Combat Arms: Reloaded

Combat Arms is one of the most played free MMOFPS in the market nowadays, both thanks to its easy to play, hard to master gameplay and to the low system requirements. A huge playerbase is battling in a dangerous war zone swarming with soldiers of fortune looking to leave their a mark. This online shooter offers a rich free-to-play experience and introduces customization features that will keep you fiddling around with your character. Players have the ability to modify their gaming experience by customizing their character’s look as well as which guns and gear to take into battle. A vast arsenal of deadly weapons can be upgraded with attachments such as silencers, scopes and extended magazines.

The game is beginner-friendly while providing huge depth for veteran gamers. By rewarding players who win battles and eliminate enemies with in-game currency and experience points, Combat Arms offers more than just FPS action. Accumulating both will help soldiers rank up to unlock and purchase new weapons and equipment, and an achievement system keeps players engrossed. The game also goes beyond the battlefield and provides a broad set of community tools with a focus on clans. Players are able to recruit, manage, and communicate with their clan members, all within the game.

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Additional Information

Combat Arms: Reloaded
Doobic Studios
Release Date
October 31, 2018
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)




512 MB


6 GB


Intel Pentium 3 1 GHz or AMD Equivalent


GeForce 2 MX

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©VALOFE, NEXON and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (158)

Do you recommend this game?
WoundedFace 7 years ago
Oyun 2016 yılına kadar güzeldi fakat şimdi ki yeni adı Combat arms:Reloaded beş para etmez.
Neden mi;
Oyunun eski tarzı kalmadı,hacker lar aldı başını gidiyor,hangi modda hangi odada oynarsanız oynayın mutlaka bir tane hacker var,oyunla ilgilenen kalmadı ve haliyle oyuncuda kalmadı. Çocuklarla oynamak isteyenler oynayabilir tabii :)

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ugurano 8 years ago
worst pay to win game

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Official PandaBearNapalm 8 years ago
it was once a nice game, pay to win sure. but saved up enough to buy the guns back in the day (player since 2008-2009) uploaded now out of nostolgia....and it's garbage...infection mode is completely unplayable and broken

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Nope 8 years ago
For US users:
Its a DO NOT bother game
-Merged with EU server
-Mods/Admin don't care for US players (can get banned for explaining issues :l)
-Buying admin host service lets you kick whoever you want so you can be like 23/6 and get kicked cause the host is butthurt.
-Every1 shouts hack after 3 kills or a double kill
-100% p2w
-Tracker knife/Halloween knife = basically killing ppl from like 4 feet away
-Aiming with a SR is not 100% accurate
-2mm peaking exists
-A lot of hackers
-literally takes like .3s to kill some1 with any gun
-Aiming with any Gun that is not a SMG has Super recoil as if you were only holding the trigger
-No Iron Sight
-HS is 1 shot from everywhere with almost any gun
-Nothing but room admins limiting every fucking gun possible
-Infected mode(Zombie vs ppl PVP) is incredibly unbalanced with lag
-World Server is in EU so only EU players have upper advantage while every1 else has 2 or less connection bars
-W/O exp+ cash+ boosters, you cannot buy anything once your broke
-You make like 200$ a round when a gun for a day is like 4,200 and 7 day is like 15,000 and 1 perm gun is like 120,000~+ cash
-25$ USD can only get you 1 perm gun
-gotta spend hundreds of dollars for a full set of gear/weps
-QS is the only way to kill from a distance
-Any dual gun is op
-Very small maps:player ratio (smaller than COD)
-Every map has 1 side that is full of glitches or has an upper advantage over the other side
-They try to make the game more F2P by giving weps only obtainable by premium currency even though the guns suck
-1 grenade has a giant splash that is at least 7ft kill and a 8ft high damage rating
-Water is death for some reason
-Fall damage is over-exaggerated and does not make sense such as falling off a cliff = 0 dmg but falling off a legde kills off half your health
-Any CQB wep has 0 recoil and every1 uses it
-Admins/Mods of the game are so lazy with their glitches that they decide to promote it on tips game tips while map loads trying to say that it was intended to be able to do these glitches

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TeamSpeak 8 years ago
Watch videos online for reference. UCD's Top 5 Players and Baxstar reviews give you great strategies as well.

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Superlulu 9 years ago
Combat arms is a well designed game and very fast paced and funny to play.
But some day the hackers came in, destroying the gameplay. That was the time when I left the game, forever.....

It´s a pity.....

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uguran 10 years ago
terrible pay to win

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Todd P 10 years ago
Loaded wit hackers. Not worth playing. Regular game servers are full of speed hackers who are invisible knifing everyone. This forces people to play in Elie Moderator room where people use real money to be in charge of a room.
Then in the elite moderators have their own room and when another team starts to win against the Moderators team the Elite Moderator then kicks those who are doing the best on the opposite team. this basically is cheating to win.
People report the people who are hacking the regular rooms but the company will NOT and does NOT remove hackers.
This forces players to spend real money and then the mods cheat to win.
I recommend this game for all hackers out there. If you love hacking, then this game is great and perfect for you.
If you are a straight, fair and non hacking player then this game is NOT for you.

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Igor 10 years ago
идите нахуй суки

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ShadoStriker 10 years ago

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Josh. 10 years ago
Could be a decent game if it wasn't for the amount of hackers playing on nyon every server you join.

There isn't a function to enable windowed mode either, and if you do come across such a method you're banned, so if you're running a low powered laptop and want to play this game, unfortunately the devs have alienated you.

On their forums they also state it's easier for cheaters to inject items in to the game when in windowed mode, pretty much admitting themselves their anti-cheat system is rendered useless in most cases.

I'd avoid this game at all costs, plenty more alternatives out there with better gameplay, anti-cheat systems, and the ability to enable window mode....

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Lezias 10 years ago
Well, this game is the a popular FPS. Has a great game play and graphics are great unless the person who uses it has a bad graphic card. Which is me, I've played the game for about 5 years and I've always played it on a bad PC. I get freezes or crashes a lot. I managed to get to BG and not my first time, on my second account. Back in 2011 and 2012 there was a large population of hackers. Proof is shown in the top comments that were sent on 2012 or 2011, all you see is "Bad game, a lot of hackers". Nexon was trying to create a better hack shield that would create a fair play. They did it, but then it started lagging the servers and many crashes. Known as Black Cipher problems. Then in 2013 and 2014 it all has been fixed. If you were to play right now, I highly recommend it. Its very addictive and very fun.

My greatest recommendation is play with your friends, if you do not have any. Make friends in Combat Arms. Then, start playing with your friends. It would be a mistake to be a total stranger and playing in public rooms. It would result in getting kicked from elite moderator rooms and your opinion on this game will be quick and it would be negative.

I am a good player. My K/D/R is 1.91 with about 30,000 kills. I play a lot of hired guns and ofcourse many beginners play it. My scores there are always about a 100 kills and 30 deaths. Sometimes I join on a team that elite moderators want there to be only "noobs". I often get rage kicked at those times. After a while I started making friends and to be honest, it improved my gaming A WHOLE LOT BETTER. I started playing the game and actually having fun. Doing clan wars with friends is also fun and the best moment in that, is when you try to make a good "plan" to win but you fail.

TRY THIS GAME, USE MY ADVICE. YOU WILL LOVE IT. Remember don't hack. I've had experience with hacks and it is fun until you get banned. Hacking sucks, every time I remember the time I got banned. I regret it.

Stay legit, play with friends and have fun.

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BomBsAways 11 years ago
Combat Arms has to be one of the most smoothest FPS games i'v ever played. Hardly any lag except when 1 or 2 hackers come in,they've updated a great deal of things making it THAT MUCH GREATER to play. The modes in this game are tremendous such as FT:Dead Water (new map), Hired Guns:Blood Money, Elim:Water Stride.

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SoulExodus 11 years ago
A very good F2P FPS. I've played for over four years and still enjoy it about as much as I did the day I started. There are some hackers, but they're not hard to get rid of. The specialists everyone whines about are -not- overpowered. The cash shop they have is not a pay to win, you can earn every item they sell for cash for free. I would recommend this game to anyone who likes shooters, and also the Quarantine mode is a very unique and fun game all in itself.

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punkcln 11 years ago
This game con not play in Thailand /so sad/

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HackerXXL 11 years ago
This game is shit , for new players imposibru to play

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fsaf 11 years ago
this game sucks, its pay to win, yes not to much hackers more but.

best game from nexon its sudden attack its not pay to win

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GamerGyde 11 years ago
This game is actually really good. Sure it lags sometimes, either it's your crappy connection or the game is still trying to fix bugs. Also, there are a lot of hackers but for me I don't even care for the hackers. This game is really easy to play. It's simple, many guns, but many annoying people.

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DeatBane 11 years ago
This game is crap, not only is there hackers, but a major crashing problem that nexon doesn't even try to fix. I can't even get in 10 minutes of play before it crashes, and I am not the only one.

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MyPwIsBastard 11 years ago
Played this game for half a year without hacks and then half a year with. Found out I got banned around 3 months after I stopped playing the game. Even tho I was reported on forums 5+ times, with screenshots and everything.

Recently I tried to play it again as I saw there's new "kick" system, so I thought hell yeah no more hacks, was I wrong or what.. You now get voted every time by some random kid who just yells "HACKER" whenever you kill him, rest of them auto vote yes and you are off. Plus, there is as many "hackers" as it was when I was playing.

Wouldn't waste any more time with this game again, except spiting on it where ever I can.
Had potential no doubt about that.

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Gunnyboy 11 years ago
thanks for heads up ppl was going to play it but not bother now. look for better game.any ideas? thanks.

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dino6 11 years ago
i like this game but now that i bought a new /used pc w/ windows 7 it wont play...dont know if its because of 64bit or not.. anyways its a good game , yes the hacks suck big balls but what game dont have dweeb hacks?

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game crap with warrock, and pay to win

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bp00 11 years ago
there is a connection error tho it says at some part of the game the connection server has ended and u have to join again to play there is a patch but the patch don't work for me

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ugurano 11 years ago
worst game from nexon, and motherfukcing pay to win shit with hackers.

do not play this shit game here

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Kills_Y0U 11 years ago
Less hackers now. Game has been updated. if you find hackers just go to a server call " Rec Rules" no hackers there. You should do a video on the FIreteam missions. For me is Cabin Fever Extreme mode super hard and fast to rank up. My rank is now 1LT for just playing this map.

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Nagyi123 11 years ago
I have played this game for about 1,5 years. when I started it wasn't popular (almost no hackers at all) it was so good.I played on high rank servers too and i had realy good KDR around 2.4. after hackers apeard in the game i had to leave almost every game. i dodnt want to ket killed by some idiot nub. Some people said not pay game well then how to get moderator for more than 1 day. Elite moderators they sucks kick u if u can kill them. no matter they newer look back, how nubs they are.
This game WAS realy realy good, yes before hackers came and ruined the game.

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-JG- 11 years ago


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Thederpman 11 years ago
I have been playing combat arms since it came out and i have to say it was very fun back then not really pay 2 play but nowadays when i played I went in 5 matches in a row with hackers in every match, also it is the most pay 2 win game i have ever played, and if you are good you will most likely be called a hacker and kicked from the match. In other words dont play this game unless you want to shell out lots of money, be called a hacker and probably end up getting banned for no random reason.

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Name (Required) 11 years ago
I do not want any of you here to play this screwed up game. Number one reason is because people will accuse you of hacking.Number 2 is you will see hackers over and over again I never looked back to this game after I uninstalled it. I recommend AC or AVA.

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jhet77 11 years ago
Havn't played yet,still downloading.From what I saw in the comments quite a few people are haters and lovers.Hopefully this game would turn out to be good :)

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ugurano 11 years ago
please no paly this game, full on hackers and pay to win game

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Kry 11 years ago
In the past Combat Arms was just an awesome Game, but now its getting Pay2Win and a lot of Hackers appears... (Failbans, Useless Patches & a lot of Bugs)... I'm still playing it.. but i need to say.. u can only play it, if you got an "Elite Moderator" (buy it) to play normal and good rounds :/
I'm also going to search for another shooter, something better (:

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Oh.LoL 11 years ago
I cane not make a Account. -.- It's not good ! ☺

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Really? 11 years ago
Game is boring has hackers guns are priced high and it takes a long time to level up I think you should try AVA because its fun and its easy to get guns that last forever level up is fair and fun.

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ThatDude 12 years ago

1. Fun fastbased gameplay.


1. Weapons are level restricted, underpowered and required sameish LAT opponents to register bullet hits.

2. Cash shop is INSANELY overpowered.

3. Hackers everywhere. They do nothing to stop or prevent hacks while the hack detecting XTRAP detects virus software or Firewalls as hack programs.

Fun while you play with players your own level or around your level AND are not hacking.

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extremous 12 years ago
hey guys, i have geforce 6200
can i download it and play the game?

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EpicFaceTroller 12 years ago
This game is great! I love it. There are a lot less hackers now and now it's more fun. Unless you go all pro and shit, you CAN get kicked. I'm like a Sergeant or whatever and I pwn newbs. Never got kicked once yet though but I've only been in 5 games with 1 hacker in each! It's not an infected game now. Haxers get BANNED!

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Luxxy 12 years ago
this game was now its crap cuz of al lthe QQer and the rage kickers if they got elite master
all the good players were getting kick for being good players not for hacking just for being goood =.=
just like me, i remaber i did a match i killed the room master 4 time and i got kick for no reason or this i got in a room i just did a head shot and i got kick , this game is not for pros just for QQers and rage kickers

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valy 12 years ago
i played again , and i think this game is better now , but , how loong will be ? i want to play this game again because the game is good , but i need support from people who buid and have this game ?? if i see a hacker again i will post here gain and i will whrite reviews !!

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srbin 12 years ago
I play combat arms eu abouth 2 years and i think the combat arms is epic game!!!
1 lags
if you dont want to have lags just buy better computer and it will be ok!!!
2 moderators
if moderator kick you with no reason you just report him and hi will be banned!!!
3 and ofcourse hackers
yeah i know it looks the game is full of hackers but thats its not truth when get to lvl 4 or 5 and go to better servers it will be ok, if accident come one hacker you can easy kick him with moderator immediately if you dont have moderator its ok you can kick him too but first all players need to vote.!!

i think all problems are resolved soo dont shit abouth the game if you dont like game shut up

im sry for my english im from serbia.


1lt 4

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osama 12 years ago
is this game online ????

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valy 12 years ago
i don't like this game.....this game is full of hackers .....please stop hackers if you want to play to mutch hackers here......i want to kill this people who build stupid games !!!!

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Todd Perry 12 years ago
Great game but it is full of hackers cheating and Nexon does nothing to
remove them because it sell Elite Moderators for real money which allows players to kick anyone they want in their room ,and if
you are decent players and you play in an elite Mod room you will get kicked by Mods for their team to win. Basically abuse it. Its
just a money pit with no help for the honest players. Also has a few crashes on a daily basis that seem to stem from a faulty dll the company has known about for almost 3 years. Not a very player friendly game unless you want to spend real money.
If they actually stop the hackers in the game they would not need elite mods to sell and it has been ongoing since the start of the game.

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Doug664 12 years ago
The game is great, amazing graphics for a game published in 08, many weapons, alot of maps and gamemodes, the only problem I have is the community :p, I was in a game and this one player complained and raged the whole game and you can buy an item called Elite Moderator/Super Elite Moderator, it allows a player to kick someone without a vote, most people that have it would abuse it and kick anyone that kill them.

I would give this game a 4/5

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DarkDroid123 12 years ago
Combat Arms is probably one of the best FPS Shooters out there. Well of course there are some noobs and hackers but they will soon get banned,also the Combat Arms Hack Shield gets better and better every time there is an update in Combat Arms. Anyway,I recommend Combat Arms to everyone and I would love for everyone to try this wonder full Online FPS Action!

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Cool_Steell 12 years ago
New nooob rules have.. this game only nooobs wouldnot get banned. i am pro but have 2 player mayor(5) been banned... theres Custmer Support loves sleep all days of year,no answer any question or something else

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colonel 12 years ago
A lot of cheeters, glich & bug users. Not to mention elit abuse (for kicking better player).
To much laggs and game crush. In game, u will see how players left the game (with red ping). Like a popcorn :). You must have at least 8 mb/s internet speed (and that isn`t guarantee for cleen (whitout laggs) game).

I play the game since 2009 and then was a great, but with the introduction of special forces and mercenaries, the game became so fast that it seems to me that it has a tendency to self-destruction. It looks like it's too much information that can be processed in one room and almost all public channels (without any of the limits) are almost always full.

The only thing that keeps this game on my computer are playmates. But it is matter of time when I'll delete it.

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AllSwaggedOut 12 years ago
Good game when there isnt hackers

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D156 12 years ago
does it give u any viruses bc if i get a virus ill be in trouble

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Chaos00Dearth 12 years ago
Look now Combat Arms has alot of hackers which is interesting as when you open it up it says HackShieldPro ... well thats no help, the frek'in Combat Arms community need to make everyone who host a game be first of all not a hacker but let them have the ability to kick whoever hacks I know about 10 people that hacked the NX part which if you wanted it you would need to pay real money to get it... so hackers are getting free NX ... UNFAIR! So a VoteKick is going to do no crap for the hackers have Anti-Kick only an Elite Moderator (which cost NX) can kick them.

I've played for 4yrs and the hackers just ruin everything... !HACKERS SUCK!

Please if you play the game gift me some weapons the Username is Chaos00Death ok!

Thank You

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Enigmatic 12 years ago
I've played the game for right around 3 years... Good(and customizable) graphics, so even computers that aren't that great can run it well. The gameplay is more balanced than people would like to admit, as being a specialist doesn't give you a HUGE advantage... plus most of them are nerfed now anyway. The only time the game is imbalanced is when people team stack, or an elite moderator is ragekicking everyone. Playing as long as I have, there are definitely lots of hackers... but you can still get into LOTS of games with no hackers. I normally wouldn't comment on a site like this, but all the negative comments I read made me want to. If you're looking for a good FPS, download and play this. It's fun, not hard to level or make the in-game currency, and you can even get the cash-shop items for free occasionally by participating in the events.. This is most definitely one of the best F2P Shooters out there.

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Brandon1000 12 years ago
Great game. I've played for 2 years now. The clan sytem is great, i have no lag issues, good guns/customization/upgrading guns. The community isn't very good almost like any other online game. The noob servers are full of hackers but once you get to the higher level servers you only run into a hacker occasionally. Sniping used to be fun until everyone yells and complains about you not quickscoping(hmmm sounds like C.O.D) This is definately better than warrock, crossfire, and a.v.a as i have played all of those. Great maps and it does have ingame voice chat that is full of bugs and does't work for about half the people. No problem though if you use ventrilo or teamspeak.Some guns are overpowered making certain games unbalanced. There are also specialist( these bitchy little things that get overpowered guns like grenade launchers, medkits,flamethrowers, and miniguns) They make games unbalanced, are skinny as hell so they are hard to hit, and when you hit them with a sniper it usually takes 2 chest shots to kill -_-. Overall i think it is stil the best f2p fps out there. Lots of people still play and it isn't hard to make an account and get started. Clans make the game a lot funner and if i didn't have a clan i think i would get bored. I would rate this game an 8.5/10.
Brandon1000 1st LT 5th class. Leader of the clan Suffocation.

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MusicInAJar_ 12 years ago
I think Combat Arms is Awesome. i have been playing Combat arms for about 3 years, i have made many accounts, and over the years Combat arms has been better. Newer guns, less and less hackers are in Combat arms, if you wanna play a good FPS Game Combat arms is the Game. if you play Combat Arms and you need to have any tips add me - MusicInAJar.

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Shadow 12 years ago
Ok, hey guys my e-mail account was hacked when a guy sent me a e-mail saying he didnt like what I said above and to screw it. He somehow got my phone number and started cursing me out so I told him suck it and he couldnt kill me in Combat Arms without hacks so we made a private match and he was killing me by 5 so I told him take off the hacks, lets see who is good then. After that and thier was 30 seconds left and we were tied I told him he was actually pretty good. Then outa nowhere a grenade fell so I jumped off the building I was on and threw a grenade. It ended up killing him. He fake reported me but when the server found I never hacked but instead found out he was hacking they banded him permantly. One hacker down, what 1 million to go?

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DangIT 12 years ago
Disregard the clan above that was at another game I left about the same time for the same reasons.

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DangIT 12 years ago
I went and checked it out. Very Very Sad. When I left all of the servers and available channels were always packed. Now I see one channel on each server with quite a few players and the rest are all dead. I've found maybe two or three games total where there was no apparent hacking going on, the rest were ridiculous. I checked on the old Clan I belonged to back then and they all left within about a week after I did and none are currently playing either. It was a GREAT GAME before the hacking and now it's simply not worth the time. The last game I played according to the records there was on September 20, 2010. I was [GA]rgoyle of the Golden Army Clan created by [GA]ngle. Even the clan name has been used by several others since then but none of our members. I will be dumping the program tonight, there's really no sense in going back, it's simply not fun there anymore.

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DangIT 12 years ago
I left there about 2 years ago because the hacking was so bad, doesn't sound like much has changed. I'm thinking about going back to check it out, if I do I WILL NOT spend one more red cent on any advanced weapons etc. Not going to pay for something I can't enjoy because of all the idiots.

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Shadow 12 years ago
It's either that our the guys that are saying there are hackers just suck at the game and whine because the others are better so they call them hackers. I've been in many situations like that.

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Shadow 12 years ago
Guys don't quit the game because there is too many hackers. Just remember this. Hackers are low life bitches who use cheates and hacks because they suck at games and can't get a friend. They suck at life and deserve to be f*ck*d up till there eyes turn red and the start crying. They couldn't even kill a round one nazi zombie on Call of Duty Black Ops in Kindertoten with a Thunderbird thats fully upgraded without hacks. It is sad, just truly sad. Thank you.

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HatedWrong 12 years ago
OK guys, too bad too good games must had too damn bad OMFG cheater....
For future i suggest developer hire USA anti hacking federal gov elite swipe this server.. lol
That true cop , maybe with real law case , cheater and hacker life in this game can actulat wipe off.
OMG bad ppl crush good ppl, no wander words "evil rule , wise man die "

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MunfMunf 12 years ago
good point but why doesnt nexon send any Korean games to America. WHY NOT SF2 or Special Force 2 almost a COD look alike

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MunfMunf 12 years ago
Combat arms is great in most ways but i found that AVG has lots of issues with mmofps games just a reminder, if you have AVG TAKE IT OFF OR TURN IT OFF BEFORE YOU PLAY . Back on topic, Combat arms deliviers good fun, However weapons are imbalanced like the m4a1 on CSS, an m-16 compared to the f2000 is of course going to win but the free to play factor makes it cost money for better weapons and usally i pay $25 for a permanent gun RIP OFF it should be like $1 for a gun.tly Honestly i suggest Battlefield play for free because you can actually aim down your sights which is extremly rare or if want to get real buy a game that cost money really its not that big of a deal Best buy has starwars battfront 2 for $5!

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nexonisawesome 12 years ago
this game is pretty good.... yes theres hackers here and there but u can ban them..... so for all u crybabies out there i saved u from deleting this game..

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Saki 12 years ago
This game is just horrid in its current state. The weapons are not balanced. Snipers, modders, hackers, those are the only people that get good k/d ratios. I do think the starting weapons are optimized but any weapon envolving nexonpoints are "tryhard" weapons.

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seth 12 years ago
i try to download this freaking game it wont work

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hackerz 13 years ago
don't say anything to hacker

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eima 13 years ago
could someone help me to fix combat arms because i downloaded it and when i logged in it was a black screen could yous help me fix this problem

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Joshua 13 years ago
this game is cool. i have played this game.

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A combat arms player 13 years ago
Dude... lol its not nexons fault you have a slow ass computer that laggs all the time, and There is hacker in every single dam game you can think about... so i don't see the problem in this game and every month, Nexon bans more than 100K hackers... And releases new map and modes. I have been playing this game since it came out and in my opinion, i would give this game a 9/10.

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Jason Harris 13 years ago
I've played this game before. I hadn't played combat arms in a while. Too many hackers! including the noobs! Good Luck playing with the Hackers not a fun time.

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nekinhaas 13 years ago
spectacular game and very popular

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lollero 13 years ago
if its lags, get better computer

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Justin a 12 year old Asian kid 13 years ago
i love the game but what i hate it the most IS THE DAM HACKERS SO MUCH i mean like I WOULD GET F*** BLAME FOR HACKING EVEN I DONT HACK AND THEN I GET KICK OUT OF A GAME!!!!!!!

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Mr.V 13 years ago
I used to play this game until I took a hacker to the knee

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can 13 years ago
the best F2P FPS i have ever seen
awesome graphics gameplay and more also a zomby mode(must be testet before thinking)

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christ 13 years ago
combat arms is a really good game but its full of hackers and u can't do anything about them cause the can crash game ( i mean if u try to kick them out of the game/channel/room they would crash the game and leave). (10 out everyone game you play there are about 7 game where a hacker would crash it so you have to start all over again) They are pretty much in every server and its not only noobs that hack its also the high rank players too.

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jack 13 years ago
i still going to play it but only for games where you fight ai

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totyika76 13 years ago
CrossFire forever.

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nocturnes 13 years ago
i cant seem to even play the game anymore. the pando media booster for some reason won't ever DL correctly and i get tired of downloading and getting halfway through instillation and it shutting down on me again. i've tried the process on all three of my computers and at this point if my anti-virus and anti-spyware software keep shutting pando media booster off i dont think i should grant it access anymore through my firwalls, so im conclusion loved the game while i could play hated the hackers but i was high enough rank where i didn't see them so often. but this game is a must play!!!

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WOGL 13 years ago
This game has sick gameplay everything about the game itself is very good but the community is so bad it makes it not worth playing.this is now the most hacked game out there because nexon makes money off of hacks now.every VIP thats baught nexon gets 25% of it and they get paid when they patch so hacking companies can make more hacks to sell.the game itself is awsome though its fast paced great weapon armory and cool character customization.nexon is a bad company.Nexon America that is ive seen combat arms EU and its nothing like this and if i can i will be trying to join EU.i sometimes wish IJJI owned this would be so much better and way less hackers.i honestly get bored with every other fps out there except AVA but i lag to much for AVA.combat arms was fun back then but now its a waste of time if you have no patience and a short temper.

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jemoeder 13 years ago
If you have a good pc/laptop and good connection with the internet, it won't lagg, only the hackers and the modders are stupid, but ignor them, just leave or vote these guys, report them, that's all.

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Toon 13 years ago
WOW i half to comment on this . Look i played combatarms for over 3 years . back before snowball fight was out . Combat arms is a sad game . IT is very addictive and trying to Bare the hackers is a hard thing to do and u have just as many VIP hackers hi lvl as u do pub hackers in lower lvls dont lie to people about the game . I made rank of 2LT with a crappy KDR when Snowball Fight was first implimented into the game it was bugged so bad people were power lvling in this mode Sad to say they banned people for power lvling befor they will bann for hacking . NEXON is a worthless company and CombatArms is a great MMOFPS NEXON needs to do more about security so players can play . And this crap about MODERATER'S is bull shit . 90% of Moderators are FKing hacking and Kick anyone that poses a thret to them and they dont get into trouble at all . SO u can talk up the game all u want It is a great game but the owners of the game SUCK and so do most of the players . I remember when the first good pub came out for it from THISGAMESUCKS atleast 5 people in everygame using NO RECOIL CHAMS NAMETAGS NO SWAY AND many other the game was WAS a very good game never had allot of issue with lagg on my desctop but with all the hackers and the wannabe MODERATORS the game SUCKS needs a complete revamp and new security

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Jackmang 13 years ago
I remember when Combat Arms was not popular at first, then there were no hackers.

Once i returned many years later.. i think? Time flies you know.

I was surprised by the amount of hackers, GAME after GAME after GAME.

You spawned, you were instantly dead or took two steps and were dead.
Gameplay was great ofcourse back in the day, I however CANNOT comment on the current state because i could NEVER find a server that had NO hackers or had one join 1-3 minutes once the game was in.

Those that say there are a few hackers, seriously you need a wakeup call and stop playing in private game rooms.

Stop misinforming people.

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bob again 13 years ago
thing is, there is a new hack that i have just seen yesterday, its really weird: in about 2secs i died 16times x)
hope that will go away soon

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bob 13 years ago
only to shooter games iv ever really played is CoD and this game, gameplay in combat arms is better i find, u just need to see if u can bare the hackers...

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FD_Stalker 13 years ago
Combat Arms is an Amazing game!!!
If you like to cheat, congratulation! You find your game!! There are a lot of people same as you!
If you are a person who lives far away from the game servers, congratulation! This game is for you!!
If you are not good at FPS game, who is looking for a no-skills and just hold mouse#1 game, Congratulations!!! You cant find any better games anymore, forever, in the future!!!
How to get higher KD in the game? Well there are many ways!
#1 If you are a high ping player, dont worry, and feel lucky! You can buy a +1 +2 speedy Woman, take SMG, and keep Jumping!! Few people can shoot on you!!
#2 If you like to play with bomb, grenade, even the RPG, there are many kinds of BOOOOOM weapons in the game!! Just throw or shoot the BOOOOOOOM to nearly enemies, they all die!! Or you can learn the men in Iraq or Japs in WWII, taking the grenade and rushing to their base!!
#3 Cheat! Cheat is always the best way to get high!! Dont worry about punishment, the company doesnt care!! If you worry about the kick, you can learn some smart people, using cheat before the ending!!

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JESUS CHRIST 13 years ago
"CombatArms is a amazing free to play FPS"

Nope, To many hackers.

"There may be a few hackers"

BS every room has a hacker in it.

"but once u get to a higher lv there is practically no hackers"

We cant get to a higher level because our KDRs suck shit.

No CombatArms is the worst game in the world.

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jojo 13 years ago
this game onli for windows 2000

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FD_Stalker 13 years ago
Shlt game with huge amounts of cheaters and golden players ( RPG VS SMG?!)

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*Pro. 13 years ago

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ccvn8987 13 years ago
I have played for a year now and its a good game if you are man enough to suck it up with the hackers and the lag. Its not perfect but it is much better that any other in my opinion. (and yes i have tried playing the others like ava or fear and cross fire to name a few) Huge arsenal of guns and gear. Updates every month. Kids that cry when u pwn their ass. And the game play video really doesn't show how fun this game is just check youtube. And some times nexon doesn't seem to be making the game better. But just try it once you have made a kid cry you will never go back just to fun.

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santiago 13 years ago
well i did my research... every fpsmmo has pleanty of hackers plenty of pros and plenty of spoiled little kids that accuse pros of being hackers i was gonna try to play a.v.a but it was going to take well over half a day to download it so obviously that will take up a good deal of memory so im gonna turn back to combat arms... i havent played for a while but im going to again...

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Danny 13 years ago
It use to be great,but then the great hacker war came upon combat arms.Then from that point combat arms went down.It has great potential,but with all the hacks and cash shop promotions,combat arms may not succeed in the future.

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frost385711 13 years ago
The best MMOFPS Game Ever

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NexonSucks 13 years ago
Lots of lag, Lots of hackers, <- If those to werent a big ass probalem, then this game would get a 8/10

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? 13 years ago
ive played this for a week or two now and i cant say its that bad in the noob servers theirs a hacker in practically every game, in noob - intermediate servers if you kill someone who thinks their better they instantly accuse you of hacking and the specialists are overpowered. its best game mode is quarantine because their least hackers in their but the specialists are too good in that game mode and too hard to hit. i wud give this game a 3.5/5

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NexonHater 13 years ago
this is a f** game.....graphic is realy great but ther are too many hackers.... and the chance that u get a bann is realy high (1:350) my result is this game suxx !!

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Malcolmlc 13 years ago
The only people who complain about hackers in this game are the new players. but like every game there are hackers. YES I SAID EVERY GAME HAS HACKERS , After the rank of about maybe msg or sg you stop seeing them so much. The hackers in this game are people who play for about a week and download some hacks because they got bored. But still The game has become a pay2win game now full of jackasses runing around with speedgear and one hit kill snipers because they think it makes you " pro " to run around with a gun EVERY ONE can kill with.

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Church 13 years ago
You noobs think the game sucks? Thats why we have Elite Moderators for -.- To kick the hackers and cry babies (such as you guys) out of the damn room. Some people have been playing this game since 2008 (yes the game is 3 years old) and know the maps inside and out! Yes some players hack and cover it up but still -.- all hackers get caught. So I would suggest that you guys just shut up and if you don't like the game, then shut the HELL up and dont comment on it and let the other people who DO like it enjoy it cuz they don't wanna hear you complaining, "ooooh this game is too harrrrd I can't level uuuuuup" WAH WAH WAH TOO BAD. You cry babies are no better than the hackers. You piss us legit people off as much as the hackers do. Btw, Basker it is NOT HARD to level up -.- Play through the damn events and you'll do fine. There have been Bonus Exp and Gp a few times like the 2x gp + exp event where you could lvl in around 1 fight on Trainee or Rookie if you played the right mode. And as Ace said in the first sentence of his comment, this game IS addictive if you play it the right way (the legit way). The hackers just wanna piss you off so no1 plays again, don't let em win. As for the idiots who think that the game is laggy, GET A BETTER DAMN COMPUTER! I'm running Combat Arms full resolution, Full gfx, and it's running just perfect I see no lag at all period done, and if you do see someone teleporting a little bit, then it's their computer, not yours.

- Church,


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shane 13 years ago

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Momma 13 years ago
i agree dude

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Justin 13 years ago

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Ace Rimmer 13 years ago
Ok you want an honest review. I have played this for over a year and am ranked Major 1 in EU game. On the plus side it has addictive game play, good clan system, great graphics and good variety of equipment. But the bad far out weighs the good. Lag and lots of it make the game unplayable sometimes. You may get it you may not but it's there. Unbalanced: As above Specialists are most hated in game as no skill required with them and all their kit is over powered, they usually get kicked from rooms. Which brings me onto Elite can buy Elite moderator so you can kick who you want from rooms, this has led to powerlevelling and noob farming by higher ranked players. Money talks..if you have real money to spend you can buy the best kit, NX items, some people have spent over 1k Euro on this game just so they can p0wn all who just play it free. Hackers..major big problem although Nexon are getting better with bans (4th highest ranked just got banned from hack from over a year But Telekillers, OPKers, aimbooters all over the place..which is why alot just play Fireteam against NPCs. Community in general sucks, flaming, whining spoilt little kids. They will insult you in a variety of languages, constantly call you a hacker and report you for every little thing they can think of.

I only play it now to catch up with friends in clan. But my advice would be stay away from it. Nexon have plans in place for new content which alot can see is only going to make the game worse.

If you have a mature attitude this game is not for you. You'll hear the word Pro thrown around all the time from hackers trying to hide the fact that they are hacking. VIP hackers are there alot but hidden well. Public hhjack users just try and ruin every game.

This game was good in its first year and i would give it 5/5. Now it's 2/5.

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Baskerville 13 years ago
has hackers than A.v.A.
I liked the fireteam stuff in the desert but it's too hard to level up and it scks

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plebku6 13 years ago
ok there are hackers, but this game is so EPIC that i don't even care about'em.
Is way too far the better game i've ever played.
But of course you can disagree ya know? i'ts your own opinion anyways

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vermillionwar 13 years ago
hackers and it lags 2/5

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Alex 13 years ago
Graphics is good, but gameplay is not good.
Enemy and friendly troops are equal, the contrast is low.
I have found a chiter (I've played 1 hour).

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Kush 13 years ago
Im sorry but I saw how high it was in that top 10 shooter games. Just came to say that is a lie, this game is has high graphics that bring a lot of lag. Too many hackers come by, as if nexon isnt even trying to stop them. Also I saw that you wrote it had "great balance", this game is one of the least balanced games with their specialists with a high bonus and specialist weapons like the grenade launcher which pretty much a beginner could do making easy kills on even the most elite. Im just trying to say is that this game does not deserve to be rank 2.

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bzob7b46 13 years ago
too many hackers!
you say it!

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DaPunisherz 13 years ago
CombatArms is a amazing free to play FPS. There may be a few hackers in the noob severs like Golf, etc. but once u get to a higher lv there is practically no hackers because they get banned at low lvs. If u see a hacker its easy call a vote. If he doesn't get banned then just leave the match, that simple. Combat arms is probably the best FPS out there!
If u lag in the game its because u dont have the requirements or u have the min requirements which ususally resolves in lag. One thing that helped my lag was buying more RAM i had 512 ram but then i bought some more to make 3g of ram! i dont experiance any lag! To answer a question, its called free to play not, free guns, free equips. Free to play means u dont have to pay to play the game instead of like WoW, Club Penguin, Webkinz, etc. In Combat Arms u get to play for free with the OPTION to pay for other features.

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