World Of Tanks Removes Friendly Fire Damage, Making It (Almost) Impossible To Kill Allies
In most PvP games, there's no worse feeling than killing your teammates ... unless you're a team-killing, match-throwing troll, in which case, I'd like to fling you into the sun. Accidents happen, and they can result in flaring tempers throughout your team and, if things go really poorly, action against your account.
None of that will happen again in World of Tanks, which just went live with Update 1.6. Among the many cosmetic changes -- New fonts for tactical numbers! New decals! Option of disabling the speedometer of the wheeled vehicles! -- and various other fixes and vehicle changes listed in the patch notes is one very important section that alters a fundamental aspect of the game that's been present since launch:
It's still possible to stun allies with SPG fire, or to kill allies by, say, pushing them off a cliff, and those actions will still net you team-killer status. The exact nature of the changes have been spelled out in a blog post.
Also featured in the update is a new set of four high-tier British light tanks and changes to personal missions for SPGs and the Object 279 (e). Learn more about Update 1.6 on the World of Tanks site.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Put on your green skins and avoid getting pinched.

The team even took the ability to cosplay on a budget into account when designing the Hansians.

Yes, you get to build your own walking bases.

However, the game is Web3-based.
Trolls or not FF should be in any serious game.
If you hit your TM's a lot then i only have one thing to say to you: GIT-GUD.