Warframe's Rising Tide Update Prepares Players For Empyrean
We still may not have an official release date for Warframe's Empyrean update, but it seems we are drawing closer to it. (In fact, today's press release states "later this year". So, next month?) Today, Digital Extremes announced the impending release of the 'Rising Tide' update, which will help prepare players for the launch of the other content originally announced during TennoCon.
The update will get things rolling by readying each player's personal Railjack battleship for the co-op space combat coming in Empyrean. Players will begin by building the Dry Dock, a combination workshop and garage, and recruiting an A.I. by the name of Cephalon Cy to locate Railjack tech in the Origin System. From there, it's a matter of building the Railjack and customizing it using various weapons, parts, and mods.
In addition to implementing the Railjack system, Rising Tide also overhauls various features of players' personal landing craft, adding in updated machines, enhancing lighting, and more. Players can also expect some new weapons, armor, and cosmetics -- particularly two collections, the Cumulus Collection and the Equinox Antonym Collection. The former is described as "an etherial assortment" while the latter is a new Antonym Skin that changes when the Equinox changes forms.
The update is slated to hit PC "soon".
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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