Yargh! It be a MOBA!: Pirates: Treasure Hunters gets Official Trailer
There's a new MOBA on the horizon, and a brand new official trailer shows off the booty that it's bringing to shore.
In Pirates: Treasure Hunters from Virtual Toys, pirates will slash their way across the battle arena, using a vast list of abilities to pillage their way to victory. Other strategic maneuvers include steering ships which fire canons, and even a grappling hook to get to the hard to reach places.
Pirates: Treasure Hunters was announced for South Korea last November, and there is no word on an English version as of yet.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Please, if anyone from mmobomb.com can contact them and say that I (and hope other people to) think that name is very generic and should be a bit more creative. Come on Spunky, do it for us! :)
FPS,MOBA,crappy money cow mmorpg's no thanks make a new idea and suprise us or u will soon live in a very lonely world.
This just looks like an Action Rpg, but in an Arena... And the Pirate theme is WAY too ever used. Oh well, suppose there's always room for more failures.