WildStar Has Plans For 2017, We're Just Not Sure What They Are

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


It's that time of year again, where MMO developers look back at what they've done over the last 12 months and what they're planning on doing in the next 12. Well.... kinda. Today, WildStar Game Director Chad "Pappy" Moore made the obligatory "state of the game" post, and it's... well... a tad vague in some areas.

First off, he discussed the release of Redmoon Mutiny, the second phase of the Redmoon Terror raid. The raid has gone over well with players, with several guilds having cleared it -- first to clear was Codex. Moore then went on to reflect on the recent changes to the faction barrier, holiday events, and a few other high points including the release of Destination Arcterra.

Following the look back, Moore -- kind of -- looked forward at what players can expect in 2017... Kind of. Unfortunately, other than telling you that the developers have been taking player feedback into account and that they're working on a number of things, there isn't much information. In fact, the entire post pretty much reads as, "OMG! Look at what a good year we had doing things. And we'll do more things next year that are totally worth talking about... but obviously not right now."

So, I suppose we'll find out later what it is the developers are up to. But there's no word as to when at the moment. Hopefully, for all you WildStar players, it'll be worth the wait.

If you'd like to read Moore's post, you can do so on the WildStar blog.

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In this article: WildStar, Carbine Studios.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (4)

Ultra_Ninja 8 years ago
A new plan? How about optimizing their engine that melt y GC that can run warface in hd?
Apart from that paying for guild creation, wtf?

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idontcare 8 years ago
this game is awesome but is empty like a graveyard even in the comments about widlstar no one talk nothing,but theres a lot of stuff they can do put more races,skills even new classes to the game.

LutheBear 8 years ago
This game has so much Potential but sadly they cant get it from it. i really enjoyed WS after Lunch, and i feel have no spirit to even login now (No time to play)

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