World of Warcraft Possible "F2P" Option Datamined
The datamining into World of Warcraft's 6.1 patch has already started and MMO Champion is reporting that a new "Veteran Edition" in the code could be paving the way for a free-to-play version of Blizzard's massive game.
The current free trial limits players to level 20, but the Veteran Edition will likely have a few differences. Level cap, gold, and chat restrictions (no details on the amounts yet) will be in place, but users will still be able to play the game.
Since Blizzard hasn't said anything publically yet, and datamining can often show pieces of information that never actually make it to the live game, it's hard to know if this is a "free-to-play" alternative or some sort of a move to a more "buy-to-play" model.
I personally think, as do some others online, that this may be a way to allow accounts that no longer subscribe but had at one point access to play with limitations. Sort of a "pad the player base and maybe entice some people to resubscribe" type of offering.
We'll be sure to watch this closely though and if it does turn out to be more of a free-to-play model, we'll be there to provide you with all the details and limitations.
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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Not all the answers are substantive, but there's a few key pieces of info here for players.

You could even make your home a sprawling mansion on the outside, but one single room on the inside if you like.
The game doesnt go free to play , it goes sell your month for gold , you still need to buy the game and the expansion , but if there are people that want gold instead of going to goldsellers and so they will just get this 30 day token and put it in ah for gold and you can buy it , someone will still pay for you month , but they will get gold for it :)
Its not a bad solution i think it wont get in the way of the game :)
My hope would be it's buy to play and go the way of Guild wars 2 which i play and enjoy a lot.
I bet this is pretty much it. The Veteran thing can only be connected to rewards based on the time you payed already, just like EQ2 or SWG did back then.
SWG was imo the best one :D
F anime lineage and other SHty mmos!!!!!!