AdventureQuest 3D
AdventureQuest 3D is Artix Entertainment's free-to-play follow-up to AdventureQuest Worlds, offering a fantastic MMORPG experience across multiple platforms. Explore an ever-expanding world, battle dangerous monsters, and capture amazing loot! Experience a familiar world but with an added dimension on your PC, iOS- or Android-enabled device, and play with your friends on their devices, too!
While still maintaining the old-school charm of its predecessor, AQ3D includes many modern conveniences, like the ability to play on the same level as your friends, daily login rewards, exploration achievements, and PvP arenas. As with its previous games, which were updated on a weekly basis, Artix Entertainment will update the game regularly, adding new content and new lands to explore, along with an action-packed storyline that's sure to please players of all skill levels!
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Latest Updates
If you’re not interested in love, the update also introduces some changes to Battle Hall PvP.
1 month agoIt’s all about the speed in combat.
2 months agoMostly, it’s goodies.
2 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows 7
Memory1 GB RAM
Storage500 MB available space
Dual Core 1.8GHZ or Single Core 3.0GHZ
Graphics512 MB
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like AdventureQuest 3D

Basicly I am getting ride of my old aqw account and wanting to save my old items to a different location outside of aqw. Im saving my old items so I can later on transfer the items to my new aqw account. I need your expertise on this so I can do what I need to do.
It's very grindy. I don't mind it so much but I don't exactly like it.
Micro-transaction for just about everything... buy this, buy that, buy these. From potions to vault space they want real money... it's quite absurd.
Content... you get to 17 in no time at all and then you stand around farming for stuff that you don't even need. I am a cosmetic collector, so I am crafting 1/2 of the stuff in the game anyways (even though I have no space to put it... I'm not paying for vault space, and I don't see any reason to back the game because it's been in beta forever).
It lacks basic features. If they are trying to simplify the genre or re-invent the wheel, ok, but AQ3D has no trading, no economy, no auction and no need for any of it because all you do is stand around collecting gold for that next 4 hour craft. It has no guild (coming some time down the road apparently), no end-game (standing in a circle around a mob, group killing it every 20 seconds is not end-game) and the environment doesn't captivate you. Crafting isn't gather and craft, it's gather and wait... in excess of 4 hours!
Will there be raids, will there be a way to earn Dragon Crystals in-game, will there be more to do besides fetch-quest and see how much gold you can collect?
I haven't played any of AE's other games, but AQ3D is very boring.
Maybe there are some misspelling, sorry for that if you find one, english is not my main language.
It's a lightweight game and the cross-platform is welcome and innovative.
The graphics are in tune with the previous games of AE.
The history and the puns of this game are great as in other AE games.
Not P2W.
Is Pay2Play but in a different way than in other AE titles, this one is linked directly with the horrible crafting system more than anything else.
The crafting system is horrible, the farm to craft something is acceptable in any game but in here you have to farm a lot plus you must wait for your item to craft or you can get it instantly by paying real money, which make the game very repetitive and this grind start from the beginning, you shouldn't be grinding/farming all that much in early levels. In Warframe for example, you must craft almost every weapon and warframe(class) which make you farm, but that farm is less annoying because the gameplay is more enjoyable and dynamic, the crafting system of Warframe have crafting time which you can finish instantly by using platinum which is the currency that you buy with real money, but that currency is tradeable. The point is that if almost every item will be dependent of the crafting system, make sure that the gameplay is enjoyable enough and in any MMORPG is crucial that not all things should be obtained through a crafting system.
The controls and the camera still feels a bit clunky.
The quest system when you finish lets you travel to the NPC that gave you the quest to complete it, but for some reason in battleon this feature teleports you in the area instead of in front of the npc, if you are new to the game or you aren't familiar with the place, you will be running around until you remember who gave you the quest and where it is.
All the class at the moment feel the same(DPS), all they feel that have the same role which remove strategy.
The customization of your character feels a bit poor.
The stuff that the class shop sells you feels a little stupid, the NPC sells you all the materials so after that you must pay to the NPC so he/she can craft you an item and wait, this feels like the game force the player to use the crafting system at all cost, why the shops don't just sells you the items already crafted? The basic NPC shops should be able to sell at least basic cheap items to the low lvl players like in any MMO, if you don't begin to get new items in early lvls you don't feel that you are progressing.
Lack of basic "ready to use" armor/weapons from the shop.
Constructive feedback:
Remove the entire crafting system and replace it with the loot system of AQW, where some mobs will drop armor or weapons, or revamp the crafting system by removing the gold cost and the crafting time plus reducing a little the farm that some things require to craft, if you are going to keep the crafting system for almost every item, make sure that the gameplay is enjoyable by doing some change in the combat system since for early lvl and inexperienced players if you don't begin to get new stuff you will feel that you are not progressing.
The xp and gold that some things gives you i feel it a bit low by the effort that require to do it, for example mission rewards Vs killing some mobs, it should increase the amount of xp and gold that you can win from missions, specially at low levels if you are unfamiliar with the game.
Add more roles to classes so there will be strategy.
Add 1 or 2 more skill to the skillset of a class, maybe you can unlock this skill by doing some kind of quest.
The skill gameplay feels old, i know that AE want to stay close to the the skill systems of AQW but its feel old, they could use something like the skill gameplay of archeage which still have the auto-targeting skill system of the old MMORPG but they added that you could do combos with the same skills and this combo change the animation of the cast, for example the warrior of that game, if you re-cast the basic attack in a certain time it will do a sword combo with more damage, and in that game you could combine other's skills of the class and get different effects and animations.
If you are in party, and the mob or the boss die after you died, you should receive the loot if at least one of your teammate survived, or guarantee that you will receive the loot even if you die after the mob or boss died if you did certain amount of damage to him.
The tutorial i feel that it should be obligatory, when i reach battleon for first time i feel very lost.
It should be a mini-map and some kind of quest line that shows you the basic stuff that you can do and some tips for what is every establishment in battleon, i really feel very lost when i reach battleon, there wasn't any guide or something on what to do next.
Add more customization features to the player.
Add a shortcut to pick up loot with keyboard.
The crafting monetization is fine if you guys incorporate a trading, or marketplace system.. make the premium currency tradeable for items and normal ingame currency. If you do this you will also be able to tack the premium currency on more things and it be reasonable.
Players that have money to burn are often older, they also have less time to play the game. Making premium currency a tradeable commodity the players who spend money will naturally be able to trade this currency for whatever items they don't want to invest as much time into the game for.
The players who are younger, don't have a job and aren't spending money on the game have a lot more time to farm allowing them to invest that time into trading time sink farming/random drop items/currency to players who spend money on the premium currency.
This will give players who want to invest the time, access to all the same privileges spending players get. And the game will be fondly looked upon for not being pay to win since it is easily obtainable through player interaction because technically everything is obtainable through time investment even the premium exclusive items & premium time savers. Cash cow players will constantly be injecting premium currency into the ecosystem, and since the only way to obtain this currency is through buying it why do you care who is spending it? More incentive to buy it for the cash cow, and more incentive to spend more time in the game for the kid who plays all summer long.
Items being tradeable you can reasonably make things way more grindy and rare. And with premium currency being tradeable you can make special cosmetic items priced at really high exorbatant prices as cash sinks of ingame currency for players that have a lot of time to buy, and for players with less time they can trade premium currency for ingame currency to buy these items. And the other way around for players wanting to give large amounts of ingame currency to players who buy exclusive premium currency items. This works even better in a marketplace scenario.
Plus if you include a marketplace to trade random drop rare items or farmed items you can make all items be posted in an ingame currency amount but have players have an option to buy it with premium currency at whatever exchange rate you should so choose, and the player that listed it will be sent the amount of ingame currency they posted it for. Or on the flipside you could make all items only postable for ingame currency making it more desireable for cash cows to trade their premium currency for all the farmed ingame currency to buy said items they weren't lucky enough to get, or don't want to spend the time getting. Thus making premium currency float around even more. I personally wouldn't recommend the second option though, I do believe seeing an item in the marketplace you want and having the option to just instantly buy it with real money way more profitable for you guys.
Doing this will also get rid of the whole "Rare" item stigma I see in AQW, the lack of ability to actually get everything is a big bummer and offputting thing to new players. "Wow dude that armor is so awesome how do you get it?, "Can't get it anymore.", "Oh.. that's what the last two guys said too...." Unobtainable items will now instead incentivise the trading of currency & also because of how the rebuyable system works would give players that invest money into the game to resale things that are rewards from things like your kickstarter or guardian purchase to players who missed out on it or don't have the money to buy it. This kinda stuff would be HUUUGE money sinks in a marketplace scenario where you allow players to buy currency listed items with premium currency. Super profitable because the illusion of rare loot and you keep making money even when the items are gone.
I see an economy system as a huge chance at good non pay 2 win values, while having tons of reason to actually purchase the premium currency for cash cows to collectors to the new player scared of all the pay2win mentality of games and the idea that everything in the game is rare and unobtainable. I've mulled it over a lot and I really think this is the best way to go if you don't want to scare people away from all the monetization and you really don't lose anything because all the premium currency in the ecosystem is purchased from you so no matter what you're making money, and likely more money from all the extra incentive to spend on rare gear.
The game was interesting and fun for a little while but eventually you will begin to realize how boring and repetitive it is. Everything was this game is average.
Medicore graphics, boring gameplay, horrible crafting system, grindy as hell and these are only some of the problems with this game.
Dragonfable, AdventureQuest, AQW, and even Mechquest are more better games than this because those games offer something different from one another and they really hit it home with AQW, but they ended ruining it which I didn't think was possible from them and they will do the same for this one. This game isn't gaining enough attention and have people's interest. It's over
This is to inform to those brain less guys just leave if you cant understand meaning of closebeta and go to docter for treatment
Yes, there are microtransactions. I do think they're being pretty fair about it so far though, it looks to be that they are just used for purchasing faster crafting times, or certain special crafting materials.
I can't personally speak for the dungeon energy either way, since I don't have much experience with it, but I look forward to working through the dungeons.
I think that simply saying that it's only prebeta is a bad excuse, but at the same time they have more than made up for it with what they have done since.
NOW, on to the actual game review: Overall, I love it. The game is already incredibly expansive, and takes weeks to get through and experience every ounce of content, and that's saying something, given it's been a little over a year and only a dozen people have worked on it. With a miniscule fraction of the budget many other MMO companies receive, and the pressure of maintaining their other games, Artix Entertainment continues to surprise me with every update they put out. i would 11/10 recommend this game to anyone looking to experience the world of Lore in a 3D environment. As this moves from a closed Beta testing to an Open Beta testing, keep it on your radar, and be ready to play the heck out of every update, 'cuz they're all amazing.
AdventureQuest .... dead game
DragonFable ... dead game
MechQuest .... shutdown
AdventureQuest Worlds.... dying almost dead game
WarpForce .... shut down
EpicDuel.... dead needs to shutdown... soon
HeroSmash ....dead
AQ3D: Legend of Lore... same as aqw, only dumb people will play this
AdventureQuest Battle Gems ...needs to be shut down ..dead game
AdventureQuest Dragons ...lame shut it down
AQW3D ...copy and paste of aqw
PonyVsPony ...shutdown
And also some old members told me they can, but not the new players of aqw ?
Why limit the beta version to few people ?
And other remark, I see it will not be on browser or flash plugin ?
So what will it be ? An executable .exe file for Microsoft Windows ?
I am running LINUX, so how do I do ?
Thanks for answering
Bye the way, AQW is very good game, but complicated for newbies, I hope AQ 3D will be much simpler and easier !!! And so everybody can play it...
Ive been with AQ for mannnnny years, and ive seen it grow from battleon. Truely these guys know what they are doing, and im proud to stay bye their side while they do it! This aq3D is freakin amazing!