Warframe: First Gameplay Trailer Revealed
Digital Extremes, the makers of The Darkness 2, just released their first gameplay trailer for the upcoming free-to-play cooperative shooter Warframe.
While F2P shooters are extremely common PvE oriented shooters are not. I can think of only one other upcoming shooter (ironically called Warface) that has a fully fleshed out PvE element to it. Most shooters that include PvE missions are poorly scripted and very boring. However if the game is at all like the above trailer then it is most certainly anything but scripted or boring.
As the trailer explains, you are the owner of a super powerful and ancient suit called a warframe. The suits themselves bear a slight resemblance to the robots from the anime Evangelion...or a cyborg fish ninja, which ever you find more appealing. Check out the trailer and tell us what you think!
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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hope this game wont lag so much,
and low requirement
been looking forward to it for a while good to know the gameplay looks like what I dreamed it would be!!
This will be the only murder but also the tactical game: D