World of Warcraft goes free to play... Almost...

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

While previously players who set up a new trial account for World of Warcraft (WoW) were limited by 14 days of playtime and a level cap, Blizzard announced that players on any trial account are able to play WoW forever for free... Almost...

The coming of World of Warcraft's patch 4.2 Rage of the Firelands will also herald the arrival of something known as the World of Warcraft Starter Edition. The Starter Edition lets players build a character up to level 20 without paying a dime.

The catch, of course, is that players are capped at level 20 until they upgrade to the full version, but you can try out for free any of the races and classes available up through The Burning Crusade expansion, including the blood elves and draenei, with no time limit and no limit on characters created.

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Discussion (36)

Boldo 12 years ago
Well for a non-hardcore gamer like myself its actually perfect. I'll always get bored after 20 levels or so and stop playing. So quite ideal for me

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charles 13 years ago
why when i download the trial version from blizard it opens then closes

Gobnob 13 years ago
Wow some people on here are trolls. This is a GREAT move for WoW. 1. Now people cant say they cant pay 15 dollars a month to play cuz it has an ulimited trial now. 2. People who play the trial and like it dont have to worry bout it running out of time and might not beable to ge the full version. 3. More people will come to the game and it will inspire them to get the full version. So stop your trolling.Some MMO's are made to be free. Some are made to be P2P and some are made for both. This is just to see what will happen. I personally like this idea! :D

Luis 13 years ago
WoW is a great game, and I recommend to anyone looking for a high quality game, huge community, stable and very new player friendly. Although it's paid, it's in my opinion worth every penny.

Sure there are lots of others F2P MMORPGs, but there's a good reason why P2P games are still in business.

Anyway people saying that "WoW is gonna die soon and nobody will play it" are just dramatizing too much. I quit WoW because I don't find MMORPGs fun anymore (doesn't matter which one).
Believe me this is already a prove that when WoW start losing lots of subscribers it'll become F2P (kinda like happened to DDO).

It's "free to play" until level 20 ;D.

dalentarth 13 years ago
Good now everyone has more time to realize that there are a million other better games to play that are truly free. WoW was revolutionary and a great unique game at one point. But as a game ages (or more accurately a genre) more games are released that are similar. Devaluing the original game, Wow has gotten older. And like everything else old, they should realize their time is almost up. So WoW have fun dating gamers for a couple more years, yeah they're hot young 20 year olds, but you'll soon you'll feel the emptiness that is your existence. When that day comes I'll buy you a blanket and a rocking chair while we wait for you to expire.

Axon 13 years ago
Level 20 in WoW takes about 4 hours, 14 days was a far superior trial.

rofl 13 years ago
this is stupid and shouldnt be on here xD made me laugh

randomer 13 years ago
please mmobomb this shit its not free. dot post bullshit

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coolguy 13 years ago
GUYS ITS FOREVER so stop trolling read the whole thing

Nupper 13 years ago
I guess its also a way of getting interested in buying the full version
How ever its such a good game that the people who want to play but dont because of the pay month

personally i think the pay monthly is a good idea and it keeps it a reasonable population and it stops the overflow of players trying to take your kills or be to crowded and get laggs

ilsan 13 years ago
This is indeed a step in the right direction. I'm assuming that they are removing the trial limit so see just how many people they could get to play if they went full free, this method usually proves to be useful. I'm also getting tired of hearing people say this game is crap / horrible graphics. It's not bad graphics, it's a specific graphic style and it is meant to be slightly toony especially because it's copying the Warcraft game styles on purpose hence World of Warcraft. Now, on the other hand people thinking this game is crap, where is the logic in that? It's one of the more in-depth heavy content games with a deep storyline and tight communities, even with its massive drop in players. If it truly was a bad game so many other mmorpg's wouldn't be trying so hard to copy it's graphic style and mechanics. GTFO Trolls! If you don't like it just stay away from it. Gee whiz.

jpuq5i05 13 years ago
The chinese gold farmers thank Blizzard for their future increased profits.

ShawnCrespo 13 years ago
The games graphics are horrible. Who would pay for that piece of crap. XD. I payed for about a year before realizing it was a piece of shit. LOL this game needs to UPGRADE and dust off they're 2005 graphics, seriously. When they upgrade I'll probably give it another shot. They're community is also shit. Its filled with no-life nerds who think they're so cool cuz they're lvl 85 or whatever.
No offense guys. And don't try to troll me about the graphics, plz, its the truth. OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOUR MIND. WoW isn't the only game out there.
Again, I don't mean to offend ANYONE. So plz no hate mail.

R3L0AD3D 13 years ago
Put the dam game F2P already, the game is getting old

ssfdqwuuyqewu 13 years ago
If after the 20 levels its not pay a month xD then it would be nice just buy the game and play :D

Krys4 13 years ago
I can get higher lvl in 14days

iamwon 13 years ago
It's just a master move, they just though "let'em play more, let'em like it, let'em want to continue playing, and then let'em pay for it". I already played WoW and just got enough of it in my life, its a good mmo indeed, but I would like to have the money I spent to do more important things...

stelstel 13 years ago
It's funny how hard it is for some people to finish reading or even attempt to read; any article passed it's title.

This is just a joke really, I'm sure they have noticed how many people are leaving, cancelling accounts or just not paying anymore and they are most likely testing something, quite possibly micro transactions. It's the exact same thing as the 14 day free trial without a time limit, but limits on everything else as usual. After however many years of testing, playing and getting bored, this doesn't interest me in the least. The community for this game slammed into the toilet with Cataclysm. This isn't going to change it.

Sandra Kiel 13 years ago
is this a joke ?
is WoW Free 2 Play like Runes of Magic, Allods and Guild Wars is ?
or just a free2play for 1 year trial?

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Sushy 13 years ago
This is great, I wonder if all the f2p lvl 20's will be able to use battlegrounds, should be interesting

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tcbugoqi3n 13 years ago
This is kinda neat, I stopped paying for WoW whenever I hit 85 and got geared to the teeth and I still couldn't get in to raiding. The game became way to reclusive with very few player to player interactions outside of guilds now as well. It'd be nice to see it go completely free to play so other games would walk in it's footsteps. Like Ultima, that game still isn't free!!!!

ghostsai234 13 years ago
This isn't even close to F2P. They pretty much just removed the 10 day limit. You still can't DO anything.

jh 13 years ago
yo so if it is free that means the mini games are also?

ygmh6a45tx 13 years ago
Who really cares if WoW goes free in any way. WoW is just another RPG game out there, the only difference is that the devs had the big bucks and got it out there more.

exkvgaypr6 13 years ago
is the same shiit of the trial account, lvl 20 cap

exkvgaypr6 13 years ago
mmobomb pls change the name of the post and video, you are lying to their people with that title

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exkvgaypr6 13 years ago
whatts is the difference??, i play on blizzard lvl 85 mage, what is this?? still the lvl 20 limit on trial accounts??,

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