Age of Wushu

Age of Wulin, also known as Age of Wushu in North America is a new free to play fantasy 3D martial arts MMORPG with some unique features.

Set in the Ming Dynasty (Jianghu) during the Chinese Feudal Empire. Players train in the martial art schools located in historical settings.

Age of Wushu allow players to play without the restriant of classes and levels, for a traditional Wuxia experience. Become a master of magic and specialized martial arts.

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Additional Information

Age of Wushu
Snail Games
Snail Games
Release Date
December 20, 2012
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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1 year ago

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP


1 GB


10 GB


Intel Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz or equivalent


GeForce 6600 GT or equivalent

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Snail Games and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (127)

Do you recommend this game?
T-T 6 years ago
the company that runs this game is trash cant even make an account!

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annu 7 years ago
i want this in India

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Death7Angel 7 years ago
4 years I played this game. Best PVP MMO in the world. No other mmo's come close to the pvp experience, personally. It is a slow paced game and you need to invest lots of time to get strong. It is either P2w or play 2win or more play/pay to advance faster. The top players really are p2w. There are a few ancient sets and high level jianghu inners that cost an arm and a leg and set you apart from your opponents. It is ping based but managable with 200 -350ms ping.

The game play is slow when yo you start but once you gather all the flying skills and speed skills it becomes fun. 95% of any events in game are PVP and PVP is what drives this game. PVE content is very shallow compared to other games but doing Instances in teams ranging from solo to 18 players can be fun. The game has a very in depth learning curve towards builds but there are plenty of guides on the forums and new players should join guilds.

The biggest downside is the developers. Snail don't care for their Western games. Webzen just closed EU servers so all had to move to Snails NA servers. EU version had less hacks and bots and there was a time that Webzen cared about the game but not in the last 2 years. Sadly with the server in NA the game feels unplayable and I stopped. The remaining players in NA servers are mainly toxic players and seems they will do anything in their power to ruin the game for anyone but their allies. The EU players left are but a handful of what they previously were and will most likely merge with the main NA server in the future.

STILL. I have not found another MMO with the main focus on PVP and I don't regret the last 4 years I played and paid for VIP a month.

In a few words. AOW is an in-depth PVP based game with amazing group and 1vs1 pvp events. The game will enhance your PVP experience by integrating your knowledge, build type, ping, the environment, skill sets and player skill with the unique combat and flying system.

A game that ruins your future for other mmo games and sets your pvp expectations so high towards other MMO's that you should rather ignore pvp in any other games.

An awesome game ruined by their developers who don't deserve to be in charge of any games.

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Gala 8 years ago
After playing Age of Wulin for like 2.5 years I really got tired of it and decided to stop it. This game is free to play and it is intresting but just don't start it if you don't want to end up paying huge amount of money ... Pure pay to win game full with arrogant people.

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Daylot_Usta 8 years ago
Very complex game for new players, Even installing the game take ages and requires at least adequate PC knowledge to complate.

I downloaded ~10.5 GB... then realised that I need to download lot more things one by one (or let game's broken downloader handle the job if it can do it properly) to play the game. Later realised again that un-install and forget every shit about the game is easier than to install it.

Have Fun

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Daylot_Usta 8 years ago
Very complex game for new players, Even installing the game take ages and requires at least adequate PC knowledge to complate.

I downloaded ~10.5 GB... then realised that I need to download lot more things one by one (or let game's broken downloader handle the job if it can do it properly) to play the game. Later realised again that un-install and forget every shit about the game is easier than to install it.

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jonatanpetra 8 years ago
saya mau nya game online bukan download

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Anon 8 years ago
It's impossible to change your account information I'm trying to update my username since it shows my email on the forums and every other snail games I visit. And since I don't want my email registered with them anymore at this point I'm probably gonna need a new email. It's almost impossible to update anything with age of wushu. This is one game I'll never recommand not even to my worst enemy.

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Unknown 8 years ago
I like the game but the developers handling the age of wushu seem worse then the ones handling the age of wulin. I'd recommand age of wulin then this.

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SethEyes 8 years ago
the game is pay 2 win dont waste your time downloading this game seriously the game is like eve online and planet arkadia/calypso only people with time and money to spend can play,games generally intended to pay 2 win not have a young public most are adult with formed life(even married and stuff like that), and this is very tedious(many pay2win games are empty),I say this for my own experiences in games pay2win,example play one free 2 play game and after play one pay2win and see for yourself.

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few 9 years ago
I love this game but the leveling up system is waY 2 LONG....sigh...I WANT to go to the next chapter instead of stuck in leveling up.

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Ex-Wulin 9 years ago
sorry I keep going but I forgot to mention that if you do play do not play usa version wushu, play European version wulin, because the ones handling wulin are doing much better job with the game then wushu I heard from maaaany people.

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Ex-Wulin 9 years ago
I want to rephrase what I said, the vip is not the bad part actually, no games are really "free" to play, because the companies need to somehow earn money for the product, so actually I can understand why non-vips have such hard time to advance through the game (when I say hard time I mean by time standard, it takes tooo long to do things as non vip) the only problem of the game is pay2win and hackers.. although pvp is not really the main focus on the game, it kind of is, because fights can happen anywhere at anytime without warning, and if you are up against a pay2win(and there are quite a few) you will have no chance... so you can't enjoy other aspects of the game because you either being murdered, or caught up in a street fight. However one advice if you do still decide to play, remember to never go afk out in open, the stronger you are the more you loose when you die.

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Ex-Wulin 9 years ago
I will be completely unbiased in my comment. As of 2015, Age of wushu/wulin had amazing updates to almost every aspects of the game. The graphics are wonderful(much better than most games), customization is not ridiculous and beautiful/handsome(and remember you are joining martial art 'school' so of course you will have same uniforms. However every can make their character's face as unique as you want.) Fighting is unlike most martial arts games, you actually need to think and strategize to win. In general this game is a perfect game, but has one major downfall, which all though all the good things can make players not even want to turn back to this game. It is the PAY 2 Win, I am not joking when I mean that unless you are vip, getting even just more advanced in this game is too hard, especially if in school or work, and can not afford to take all your time and devote to a game, also you can easily buy advance skills that are only available by using real cash, and those skills are much stronger than most in game obtained skills. being a non-vip compared to a vip is not even fair, because vips can make money much faster and lvl up without truly trying (can see for yourself, I was both vip and non vip). I am not going to go on, but if all that does not matter to you, then play and you will most likely enjoy it, but unfortunately not too many players play the game to also enjoy the real life aspects, most ignore any lore or role play options and just want to pvp (remember it is open world pvp, so anyone can kill you after beginning level). This game is if you have lots of money to waste you will be very strong, and that means if you are not willing to pay money then you better stay away from pvp, because you will most likely not win( I said 'most likely' there are many chances you could win against people who also don't use money to empower) Maybe once the game at least take out the cash skills, it will be as popular as in begining

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HoangNhung 10 years ago
This game is one of the best sandbox mmo's to play, many player find it unappealing because they don't like slow paces walking and don't have the patient to adventure into the game and understand it mechanics. I played for years and still very addictive to the game. As in the issue of bot, lets all be aware that bots are in EVERY SINGLE mmorpg so don't make it a reason to dislike the game. My personal opinion on bot is that because the game is popular and material in demand the general population want cheap mats and gold. ( Thanks to the bots in the game there are plenty of player to kidnap.) The game run on a 2 currency system bound liang and liang(taels) the bound liang is used to buy crafting mats from npc and or used to practice your internal. Taels is for purchases made among other players. Even though the game is "Free To Play" a purchase of VIP each month for $9 is recommend to make your life in the game easier due to offline cultivation and more liang from kidnap. This game require you to interact with communities, guilds, and friend; the more you have the more interesting your gameplay will be. As to snail games USA being a bad producer there was a hacking issue and snail games 1. didn't fully compensate what was lost. 2. didn't up their security after many player reported about it and keep letting it happen. 3. Focus on releasing cashshops item and not fix up the bugs and glitches many player abuse. Beside all of that the game is really addictive and an mmo to spend time into and get to know.

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Steparu 10 years ago
To begin with the short term player's comments disregard. This is a very involved game, which takes time to learn, you learn a lot by guild sharing information.
Yes, there are p2w player's and guilds,which spends thousand of dollars,but you can still enjoy the game without spending a lot of cash. I do.
Unbound gold(teals) can be gotten by selling mats to those who need them to make gear/weapons etc. You can kidnap and sell them for unbound teals, which you trade to other players for armor/weapons etc.
This is not a kids game or a game that you jump in and figure the game out. If you have patients you will find a ton of stuff to do in this game.
I do not recommend this game to the casual player it is to involved for that.
Figure you will spend 15-20 dollars a month on this game for gold- Which should be enough for a horse and VIP.
The OP(over power) cash shop weapons sets are good, but can be beaten by player with a better understanding of there skills.
Yes, I have been put in prison and executed, but you can do a jail break with your friends. I hate Bots so I kill them.
I have played this game for two years and still finding stuff I did not know.
So I do recommend this game if you are looking for a game that you get bored with in a short time. Also, check swordsmen online ftp quest based if you like closed sandbox. Also check out moonlight blade youtube looks like a awesome game.

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The 2 Cents Guy 10 years ago
Did an experiment to see how far I could get into the game and be relevant in pvp and spent a good 3 months building up my character and winning many battles from pure skill from people who cashed and made lots of friends. I found that not only the people that I once had no problems beating passing me in just 1 day of being full VIP, but everyone whom I had no trouble beating was passing me at an alarming rate to the point where I just realized I couldnt compete unless I cashed. So yeah i'll toot my own horn and say I was quite good at pvp despite not being a casher but I became severely outclassed by the people who spend money.

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FangJun 10 years ago
Freaking arseholes snails(US mmo company) who refuse to compensate players after they are getting hacked, and refuse to fix the fking latency when players submit their screenshots of their pings.Those bugs and glitches are recurring in your dreams everyday.I hope to see US snails getting bangkrupt 1 day.

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Yuwang 10 years ago
Age of wushu is the best games, I actually love the design of the jianghu world and all of the features. first reason why I played is b/c of the great setting and all the wonderful flying skills, I loves trying new flying skills till I now got strong!! BEST GAME EVER!!!!!! ^^

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jeremy 10 years ago
great game until you get hacked and lose everything, customer service is fail and sadly I give this a pass (played for a couple months) and witnessed many people get hacked

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bruno 10 years ago
gosti de seu video me diga seu nome no AOW no with tiguer por favor e jogaremos e duelaremos ;)

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hoshpaka 10 years ago
Awesome game

The start is very confusing and very hard to understand all the tons of information. Its meant for team play so as a noob its best to join a good guild and ask questions.. once u understand the levelling system and skills its nice.. very good pve and pvp. although if you hate getting attacked.. You will get attacked so it is pvp..

the combat is anything but blunt or hack and slash.. you need to time your defense and offensive skills. switch skillsets to accommodate for the situations and use the terrain to you advantage.

All schools are balanced.. however some is weaker at low levels to use than at high levels. some skillsets deal better with others so good to learn all schools and how they work.

On the downside.. wushu US version had some hacks before, bots and bad stuff, some glithces aswell and ping and lag plays a big role.. the guys with lower ping always have the upperhand. customer service aren't always the best but ive never had any hiccups with them.

If u are lucky to have a strong pc u can play this game on high graphics. and if ur a fan of ancient china the scenary and maps look really nice. You can wander around on maps into hiden caves and spaces that looks awesome however usually there is nothing hidden there though.

I still spent most may playing hours on aow (wushu and wulin) and played for around 8-9 months now.. personally I love it

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Hope 10 years ago
Awful game! My father was enough lucky to get a closed beta pass (we both play MMORPG games, we play from around 4-5 years) and he gave me it. I played and i didnt like it. All the walking, jeez. It is very repetitive. I waited in waited until the full version - still dont like it.

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JoeMama 10 years ago
oh my gosh thx so much to this site i can finally play age of wushu again the crappy real site wouldnt let me download right until this put me into it correctly and i got the real download

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moosycat 10 years ago
This game is......

A waste of time for anyone not willing to spend ALOT of cash.

Overrun with bots run by the gold farmers.

Severely limiting in instance runs and life skill leveling.

Overrun with hackers who run around with unlimited energy and rage points to wtfpwn anyone in their way and breeze through the instances.

Overrun by Asian guilds who got run off of the Asian servers and they hack and bot and ruined the economy for anyone but hackers and botters or cash shop addicts.

Snail doesn't care about their customers and accounts getting hacked on a regular basis and they
run their forum like communists censoring and deleting like dictators.

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fatpig 11 years ago
game is cool BUT the company who runs it sucks.....
the company have basically NO CUSTOMER SERVICE wtsoever. If you get stuck in tech issue or really any kind of issue that require the company to deal with, it WILL takes you YEARS to get a respond from a relatively generic computer generated respond ask for what is your issue. Then the waiting game begin again...and again...and again....never ending cycle with NO clear answer. Any game that Webzen (aka gpotato) publish are free to play BUT pay to win.

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Bawihsuki 11 years ago
I like this game, Graphics - i like the look real world, grass, tree, terrain, water, I already play 9Dragons, Age of wushu/wulin is a High graphics look so nice, I like the Kungfu , i like the gameplay, jumping dash like Devilmaycry , Character also i like very much i create a Female character to look like my girlfriend , i enjoy so much. :)

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Newho00 11 years ago
Ok, I have played this game in one of the newest server.
in the beginning, all i wanted to know was a way to play this game.
ALSO, if this is ur 1st time playing, YOU SHOULD read all the tutorial, it helps a lot, since there is lot in this.

here is some good point about this game:

highly competitive, lot of martial art move and makes the game interesting.
do not require for you to "Grind" to level up. since you lvl up by 1: non-VIP staying online. you don't get "Cultivation point" equivalent to things like EXP in other kind of girding game
2: VIP just log in every now and then to continue after u level up offline
3: Req Skill of prediction and reaction (This can be debatable in certain point)

1: From what I see, Pay to Win. gears are bound once you wear it.
2: TOO much difference in benefit of VIP and NON-VIP
3: Ping plays major role, if you have good ping, some martial art skill allow you to attack non-stop
4:Slow movement, unless certain school inner is used to move 30% faster or pay money for speed up potion. AKA: Windrider which cost money, or a lot of ingame UNBOUND money

Well, some may disagree with what i wrote, and some may add more positive and negative about this game.
But this game really does place a lot of stress to player. I for one, became high level and decided to stop. when Non-VIP, it is too difficult to make money.

Also when going into a Forbidden instance, there is limit of 7 times per week, this makes it so that it's difficult to make money, but this part, i suppose is not too bad since each forbidden instance takes a long time.

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Tokoloshi 11 years ago
lol its not really pay to win.. yes the top players spend a ton of money but its like that in all MMOs but I played 5 months without VIP.. and at first I sucked..until a guy once saw I use my skills wrong.. so he taught me and since then I could beat any VIP in my level or a few levels higher.. I also met VIPs with all the lores on and extra BS u buy too look good..then they're 12y old and cant even scrath me cause they suck.. its not hack and slash so the pvp is awesome..

Alos I used to play 9dragons.. I loved it since im really into ancient Chinese martial arts games.. but this game is 100% better than 9dragons.. I cant see myself go back.. still miss 9d but im tired of all the grinding .

I did get VIP eventually and yes it makes a difference.. in 1 month I achieved what other ppl achieve who had vip since the start.. without VIP u just have to work harder to make money.. I made a few Ding without VIP with just making clothes and do ss so only lazy people will say its pay to win.

Pity about the high ping(for me), and the hacking.. I was hacked a week ago but luckily Im one of the few who got his stuff back.. they actually caught the guy trading money with my char.

other than that its an amazing in depth game,.. at first u will have no clue what to do.. and it takes time. after 7 months I still learn new things everyday..just join a very good active guild if your new.. and sadly due to poor game management and the hacking people are leaving..but lets hope that get sorted out:( because this game requires communities and team play to get to the top

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Kelly9501 11 years ago
Why is downloading the game confusing? :(

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hgsghsgs 11 years ago
Pay to Win.

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Pepper 11 years ago
Everyone in the Wushu (not Wulin) server is getting hacked. Its a wave of hacks, where multiple cases are happening everyday and players are left with nothing. No compensation, no security. In fact, worse customer service. Snail USA screwed up on this game big time. Other active players are in fear they'll be hacked too. What's the point of paying and working hard?

Besides that, good game. The best and enjoyable mmo I've played. Go straight to wulin server; avoid wushu. I regret not moving. Now it's over.

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sadfasdf 11 years ago
Wish I could download this.

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Optimo 11 years ago
Hey does this look like (9 dragons) to you or is it me? If yall remember that mmo

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Clone8765 11 years ago
This game is Pay 2 Win if you're lazy and inactive on it.

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Clone8765 11 years ago
Seems like the only good martial art PvP game out there... Going to give it a try.

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OnoMiao 11 years ago
My brother and I are both gamer's and have been playing AOW for a couple of months, 6-10 hours a day, here is our take on the game. Before I begin I agree with most of the previous posting.
1. It is a game that takes real money to enjoy, meaning that things like a horse you buy thru the cash shop for gold, gold you buy with real money, but the horse expires in 30days. Everything in this game expires. Bags, armor etc..
2. To level you charter’s skills there is something that is called VIP which you buy with gold and expires in 30days.
3. There is types of currency in the game bound – used with NPC- and unbound which you use to trade with other players. Unbound is difficult to get. At some point you can buy unbound money with real money; And there is a limit on how much money you can spend per day in the game.
4. The economy in this game is terrible.
5. Lifeskills (crafting) are difficult to level, there is a limit on leveling skills per day.
6. The translation errors in the game will drive you nuts, Also there are no manuals or information provided from snail. Your guilds help is the only way to learn how to play this game.
7. GM and Support is horrible, this is one reason I left the game.
8. You will spend at least $50 a month on this game per character to really enjoy the game. I understand in china they spend hundreds of dollars a month on this game.
9. In closing you may really like this game, we both did, but it takes a very long time to reach max level in this game. After 2 months I was level 19 of my third inter, at this time there are 3 inter. The max level is 36. Each level can take days to complete, if you have VIP. If you don't it will take along online time to level your inter skills.
10. This game is all about the cash shop!!!!!!!!!!!!

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animix oliver 11 years ago
how do u get flying skills

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Amaya 11 years ago
Some peole say this game is great, others say it sucks. I've never played ANY MMORPG before, so I don't know anything about these games and what is easy to play.
I've got just one question: Is this a game I can play even though I'm a newbie?

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Anonymous Gamer 11 years ago
this looks good and graphics look even better

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Akmal Saleh 11 years ago
You guys and your games

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blah 11 years ago
as of the new expansion pack you can not do life skills unless u are a vip member it is there way of getting rid of bots so to play this game you now basically have to pay to play if u want to have any fun and actually have good gear

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Yogoreta 11 years ago
Just downloading game now but I am already addicted

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MetalEnergy 11 years ago
Id love to play this game, but the problem is that "downloading takes a while AND it could slow ur computers 'fastest'",so, no downloading for me!!!!

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ugurano 11 years ago
terrible game

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Benyto 11 years ago
Age of Wushu is a good game if you started with the game.
If you plan on joining now its not the best Experience.
Making gold is dificult, you cannot make legal gold unless you buy it.
There are very few Mines, animals to Hunt, fish, lootable good usable in game items.
Most of this places will get you killed by PKrs if you get near.

If you dont buy money from Hackers it is imposible to get good weapons or Items.
Since you cannot farm or get gold otherwise at low levels.

Legaly it would take 2 or 3 months to be competitive. but it is painful. most places are full of PKers, who only hunt low levels to kill. If you have a high level no one will ever touch you. but having a label " Realized Potencial or Less, you become a PKer Target imediately, they wait next to Quest delivering NPC, at the roads between Maps or next to the Teleports. to hunt low levels comming in.

If you plan on Joining AGE OF WUSHU, you better do it late at night, and avoid weekends.

Walking at 50% speed becouse some one just killed you for 15 minutes is not fun.

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Wisnu 11 years ago
Hey... why do u all dont go with world of kungfu? i play along time before wokf dead, but now i play again in "Mayhem Kungfu"

Try it again bro/sis

I love World of Kangfu

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FireFly 11 years ago
Beware to play this game is The Worst Customer Service by SNAIL USA. to many Gold Spammer to Many Gold Spammer.


VERY STUPID GM AND MANY BAD THING HAPPEN Just see on forum JiangHu Inn what happen there

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Tabs 11 years ago
This game is just horrible. Believe me, I WANTED to like this, but there's just so many problems with it. It's clearly unfinished (not "minor things to be patched" unfinished, but "clearly still in beta" unfinished), the translation is atrocious, quests are either typical Korean grindfests or just talking to the same person a few times (in a row, after doing nothing at all), the PVP isn't anything you can't find in any other MMO, the combat is typical MMO stuff that's been spun as a "rock-paper-scissors" system solely because there's a block button and block breakers, skills are levelled up (yes, there are levels, just not in the traditional sense) by either paying or just waiting, and the list just keeps going. And this isn't even getting into how inept Snail is at handling account hacking and gold selling!

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Marc 11 years ago
game is boring. just like every other mmorpg with auto-route.. can't seem to find anything good. Just going to stick to console gaming and play skyrim all damn day.. mmorpgs are all alike.. login > auto route > get bored.

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nameisken 11 years ago
Great Game:)(Thumbs up!!)
There are lots of things to do!(I love kidnapping and flying stuffs!!)
Graphics are great..
And no leveling system just pure SKILLS and SKILLS and SKILLS..
You can go anywhere in the game..Its a wide OPEN WORLD..Climb in Walls and trees
and Jump from a high place and land on Water..i love doing this stuffs with my friend..But thats not it..
The Combat in here and the Gameplay are awesome..
RATING: 9/10
I just wish i can customize my character on the character creation screen more..thats why its only 9/10.. but its the only thing i dont like..
You should try this game..SERVERS are always FULL..LOL..
(Try it but dont play always..i lag when there are so many players..)

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Wuhaha 11 years ago
Great game, i am always a fan of japanese samurai and ninjas, now i am having interest in the chinese history

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kaveh 11 years ago
dont waste your time for this.

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Kissker 11 years ago
The game is free but it's total junk. They reward bot players by letting them contenue to make money and exploit the economy, but if you do anything as a normal player, say killa bot - your put in prison for hours (killing 8 bots gives you 8 hours of real life time in prison)

Not only that the skills are bunk and most of the quests are broken. This game is a poor excuse for a client game, it's more like a Facebook game witha client - especially with the daily skill exp limits and the "life skills" vigor limit per day. You get 'done' playing in about an hour and then realize your just "cultivating" for more skill - usually doing NOTHING.

Don't waste your time with this Free MMO - move on.

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Finn the Human 11 years ago
Well, i play the game and is very confusing, and starting can be really boring, i have some fun swimming and walking around....

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bob 11 years ago
This game is terrible. Don't play it.

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Tam Nguyen 11 years ago
Can someone help me. I been download age of wushu almost ten times now. But each time I want to play its pop up a picture of the game. After that its restart my computer. I even try to format my computer two times already. But the result are the same. Can anyone help me plz

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chense 11 years ago
tomorow it is free to play and the game starts

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Mik 11 years ago
Free to play? Funny..I uninstalled it after two minutes .. now I was informed that I had ten hours of free play. They say it right then I even paid. This is a scam ...

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costel 11 years ago
The only Fag here is you en i did not know is in beta antil 10 april , i only pres the play buton witout waching if its open beta so blow me

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blowingaguy 11 years ago
fag, it's only hour a day during beta. Its free after april 10th. Also you get 660 min to start out with in beta. Everything about aow is great. It will only get better! also buying the boxed version of the game not only grants you vip on launch, but unlimited beta access so no hour restriction during beta. buying vip in beta does not remove this hour restriction. Have fun mastering MA in aow.

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costel 11 years ago
this game it says is free to play but wen u loog into game it says its only a trial ..u can only play 1 hour per day en force u to buy premium account if u wana play more then 1 hour

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laxsuss 11 years ago
TERRIBLE GAME try out 9 dragons : cool game with awsome grafs & its FREE

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Troy 11 years ago
Great game elements, but they blew it in their design. I doubt they researched before investing money into launching it in NA. The shop system is rentals, which doesn't sit well in NA, nor does having a stigma of being a Pay to Win game. The final nail in the coffin, the open world PvP has no regulation preventing a high lvl from killing low levels in one hit several times. That will drive TOO MANY players away, INCLUDING PvP fantatics, for the game to succeed. I honestly don't see this game surviving in NA, which is a shame, but they did it to themselves.

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Thedude 11 years ago
For anyone mad they MAY have to pay, get over it. They don't make games for free. They need SOME sort of income. Douchebags..

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LeonClever 12 years ago
Geforce nVidia gts450 1GB and Gegabyte nVidia gts450 1GB
so who know wich 1 is stronger?
tell me please

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LeonClever 12 years ago
My PC:
CPU core 2 duo 2.2GHz
Ram DDR2 2GB

so It enought to play game Age of WuShu or not please tell me I need your Idea
Becos i need to buy VGA card and Ram to complete system requiment for play age of wushu
I realy want to play
so just tell me
My PC that have ability enought to play or not?

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Technoman 12 years ago
This game was a bit of a disappointment the combat was not at all what I thought it was going to be. I found the only way I could really rack in combos is I had to my mouse rather than the number pad and that was a bit annoying. The camera was a bit of a chore as well.

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Lucifer 12 years ago
The more I play this game,the more I love it.Watching and competing in a pvp duel is different.I have to be really fast and the timing is the most important.And don't worry about the VIP players,they will have their characters developed faster,but it' your playing skills which decide who is the winner.However,the game may lose a huge numbers of players because it's really confusing and boring with 1st time players.The community is quick to respond to all questions and that helps a lot.And once you fully understand the game, it's no doubt that you will love it.

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eon 12 years ago
Oh to all those that havent really play much in this version or the full chinese version yet. This game is very cashshop centric just fyi...
u need to pay the monthly sub to become a vip player to be able to compete well with the other players aka storage/bag space, offline cultivation, 100% exp conversion, $$ limitation. remember this is a pvp game so power over other players = pay2win
mounts and space expansions are all time limited too

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DarkHero 12 years ago
played out my 10 hours to see if i'll buy into it. so far not impressed. graphic is over hyped. similar to others like it. combat is boring. aside from the occasional flying/jumping movement skills. attack skills are nothing special to look at. i get that this is a "sandbox" like game, but the lack of direction annoys me at the beginning. so many guide/tutorial/infos to read just to understand what you should start to do in the game. fail to grab my attention. the quest line is not enjoyable at all. they should add character voice, because i didnt feel attach to any of it. and some quest just dont make any sense. the community however, was very kind and was quick to respond to my questions. overall, would not play again for a long time. maybe ill give it a try again once restriction is off to see how the game changes. but if this is it, game didnt grab my attention, moving on to better f2p.

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Cartman 12 years ago
this game has some nice features but combat doesnt feel real or fluent ( animations are crap), which may change after the beta ..who knows...also a negative thing is the open pvp system....there should ALWAYS be a non pvp channel where people who just came from work for example, wanna farm a little in peace...of course its technially not that much of a big deal being killed sometimes by some stupid ass kiddo, but it does annoy many people.....but the good thing is that the eu beta of this game is soon coming which means everyone will be low lvl when it finally starts and thus not only will everyone focus on leveling up other than pk'ing but even if some ass turd feels like pk'ing he cant really rape people, because everyone is around his level yea im looking forward to the game (kinda)... currently playing the trial us version in order to have some experience when the eu beta starts

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kong 12 years ago
y i cant download the game and i already purchase !!!!

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LiNcKz 12 years ago
So when it fully releases its gonna be free? If thats how it is then Im interested, But I would see no point in playing CB/OB if Im not gonna play the real game later anyways :P

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dumbies 12 years ago
looks like it it will be free but until it goes into open beta or released you will either be lucky to get a key or pay $10, looks good hope it turns out as good as it looks

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Bla bla bla bla 12 years ago
All is BS ..why said free play...ah i got it is not free is PLAY FREE (with pay)

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Chirpe 12 years ago
Just watched a few gameplay videos... I'm going take a pass on this. The fighting is: 1.) Jump 2.) Float in mid-air while slashing randomly 3.) Fall and repeat

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