Welcome to the Inn: Hearthstone Open Beta Begins

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Hearthstone's public existence has yet to pass the one year mark, and yet in that time the collectable card game from Blizzard has surrounded itself in a massive storm of attention. That storm may finally have reached its pinnacle here in the US as the World of Warcraft inspired CCG has just been released into open beta with all other regions joining later this week. Anyone who had already signed up for the closed beta before December 16th received an invite before the open beta began.

Hearthstone drew criticism last year after it was revealed players in the closed beta would not have their accounts wiped before open beta, giving closed beta participants a massive card advantage over newly entering open beta players. Blizzard originally intended to release Hearthstone in December, but delayed the release in order to fix some pressing last minute bugs.

Hearthstone is available on both PC and Mac, with iOS and Android promised sometime in the future. Players who have yet to try out Hearthstone will need a Blizzard Battle.net account which they can sign up for here.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

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Discussion (28)

chefmadness 11 years ago
So I ben playing & I don't get why they just didn't they make the WarCraft card game for PC. Hearthstone is basically the same thing just named different. 30 cards is not enough for a deck. Also I would like to point out it is fun for like 5 hours then it gets lame. Magic the gathering is way better!!!

Trenix 11 years ago
This game is p2w (obviously) and focuses mainly on arena which has a lot of luck involved in it. The game also gets treated like a MOBA because there are so many strategies. So as soon as the majority or the player base finds out some stupid imbalanced trick, Blizzard nerfs/reworks it. That will work for a MOBA and even an RTS, but not a card game that even has luck in the mix. However on the bright side, it's probably the best online card game available.

ioulios 11 years ago
this game is for kids and only...if u r a kid then yes i recomend it to u go on and try it...BUT if u want the real card game with the best ever artwork and the deepiest strategy go try Duels of Champions online!!!

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ChrisHateZ 11 years ago
I hope it wont take long before the us Europeans can play it.

It kinda sucks we'll have to play against players from closed beta, they've got such huge advantage now. Hopefully there's a balanced matchmaking system that wont match us against too experienced players.

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dude 11 years ago
50% RNG
20% info(knowing cards)
15% cards( what you have)
10% guessing(other player hand)
5% skill

same with most card games....

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Played 11 years ago
Very boring game...

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emaend 11 years ago
Inc tons of noobs in the arena

Cryolite98 11 years ago
Everyday I'm hearthstonein'

Yachibi 11 years ago
WoW, I thought the game would be borin as f*k, but It seems I was mistaken about that one.
The game is quite fun hehe

V 11 years ago

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