Warframe's Update 14 adds re-imagined user interface, PvP game mode and Personal Spacecraft
Digital Extremes has just pushed Update 14: The Mad Cephalon live for Warframe, introducing a host of new features including a brand new 4v4 PvP mode, while also re-imagining Warframe's user interface and menu. Upon logging in players will now access Warframe's various activity windows by interacting with devices located on each player's newly acquired personal ship.
New players will be introduced to their ship through a brand new introductory quest called "Vor's Prize", which takes the player through the process of selecting their first Warframe, introducing them to essential gameplay information and culminating in the player's first encounter with Captain Vor.
Once on-board their ships, players can unlock a quest which gives them access to a Genetic Foundry, used for the breeding of new biological pets like the newly introduced Kubrow. The Kubrow is best described as the galaxy's version of a Platypus as it's clearly a mammal which spawns from an egg, which players must collect and incubate inside the Foundry.
Once hatched, a Kubrow can possess different personalities which influence what abilities it possess. As the Kubrow grows, it can be further enhanced by equipping it with powerful mods or by taking its genetic imprint and combining it with another player's in what amounts to a Pokemon-style breeding technique.
With Update 14, Warframe PvP has been expanded upon with the addition of the new Dark Sectors Conflict game mode. This 4-on-4 game mode represents the largest PvP mode yet and serves as a replacement for the Solar Rail Sabotage mission. During these conflicts, players assume the role of either Attacker or Defender during a multi-staged mission. In terms of balance, at the beginning of each match all players start out at rank 0 and progressively unlock Warframe levels as the match progresses. As a Warframe levels up its power levels increase, re-enabling the frame's mods, abilities and weapon augmentations over-time.
Like clockwork, Digital Extremes has yet another Warframe ready for Update 14 who brings a whole new bag of tricks to the battlefield. Named Mirage, this prismatic frame is a master of confusion capable of spawning illusionary copies, booby-trapping nearby inanimate objects with explosive results, and throwing out a prismatic disco-ball of energy which emits a barrage of burning laser beams before a second activation detonates the orb, blinding nearby enemies.
More details regarding Update 14 can be found on the official site here.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Remember, you have to use the NCSoft Purple launcher for now.

Plenty to explore and plenty of balance changes and fixes arrive with the patch, too.

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Just in case you forgot, it reminds us all that the Cornservant is coming back.
It gets boring after a while and also too many restrictions and overpriced crap...
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May have to check it out again and try out the new PVP mode.
Seems like they're going more and more for "flashy" UI rather than functional unfortunately... The new planet menus are cumbersome and slow. The rest work but still don't feel as easy to use as the old ones. Aside from that gameplay (not sure if they've made any changes) feels much smoother. The running and parkour feel like they blend into each other much better so I'm loving that.