Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated Free MMO? (RESULTS UPDATE!)
While there aren't as many big new games coming out in the free-to-play universe as there used to be, there are still a few major titles out there that are in various stages of development that people are looking forward to. Some are coming soon, some not as soon, and some ... well, we think they'll be coming along at some point. We hope.
What's #1 on your Most Wanted List? Is it one of the games listed below, or something else entirely? Enter our poll to make your voice heard, and leave a comment to let us know how you voted! The poll closes at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Monday night.
Here were the results! It looks like our Zach Sharpes isn't the only one looking forward to Blue Protocol and Lost Ark!
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Normally, when we do one of these Dauntless update previews with the Phoenix Labs team, the focus is on how awesome the new Behemoth is and how much it kicked my ass.
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The patch introduces the in-game compass, Discord integration, and plenty of market updates.

Simultaneously, a guild event makes it easier to find friends to share adventures.

They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.

Cyclops will be available as part of the game’s first season.
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