moat. They have a variety of defense tools to boost these, the best of course being purchasable through their in-game premium currency that is bought for cash. You, as the attacker, select enough attack tools to overcome their defense, then send and wait for the hit to land. The best attack tools are those you buy with rubies (so, real money).
For pvp, that's at least somewhat interesting as the game involves a rock, paper, scissors approach - defenders have to predict the tools you're using to best beat you, etc.
But for NPCs, it's insanely tedious and repetitive. Events are the only way to grow in power - and finishing top 100 provides the best rewards. To do this, you have to repeat the attack window over and over, at least 300-400 times per event. Combined with the wait times between sending and landing your attacks, which differ between events (some are as few as 4 min, some as many as 30 min) you end up spending entire days on events to do well. Bye-bye life.
Your commanders (the armies you send) and your castellians (the generals who protect your castles) all have equipment to wear. The best EQ is from events or actual pay to win purchasing (you buy the in-game currency, then buy these, it's straight up p2w), but when looting NPCs you get tons of worthless EQ that builds up in your inventory, waiting for you to delete it. And you have to delete it otherwise the EQ you win might not make it into your "full" inventory.
Deleting this worthless EQ takes hours of your time. You have to click 1 piece, sell it, press yes, then do another. Often the game can't keep up with you and it forces you to wait a few seconds between each sale. No joke, to fully empty an inventory in one go can take 30 minutes. So much fun.
Building your castles takes a tremendous amount of time. So you need food, for example, which means building a granary. These go from level 1 to 30, with each level taking more time than the last. They start around 12 hours to complete, but the last 10 take around 24 hours. GGE used to give skips out, but removed these from events so people would be forced to buy them. Given that you need at least 20 granaries per castle, it will take a new player roughly 3 years to get their granaries to level 20 and then another 3 years to get them to 30 (after lvl 20, you can only build them once per week).
So if you're a new player considering starting this game, it will take you 6 years to catch up to someone like me. Meanwhile, you're prey for all the higher level players. They'll farm you and tell you to like it or go play Big Farm.
Next, whatever the game offers for sale as 'gold' and 'rubies' (the premium, money-costing currency), the 2 buttons are side by side. Which means if you make a mistake, you're burning money. And they won't refund this. Admittedly, they made blowing your money slightly more difficult with the use of a delay timer on the rubies once you push the gold, but it still happens.
Also, the company will admit mistake and still charge you. When a new event came out, I bought the event tools with rubies, so real money. But the tools didn't work. They promised a boost to the scoring of the event, but they did nothing. Eventually the company admitted this on their website and said "tough" to people like me who wanted a refund or a replacement for the next event after the bugs were finished - no such luck. "Sorry we bugged those, but hey, you bought them. So no refund."
Last, all events in this game are now pay to win. The company used to rely upon customers buying tools but as the game has become more pve instead of pvp, and they've given out more of the expensive tools, events have become their cash-cow. People very seriously spend $400 or more per event to win the event and get the best stuff. If you don't spend, you can still make top 100 but it will cost you in time. Alliances can only win events if multiple people spend money.
The game is designed to psychologically manipulate you into becoming addicted. It is based on principles designed in psychology to addict animals called operant conditioning. If you have ever taken a psychology course, you will recognize the principles being applied: semi-random nature of points being awarded, competition that requires much time spent on the game and rewards you, then immediately beings a new competition, and power creep to out-date all that you've worked for or bought, so you have to run as fast as you can just to keep up.
Do not play this game. Do not let your friends play this game. If you believe in the devil, the devil created this game. Go play a fun game with good graphics where the devs aren't trying to crush your soul and strip your creativity.
Game balance is non-existent and there are many players who will multi-account and hack to harrass other people. There are plenty of players who are quite good at dishing out abuse, but then act like babies when they are on the receiving end of anything. Avoid this game.
1. Based on old technology - flash player is seriously outmoded and creates loadsa junk files which clog up your computer and interfere with game play. Frequent reboots required.
2. Bandwidth issues - server delay on completing in game actions is endemic and extremely frustrating.
3. Being bombarded with a complex and unbalanced range of "offers" designed to persuade players to spend real cash purchasing in game currency. No such thing as a straight cost of anything and some "power ups" are ridiculously expensive in real cash terms - no matter how good the offer might be.
4. "Game of chance" feature - purely a personal view but i find encouragement of gambling (albeit 1 step removed from legal definitions because it doesn't involve real money - just game currency which is mostly purchased by real money!) detestable in a game which is open to minors.
Few other less important things could be mentioned but that is enough for now.
but on the bright side im lvl 50 on the game and it has been almost a year of playing
i have never spent a single penny because i know its not worth it
and i dont play alot maybe once every 3 days or so
Pay-2-Win system. By far, the single most important reason. You won't have a chance unless you and/or alliance has DEEP pockets.
If you don't anticipate on spending real money to progress in the game, the game will be extremely slow and difficult. When you move up, you're dealing with a bombardment of bigger alliances.
You must understand this game will be not worth your time if you don't plan on spending money. Somebody out there in the game will have DEEP pockets and won't mind spending lots of money to absolutely destroy you and your alliance.
I don't mind games that have extra features or bonuses that helps accelerate things. However, as long is not dependent on how much money you can spend.
You will begin to realize the outcome of your strategies or tactics alliance isn't based on skills or talents, but based on how much money one is willing to spend to gain the upper hand. Once you realize this, then the fun is over. I left and never looked back. Too bad, could have been real fun.
Don't bother if you are not going to spend real money in this game. It's a trap.
Not to mention the only way to get good is to pay money. You can get good without spending anything, but it takes a long time and is incredibly difficult the higher you get. The developers also refuse to listen to the words of players who are being harassed/bullied/attacked by the same person over and over for no reason. I have a feeling they only listen to the big money spenders.
So yeah. Casual and young players beware. You will get destroyed in this game. It may happen after reaching level 10, it may not happen until level 70. But when it happens, it's super hard to come back from it. My advice: find a different MMO game.
made for hackers bugs to no end, lack of any asurance these people are rude and hack you if you make certain complaints, this is a poor excuse of a scam no different than any trying to get your money off the internet, Don't play it, make sure to you tube this help us spread the word
because once they MAKE you spend your (Rubies), it's OVER..Unless You start paying out of your own pocket and wait to be hacked to lose it all, this greed is already being spread and people are already warning others to be ware of ANY games by THESE game makers, Don't get scammed by these monie scammers it's all a big lie to get YOUR MONEY
Spent over $500 dollars on purchasing rubies, yet a 500 melee attack gets me a defeat with 2700 some strong soldiers I purchased with my hard earned dollars. I don't get it!!! When I try to report the problem, the suspended my account.
This addiction has caused him to virtually drop out of school and not participate in life.
We have taken the game way from him and he has expressed that life is not worth living
Without being allowed to play the game.
Is there anyone out there with this type of experience?
He has dropped out of a serious program and all he wants to do in life is to play this game.
A true addiction that has caused him to stop normal life tasks.
Is anyone out there suffering of an addiction that severe?
Customer service is extremely poor. Their staff is rude to the customers accusing them of lying and attempting to cheat the system when they ask for things lost due to lags and bugs. There is no support on weekends, there have been several people who haven't gotten responses at all to tickets, and it averages a week to get a response. Even then, most often the expect proof they know we can not come up with. We do not screenshot our every move!
There is a HUGE gab between the paying customers and the average player. Paying customers can buy advantages that are impossible for the average person to defend against.
Players are leaving in droves. Do not waste your time on this one. You will be sorry and wanting your time back.
0/10 for GGE Empire
Furthermore the game is very glitchy and always has been for the three years I've been playing. Instead of making the game run more smoothly they continue to release unwanted updates to the game which create more bugs, without fixing the old bugs.
Just last week the server crashed so they did a "rollback". One friend of mine lost $400 worth of troops she had purchased, and customer service said they had no record of it and that they wouldn't do anything to help. Meanwhile I contacted customer support and claimed that I lost twice as many troops (which I didn't) and they replaced them without asking a question. This kind of thing happens all the time. The person I just mentioned lost even more troops last night due to a glitch, again customer service wont do anything to help.
Bottom line, don't spend money on this game - not even one penny, and if you don't spend money don't let yourself believe for one second that you can compete against the people who do. Customer service will treat you as a lying child if you contact them with any issues, regardless of whether you spend $5 or $5,000 on the game, and believe me, plenty of people spend tens of thousands of dollars PER MONTH on this game, which makes it very difficult for anyone to compete. The worst part about the game is simply the way customer service treats people and the way they try to squeeze every penny out of you they can. When I first started playing they would have ruby sales once a week if we were lucky, now there are at least 2 different sales each day, with additional sales popping up randomly. There would be special events once a week, maybe once a month. Now there are 3-4 events running at the same time all the time. They do not care about their customers, they seem to follow the mantra that "the customer is always wrong" and they will flat out accuse you of lying regardless of whether you have a real issue or not.
One last thing, they like to boast that they are voted game of the year by some random organization, but if I remember correctly it's a company that they own so don't take their word for it - anyone who has anything good to say about this game is only new, foolish, or EXTREMELY lucky.
it is filled with bugs
they try really hard to take money from you for little return
they change things while your playing rules, prices of equipment etc
I do not get the critics here.
Also some of the bad reviews above are from people who have hardly played! Try the game for yourself, put some time into it, and you wont regret it!
It takes about 750 clicks to train a full army for an attack against a level 70.
It costs about $15 to buy enough tools for one decent attack or a LOT of attacking npcs, so the only real strategy is to spend money if you want to play hard.
The cost to make a 65 man alliance is in the hundreds if not the thousands of real money.
1. Filled with bugs
2. This is truly a pay 2 play because it will be insane to advance to a higher level without rubies
3. Attacking to a ruby player you will ahve 12% chance to wn
4. Ruby player have 98% chance to win if they attack you
5. Alliances with ruby player will win 99% of their battles