XLGAMES Launching Remastered ArcheAge On New Server In 2018

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

After five years of running ArcheAge as we know it, Korean developer XLGAMES has decided to launch an all new server featuring a remastered version of the game. According to MMOCulture, the server -- named Orchidna -- will launch sometime in 2018 and is being billed as "a new beginning" for the game.

Little has been revealed on what exactly "remastered" means at this time, other than the developers taking all the balance adjustments made since the game's launch into account. So, while the term generally implies graphical changes, that hasn't been suggested here. Nor has it been stated if the remastered version will be Korean only.

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In this article: ArcheAge, XLGames.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (10)

Sinx 6 years ago
I don't really understand why you call AA p2w. I m an old player and i don't think its p2w more than the others.

Charp 7 years ago
Archerage!!! Archerage NA - if you hate p2w and want an active server check this out

Private server without Trions terrible service! Archeage is a great game... Trion/XL are great at ruining games

Lech2000 7 years ago
There track record on launching servers isn't the best, if you do want to try this you might want to give it a month. Just look up the last time they did a "fresh start" server, people could not log in and when they did they got random disconnects (I wasted think 3 days just to get disconnected). Meanwhile the whole time they claimed everything went off without a problem.

sas 7 years ago
PAY TO WIN dead game

Yokki 7 years ago
shit with polish is still shit.

Zerynthia 7 years ago
Always wanted to play this but Ive heard its as pay to win as it comes. Perhaps this server wont be, who knows. Ill keep My eye on it.

View 1 reply
Preciel 7 years ago
hell no xD

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