Dino Storm

Dino Storm is a 3D RPG browser-based MMO by Splitscreen Studios.

Players embark on a perilous journey to DinoVille, with nothing more than a change in their pockets, some ammunition, a loaded laser cannon, and your very own dinosaur.

Fame and fortune await brave adventurers; fight herds of dinosaurs and fend off robbers to become the sheriff of the town..

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Additional Information

Dino Storm
Splits. S
Splitscreen S.
Release Date
September 12, 2012
Web Browser
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

Minimum System Requirements

Dino Storm is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Dino Storm, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Splitscreen S. and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (60)

Do you recommend this game?
david_nothung55 1 year ago
who is still playing this in 2024

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SlayingPuppy052 8 years ago
52 hours later

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1234567 8 years ago
As someone mentioned before, it is not a "pure" browser game. You access it from your browser, but you still have to install the game. Basically, it's not a browser game, it's just a potential "download" game with no downloadable client, and thus uses the browser as a client.

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sam 9 years ago
very slow to load..........................just waiting for this to load

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Kai 9 years ago
This says that it is a browser game. Either I don't know what browser game means and browser game means you have to download something, or they made a mistake.

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Dimmerjas 9 years ago
This is not a pure browser game. It requires download.

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kymatt99 9 years ago
ugh it doesnt even start to download on my window

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MsKillerQueen 10 years ago
Does this game work on windows 8.1???

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christan 10 years ago
nce m lvl 27 there

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anassolE 10 years ago
just play counter strike, its pretty much the same thing?

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anassolE 10 years ago
just play league, its pretty much the same thing?

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Pandora Lowan 10 years ago
I just downloaded it. Love it. Yeah there could be a few things better, but for a browser game it is really great!

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Alicia 10 years ago
it IS NOT for mac

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Jacob Peter 10 years ago
i don't know why i love this game.
simple questing but its hard to ask for more from a browser based game.

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wtfpos 10 years ago
I tried this game so many times it does not work. it gets to 99% on "preparing game data" then it does nothing wont finish load just stays stuck like that,yes all my drivers are up to date including my java and flash player and unity web player everything works and is update all other games work np but this thing here I wonder if it is even up and running.

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Jack 10 years ago
i'm also sad but what can we do right?

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Greg 11 years ago
Guys, I am so sad about this game, after maintenance or what you call it, they change the game that's why many had leave the game i wish they return the old game

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Raven 11 years ago
Fun Game

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TivenGreatgames 11 years ago

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Webra 11 years ago
It doesn't support Mac. )=, It should be remove from Dino Storm system requirement.

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Bibo 11 years ago
Why slow to load? D:

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game no sucks, its balanced my false

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game its sucks, grind and grind with dinos oh

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keegan 11 years ago
is there any no download games that are cool boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobies

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O-O Le Mac User 11 years ago
since when has a browser game ever need to be on a WINDOWS computer instead of all types...? (please note that i want to get a windows computer but too much of a price... screw the economy for inflation!!!!!!)

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dromeos 11 years ago
no need for code anymore its already in open beta and for one thing the game is not slow it is your system that is slow. i used to play it at a 7 yrd pc it was slow as hell but now with my laptop its smooth as syrup

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Blablah123 11 years ago
Loads slow .-.

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Ronald 11 years ago
do you have to download it?

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chicko 11 years ago
not that slow :P

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Roanld1234 11 years ago
lol its slow but very fun.

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Jonathan 12 years ago
nice game imlvl20 dino carnotaurus and lvl 20 hammer also trex lvl 2

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Hreta 12 years ago
fun game pretty much lag free for me the game loading speed is to do with your pc and internet not the game i give it 5 stars :)

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Firecooled 12 years ago
why is it so slow? Could anyone help?

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kevin 12 years ago
its not fair that you need a code dino storm take that out or we will never go in your game agian!

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Ugfeniksas 12 years ago
Bloody slow!!!

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Benjamin 12 years ago
the code is nothing

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jorge466 12 years ago
es muy bueno pero me canse que cada dos minutos me carge un friki superdotado de nivel nosecuanto

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landris 12 years ago
its fricking slow!!!

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landris 12 years ago
looks like a fun game never playdit what are the requairments to play

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Tech 12 years ago
It's alright I guess. Started playing a few days ago.. it's really unique, the music and graphics are nice. The content is not that fun to me though. Repetitive quests, and you need real money to buy much. Worst thing for me was getting killed twice by a dude.. they should have warnings when you enter a pvp town..

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Jethrayne 12 years ago
Not really a great game , but I suppose it's okay for a browser game.

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lewis 12 years ago
i have been trying to get on this game for 3 hours could anyone tell me what i need to do is there anyway i can get on this game without have to put in a code?

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lewis 12 years ago
how can i get a code for this game it is saying i need a code to play can any1 help me out?!?!?!?

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cameron 12 years ago
can u get it for mac

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Shaun 12 years ago
Slow loading fun game.

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