Age of Conan: Unchained
Age of Conan: Unchained (Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures) is a free to play 3D fantasy massively-multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) based on the world and works of acclaimed author Robert E. Howard. In Age of Conan, players enter Hyboria with thousands of their friends and enemies to live, fight, and explore the dark and brutal world of King Conan. Originally released as a retail game, Age of Conan: Unchained was relaunched as a free to play title allowing anyone to freely roam the vast lands of Hyboria either as free players or premium subscribers with access to extra content.
Age of Conan has always been a Mature gaming experience, but going Unrated gives the development team freedom to stay even more true to the original works of Conan author Robert E. Howard, and use even more of the barbaric, brutal and sexy setting that is Howard’s Hyboria. At the time, it was also considered to be the first AAA MMORPG to carry an “M” rating from the ESRB.
Age of Conan: Unchained allows an unprecedented level of control over your character. Define your character’s look and feel from their looks. Age of Conan’s 12 classes include an array of interesting classes, from new ideas like the Bear Shaman and Herald of Xotli to new twists on old favorites like the Assassin and Ranger. The classes are set up across four archetypes: Priests, Mages, Rogues, and Soldiers. But only the four classes (Barbarian, Demonologist, Guardian and Priest of Mitra) are available for all free players.
Age of Conan’s combat system lets you take an active role in combat. Rather than pressing an auto-attack button, you actually control every chop, thrust, and swing of your weapon. The combat system also allows you to control your defense rather than relying on statistics alone, adjusting your defenses as your enemies attack, lending an element of skill to every encounter. Age of Conan also features a robust system for mounted combat, allowing you to charge to victory on powerful horses, deadly war rhinos, and even the mighty mammoth!
Free players can only make two characters by default, while Premium players get eight character slots. Returning customers get to keep the number of character slots they already had. Funcom is also introducing an in-game store to the game where both free players and premium subscribers can purchase exclusive content such as weaponry and mounts. Some of the instanced dungeon content will be completely free, and other will be accessed through new passes or expansion purchases. Free players may access the beginnings of raids and the raid equipment ladder, but they can’t complete tier 1 without switching to Premium access or purchasing entry to more raids. Also Free players may only ride the horses which require the Basic Riding skill by default.
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Minimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows Xp 32 bit
Memory2 GB RAM
Storage27 GB Free Space
Core 2 Duo E6300 1.86GHz or Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4600+
GraphicsGeForce 8600 GT or Radeon X800 GT
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Age of Conan: Unchained

In the Conan film written by John Milius and Oliver Stone, Conan behead Thulsa Doom, and this is the core of R. Howard philosophy: the sword that wins against the sorcery.
u only allowed to ride slowest avaiable horse u cant enter most of the dungeons and get better gears if u goin to try this game go aead ,but if u plan to stay longer u will must pay$.
overall game could be awsome if they fix exlploits, bugs put some anticheat and delete some OP classes .. but none cares, few time servers merged and population is still low..
I provide the proof of payments and refuse to investigate when I start to be offensive and my lawyer contact them the problem resolved and they find the payment
What a disappointment.
now that its free i can log in ... pvp without any restrictions .
for pvpers this game f2p is epic
It also has adult themes that i think are more fitting for the Fantasy genre. Instead of a family friendly theme park, the cities are full of murderous thugs' drunkards and prostitutes. The language is equally colorful and helps draw you into the dark Conan universe.
The combat system forces you to engage at all times, you have to stay on your target and maneuver like you would in a real sword fight as opposed to auto aiming, clicking a few macros and forgetting about it. I know it has auto aim but this is turned off by default. After intensely hacking away at your cunning and murderous foes, you are occasionally rewarded with a fatality finishing move. These are very brutal for the melee classes and reminds you that your character is chopping up people not touching up their make-up.
I haven't played through the higher levels or end-game yet but I'm looking forward to seeing what lies ahead. Also Fun-Com opened all the classes as well as allowing a lot of other extras that were once only available to paying customers. For a free game, this one has a lot to offer. I highly recommend playing it.
THIS is not F2P. Remove these games from F2P least, add free trial/demos category to the list of games and stop misleading the readers!
I love the site but this is just wrong to put these games into F2P category. Friggin GW2 is more F2P than any of these games, and much better as a game too.
RAM: 1 GB | HDD: 30GB CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3Ghz or equivalent
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600 or better."
Wrong.At least win vista,3G for dx9 at med/low settings,and 4+ if u wanna go dx10 med-to-high..V/Card at least a gtx8600 for res 1280x1024 at low settings,and a gtx285 and up for res 1680 to 2048. Game is LAG like HELL even with a high-system (sieges fps going under..10),i warned u peeps. Something i totally forgot to mention.Theres no global chat on f2p model,no tells to others,very very limited bank/bag (u cant even hold some potions/foods ffs) space and MOST morons GM's (Game Masters) and forums moderators.Yes,its true,if u post something like "oh god,why funcom never ban cheaters?",or "this game named Josh,using cheats" etc,they DELETE the post,sending you THREADS via mail ("please do not open again any kind of thread about cheat accusations,or we will ban you.this is your 1st and last warning") and BAN you from forums/game! Jesus christ.. Good luck with that bulls**t game :-) (ps: sry for my english,it isnt my language)
I've played this game off non again since beta and it's nothing special. The graphics are nice if you have the computer for it but everything else is pretty much the same beat em up, go go go, level, PvP crap as always. (Not a WoW clone? Their PvP Battles are the exact same as World of Warcraft btw...)
At least they didn´t copy the wow world and try something completly diferent,
i´ve hoped to find a game like this f2p but nothing is better than the real thing...
Don´t talk bad untill you´ve try because this game rocks... I´ve only stop playing because they stop making game cards (for portugal at least) and i dont like pay with credit card on the net...
The best news ever, can hardly wait