Dungeon Fighter Online

Dungeon Fighter Online is a free 2D arcade-style action MMORPG which transports players into the mystical realm of Arad where dangerous dungeons abound. Gamers battle monsters as an individual explorer or team up to journey through exclusive multiplayer dungeons.

Dungeon Fighter Online transports players into the mystical realm of Arad where dangerous dungeons abound. Gamers battle monsters as an individual explorer or team up to journey through exclusive multiplayer dungeons. Players can choose from five distinct character classes (Fighter, Gunner, Mage, Priest and Swordsman), each featuring a unique set of abilities and powerful attack combinations. Each class further specializes into four sub-classes, which opens up further skills and customization. Dungeon Fighter Online also allows players to challenge each other in a player-versus-player arena where players can sharpen the ability to customize their fighter for endless matchups with other warriors.

The controls are easy to use but hard to master. As you rise in rank, new fighting combos become available to you, opening up even more possible ways to slay your enemies. Perform intricate aerial assaults, for instance, timing your combos just right to create chain attacks that maximize your damage.

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Additional Information

Dungeon Fighter Online
Neople (Subsidiary of Nexon)
Release Date
March 24, 2015
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8


2 GB


5 GB


Intel Dual Core / AMD X2 5600+


Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Neople and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (42)

Do you recommend this game?
aehuroae 9 years ago
game developers iwant ot paly such a great fagitis i want to play deco online too plss
dekaron too

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dfoisbacknow 9 years ago
<a href="http://www.mmocake.com/dfo-gold" rel="nofollow">Dungeon Fighter Online</a> is a free 2D arcade-style action MMORPG,it is the best mmorpg game i meet before,i love this game

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Radiz 10 years ago
Where can you download this game, who is this game new publisher.

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Faust Sikshal 10 years ago
In case none of you knew, DFO is coming back under Neople. The closed beta test starts in March 2015.

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Yes its coming back 10 years ago
after 1 year, DFO is coming back, just wait a little longer, hopefuly a mouth or 2

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DFO BACK! 10 years ago

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Skeith 10 years ago
There is a game on Netmarble called Mystic Fighter same style like Dungeon Fighter Online hopefully it comes out in the US under something better than Nexon this time wouldn't want to see the same type of game fall off again

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Original Antman 11 years ago
I haven't played this in a long time, but when I played it had no controller support, the animation was poor, and the graphics in 1080p looked okay. I would rather play Warriors Of Fate, or any other Capcom fighting game, from the Ol' Skool.

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adam 11 years ago
the united states servers were discontinued by nexon. im not sure wether or not the other country's servers are intact but i was online the day dfo america was shut off. didnt even give me a refund for the hundred dollars i spent on it in total. i dont want to bash on nexon but discontinueing it for the reason that it made less money was kind of a let down. also im aware of the huge amount of spelling and grammar errors i leave im sorry

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Legion of Carrot 11 years ago
I just saw this and thought, finally an awesome MMO with no bullshit. Then I find out it's been discontinued...........FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

Might wanna think about taking this page down or making it plainly obvious the game is no longer supported.

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MarsHeav3nz 11 years ago
I stay in Singapore...
is my ip address able to play this game?
I should to play this in Japanese version.... I missed it....

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Filip 11 years ago
i think this is flash game :@

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xxmiku 11 years ago
i love nexon for making great games, but only major flaw is that they have a lack in publishing more games and not to mention better customer service, but who cares theyre games are bad ass

and to all the haters nexon america has bad / lazy service most of all not nexon of japan, or nexon of korea, theres a reason why, but im not to sure about nexon europe &gt;_&gt;

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Megs 11 years ago
I love how every other comment I read is
"It's a good game.. Too bad Nexon published it."

It's sad because it's true.


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Nekisaur 11 years ago
Too bad for all who like DFO for it is being shut down D:!

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ugurano 11 years ago
nexon publisher mother of shit, i hope that site going down

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Lawless 11 years ago
Game is to close June 2013. Really sucks this game was the start of all mmos for me.

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anton 11 years ago
I bet it's a wonderful game. I really want to play it... sadly it's not available in the EU. Sucks to read, watch and hear about good games only available in the US... just like Dragon Nest :(

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6rav3 12 years ago
It's a wonderful game, but the only draw back is that it's published by Nexon.

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twohigh 12 years ago
how can i download this i tryed but it didnt work

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Zalteck 12 years ago
looks great, I love arcade games... Too bad I will never get to play it... I you live in Australia, don't bother downloading unless you want to change you IP address...

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Bruno 12 years ago
tis game u have to buy cash to change outfit :/

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Bruno 12 years ago
tis game u have to buy cash to change outfit :/

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Bruno 12 years ago
tis game u have to buy cash to change outfit :/

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HEROTHIEF 12 years ago
OMG i totaly love this game there no end to it its so fun it is a must download game!

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Rockmeo 12 years ago
Somone rly said : " AT BEST FROM NEXON?" hahaha dont makme laugh this game is a remake from the 90`s even if it is good nexon suck as a game company kids :)

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UsedToBeFanOfDFO 13 years ago
This game used to be good, till nexon refuses to fix their servers, randomly bans numerous players for completing dungeons fast, and not even browse their customer service. This used to be a great game, till nexon decided to not fix their problems such as hackers and servers

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NazeBoan 13 years ago
This is the best game i've ever played, but i only play it twice, cause i'm from Brazil so this game is not for me i think. WHY can't i have some good game like this? Cause we have some hackers? So Nexon's idea of justice is to punish a whole nation of gamers cause of the sins and childish actions of some. Thank you Nexon, i will never had the chance to play this because you cant even prevent yourself against some routine problems in online gaming.

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DFOguy 13 years ago
This game will be the best you ever played. It has so much depth and great game play and awesome classes and subclasses. This game will blow your mind. My favorite game of all time and best by nexon. If you dont try this game after you read this its your gigantic loss. Played for bout 2 years and still not nearly bored of it yet. :D

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gamejunkie 13 years ago
DFO is a unique side scrolling action RPG with a lot of variety. It reminds me of the old school street fighter games. It's got plenty of classes and the subclasses add depth later on. The sprites look good and the music is decent. Some of the drawbacks are you really need to be able to group with people to advance and if you plan to solo there's a lot of quests you won't be able to complete. On the other hand there's a good amount of equipment for each classes and sub classes to specialize in. and the avatar items which change appearance and add stats cost NX are available for free in some cases. and with the way you choose what abilities you spec in you won't find characters who are exactly alike. This is one of Nexon's best games atm and it's def worth a shot

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