Champions Online

Champions Online: Free for All is a 3D superhero-themed Fantasy MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role playing game) from Cryptic Studios (creator of City of Heroes Freedom), with fast paced gameplay and awesome cel-shading graphics, set in Millennium City. The game used to be pay to play but officially went free to play. Champions Online provides quite good options, with features that include a deep character customization, spectacular animations, and well-crafted story arcs.

Choose from thousands of different costume pieces, colors and body types to create your character's one-of-a-kind costume and look. There are billions of possible combinations, finally you can be completely unique!

The battle against evil in Champions Online rages across the world into outer space and alternate dimensions. You will battle supervillains, aliens, giant monsters and secret, sinister organizations. The story of Champions Online is constantly changing and continually evolving, Villains are defeated and Heroes rise and fall.

There are no classes in Champions Online; Its flexible character creation system gives you total control over your hero's abilities, you are free to choose any power from any powerset to realize whatever vision you have in mind for your characters. These powers are organized into theme frameworks: Munitions, Might, Martial Arts, Celestial, Darkness, Energy Projection, Archery, Power Armor, Gadgeteering, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Supernatural and Sorcery.

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Additional Information

Champions Online
Cryptic Studios
Perfect World Entertainment
Release Date
September 01, 2009
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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The best of the best when it comes to character customization in MMOs and MMORPGs.

2 years ago

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7


1 GB


5 GB


2.5GHz Single Core or 1.8GHz Dual Core


NVIDIA GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X700 or HD / Intel Graphics with Dual Core

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Perfect World Entertainment and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (31)

Do you recommend this game?
Aviendha 6 years ago
Knife Dad's HOME

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The Enigma 7 years ago
Wow This game world was bigger than i thought Quite alot of content after going to the jet i tok of to all the new maps thay are masive!. quite alot to do in this game now and the new Elit skill finishing moves u get at lv 40 is OP so fun play with the blade skill clone my hero and stabs the enimes so cool

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Horizon 7 years ago
Super Hero MMORPG!

Amazing character creation system.

Create your own nemesis to fight in your story arc.

Archetypes/classes 40+

6 different main maps in Champions Online.

1. Millennium City
2. Canadian Wilderness
3. Desert
4. Monster Island
5. Lemuria - underwater map
6. Vibora Bay
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The Hero 7 years ago
Great game realy active and fun alot to do 6 big content maps/citys, and at lv 40 join the chat chanel TheEndGame to get team and info where to go to do all the bounty raids events and so on amt as off 2018 the game has arund 1000players online EU time and US 3546 aday online and the month online is 27231-34674. so there stuff to do if you just know what to do free costume pices if you grind acivments to unlock them. also build ur own mounts/rides with atacks and fire power.

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lowkarmun 10 years ago

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GuruCz 10 years ago
neznas nejake cheaty a cody

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DestryYourEgo 11 years ago
Now THIS is a SUPAH super-hero mmo.

I gotta say, tho, it can get repetitive.

However, what saves this little title is the Alert system. I love how they rotate and there is always one available, whether you enter them for XP, gold or Enhancements.

The character customization is through the roof. I mean, you can literally create anything you want. It's pretty sweet.

The controls are nice, too. If you're a console gamer, they have you covered. You can play the game with your 360 controller!

I like the Adventure Packs. They send you to different locales on large-scale missions, often resulting in a full assault on an enemy base- bosses included. All the while your pummeling evil, you're making money and getting pretty good gear.

I went ahead and sprung for the best Character Token ($100), as I am an on-again, off-again player. But my hero, Foxy Fine, can take a whopping and deal it out- she's a martial artist with a shotgun and a mean mug!

If you DO get a gold account, or pay for the good token, you can then choose from ANY skill/power pool you want. It's really worth it, if you see yourself invested in your hero.

You can even furnish your own hideout, can create your own nemesis, and make your own backstory. It's pretty freakin' sweet.

I would recommend possibly trying to Roleplay with this title. I don't usually do it (anybody seen the "Lighting Bolt" ropleplay video on Youtube?) myself, but with this title, I won't lie- I relish in it. It just gives you a little more depth into the world.

It ages fast if you don';t have the right mindset and at least one other friend with you. From what I've seen, the community is pretty cool, so you'll meet some cool heroes along the way. I highly suggest this.

Look me up! Foxy Fine @reinventyourself.

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blackjoker 12 years ago
i would say enjoy this superhero game if you dont mind the comic book look to it but on the other hand it gives you more free freedom in the custom ring than dc universe

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william 12 years ago
ya and still stooped like most the f2p game out there it is just another f2p in a crowd of f2p game that suck and f2p is the only reason it is still standing

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Zam 12 years ago
I had high hopes for this MMO, but was sorely disappointed. How does this game get 4.10 / 5?

- Theres such a thing as too much customization: player avatars tended to deviate from the traditional superhero esthetic in favor of bizarre combinations more akin to monster than superhero. I also hated that cartoony style where the characters have eyes too large for their face.

- The Zones lacked imagination: I was excited to visit the radioactive desert, the island of animal human hybrids & fight underwater. However after experiencing these, the zones seemed uninspired, populated by a villain group here and some more over there. The ‘City’ being an essential component of any superhero genre, players are forced to experience too much of the action outside of an urban setting.
(A cowboy robot theme park... who came up with that nonsense?) Ghost Pirates milling about at the bottom of the ocean (who cares!)
The Canadian Wilderness had to be the worst. You could see the dev's reaching for a kind of quasi mystic haunted feel, but the result is a messy hodgepodge against a background of white (cause you're in the snow). I was so bored with this zone I couldn't wait to leave. I would groan when I got handed another mission.

- Power Customization: Initially this seemed like a great in game feature. Like everything else about the game its implementation failed to live up to expectation. A chainsaw as a superpower (really?) Burrowing as a travel power (Im sorry what?) & melee tends to get screwed in PVP. I did like the semi destructible environments, & the fact you could pick up things like a parked car & throw it. This feature isn’t enough however, I needed more.

-Missions: The two words to describe these are tedious & repetitive. Kill ‘x’ number of these baddies. Collect ‘x’ number of this item. Click ‘x’ number of this glowie…. (& the list goes on). To be fair there are some decent missions like being shrunk down to the size of an action figure or fending off waves of attackers on the Monster Island. But for the most part these are few and far between.

-Character Nemesis: yet another great concept that falls flat in its in game execution. The game’s dialogue didn’t really fit my character’s nemesis (I was so appalled). This ultimate villain that the player shapes as a foil for their character spoke more like a 50’s movie gangster (& I hated that). The dialogue did not fit my Nemesis’ envisioned personality. This more than anything else removed me from the experience. I no longer felt that cathartic bond with my character.

Champions Online: I’m not sure it’s about being superhero as it is about wandering about aimlessly & pointlessly breaking things.

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ziguzanuzoon 12 years ago
the game is not as good it is a mmorpg the was set up to run on a game cousal and the gameplay is cheesy

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moom 12 years ago
i played a game by this author (city of heroes freedom) and the combat was completly skill based is this like that?

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KalameesJr 12 years ago
This game is currently so bugged that anybody who values their entertainment will keep away from it. Stuff getting stuck in walls, you getting thrown into walls, abilities glitching out, random disconnects, falling through the map and much much more. Real pity tho because it's pretty fun...when you can actually enjoy some gameplay without massive issues.

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ziguzanuzoon 13 years ago
game suck's it is a clone of city of hero's witch is free to play now try it. it is a lot better game

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Name (Required) 13 years ago
Poets treat their experiences shamelessly: they exploit them.

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MartiniMan 13 years ago
Its an excelent mmorpg, has been said it has great animations, very fluid and fun gameplay. The only thing that might annoy some people is the premium players that can create characters with the skills they want, making them very powerfull over the the predefined chars available to free players. At least they made some archtype arenas so that f2p dont mix with p2p in pvps, but other than that, you will see some of these ppl running around like they are a one man army.

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yoyo man 13 years ago
at what level do you get dungeons/raids/PVP, cause I got to level 15 and the game still had me in the tutorial zone

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Mkay 13 years ago
The customization is incredible!

Animations are perfect, movement isn't flimsy, the story line is top-notch, and man I love it!

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stelstel 13 years ago
You can spend literally hours making up one character. It's insane the level of character customization there is in this!

As for game play, it's sometimes incredibly tense. The first scenario, which is just a large tutorial area really, does not give you a real sense of danger as the rest of the actual game will.

Quests range from, "Could you get me this item" - "Talk to this person" - "Find this enemies lair" - "Kill these enemies" to (of course) "Kill this named bad person/people!" Which is just about every MMO out there anyways lol.

Super powers will range quite a bit as well, depending on your class of course. Also, being able to choose right from the start how you'd like to get around (Super Speed, Super Athletics -crazy jumps basically) or the ability to fly (-personal fav)) gives this game a very large thumbs up in my book.

The community is definitely there as well, people are always on and always wanting to do things together. Like with any other MMO, there are the elitists and such but most people were very nice and helpful when it came to answering some very noobish questions I had. (I'd suggest actually reading up on it though, as with ANY MMO you plan on seriously trying.) Sometimes though I understand there are just "Wtf is this/am I supposed to do?" moments.

All in all, the graphics are awesome and very easy to customize, character development is wonderfully diverse and this game is very easy to pick up on what you are supposed to be doing and where. Quests are straight forward and easy to understand/accomplish (by this I mean you can get the goal achieved easily because quest text is wonderfully straight forward). The UI is easy to change as well, size, placement, etc. but personally I think it looks great by default.

Awesome game, good community, very active - Try it out, highly recommend it!

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SDjoker 13 years ago
mad customization, pretty good game

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diofdemons 13 years ago
Fun game,Worth trying out but content can get repetitive as a lot of quests gave a similar structure.

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