WildStar Offers Players Free Level 50 Character

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


Looking to roll a new alt in WildStar but not really feeling that leveling all over again thing? Then you probably want to take advantage of the game's latest event.

To celebrate the arrival of Power of the Primal Matrix -- or just because they know players really don't feel like grinding again -- Carbine is holding a Free 50 Frenzy event. During the event, players who log on after the update is released will receive one... yes, one... opportunity to make a new level 50 character. As the announcement notes, there are no redo-s, so be sure the character you create is the one you really want.

The post on the WildStar blog also notes that there will be some differences between this free boost and the paid version, but that a number of things remain the same -- such as the mount and the ProtoStar Housing Teleportation Unit.

Full details on the event are available in the post mentioned above. Just be quick about it, as the event ends on March 12.

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In this article: WildStar, Carbine Studios.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (6)

Carbine.Stahp 8 years ago
I'm suprised they didn't make it Signature Exclusive like everything else in this game ... .#pay2win

trionisshit 8 years ago
DEAD piece of poop, ugly fake f2p, good its dead , no one like scammers!

Kaip 8 years ago
Stop trying to revive this game with all these perks and great features it's clear wildstar is dead if these perks and features won't attract people then nothing will. I say wildstar should close up shop and the developers should work on their better titles till they can come up with a title that can be even better then wildstar. If this game is on steam and still isn't attracting people then sad to say your game is pretty much dead I really recommend the developers close this game and work on their better titles for the time being instead of wasting money on a failed attempt they could reuse the code from wildstar in a new game maybe but I really think they should shut wildstar down for good if all these perks and things they are doing still isn't attracting people. And from what I seen theres no reason I seen for free players to wanna log in mostly reasons for people to buy subscriptions. Maybe if they add in reasons for free players then maybe they might get more players but that might be a long shot but they should close the game down like I said it's not worth keeping this game up.

CrisisDarkness 8 years ago
Omg, Are these measures coming in to attract new players? I am very sorry, this game has died long ago, developers have created great things in the game, but made many mistakes with their base players, they should accept defeat, and bury this game. The company has other better titles, they should not worry about this failed attempt, much of the code they created in this game, it may be reusable, it's a shame, I tried to give it a try some time ago, and some game mechanics are too boring .

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