World Of Warcraft Updates Trading Post Items For Next Month, Freeze Those Items You Want But Didn't Buy Yet

Not much longer if you hope pick up the beautiful Celestial Steed.

Aspen Pash
By Aspen Pash, News Editor Posted:

WoW Trading Post

It’s that time again, World of Warcraft's busy vendors of Orgrimmar and Stormwind are about to trade out their wares for new, shiny items for the month of March. That means February’s items are about to head into storage. Players that have an item they don’t want to see go away, but may not have the saved-up funds for, can “freeze” an item and purchase the item later on. These items will last month over month until the item is either purchased or replaced.

Players will also need to make sure they have finished their Traveler’s Log and claimed Ash’adar, Harbinger of Dawn mount before it's too late. Players can check their current progress in the Adventure Guide.

Now, if February’s items didn't catch a player's fancy, they can always hang on to their Trader’s Tender for next month’s offerings that will arrive in March. Players can visit T&W (Tawney and Wilder) just outside the Mage District in Stormwind or the Zen’shiri Trading Post next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar to check out all the latest items available.

To those who need a refresher on just what’s available, check out the official post for a list of all the items that will soon be leaving the shop.

Note: Activision Blizzard is still under investigation by the state of California for serious harassment charges. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about such actions within his company – and performed some himself – and shielded the perpetrators from consequences.

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About the Author

Aspen Pash
Aspen Pash, News Editor

Aspen is an avid gamer and Twitch streamer currently residing in Japan. She is most attracted to games narrative design and is a huge fan of player choice in games. If Aspen is not playing games, she is most certainly writing about them.

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dysnomia 2 years ago
World of Shitcraft

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