Drakensang Online
Drakensang Online is a free to play 3D action RPG game that features extraordinary 3D graphics and effects and heralds the next generation of free-to-play online browser games. With the ability to customize your character, skills and magic powers like never before, join your comrades to wage a brutal war against evil.
About Drakensang Online
Drakensang Online is a free to play 3D action RPG game that features extraordinary 3D graphics and effects and heralds the next generation of free-to-play online browser games. With the ability to customize your character, skills and magic powers like never before, join your comrades to wage a brutal war against evil.
The visually stunning game world, featuring picturesque medieval towns, green forests, murky swamps and dark caves, was developed by Bigpoint using their in-house "Nebula3" engine, impressing players with a level of 3D graphics and effects that have not been seen in browser games before. In addition to its two selectable character classes, Drankensang Online has impressed fans with a variety of different character skills, exciting and challenging quests, an impressive armoury of weapons and magic, and over 100 hours of gaming content.
The game invites players to take up arms as fearless Dragonknight freedom fighters or wise and magical Spellweavers to wage a brutal war against the terrifying dragons and savage monsters of the Anderworld.
Gamers will have to fight as one if they wish to survive Drakensang Online’s treacherous dungeons. Players can meet up in public gathering sites such as cities or military camps to get to know each other, take on challenges together and hatch plans to march into battle united. In addition to cooperative gameplay, gamers can also test their mettle against each other in the PvP arena located in the capital of Kingshill and find out who is the mightiest hero in Drankensang Online.
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System Requirements
Drakensang Online is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Drakensang Online, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
This game was amazing when it made it's 1st appearance (back in 2011), up until 2013 where this game came to an halt with an entire new dev team.
The new dev team was and still is worried about only one thing and that is....."Money"!!!
In 3 years they made only 2 expansion contents + 1 new class "Steam Mechanicus" and that's all their work, all the rest of their so called game improvements is money related, 95% of all in-game item-shop can only be purchased with in-game currency, which can only be obtained with real money or you have to play above 8 hours per day for a very long time....just to buy "ONE" item.
If you still think that this game could be fun to play, then here is another hint for you.
Go to the US/UK forum and read all patch notes + feedback threads to see how discontent the entire community really is and how much the dev team cares for the community's input.
Also do not post any negative/nonconstructive feedback or the Admin/Mods will delete and ban you from the forum and if you insist they will penalize your game account, by deleting item's or characters (go to Facebook to know more, because in the forum those posts are immediately deleted) .
Now it's time for cons n' pros....
- Pros -
It's free-to-play
It's fun to play for the 1st time for about 6 months to a year
Can be played solo, in group or with guild mates
Has an main event in every 30 or 45 days
It's more of Arcade hack n' slash, instead of an RPG
(In +3 years of playing...someone would thought that the list would be bigger...but it ain't)
- Cons -
Extreme pay-to-win game
To many hacks/bots/exploits for this game
Unfair PvP fights (it's always f2p vs p2p class)
Drop of unique items in PvE is very/extremely low (In +3 years i never got one)
To much grinding to obtain weak or even reasonable gear to improve your character
Almost no characters customization (hairstyle, skin color and gender nothing more)
Outdated graphics (have never been improved since day-one, +4 years have gone by)
No in-game shop items with gold coins (only real cash)
No trading or buy and sell system between players
Repetitive main events, they haven't made a new one in 3 years.
(I could go on, but i'm tired of typing)
My advise to you is - "Read first all info about this game, then try it and then judge for yourself"
That's the think I had when I played Drakensang.
Graphics are very good much the same as Diablo III. but the CON is the lack of any kind of Story that stays well connected to the end game. It s a series of mini quests that are disjointed.
As for the P2W its more of a pay to have an edge. IF you want play for free then play War Thunder, World of Tanks etc those are true play for free games. And as a long time gamer before their were MMO's all games you bought to play so I don't mind paying a fair price for a great game, but a monthly payment is not imho fair its just another way to make money and if they want me to do that they need to provide a lot more cohesion and better content than what they have.
On a side note their are a lot of games out there that are far worse and all money driven with no support or any quality for those who cannot afford to pay
Sometimes you win; but as with most shell games, you lose way beyond what you win. There are no merit based dynamics in these "grind" farm games. Time that is spent here hardly ever feels rewarding.
Why can't MMORPG developers listen to the players? We, those of us that work for a living, don't have time to invest in order to have a viable, working character.
At least give us a paying option that is more than more pulls on the slot machine handle. It is valueless and irresponsible.
Also, I'll say it point blank.
adequate boss compensation (meaning, you get what you use at the very least when you beat the boss) is nonexistent, just another pull on the slots...
Napisałem tu dość długi komentarz po angielsku z dość obiektywną recenzją. Z jakiegoś powodu jakiś burak nie opublikował go, zatem napiszę teraz wyłącznie po polsku i bardzo krótko - gra nastawiona na dojenie graczy i jeżeli nie płacisz, to dużo frajdy z niej nie będziesz mieć.
I like it bicouse it's not p2w
1st - There are very few missions on higher levels, witch doesn't help a level 40 player to reach level 41 (for example);
2nd - The game was designed to make people spend money if they want to get trough.
3rd - If we unveil 4 extraordinary items with crystals of truth and then combine them on a work bench, we receive a locked legendary item!! It's not fair because we've already unlocked those 4 items...
But still a very good game that I strongly recommend.
hope that there well be a new character which is healer...
I'm Lv.29 and still playing.
Gioco a questa porcheria di gioco da circa un anno ....... quest noiose e brutte pvp indecenti ......... vince solo chi compra ........... grafica a livello di playstation2 ........... lasciate perdere molto meglio diablo 3 ........ non vale la pena di giocare a questa cavolata di gioco
I play this shit game for about a year ....... quest boring and ugly pvp indecent ......... wins only those who buy ........... graphic level playstation2 ........... let go of a lot better diablo 3 ........ not worth it to play this bullshit game
it IS indeed a browser game, one of the finest i must say, you have a knight,ranger,spellweaver. you can do quests to get andermants and coins, to the ones that says theres no farming in this game...how wrong you are, i been farming in cattacombs, CoT's drop like crazy there and copper.
you can sell your white or green or blue gears to a merchent to build up your gold coins faster, you DONT need to buy andermants, you can farm it...does it take time? YES! who says any game is easy? if your not welling to take the time than by all means, dont play mmo's.
all this bitching about lag and shit, really? funny, all mmos has lag if you dont have a good pc, even my pc isnt godly but still enjoy myself.
i'm glad they added the andermants Option, after all its a MONEY sink....know the dif please.
I recommand this game to anyone, the PvP and the arena is the best i had seen, and gives you a choice if you want to OPEN pvp or not...unlike many games who force you by a certine level.
the graphics *for a browser* is a beast, better than runescape shit, if you wanna play the OLD runescape go play Entrnal lands.
this game has so much more, its balanced and the devs do care about their players unlike WoW and some other games.
First a few things about my gaming preferences:
I love diablo style hack and slash games, I always chose western fantasy/medieval themed games, I instantly reject asian/anime styled games, I always play the spellcaster class, I instantly reject games which force me to play a female character for the class I prefer (gender locked-bye bye P.oE.), I instantly reject games with gunpowder based weapons, I dislike games that focus too much on ridiculously looking pets and mounts, I dislike games with ridiculously looking armors and weapons, I m always willing to pay a f2p game (no more than 1 year subscription would cost) ONLY if the game deserves my money.
Drakensang online seems to cover most of my preferences.. yet.. After being on and off in this game for 2 years hoping they will make it better only to witness it getting worse with each update I m finally here to find something else.
I have a lvl 40q5 wizard and well equipped for anyone wondering.
This game is not made to entertain players and make them willingly invest their money on something that they enjoy. Its made to milk money out of players while trying to keep them with the promise it will be entertaining at some point in the future.
3 classes, no character customization, no skills variation/customization, only 1 armor design for each class (plus 1-2 uniques), 12 skills for each class (most are useless).
All the above simply mean that you cant build a unique character and you will meet your twin all the time.
Small repetitive and uninteresting maps, 0 endgame content, 0 guild functionality, repetitive quests (especially endgame), very low drop rates and generally bad drops, unbalanced classes, unbalanced pve (there is even a pay to kill endgame boss, part of a quest), unbalanced pvp (p2w), ridiculously limited inventory space (you need much of the inventory for quest items) which you have to pay real cash to expand, extremely expensive (real money) gems which are decisive on pvp/pve, you need to pay an extreme amount of real money to identify equipment (extraordinary, legendary) or farm for days to identify 1 item.
Ressurection, health/mana potions, identify crystals, shop weapons and armor, gems, buffs (not all), inventory space, guild creation, emotes, and many other things (almost everything) need real money.
What the developers did so far? Changing the gameplay every once in a while and changing the skills every second update to make the high level players weaker and weaker in pve. Make the endgame npc's even harder to kill. And always creating unequality between players favoring those who have loads of time or money (or both) to spent and forcing casual players out of the game.
Play it but dont pay a single euro/dollar for this game... and when you hit lvl 40 search for something else.
Playing nearly one year without having spent a dime!
I'm level 40 and have a lot more tasks to accomplish!
Farming enough in game money is near impossible when starting your first character unless you got a lot of time or cash to buy it from the developer.
Great game though, but make sure you keep a tight reign on your wallet as spending real world money on this game can really cost you if left unchecked. As an example 128k Andemant (in-game money) from the developer will cost you $US129.00 and that's supposed to be 42 percent discounted which probably won't last long when just dealing with gear items.
As temptation would have it you may have started this game on the free basis and end up forking out a lot more than you anticipated.
Too bad it became pay 2 win.
So take my suggestion and leave ALL bigpoint games cause they are not worth it...
my character is archer and he's name is sotirissonic.
I love it and i hope you will love it too see ya.
The allure of Free to Play is irressitable, especially when the bank balance is tight, but if you think any such game is going to be as good as a pay for one, then you are deluding yourself. Of course this isn't really free to play any more than Forge of Empires, Grepolis, Shards of the Dreams etc. The reality is that at some point they are going to try and force you into giving them money as in all walks of life and unless you are willing to say no, or are really unable to pay then you'll probably end up investing money. So lets ignore the monetary aspect of this and look at the game itself
For a Browser Based Game (and yes I know you can download the client), it looks very good. 3rd person only unfortunately which ruins it somewhat for me. I can't get immersed in a 3rd person world to the same extent but it is graphically acceptable, unless you're looking for the latest SOTA graphics in which case you will of course be disappointed. In fact graphically it looks kind of like WoW in general feel.
However gameplay and HUD wise its very much like Diablo in many respects, i.e. get ready for RSI in your fingers ;), the lack of Auto attack is a little disappointing from my point of view, but be that as it may. During the low levels at least the game is pretty enjoyable, questing is very like other MMORGs. The game system is a little confusing to be honest though. However it siffers from the many of the symptoms of the modern MMORG disease. That of system intervention to keep the whiners and babies quiet, still this is pretty much the case for all new games now and I've learned to live with it for all it galls and actually damages the game to a great extent 90% of the time for the vast majority of players.
* Choice of character classes is pitiful, there really is no excuse for this.
* Idenfication of Items is annoying and the this is compounded by the fact that it uses the modern MMORG stupidity of not allowing you to drop items and then hope to come back and find them later, therefore meaning you have to destroy the items in order to pick something else up to find out what it is, or worse complete a quest.
* too much holding your hand, for instance giving you DPS. This is something for the player to figure out... sorry if you can't roughly divide 42 by 8 for instance there really is no hope and anyway you have a calculator on your computer. Its a minor point I know, but its all part of the spoon feeding make the game very easy for people rot which spreads to all elements of the game, just like the symbols over NPCs heads (I really hate that, its horribly unrealistic and means you don;t even look at NPCs you look for symbols which is very damaging to the overall immersivity of the virtual world ).In the good old days (sic) we had to work out that it was even DPS that was important rather than total damage etc, Verant/Sony didn't tell you, we had to go and talk to NPCs and see if there was a quest. i.e. being alert and actually thinking things out and doing leg work gave you an advantage in the game as is darn well should.
* Charging adament for each visit to a dungeon is outrageous, in fact I see it as criminal. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
* monster variety seems a little low, but I guess this is to be expected
technical wise
It seems that the connection problems highlighted above have been sorted not had any of them. The chat window is annoying
Lags, flawed spells mechanic, unbalanced pvp, lack of end game, repetitive, small, money dependent. No fun at all.
If you are looking for f2p action RPG, wait for PoE.
If you can spend some money on a game, buy a real game, like GW2.
I have 3 lvl 40 characters so I know what I'm talking about. The game is pure grinding...over and over again, the same areas to get enough xp to get to the next area for constant repetitive grinding. Drops are seriously crappy now for gear, CoT's, ander and essence since the new area was installed.
Chat is constantly broken, if it works for a month, something happens to it and it's screwed up again for who knows how long. Currently whisper is out again, it's been about a week or more lol.
PvP is seriously unbalanced, it's designed for the pay to play player solely. The free to play people who claim they are excelling at it are liars and are payers. Forum is a joke, controlled by ban happy moderators who do nothing but look for a reason to give you an infraction while avoiding answering game related questions-referring to the standard "The game is a work in progress, devs are aware of it" answer.
Play DSO, it's fun for a while, but after you hit the lvl 30's walk away from it before you put real money into it. Don't fall for the PvP scam unless you need a virtual woody proving your prowess at beating up toons lol.
Things not to buy...The Pet Dragon in store. $20.00 for this thing, gives you +20% xp boost, but you level up so fast it's a waste of money. Useless emotes unless you're rich and stupid and like having a toon that lifts a barbell that cost you $4. Surprise Chests..LOL at 40 ander a pop most times you get crap from them so good luck if you do buy them.
OH and NO TRADE SYSTEM. LOL. Yeah, BigPoint decided player controlled/manipulated markets will never be put into game. So grind Baby grind!! For gear and unique items.
Okay, done now, all i have written is the truth. I still play it once in awhile, waiting for the 4th class and will play it to lvl 40, but after putting a couple hundred onto an account I started when open beta did, I have learned that BigPoint/DSO could care less about the payers or free to play equally.
So I will never again put real money into it.
That is what i'm doing right now, let's hope that they don't remove that too....
However, as soon as Path of Exile hits open Beta, I'll be playing that instead. :P
in here,so technically this game sucks.
P.S.World of Wacraft is a million times better
than this piece of crap.
1st of all the game has only a few people ever.
Secondly the game is so quiet that I get bored really easily.
Finally the game has no places where you can do what you want kinda all you do is a quest or just buying somthing.
It's a good game, but a small game, so of course they offer even experience potions to those who pay to help support and maintain their servers. I'm grinding to reach 40, it gets slow around 20, but if someone might spend $50 on the game, don't buy low level gear to grind with, the game store gear gets better as you go to newer towns and you'll kick yourself because the gear that costs 2200 Andermant per piece, and is only good till lvl 15 and sells for only 9 copper. Save your Andermant for level 15+, 25 if you can, 35 if you want to save it all for current endgame gear.
It was until I reached the first town and wanted to identify my loot, that I noticed a LOT of items, including items to ID your loot, costs in game money.
Oh hell no......might as well cost in game money each time you attack. So I say good bye to Drakensang Online forever. :)
Max level is 40, I'm almost there and then I guess I'll look for a new game. They are adding what the game dev's call improvements, but until they fix the money problem, alot of people won't stay and play it.