Yoshi-P Officially Reveals One Of The Next Jobs At The London Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival
Get ready dual wielders.
Today, the Final Fantasy XIV team hosted the second of this year’s Fan Festivals in London, England. As with the Las Vegas event, the whole thing was kicked off with a Keynote presentation in which Yoshi-P offered details about the game’s next update and expansion. This keynote offered a bit more information than the last one, but they still held some things back – both because some content just isn’t ready, and well… they do need something to show off at the Fan Festival in Tokyo on Jan 7, 2024.
Yoshi-P started things off with an extended version of the Dawntrail trailer we saw in Las Vegas. It’s effectively the same, with one big difference. We get to see one of the new jobs in action. But, only one. The other one we’ll have to guess at for another couple of months.
Today, they revealed the new melee DPS job, the Viper. This is a dual-wielding class that’s different from Ninja, but will still share the same gear. The job, designed specifically for Dawntrail, uses twin blades that can be combined into a single, two-handed weapon. This allows the Viper to alternate between the less powerful but faster strikes of the dual blades to the more powerful attacks of a single double-handed weapon. The Viper can also imbue their body with additional power for a brief period of extra DPS.
As we mentioned, the second job still hasn’t been officially revealed, although players have their guesses. All we know for sure is that it’s a ranged magic DPS. We’ll find out the rest during the Tokyo event.
That said, we do know that the requirements for picking up these new jobs are to have purchased the Dawntrail expansion and have at least one job leveled up to 80. That means players can go through all of the Dawntrail content as a Viper if they want to. Note that in order to pick up the Viber job, players will need to head to Ul’dah.
The job reveal was followed up by a recap of the information provided in Las Vegas about the new region being introduced in 7.0, the land of Tural. This was expanded on with more details on the region’s main hub, Tuliyollal, as well as the two other areas players revealed in Vegas, Yak T’el and Urqoppacha. In both cases in-game video was provided. However, the areas are unpopulated.
Other areas of interest, a dense jungle south of Tyliyollal named Kozama’uka and a desert area named Shaaloani were revealed as well. Kazoma’uka is home to Moblins. These are a new Allied Tribe race that share a common ancestor with Goblins. However, instead of making things, they’re good at procuring things – which means they’ll be of big help to crafters and gatherers.
We’re pretty sure everyone knew this, but just in case you didn’t, Yoshi-P discussed the level cap increase to 100. He also mentioned that we’ll have new fates, new content for The Hunt, another treasure hunt, and quest-synched side quests. Players can expect plenty of new dungeons. The phrasing was “at least” as many as in past expansions. So we don’t have to worry about having less.
A new enemy was revealed as concept art. The art is literally all we know about it.
It was also mentioned that Duty Support will be available for all instanced dungeons in Dawntrail’s MSQ. Speaking of dungeons, players can also expect new variant dungeons, an 8-man raid, and a new ultimate in 7.0. You know, the usual stuff. We will also be getting a special new Alliance Raid that long-time Final Fantasy MMO players will be excited about.
That’s right. Get ready for a Final Fantasy XI tie-in. The Alliance Raid, titled Echoes of Vana’Diel celebrates 20 years of Final Fantasy XI.
Of course, a new expansion also means new gear and recipes, and Yoshi-P showed off concept art for crafting and gathering jobs as well as fighting jobs. Interestingly, the gear is not region-inspired this time.
Other obligatory content includes additions to Blue Mage, more Hildibrand quests, more Deep Dungeons, Gold Saucer updates, and a PvP update. Speaking of Blue Mage, it’s about to get some company. A new limited job will be added in the latter part of 7.x. Of course, we have no details. We’ve just been informed that it’s coming.
Yoshi-P also mentioned the “lifestyle” content. They’d intended to show some of this off now, but it wasn’t ready. So, we have to wait until the Tokyo event to see any of it.
The rest of the Dawntrail presentation was spent on the graphical update. I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time looking at a Lalafell’s chin. Or Au’ra horns. If you’re wondering what those upgraded chins are going to cost you, they also shared the system specs. However, these are tentative.
The keynote was rounded out with more information on upcoming 6.x content. The Fall Guys crossover drops on October 31 as part of patch 6.51. This is 24-man content, so bring some friends. Also, keep an eye out for a special crossover quest, Path Infernal. Finally, that Final Fantasy XVI crossover you’ve been wanting is on its way. Hang out with Clive and get your own Torgal mount and minion. There will also be gear to obtain.
Finally, we have news about the cloud data center and the Xbox version of the game. The cloud data center stress test is set for November 21-27. It will be conducted on the North American, East Coast Data Center. This test only allows new characters that will be deleted at the end.
The Xbox open beta will take place in January or February.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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